SE: Suggestion is a means of managing people


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Salute, in this article we will talk about what suggestion is, where did it come from and what is it eaten with? And also consider suggestion in the sense of verbal or non-verbal impact on another person (the so-called heterosexual suggestion) to introduce him into a certain state or induce certain actions.

What is Suggestion?

Let's make a reservation that although it is customary to call suggestion that it is unconscious, passive, not perceived by the critical mind, suggestions are still absolutely violent, just like 100% of imposed suggestions do not exist.

Even if a person received a suggestion under hypnosis, he was initially subconsciously ready and open to outside influence.

Therefore, one should immediately understand that it is possible to instill in a person only what he has already unconsciously accepted.

You cannot force a person whose personal convictions do not allow stealing and killing to do so under the influence of suggestion. Even if in a state of trance, hypnotized and fulfills the instructions of the hypnotist, contrary to his own attitudes, then after leaving the trance, he will return to his previous moods.

Earlier, if, after reading an article in a newspaper, a person unwittingly adopted the author's point of view, succumbing to suggestion, one cannot say that someone forced him to buy and read this particular newspaper. However, modern technologies of influencing the mass consciousness have advanced so much forward that, as a rule, we still succumb to unwantedestive influences: someone is more suggestive, someone is less.

Suggestion is used everywhere in
  • advertising,
  • in mass media,
  • marketing,
  • business technologies,
  • medicine,
  • religions,
  • pedagogy.
And at least for this reason, it will not be superfluous to figure out what a suggestion is, how it works, what the results of its use may be.

Using Suggestions

For the first time the term "suggestion" was used in 1866 by the French physician Ambrose August Liebeau, who is credited with introducing suggestion into the list of psychotherapeutic methods. In those days, suggestion was used, as a rule, in conjunction with hypnosis.

Today we can talk about the development of methods of suggestion, which do not require the introduction of the object into a state of trance.

The therapeutic use of suggestions comes down to influencing the psychoemotional and psychosomatic state of the patient, forming a desirable attitude towards problems, correcting behavior and reactions to certain stimuli, as well as using the placebo effect, which consists in forming a positive perception of the prescribed treatment.

The placebo effect is interesting in itself. One could call it "the effect of faith", since the cure in this case does not come from the presence of any objective therapeutic properties in the medicine, but from the instilled positive expectations of the patient. For example, a Christian believer can successfully recover not only from angina, but also from cancer by drinking a glass of holy water in the morning, while an unbeliever or, say, a Muslim, is unlikely to notice any effect of such treatment.

With the help of suggestions, you can help a person give up bad habits, stimulate the development of creativity or improve his physical health in cases where the disorders are caused by psychological reasons.

Suggestive methods of treatment are very widely used by all sorts of healers and even charlatans, who, as a rule, have a strong charisma and have good suggestions. The use of spells by ancient priests and magicians also refers to suggestive techniques, since certain combinations of high and low, vowel and consonant sounds contribute to the formation of specific sensations in a person.

The essence of the influence of suggestion.

The essence of the suggestive influence lies in the direct appeal to the unconscious part of the mind, bypassing the stage of intellectual comprehension.

If it is possible to influence consciousness using a reasoned conviction, then it is possible to influence the subconsciousness in the absence or temporary shutdown of consciousness by using direct or indirect suggestions.

From the point of view of means of communication, conscious perception, as a rule, occurs verbally, and the unconscious is built on emotions, feelings, states. However, in states of consciousness close to hypnotic trance, verbal impact on the subconscious is possible.

And even when creating a favorable emotional background, verbal, reasoned persuasion occurs more effectively.

It makes sense to explain the mechanism of suggestive influence on the subconscious.

If logical persuasion as a way of influencing a person's conscious perception of actions, ideas, facts and arguments is based on evidence of the consistency of an object, its usefulness and correctness, then suggestion does NOT require logical justification, rethinking and conscious acceptance of the things suggested by a person.

Emotions, facial expressions, gestures, psychological states, which are the basis of suggestion, have a direct impact on the unconscious space of the mind, forming the perception of the prompted messages as their own, and therefore, correct beliefs.

However, it is worth noting that sometimes, having undergone an unconscious suggestion, a person can catch himself that some part of his actions and thoughts is imposed or extraneous. Often, instilled ideas become the cause of obsessions, delusions and obsessions.

You can compare the relationship of the conscious and unconscious parts of the human mind with the relationship of brothers who organized a common company and themselves are engaged in its affairs.

One brother is active, full of energy, vigilant and enterprising, he leads the company and promotes it in the market, and the second is a workhorse, fulfills the instructions of the first, as well as all the dirty work in the company, automatically , without reasoning and visible effort.

A trusting and complaisant hardworking brother can be instilled with anything, if it does not contradict the established order of things and the instructions of the brother-leader, and if you do it repeatedly and confidently. An active brother tries to control his passive relative, but he does not always succeed.

Because, getting used to a certain course of action, he, too, often becomes susceptible to outside suggestions.

However, which of the brothers is the oldest and more experienced in this case is an open question.

The most common suggestion techniques today are
  • hypnosis,
  • neurolinguistic programming,
  • psychoactive texts,
  • autogenous training,
  • color method,
  • 25 frame method,
  • sound suggestion or "whispering" (it is also called auto-suggestion, but in order not to confuse this concept with self-hypnosis, we will not use it).

In custody.

Do not forget that no situation of communication between people is complete without psycho-physical interaction, as a result of which verbal and non-verbal exchange of information, beliefs, behavior stereotypes, emotions, feelings, and microbes occurs. Life is impossible.
However, everyone is free to choose their environment and sources of information, as well as use their own intelligence and beliefs to analyze the incoming information.

It is also important that the interaction between people occurs both on a conscious and subconscious level, at the same time, suggestions often occur without conscious efforts on the part of their source. Therefore, being in the field of suggestive influences of an individual and mass nature, it is important not so much to defend against suggestions, tune critically towards any outside influences (as they sing to us at every corner), how much to learn to understand these hidden messages, "to distinguish the wheat from the chaff" and use them for their intended purpose.

Therefore, the suggestion should be perceived not just as a suggestion, but as an interchange of mental states and images in the process of communication. Like psychic diffusion.

And remember. A person who wants to inspire something to an opponent should know that you can only inspire what you yourself are sure of. What you yourself believe