Social engeneering - Refund Amazon, Asos, Apple, etc.


Reaction score
1. Choosing a product
2. Warming up your account
3. How to place an order?
4. Support service
5. Ways to communicate with support
6. Ways to getrefunds and refunds
7. Examples of communication with support
8. What should I do if my account is closed?
9. Registration of a new account
10. Stores
11. The rest

In order to successfully refit from Amazon, you need to understand which goods are suitable for us.

To understand this, you need to find those products that are written: "Sold and dispatched by Amazon" or "Full filled by Amazon".

For example:

  • Iphone X sold and dispatched by Amazon - Suitable
  • Iphone X sold by "Store Name" and fullfilled by Amazon - Suitable
  • Iphone X Soldby "Store Name" and fullfilled by "Store Name" - Not Suitable


This means that the product belongs to Amazon and Amazon will bear responsibility for its loss.

Let us examine some of the nuances that need to be taken into account when placing an order in order to reduce the likelihood of hold.

  1. We go to the Amazon website.
  2. We go into the goods and look at them.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, we register. Enter your e-mail, account name and password twice.
  4. We leave the account alone for a while. Then, we return to the Amazon and continue the activity. Do not forget to log in again if you are kicked out.
  5. Add something to the cart.
  6. Create a wishlist and add products to it.
  7. We put off the goods for later.
In general, we create the appearance of active search and product selection.

If the account was registered, for example in the morning, then in the evening we enter the delivery address in the account settings. I would advise you to maintain such activity for several days.

Be sure to always make sure that you are in your account. You can check this by going to your account, and, for example, in the column for changing the address or checking the gift balance. With such movements, it will always ask you to re-log into the system if you are not logged in.

After competently warming up the account for 2-3 days using the methods described above, we remove everything unnecessary from the basket and proceed to the registration of the goods.

  • It's best when the account is new. Or the one from which there has not yet been a refund or return of goods.
  • Use a card that has not been used on Amazon before, otherwise additional verification will most likely be required.
To make a return for the first time, we place an order for ourselves. Subsequently, this data can no longer be used.

If you want to make a repeated order with a refund, then we use the data of relatives, friends, acquaintances, or we order for a drop: this method is great, since the address will be new and it will not be on the black list.

To put this on stream, you need to constantly find a drop that changes the receiving address and change the bank data along with the account.

Now let's analyze what kind of support service is.

There are 3 types of support:

1. The customer agent

The easiest way for them to get a refund is because they have the authority to issue it right away. They have a money limit according to which they are entitled to issue refunds immediately, usually $ 300

2. The Investigators

You talk to them when the customer agent cannot pay you a refund right away and switches to it. It's already harder with him, but he is conducting an internal investigation, which includes warehouses and executive centers.

3. Account Specialist

It is almost impossible to negotiate with them. If it came to him, then it is better to forget about the idea of returning the money, and just return the goods back.

There are 3 methods of contact with Amazon support: e-mail, live-chat and call

1. E-mail

This method is not very preferable, as the support will take a very long time to respond. Which greatly affects the speed of the ref.

2. Live-chat

This method is much better than e-mail since you are chatting with support in real time, but it also has time to think and advice from other support

3. Call

This is the best method. Here you can always press the person from the support service. You can also convey your displeasure to him with the help of screams and emotions. The employee will not have a lot of time to think and you can take full advantage of this.

Suitable for absolutely all stores. Support should be contacted only when the Amazon account indicates that the goods have been delivered.

1. Empty box.

The method is quite simple, but it is the main one, say that you opened the box, but it turned out to be empty or does not have components for the main product, if it is not one. It is also important to report that the box was intact and did not show any signs of opening when you opened it. This method has a couple of nuances. Such as: some delivery services weigh the parcel upon receipt and transfer to the customer. UPS, FEDEX and sometimes DHL almost always weigh the packages before and after delivery. Also, support may think that the product was stolen while getting to you, and may start an investigation by asking you to contact the police. This is best avoided, so you need to convince support that the product may not have been put in a box in the warehouse.

2. The package did not arrive.

This method is quite successful as it is difficult to prove whether you received the package or not. To use this method, make sure everything has been done correctly beforehand. Shipping should be slowest, free or standard usually means shipping using USPS. This is the best company for our method, because most often the package does not have tracking, and if it does, then it is almost never updated. They also allow you to receive a parcel without a signature. Also, you can always call the USPS and ask that the package be left on the porch or behind the house. Suitable for USA, Canada

3. The item has been stolen.

To do this, we make a hole in the box through which you can pull out our product and take a couple of photos for the support service. Suitable for a small number of stores, but quite successful.


Example 1:

Me: Hello, several days ago I've ordered a gift formyfriend for his birthday. I've received it, but order package seems to be damaged.

Amazon: HelloBob, thanks for contacting

my name is Alice. I am so sorry to hear about this.Please allow me a moment to check on thisfor you, I'll be happy to assist you.May I have the order number you are referring to please?

Me: Order number is ### - ###### - #######

Amazon: I'll be happy to help you withthis, but first we would need to go through a quick security verification in order to access your account.May I have the email address, the name and the full billing address on your account please?

Me: E-mail: ##### @; Name: Bob Smith; Address: Sample Street 1150 15, NW Washington DC 20071.

Amazon: Our best option inthiscase would be to issue a refund associated with a return.Or a replacement associated with a return.Also I can upgrade to the fastest shipping available.

Me: Sorry, but I can't return the package.It turned out that it was damaged and inside of the box everything is covered with something like black tar, so I throw it away, because it doesn't seem to be normal and can be dangerous.

Amazon: You can put the whole packagein any bigger box and send it back for a full refund.

Me: I understand, but I'm saying that I've thrown away the package, because this tar can be dangerous for health.Andas I've mentioned before, it was a birthday present formy best friend. I can't wait for replacement and such stuff, I'd rather try now to buy something at local store to catch the beginning of birthday celebration.

Amazon: OK. I will issue the item refund for you.One moment please.

Me: Thank you understanding.

Amazon: Sorry for waiting, I've requested the refund, you'll see the refund back to your original payment method within 2-3 business days. I'll also make sure to send you a confirmation regarding today's solution.

Amazon support staff are deliberately supportive of the client, and the refund process in particular - this is due to the well-established Western culture of consumption and serious responsibility for violating the law and consumer rights.

For the process of persuasion, we used two simple but effective vectors - the stereotype “a gift for a friend” (to enter the zone of personal trust and activate empathy in a technical support agent) and the second, no less important, cultural and social stereotype “harm to health” (task - to make the support agent feel like a part of a corporation that could face legal action)

Example 2:

"Hi, my recent order (order number) by track number has already been delivered, but I was ( a)"

If you got a good reputation with support and they believed you, then they will start apologizing and asking what you want - refund or replace. This is what you needed.

But, they may start asking questions, saying that they will need to consult with other support workers. Here you need to immediately state that you have already communicated with another support and that he was about to promise to make a refund / replace as your Internet was disconnected: D

Example 3:

"Hello, I received my order a couple of days ago, but when the courier gave it to me, I noticed that the box is quite light. I opened the box and it turned out to be empty. And I don't know what to do with it? "

Again, if you don’t seem like a fraud to them, they will begin to apologize and offer options that are already familiar to us.

Example 4:

"Hello, I received my order a couple of days ago, but I found out that the main product was missing in the box (usually the most expensive one)."

Use this method when ordering phones, laptops. One that has several parts in the box (charger, phone itself, stand) or order several items at once - a video card and a couple of coolers. When opening the box, the video card was not found.

Use a VPN or proxy as they may look at the IP log and notice that you are asking for refund / replace too often.

Also, you do not need to stupidly copy the examples above. Come up with your own, exclusive ones.

You: Hello, I just received my order. I waited it for a quite awhile and Im extremely disappointed on how my order was handled. I just got the box, however yhe item was missing inside. Does this happen with Amazon all the time?

Amazon: Hello, sir. No, we usually do not get these type of problems with our customers. However, in order for me to help you, please provide your order number and your account name.

You: “account name” + “order number” + “billing information” what should I do next ??? A friend of mine ordered from Amazon and this happened to him too.

Amazon: Since this order is a huge amount, I cant refund you, instead we must send this to our investigation team, so that you can be further assessed with. We will do our best to resolve all your problems.

You: (in such a situation, there is a difference between a call and a live chat, since during a conversation you can continue to pressure the employee with high quality) I worked with a courier company before. And in order to speed up the process, I actually called them today and they told me that they only delivered what Amazon gave them. In fact, they cant do anything about it anymore and they told me that the item was lost in transit.

Amazon: Before we process to the refund, can you please tell us the condition of the box when you received it? Where there any dents or damages to the box or was there any sign of it being tampered?

You: The box was perfectly packed. There was no sign of any alteration to it, not a single sign of any form of theft to it. I only got the box and the invoice inside. Its just that the item is missing from the box, which makes it really weird

Amazon: Thank you for that information. Do you prefer refund or can we ship the new item to you?

You: New item, please since I still need it.

Amazon: Ok, you will get information about your item soon on your e-mail. I really hope, that you are satisfied with the solution that we found. And here another 5 $ promo for you, because we value our clients.

The main thing is to understand why your account was closed. This may be due to the use of a left credit card, or left documents, as well as they found a relationship with other accounts, where violations have already been found.

So, what can you tell the support to try to access your closed account:

1. I would like to copy the data of the sent packages.

You ask Amazon to receive information about your packages. Despite the fact that your account is closed, if you ask very much and ask respectfully, there is a possibility that they will open it.

2. I wish to record all transactions in order to fill in the correct tax

Declaration. This method can be used at the end of the month and especially at the end of the year. Tell them that you really need your account information to fill out your tax return correctly, otherwise you may run into problems and be fined heavily.

It can also be said that the insurance company requires all bills from you to calculate the cost of insurance or to cover some of the payments. Speak in clever words, in most cases, support people do not understand anything about this, and if possible, they will open your account.

3. One account for the whole family (In English, this is called family-sharedaccount)

Please inform Amazon that many family members use this account because do not know how to use a computer well. The main thing here is to sound sincere and to pretend that you are aware of the rules of Amazon. Just tell them that lately you have not had the opportunity to follow what your family members are doing on this account, and now it turns out that you cannot get into your account. They will tell you that it is forbidden to share one account with someone else, and in response you say that naturally they will not do this anymore, and you will help your loved ones make an account.

4. My account has been used by someone else.

We can say that you went on vacation or business trip for a month, and did not use your account to focus on vacation or work. And today, when you try to log into your account, you get an access error. For the sake of persuasiveness, you can say that you only wanted to order diapers for the unborn child, but as evil you cannot get into your account.

A NEW ACCOUNT A new account must be registered with other data.

1. New bank card. It may not be a nominal, virtual one, your reissued old card, a card of your friends, or whatever. The main thing is that there is a new card number. For example, if you have been frozen several times with a Sberbank card, you should try a card from another bank. It is not necessary to start cards of large banks and wait for weeks for their production, you can apply for the same Kukuruza card in Euroset and receive it immediately after registration. There are a lot of options where you can get a card. Find the most optimal card in terms of production time.

2. New mobile phone

3. New address (or old, but written differently. For example, if on the previous account where you were frozen, you wrote the address: UlitsaLenina 22/1/53, then in the new account write the address differently, LeninaStreeethouse 20 building 1 appartment 53

4. The new name of the recipient (or the same old, but written differently. For example, write KrIlovIvan instead of KrYlovIvan)

5. And of course, the new account should not have any connection with the previous one. That is, there must be a new IP, a cleared browser history (cookies, saved passwords, etc.) or a new browser.

6. Try to fill in the data when ordering in a different way.

Billing is the address where your bank card is registered. Shipping - delivery address.

If you indicated billing and shipping as different on Amazon, and you were frozen, in the next order, try to indicate them the same (That is, write billing the same as shipping). If you indicated the recipient's name and the name on the card as different - try to indicate them the same on the next account (the name and surname of the card holder is identical with the name and surname of the recipient of the parcel). In general, play all possible options with filling in billing, shipping, the name on the card and the name of the recipient of the parcel.

If you indicate real your Russian billing and name on the card, and the shipping address and recipient's name are different (for example, your uncle from Berlin) - try to check the Gift box when placing an order

Or you can use your uncle from Berlin under this, indicate his name and surname as the recipient of the parcel and his name on the map, write his address as Billing and Shipping.

This list of sites is out of date. Perhaps some are not working now!
Website|Percentage for the service|Ref amount

Appliances, electronics:

1) -20% - 1000£

2) -20% - 5000 $

1 item in the order!

There is no delivery to Russia.

You can't go straight!

Only Europe, Asia, USA or via dropa.

3) - 18% - 300£

4) - 18% - 300 £

1-3 items in the order + 1-2 not on ref

Empty box. Possible theft for Europe.

Clothing and accessories:

5) - 15% - $ 300(Europe Only)

At the moment, the refs from asos have died!

6) - 20% - 1000$

7) - 20% - 1000$

Refund within 45 days

1 item in the order!

Saving the delivery package.

Neimanmarcus - very long refund, more than 45 days, it is better to call or constantly remind you about the refund. An empty box or theft is appropriate.

8) - 15% - 300 £

9) - 15% - 400 €

1-3 items in the order + 1-3 items not on ref

Maximum of 2 pairs of shoes!

jdsports - a photo is required. If you need to fill out the form in writing, then fill it out. After that, you will receive a refund

Sites like jdsports can be refated through facebook support, which has more loyal support than on the site! On the site of a store, you need to find a link to facebook for this. If it doesn't exist, then it won't work.

10) - 15% - 500$

1-2 items in the order + 1 not on ref

Saving the delivery package.

11) - 18% - $ 300

12) - 18% - $ 300

1-3 items in the order + 1-3 items not on ref

Maximum of 2 pairs of shoes!

Subsidiaries, one owner. Be sure to change the information and address to make a ref, if you have already done it on another site!

13) - 18% - $ 300

1-6 items per order

Empty box.

Sports nutrition, food, cosmetics:

14) - $ 300 - 15%

1-6 items in the order + 1-3 not on ref

Only Europe!

The product is not available for Russia. Possible theft for Europe

15) - $ 300 - 15%

16) - $ 300 - 15%

1-3 items in the order + 1-2 not on ref

Only Europe!

There is no product available. Theft

We always adhere to this scheme:

1 website = 1 account = 1 IP = 1 recipient and delivery data = 1 bank card.

If you want to order once from each site, you can. To continue ordering from the same site , you must not allow data to match with previous accounts.

1) A new IP address and a clean browser for visiting this site.

2) A new e-mail address, full name, address, and mobile phone number of the order recipient and payer.

3) New bank card.

To change the IP address, you can use a proxy or VPN.

The recipient of a parcel with a new address, full name, and mobile phone number can be your friend, acquaintance, etc.

The site where we want to get a refund should have something similar written on it:

Lost or stolen in the mail: if your order is lost or stolen in the mail, we will reship the entire order, providing reasonable time for delivery has been allowed and the tracking information shows your package has NOT been delivered to the address you provided us.

This is a guarantee that the company will send you the product again or refund the money if there are problems with delivery.

Avoid companies that say the following:

Federal express claims: We promise to find solutions to any damage that arises as results of shipping, including part replacement and any shipping charges resulting from returns and exchanges of damaged items.

This means that they will not pay the money.

It is best to place an order consisting of 3 products: 2 for refund and 1 not, when contacting support, we say that they were stolen, it was not and in the same spirit.