Scamm on EMV software

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This is a short article about how some smart guys breed newbies by offering wonderful EMV software or buying physical chip cards with a balance.

Divorce with dumps + pin, WU and PayPal transfers are as old as the world, but progress does not stand still, and newcomers are becoming smarter, now rats have additional tools in their arsenal:

1. GSM Data Receiver - an ordinary GSM signal amplifier, which is presented as a wonderful device by connecting it, which can be used to receive all card data, including pincodes from a nearby ATM or POS terminal, to a computer or phone - this is at best, or even just a box with an antenna can show or BugHunter - a device for finding wireless bugs and cameras. In short, the main thing is that the antenna looks solid and (if interested, write an article about it).

2. EMV shimmer - thanks to the media, ripaks have picked up this topic and shove it into the ears of all who can't. (I had a chance to communicate with the real owners of such devices, they are not put on sale, they developed them themselves, ordered a batch at a Chinese plant themselves, programmed and used them themselves - by the way, they work crookedly, sometimes you just have to sew poses into the filling)

3. Well, the culprit of today's celebration is EMV software.

You can read how EMV works in this article, I see no reason to copy and paste it here.

If you read it carefully with your brain on, you will see where there is a hole, BUT if you manage to realize this hole, then I strongly doubt that you will rush to sell this gap, since it will close so quickly that you will not even have time to make money and 10k dead presidents and naturally if you find a way around you will keep it a secret while it works.
But for beginners, this is not a home, by the way, like many who burn themselves.

So how do ripaks convince the victim that the software works?

It's very simple - they show a video where the first and second tracks and pincode are recorded on an empty EMV disc. The card is signed or it has already been signed by the seller's contacts and then a video is shown of how money is withdrawn from this card at an ATM.

Lazy and stupid - usually Indians, they simply turn the camera away from the card collector at the moment when the card is inserted and at that moment they insert a real card with the pincode that was shown in advance (like confirmation), at the end of the operation, the camera also turns away from the card collector so that the sucker is not saw that they have it.

The more advanced ones, usually Romanians and Bulgarians, went further and came up with a more convincing trick:
A chip card is taken without embossing (on a drop or on oneself - xs, but this is not the point), the top side is laminated with a white film, the dump is copied from the tape and the bottom side is laminated with a film with magnetic tape - this is sold on an alibaba for a penny, it is recorded on a new tape original dump, otherwise the box will not accept such a card

All that remains is to carefully cut the film around the chip, by the way, flaws in the video are easily hidden by lowering the video quality.

Voila, we also have in our hands something like a blank chip card, only if you take such a card in your hands you will see a catch - the video hides everything.
The thickness of the film is no more than 0.08mm, you will not notice such a difference in thickness even in real life, let alone in the video.

Well, all that remains is to sign it and you can perform the show in front of a sucker.

Then they either pretend that a dump is being written to it, or they write a dump to a blank, designed in the same way and then show how money is withdrawn from this card at an ATM.

It's a big problem to withdraw money from your original card

In general, guys, forget about all these freebies - they are not, were not and will not be.

No one in their right mind and sober memory will sell you any of the above.

Good luck in your business.