Self-taught carding or mentor. Who to work with?


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Motivation is not for sale.
Hello Anonymous. The end of winter is very close, in just a couple of months the season for planning trips closer to the Cote d'Azur and sandy beaches will begin. And somehow everything seems to be good, but I would like more. It seems like the year was busy and productive. But for some reason, your only opportunity to relax is your grandmother’s house in the village. Do you know this feeling? Of course there is nothing wrong with a trip to the village. And grandma is sacred. Today's world works a little differently. Money and material values come first for us. And no matter how much you resist it, the world cannot be changed alone. From every hole come strong phrases from talking heads with instructions on how to live and what to do. Insta, Tiktok, Telegram have long turned into platforms for showing off. In which the 1% preaches the cult of productivity, the cult of money and consumerism to the masses. The feeling when everything is “normal”, but you still don’t fully understand what will happen next and how to act? Today I want to talk about fundamental things that will change your perspective and allow you to look at your life and development from a different perspective. I don’t claim that it will be true, but it’s never a bad idea to look at the world from a different angle.

Our brain, unless we control it, always follows the path of least resistance. He doesn't want to plow and work on his result. It is enough for us to satisfy our basic needs in the shortest possible time with a minimum amount of energy expended. If you can get 10k now by performing a simple scheme, then why think about later, study, analyze information, suffer, if everything can be simplified? This is exactly how our thinking works and forces you to act based on these impulses.

It would seem, why gain knowledge and skills if you can buy a ready-made diagram or manual and start working successfully. Those who have walked this path know that not everyone can repeat even a working scheme. Few people have the experience of an author who was able to implement and monetize this idea. And then it turns out that you buy and the theme seems to be working and there are screenshots, and everything seems to be step by step, but you can’t repeat it.

I want to say right away that you cannot go past this stage. You can't enjoy cream without falling face first into the dirt. Experience accumulates like a snowball. At first it is small, but as soon as it starts to move, it immediately begins to increase and at a certain moment reaches such a size that it can absorb everything in its path. Therefore, you must understand that there is no easy money. But as soon as you learn and develop, mastering a profession, your snowball will get bigger and bigger. And the main thing in this parallel is that the snowball will follow you all your life. And easy money will only appear occasionally, and as a result, there will be less and less of it. The needs are also growing, aren’t they?

I don't know a single person who went to motivational training and achieved success. The fact that the crowd is jumping and shouting that they are successful will not change anything. What is this circus for? Yes, perhaps it gives some kind of new charge for a few days, but no more. No one can influence you if it is a false motivation. All coaches say that you need to visualize and imagine your goal. And the more you do it, the more you become saturated with this feeling. And at the same time you get an imaginary result. You have already submitted it, received it and feel good. And thus, no one comes to real action.

Brainwashed. Lived an ideal life. Returned to reality.
I clearly distinguish between internal and external (false) motivation. The latter can be obtained at various conferences and forums. It's something like soy meat, it looks like you can eat it, but the taste is completely different. Not to mention the realization that this is not meat. It is at this moment that self-deception occurs, you seem to get motivation, but it is more like the effect of drugs - short-term euphoria. After another trip, you again find yourself in reality, where nothing changes. The same thing happens when you follow the beautiful lives of bloggers. You consume the content of this beautiful fairy tale, but you yourself do not change in any way. You ate shit and sleep happy.

Experience intrinsic motivation . She comes to you with what you love and development. You get results and inspiration. You yourself are like a whole system and you don’t need external support. You can do something that really brings you pleasure for 5-10-15 hours a day, it doesn’t matter. You get pleasure from every action you take. This is our way, to do our job and enjoy it.

If you subscribe to my channel, it means you are interested in exactly the direction that I am working on.

There must be balance in everything. By doing only what you love, you will receive motivation for further actions. You need to be able to correctly combine these two factors. This is the only way you can achieve success. Therefore, in our case, success is a balance like Yin and Yang between motivation, hobby, work. When you can feel this balance for yourself, you will be able to achieve results.

Why is self-education good, but can it be done faster? Since we're talking about carding, then:

On your own
? You are faced with the problem of lack of practice. You can only read, without moving on to practice for many reasons, this is the fear of making a mistake, and the fear of buying cards, and the fear of sending for drops, etc. Yes, you read a lot of manuals, and something may stick in your memory. But without application, knowledge is forgotten, and the effectiveness of such training tends to zero. In addition, the work manual may not be relevant for a long time.

With a mentor? Eliminates fear before starting work. You subconsciously shift responsibility for mistakes onto the practicing mentor. A person shares with you knowledge gained from personal experience. You will already know in advance what can happen. In addition to this, there is control over the entire operation and you can focus on learning the knowledge gained.

It's cool that you're taking your first steps and trying to get information on your own. Self-education is always necessary and we learn throughout our lives. But sometimes it is very difficult to find the advice you need, or you have to look through dozens of dubious links in order to find at least something to solve your problem. But there is an important feature - time.

I am not a tutor, but a “native speaker of a foreign language” who will help you get into the working environment in the shortest possible time. We will provide every opportunity so that you adapt as quickly as possible and “speak” the same language with us. Who are we? A fresh community under my patronage.

It is very important to have an understanding of the essence of the process. You can find descriptions of all the utilities in Kali Linux, watch lessons on automatic tools, and also be able to run scripts, but all this does not mean you can apply it in practice. The information is structured and presented step by step to form a clear understanding of the entire process. You will clearly understand what works and how, what it is used for and what place it occupies in the whole process.

During training with a mentor you will receive:
  • individual practical training from finding a store to debiting funds from the card
  • place in a team with people who understand us
  • prospects, no one will leave you after the bunch is squeezed out. If you give a percentage, you are on the team
  • the opportunity to go through life and see the full scale of problems. Understand what technologies are developing, what exist and what vulnerabilities there may be, how data can potentially be obtained and subsequently monetized.


Every day you lose opportunity. You can find a way of thinking that will be present throughout your life. There is no point in exchanging life for cheap things. This applies to absolutely everything. How many circuits do you need to buy, for 15-20-10 thousand rubles, to understand that it doesn’t work?