Real Estate Rental Scam


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Salam anatomists, found for you today the next suitable scheme on the forum

Further from the author's words:

Well, first of all, I definitely do not encourage anyone to get finances in this way. But if you have already got into it, then deal with your conscience once and for all - it will be remembered.

Only dead did not try the scheme with renting real estate on Avito. And 8 out of 10 whine in each topic that the scheme is dead... Dead mosk of those people who lick every manual under a carbon copy.

And so we will scam avito on receiving payment for an apartment on vacation.

1. In any topic, you need to find a niche that is currently profitable (as in advertising). Now it's the holiday season, Egypt and Turkey are closed, everyone is coming to our south.

2. Preparing an ad. We are looking for an apartment in the range of 2500 - 6000 rubles in any sources. I used booking and airbnb-and photos without watermarks and what no description can be pulled out.

3. We buy an avito account with a small lie-down (don't even fuck your brain about reviews - spend more time on cheating, they decide, but it's too expensive).

4. Preparing your ads. This is where the first hemorrhoid begins. There are exactly 1 normal renderers on the topic "apply id to photo" for every 10 people. If anyone tries to do it, they draw such fierce crap that their eyes fall out... Fortunately, my hands grow out of the right place and I can do it myself. In fact, how to do it - I choose a similar angle, as in the prepared photos. I make a photo of the sheet with the id. I process it (make a clipping). I put it on the desired photo (I take into account the light, reflection, size and proportions of the sheet). We get something like this.



5. We throw 1000 rubles on qiwi. Adding an ad. Description. Unhooking the avito lease.

What works best from the triggers - " free from such a date...", "no advance payments to the card and avito bookings", "rent from two nights".

We add "Write to whatsapp", but, as practice shows, about 15 percent write there, but this is not terrible for us.

6. We pay for the ad (460 rubles) and add x5 pageviews. Waiting for traffic.

And the traffic will trample 100%.

And here it usually all comes down to the fact that dick who will give you not only half of the booking on the card, but no one will send the prepayment. It is understandable, in this stupid case, the profit will be zero. Here we add a "layer". The dialog is usually something like this...

- Hello there! Is it free since 5.07?

"How do you do?" Until what date?


"How many guests will there be?"

- Two adults and a child.

- Perhaps another apartment will suit you for three people. Take a look at our site, maybe something will suit you [link to your fake site].

Or then there are questions about the cabinet\iron\hair dryer, etc.

- You can view all the amenities on our site [link to your fake site].

There is no need to bother much. You can take any template and adjust it. I made it up and drew it myself, there's no fucking way to do it.

8. Then follow the DETAILED registration steps (this involves and disposes the user more) and the payment page.

By payment.We accept all money for POISON (just register, just verify, do not block). After identification, you can make a one-time deposit from the card for 60k.Immediately you need to have at least two wallets at hand (you will receive two payments for 40k each, you will bite your elbows that you could not process).

Next, I think everyone knows how to make a payment bot and work with it, but I'll describe it for completeness... The user goes to the page and immediately sends himself a notification with the amount, so that while the card info is being entered, you already clicked on "Top up with a card". Then we get a message with the map and enter it. After the user has clicked on pay after entering the card, we make a loader for 10 seconds, before the text message input window appears . During this time, you will have time to copy the card details and click pay. All that remains is to receive a third SMS message from the user and enter it in poison.

In other words, messages from the bot will be as follows:

The billing page looks like this. Do it well, this is important - it will eliminate invalid users. I have the moon check and map type page.

9. By anonymity. I generally do everything from the left phone. No VPNs or proxies. It makes no sense to describe c anonymity through bundles, because units can set up and, most importantly, understand that the bundle is working correctly. After the whole scheme, the money is in xmr. Pipe into the lake (don't try to push it on avito). How to find a pipe for work - a separate story for the whole article, there will be pluses, I will write down how I get it.

10. By profit. With a simple rental and prepayment to the card, the profit is zero. When a layer is added as a resource (yes, at least this one). The profit increases to 10-15 percent. In my case, Avito's statistics on pageviews are roughly as follows.

From that I got about 100 leads. 12 payments were made in 3 days. The average receipt is 20,000 rubles.