
  1. Carding

    ATM attack methods and their consequences

    Remember how pleasant it is to hear the sound of bills being read off by an ATM? It is even more pleasant to pick them up from the ATM. These feelings are plagued by many attackers who carry out targeted attacks on ATMs. In recent years, researchers have increasingly documented major attacks on...
  2. M

    Видео по установке скиммера

    Форум должен быть заполнен годными статьями. И это есть правда. Статья не должна состоять из наукобразных слов и непонятных графиков, статья должна рассказывать правду. В свободном пространстве Гугла, возможно наблюдать красиво запиленные ролики, по установке скимминг оборудования. Уж и...
  3. Forum Library

    Scamm on EMV software

    This is a short article about how some smart guys breed newbies by offering wonderful EMV software or buying physical chip cards with a balance. Divorce with dumps + pin, WU and PayPal transfers are as old as the world, but progress does not stand still, and newcomers are becoming smarter, now...
  4. Forum Library

    Skimmer installation video

    Forum should be filled with valid articles. And this is true. The article should not consist of scientific words and incomprehensible graphs, article should tell the truth. In the free space of Google, it is possible to watch beautifully cut videos for installing skimming equipment. And even...