Security system ATM


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As you know, ATMs, like any self-service banking devices installed in public places and ensuring the issuance and storage of cash, are, on the one hand, a source of increased danger for all participants in the process of servicing them, and on the other hand, one of the most attractive objects for committing illegal actions by intruders. These circumstances require owners of ATMs to solve a number of tasks related to ensuring the safe operation and maintenance of ATMs. Among them, four main areas can be distinguished:
  • protection of collectors when loading / unloading ATMs in cash;
  • protection of cardholders during transactions;
  • protection of the ATM from the actions of intruders;
  • protection against fraudulent transactions.

The first three points are pretty obvious. Thus, the process of loading / unloading an ATM by cash collection services takes, as a rule, several minutes, during which the collectors may be attacked by criminals. Cardholders can be attacked in a similar way when receiving cash.

Despite the means of protection provided by the manufacturers, modern ATMs are still subject to attacks by criminals associated with both attempts to steal cash and domestic vandalism. According to statistics, in the UK alone, the number of successful attacks on ATMs in 2000 was more than eighty and continues to increase almost linearly with the increase in the number of installed ATMs.

The last, fourth of the directions we have listed deserves a more detailed analysis. An ATM, being an automated self-service device, often becomes a tool that is actively used in various attempts to perform fraudulent cash withdrawal operations, usually carried out according to the following scheme:

personnel of trade and service enterprises (restaurants, gas stations, etc.), colluded with cybercriminals, when making a payment with a bank card, imperceptibly reads the contents of the track of a magnetic stripe card (skimming) on a special device;

a counterfeit bank card with a magnetic stripe ("white plastic") is produced;

a counterfeit bank card is used for unauthorized access to the holder's card account through an ATM.
Considering all these factors, it becomes obvious that while ensuring the safe operation of an ATM fleet, its owners are faced with the need to use a whole range of organizational and technical measures of various levels: from the use of transaction security systems in processing centers and software and hardware that ensure the resolution of disputable situations. , until the protection of the ATM installation site itself (ensuring the safety of operations in the service area and service area) and equipping it with video monitoring and alarm devices.

Video control and ATM alarms play an important role in ensuring the safe operation of ATMs by video surveillance of the ATM installation site, registration and storage of information in the video archive, as well as prompt notification in the event of emergency situations.

Each of the possible scenarios for the actions of intruders (attacks aimed at taking possession of cash stored in an ATM, acts of vandalism against the ATM itself, attempts of fraud when performing cash withdrawal operations) imposes its own specific requirements on the composition and characteristics of video control and signaling devices. ATM machines. Taking into account these requirements, the use of a wide range of different sensors installed directly in the ATM (seismic sensor, thermal sensor, sensor for opening a safe lock under duress), installation of several video cameras, ensuring long-term storage of the video archive and a number of other measures, in most cases regulated requirements of international payment systems.

In addition, for the effective and reliable operation of ATM video control equipment, additional means must be used to protect the ATM video control equipment themselves from the influence of intruders: blindness of video cameras, darkening of the ATM installation site, etc.

The specifics of the ATM as a video object -control sets certain requirements for the video recording function. The latter should provide for video recording simultaneously from several video cameras, initialization of video recording upon triggering a motion detector or security alarm sensors with the possibility of "rolling back" the recording start time, cyclic recording mode (erasing outdated archives and writing new ones in their place, provided that the required storage period for archive recordings is ensured).

As already noted, with such a variety of tasks and possible problem situations, the need for an integrated, systematic approach to ensuring the security of the ATM fleet is obvious.

The structure of the VOSB, shown in the diagram, includes two main components: local video security systems of ATMs (LVOS) and a system of centralized video monitoring of the ATM network (SCVC).

The structure of the video security system of the ATM network

The ATM LWOS is located at the ATM installation site and provides recording in the video archive of the primary video information received from the cameras, displaying it at the LWOS observation point (if necessary), receiving, processing and registering messages from the ATM, as well as signals from sensors installed both inside and outside the ATM, transmission of alarms and files of operational video information to the SCVC in the event of emergency situations, reception, processing of requests to the video archive, the formation and transmission of query results (video frames) to the SCVC.

The LWOS infrastructure is made up of video cameras equipped with infrared illumination devices and light filters, a wide range of sensors for various purposes, as well as a local video security system (BLVOS) unit;

The number of cameras connected to the system is determined by the specifics of the installation site and the mode of operation of the ATM (inside or outside the bank, the operating time of the ATM, the characteristics of the service area, etc.) At least two cameras are provided for connection: one provides a frontal view, capturing the client's appearance, the second provides an overview of the cash dispensing area and the ATM card reader area, recording the fact of cash dispensing and data on the card used.

To ensure the protection of video cameras from external influences on the part of intruders (blindness of video cameras, darkening of the ATM installation site), light filters and infrared illumination devices are used. In such cases, the sensors installed directly in the ATM provide prompt notification of the system about the signs of attempts to hinder the operation of video surveillance equipment detected by them, as well as the immediate activation of the alarm. BLVOS is the main component of a local video security system. Its functions include: recording video information into a video archive, presenting operational video information to the operator, viewing the video archive and interacting with the centralized video control system of the ATM network.

When installing an ATM outside a bank branch, BLVOS is placed either directly in the ATM, or in the service area of the ATM, and when installed in a bank, in a dedicated room.

BLVOS provides information recording in the video archive when the ATM sensors or sensors are triggered, which ensure the protection of the self-service zone and the service zone. Similar actions are taken by the system when a motion (activity) detector is triggered, as well as when a message is received from the ATM control computer (ATM) about the execution of a transaction at an ATM. The video archive is placed on BLVOS hard magnetic disks. The size of the archive is calculated taking into account the predicted intensity of recording in the video archive and is about 40 - 100 GB, provided that a black and white video image is recorded in the 384x288 format. Recording to the video archive is organized in the system according to the principle of cyclic recording, which ensures the required duration of video information storage. Its recording in the video archive is carried out with reference to the number of the video camera, the date and time of recording, and when recording video information related to the transaction through an ATM - with reference to the details of the plastic card used, the transaction number and the date and time of the host. Due to this, the search for video information in the video archive can be carried out for each of the listed parameters.
To digitize the video image, a special video input board is provided with integrated relay inputs and outputs for connecting sensors and warning devices.

The logic (script) of recording and displaying video information is determined by the BLVOS setting and is coordinated with the bank's security services. The system provides, among other things, a triplex mode - simultaneous recording, display and viewing of video information.

One of the most important functions of BLVOS is interaction with the SCVC. So, when the sensors installed inside the ATM or outside the ATM are triggered, the system transmits "alarm" messages to the SCVC. BLVOS also provides reception from SCVC of requests for receiving video information from the video archive and transmission of the requested video frame to SCVC.

Remote change of the BLVOS settings with STsVK is provided. Both standard ATM communication channels and additional channels (switched telephone line, radio channels, etc.) can be used as communication channels between BLVOS and SCVK.

An important role in the functioning of any complex video security system of an ATM network is played by such a function as self-diagnosis for a particular system malfunction. For this purpose, BLVOS is equipped with built-in means of monitoring the technical condition of the components of the local video security system. In the event of a malfunction of any component of the system, the transfer of the corresponding message to the SCVC is provided.

If necessary, video cameras and sensors can be connected to the BLVOS, which ensure the protection of other objects of the bank subdivision, which makes it possible to create an integrated video control system of the bank subdivision.

The centralized video control system of the ATM network is located in a bank subdivision and provides reception and registration of "alarm" messages received from the LWOS, the formation and transmission of requests to the video archive of the LWOS, the reception and presentation of the results of requests to the video archive , viewing and printing the results of the requested video frames, remote control of the LWOS operation modes, as well as the transfer of information to the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the event of emergency situations.

The SCVC includes a centralized video control unit (CCVC), which provides the main functions of the SCVC, as well as an operator terminal, which includes a monitor, a printer and a keyboard.

When an "alarm" message is received from the LWOS, it is indicated on the monitor of the CCVK and registered in the logbook of the BTsVK (date, time, source), while the system provides the ability to view the log of the BTsVK.

If necessary, the operator can provide a request for video information from the LWOS archive. As already noted, the date, time, card details or transaction number can be used as request parameters. The video security system of the ATM network has already been successfully tested and implemented at a number of facilities of the North-West Bank of Sberbank of Russia. At the same time, in the process of operating the system, it proved in practice its ability to successfully solve the problems of identifying persons who carry out unauthorized transactions with bank cards and commit acts of vandalism against an ATM bank.