Revelations of the owner of a large scam carding forum


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The owner of the popular Carding forum, which distributes information prohibited in the Russian Federation on black money schemes, resales prohibited equipment and credit card data, as well as other illegal information on the Internet, agreed to talk to us. For obvious reasons, we do not disclose the resource address.

Hi. Thank you for the opportunity to interview you. Tell me your name and how old are you?​

Hi, I'm Nikita, 28 years old.

Okay, Nikita, I'll tell you a little bit about the forum you're working on. A shady forum, so-called fake, with inflated indicators, statistics, posts, and fake activity. The scheme of work is as follows: you place ads about the sale, cash withdrawal, sale of equipment and other actions prohibited in the Russian Federation. Create activity in topics that say the product is in demand, publish fake reviews.​

The forum has a guarantor who, in essence, must monitor the purity of the transaction for a certain percentage. On your forum, and similar to it, the guarantor and the admin are one person. Actually, the author of the topic is the same person. The author of the topic is contacted by the buyer of the service/product, who sends it to the guarantor (actually to himself), the guarantor asks to reserve funds for the specified banking details (we will not go into the details of payment of funds to the guarantor, we will only say that payment is made in btc or qiwi). After sending funds to the guarantor's account, the buyer's account on the forum is blocked. The revenue from this type of fraud is not small. Tell me, is this how your forum works?​

Well, yes, the scheme of work is approximately the same, but there are many different nuances.

What activities are you currently engaged in?​

I have a lot of forums. Now about 10. I create custom projects like this (mainly in the field of hacking/carding) and fill them in (parsing closed projects, hiring posters, translating foreign articles). I conduct small SEO runs, connect all metrics, and draw banners if necessary. Then I give it to people to work with. I receive a monthly payment for maintaining my work, etc.I don't do any internal work myself.

The forum we're talking about is the most popular of your 10?​

Was once a yes, about 5 years ranked TOP1 Google and Yandex for the main queries. He's dead now. The theme is dead.

Then what's the most active one right now?​

There are no such things. All the same, all almost unprofitable for those who deal with them. If we are talking about such forums.

Then tell us the story of creating your first such forum, where did you start?​

There was a good partner who was engaged in the production of highly specialized equipment, advertised at that time on popular forums on its subject, and paid money for it. I decided that you can organize your own forum, with its own rules, topics, etc. I did it myself from scratch on ipb 3. I took a ready-made template, changed it for myself, using trial and error. Then it was still possible - I bought ads in adwords. Traffic has increased, and the forum has grown quite well over the past year. But from the first method of monetization (selling equipment), they went in a different direction, namely, the discussion of carding. Then this topic was very relevant.

OK, the forum attendance has fallen, as I understand it, with the advent of Roskomnadzor, but still there is profit from the forum, what amount do you get from this forum?​

Multiple factors, RKN, DDOS, change of domains, etc. For profit, I do not go into the internal affairs of forums, I do not know how much they bring. I charge a fix for the forum content. Of course, I also reduce it. Let's just say I can get up to 350,000 rubles a month from all projects right now. Once, about 5 years ago, only one forum owner could make up to 2 000 000 profit.

You don't do carding yourself?​

I have it as a hobby - I support forums, because I can't just throw people, partners and leave them to their fate. And so the main work is in a completely different white direction. I've never done carding, but I know all about it.

I read a bit about such forums when I was preparing for an interview, I heard that there is a certain character called Soldier who sells such forums, tell me, have you heard anything about him?​

Yes, he used to be active and did similar projects, but his main trading engine was selling a ready-made business with a profit of 300k per month. And the funny thing is that a ready-made business is the creation of scam forums where you need to breed people. He had a lot of projects. I didn't communicate with him personally, only indirectly.

Why is this topic already dead?​

Previously, I had a cool SEOSHNIK who took projects to the TOP, but now the rules of the game on the part of search engines have changed, it has become more difficult to go to the TOP, and therefore already dead topics kill profit.

Roskomnadzor killed similar topics. Changing the domain every time is killing the project.​

And yes and no, depending on where the traffic is pouring from, if by search engines then yes, you need to wait a long time when Google, for example, changes the domain and restores positions...
Yandex works much faster.

As soon as it regains its positions, you will have to change the domain again...​

You're right, but the RCN wasn't so fierce before. If we talk about the forum, the domain lasted 3-4 years.

How do you find customers, place ads on some forums?​

Social networks, buying groups, mailing lists on Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram (mailing lists + buying ads through pads), olx, avito, adwords, and other topics on pads. But I'm not doing this right now, I'm just helping.

Do you communicate on such forums yourself?​

Not now, but before, yes. But not on karzh forums, but on darkmani mainly, an exploit.

Darkmani doesn't throw according to the same scheme?​

I don't know, I didn't make any transactions through local guarantors, I only searched for the necessary contacts. There was a guarantor of Offelia, now he can also eat. She definitely doesn't throw, her partners worked with her.
But things may have changed already.

There is an opinion that this forum is protected by the police or other bodies, maybe the FSB, how do you think this can be?​

Everything is possible.

The main profit of darkmaney owners is a percentage of transactions, right?​

I think this is one of the items of income, the main one is the sale of advertising. Then there is the commission from transactions + the sale of their "themes".

How much can owners of this forum get?​

We'll never know, but they can make 5 million rubles a month. I come from my own experience, when at the peak it drops up to 2 million rubles a month with a much narrower topic and much less traffic.

You say that you have knowledge of carding, why don't you apply it, because earnings are many times more than from forums?​

In this, as in any other business, you need to live and get high from work. I know how everything works, but I'm not attracted to work. The exhaust is not the same. Only a few are successful - those who barter with CC (credit card) data and bank accounts stupidly sell material for carders already. That's where the money is, yes. But it's pretty dangerous already. I'm more likely to be able to create such a platform for trading credit cards, find customers and make traffic, rather than get this very data. I believe that there is not much time left for carding as a way of earning money, in principle.

Thank you for the interview and good luck.​

Thank you too, it was a pleasure to talk to you.