Real Carding Manual


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Chip from POS terminals, (but not valid on all POS terminals), I read somewhere that if you have a Bank card but do not know the pin code, then you can pay with it, even without knowing the pin code. To do this, I went to mac Donals to check it, (with my card), inserted the card, dialed the pin code 6666 (no difference what pin you will enter), then clicked on the red button, (not green as we are always used to), and I see the payment was successful!, I first I don't understand... Well, I went to the shopping center, bought things, and again inserted the card, but when I entered 6666, I couldn't perform the operation. I returned to Mac Duck, and again bought coffee, paying again with a card, used the same scheme, and passed the pin code Successfully!,
Roughly speaking, after reading on an American site (I don't remember exactly which one), it turned out that there are POST terminals on which the firmware is old, and this loophole works. If someone in the city has shops where there are POS terminals, I advise you to check ) When I worked as an office worker, one waitress paid for orders, so that once again the client would not run around with the terminal , she stupidly spent without a pin code.

In food outlets,clubs, etc., this can work,but it does not depend on the pic terminal model

By the way, there is still one feature, but I don't know exactly which models/firmware this vulnerability is used on, but I recently learned this information: Insert the card into the post terminal, enter any 4x significant number, and press 3-4 times in a row (green button)....

With this information, it is quite possible to pour dumps on track2 without a pin with a veshevukha)

There is also such a thing coincard-writes dumps, up to 99 pcs in memory-and roughly 1 cardboard=99 cards)))with esessno pins)

Indeed, this is true, on older terminals it works, for example, on verifone vx520 , as well as the "manual input" function ,when you enter the card number/Date/Svv, specify the amount and the lava falls from the card to the bank account to which the POS terminal is linked. This scheme is still being used)


In posah as in Auchan, there is a bypass three times insert the reverse side not with a chip but with plastic, after the third error, the picture on the display changes to the color of a magnetic tape spend and despite the fact that the card with the chip will pass the purchase. I think he knows the methods of anonymity, a mask, glasses, clothes from the garbage can are disposable, no phones. You can upload dumps to any old bonus and bank cards where there is a magnetic stripe, even from sportmaster, that is, they go as balvanok.

USA will fill up in RU. Put in rolke travel in RU and you will be happy. Maybe I'll need to call you again. It depends on the bank.

Verifon terminals. Workers who are connected to the current EU standards. The card with the chip after 3 chip errors is sent to roll the tape + pin code. And voila, the transaction is confirmed and a fiscal receipt is issued. It is clear that the beans are only EU, but it turns out that 201 is also filled up and how
to put the card 201 with the other side of another emity in the terminal of another emity 3 times, waited for the inscription "stretch to ..." stretched +pin and the transaction passes. The holder test was based on the BIN of the same country as the village. But at the same time, the holder is traveling but very rarely calculated with a test card in the testing region. It is clear that the loc region disappears here, but this is how the mechanism works
If you take the USU, then there is still a large % of both ATM for the operation of 201 and 101 dumps.

Video surveillance in the ATM itself, can stand up to 16 cameras, depends on the ATM model and internal regulations of the bank's Security Service, but not less than 4 under the terms of square systems. This way, you can record a cad reader, pinpad, or shatter, and be sure that your face is still being recorded from 2-3 sides. The main cameras start recording only after you insert the card into the card reader, but there is at least one, usually a camera above the monitor(not always), which works constantly. Based on all of the above, the appearance should be changed to the maximum when you pour through the ATM and not only))) by the way, here is a bun for you, before inserting the card into the card reader on the pinpad, press 456, you will get to the menu, it will show you at a minimum what is worth and what works. Don't forget also that each ATM has outdoor cameras that can shoot from 10-15 meters away easily. Recordings from cameras that can be stored in an ATM for up to 90 days, this also depends on the bank's security regulations.
I think everything is clear with this, if it is not clear to whom, please ask questions in the Question - Answer topic.

A little bit about safe city surveillance what does this mean ?, which means that this city has a video surveillance system(and it is almost everywhere) in real time and has a monitoring center for all processes of surveillance cameras, and cameras in the surrounding areas, and highways, including recently it is already global. (I will not describe how this center is called in different countries, the names are different, but the essence is the same)
From all this, respectively, making operational decisions in a particular situation, starting from a minor accident to manifestations of various criminal elements or vice versa, rather the opposite,,, officials and various incompetence, having a bouquet of powers and a resource of state power of course, they will do their dirty business in the field of economics and fuck them on this whole system (they know where and how if they need to subtract the record),,, but the poor guy Carder does not want to become an artist of a bad movie ,and it's not necessary for x....y,stay true to your cause,yes.

So let's start, we are in the topic and focus on randomness and some patterns, we know that there is a video surveillance system on roads, on buildings, driveways, on cars, on ATM and above ATM. First of all, you need to learn how to think, and only then work.

Generally working! Everything was fine at that time, but God forbid the ambush of operatives is already being conducted for ATM, people in their topic are experienced and it is very difficult to recognize non-professionals for often and it is more difficult for them, if a person has a brain, we pay attention to cars parked near tinted cars (for the possibility of parked cars in the city). in the yard of tinted or suspicious minibuses and not only them) The soul does not lie, you feel the wrong thing, do not put it, do not pour it.
Traffic in urban conditions is also very difficult to recognize in general, and in order not to fall under an ambush, do not in any case work a second time on ATM, and let's hope for ourselves, for our flair, intuition, experience, intelligence and luck, and God forbid this to happen of course.

In fact, we arrived at the site, took a skimm bar or all in one case, it doesn't matter, left the car further away from the potential object of equipment installation (made sure that there are no external cameras) there are a lot of hidden ones that you won't notice, just think with your head whether you need a camera for something or not.
Everything seems to be fine,but the work has already begun as soon as you took the equipment in your hands, or put it in the car
, you need to put the equipment and successfully remove it, get from point A to point B. As soon as you put the skim, you need not let the ATM out of sight for a second, always look at what is happening at the ATM, if a skim is burned, then you will notice this person, the behavior will be different from a simple holder. If you leave it unattended, you can come, and there is an ambush, here I can advise, let's say the bar is removed by one, the skimmer by another person, and until the end to shout, it's gone, not mine in case of something. They will beat you correctly, for a long time and painfully, and not only beat you, keep in mind.

Or maybe somewhere lit up under the camera after all ??? so I got into the car have a set of clothes with you, change your clothes, change at least the upper part of the clothes (a cap of a different color, outerwear, glasses), while doing everything calmly, at ease, do not attract unnecessary attention of passers-by again, we return to the above , pay attention to the parked cars and people sitting in it who like and where he looks, be already alert and careful from beginning to end, and be natural first of all.

There is a wide distribution of Chinese video recorders, carefully inspect parked cars or
a car that just drove up to the equipment installation site or near ,,,, after all, even examined everything
and didn't seem to notice the cameras, you still won't see all of them, except under the windshield ,,,and then you accidentally
got caught in the field of view of the DVR, and the owner of this car and (((chudokitayskoymatyetechniki-together with the biased))) turn out to be a good and vigilant citizen and stick his snout in the wrong business ,which is not at all in our favor !
Conclusion of the Lord, on all these accidents and some regularities ??? you need to work very carefully and try to reduce these very risks to a minimum, you can write a lot more about this, of course, but not touch on all the points, each cashout and withdrawal are fundamentally different.

I hope the contents of this text will help beginners in Real Life to be well, at least a little more vigilant, do not run as fast as possible to sculpt a freshly baked skimm on the ATM, think about it, think about it, when you understand that the time has come, put it !!! It's like a whip, get out only if you are absolutely sure that you will shoot.

Work,earn money and do not relax, do not lose the very initially available vigilance and caution, do not build illusions
pay attention to possible surveillance of you, they can lead you to the very place, at home (dislocation) you go to your house for several hundred meters, do the following, accidentally drop keys a pack of cigarettes a lighter something, take a step forward automatically turn to pick up, look quickly who is following you or driving, then who is on you looks at that moment, maybe the car is parked which 1 min ago was not there and there is a person))at the moment of turning your gaze away from you,catch the opposing side unawares, if you notice the surveillance do not give in any way, otherwise it reduces your chance to leave, if the surveillance was revealed and you already have enough material you will try to accept, find an opportunity to break away from the tail do not go home, do not go to the train stations get out if you don't decide to stay in that city if there is a safe place ,safe enough,objectively safe ,turn off your phone if you have it with you? pull out the battery do not call anyone, try to find a place where you will not be searched!? do not panic remember a person does not drown because he does not know how to swim ))) and from the fact that it stops thinking, then of course according to the circumstances, the first important rules like painted yes, do not forget that you will really need money
have somewhere a stash of $ at such a time, do not spend the cache with cash-lagging, make savings just in case, it can come very quickly if you lose the thread of caution.

Dumps are written to a magnetic stripe. Bands in the days of my youth were of two types, LoCo and HiCo, i.e. high or low coercivity.
Coercivity is the strength of magnetization needed to record information. For nerds: Measured in Oersteds, but not the point.
The bottom line is that HiCo uses more energy and is stored on the magnetic strip longer, and is found in our time a little more than everywhere.

As you know, the dump consists of two tracks, t1 and t2, respectively. Eg:

B4558891176769288^ANUS /MICHAEL ^1601101000000000000000519000000

where t1 is the first line, and t2 is the second, respectively. By default, digits and letters are entered in the first line, and only numbers are entered in the second line. The third line that you, a young adept of real-crobing, can still find somewhere is used for all sorts of bonuses and other trinkets, but in our time this is already an atavism.
In the first line, there must be a letter B that doesn't seem to mean anything, then there is the card number itself^last name / first name of the holder^year, month, service code and a generated tail that is specific to each bin separately and includes CVV1 which is a little different than CVV2 which is printed on the front side of the card, if I changes the memory. Note krober, the date format, the year always comes first, then the month. Then follows the service code, that is, a code that indicates restrictions in using the card, a regular card 101, a chiped pin is not required 201, a non-chiped pin is required 121, and so on, Google to help if you are interested in more details, for shopping we are interested in 101, that is, the card is not chipped and transactions for purchases are allowed without entering a pin.
In the second line, t2 itself is where the card number=exp goes, the service code and the tail, where CVV1 is present. In our case, it is "519".
As you already understood, there is no pin on the magnetic stripe. It is stored in the bank or in the form of keys in the pin code block itself at the ATM. (I don't remember exactly here)
Contrary to widespread rumors, t1 is not at all necessary for cashing out the cherished d+p (aliluya) , when cashing out, the ATM reads only information from t2 and if all the ice and loot is on the ballance, then it gives out the loot according to the limits set by the bank for tranza/day.
What is t1 used for? It is needed specifically for POSa (Point of Sale). a typewriter that stands in stores and serves merchant schet enterprises. It reads the information from t1 and t2 and sends the information from t2 to the bank for reconciliation/apruv and prints the information from t1 to the sales receipt in the form of the buyer's full name and in most cases the last 4 digits of the card. I have also seen messengers who print out the first 6 and last 4 cards. But this has only ever happened in Evropa, so be careful, young Krober.
In the above about t1 there is one "but". Tranches of approximately less than $ 300 t1 are not required. You can cheat by writing down t2 on your dummy and go to the shop. I grieve you, krober, if the purchase price is more than$ 300, POS requires t1, if it does not find one, then tranzu declines. Again, personal experience, no more. Do not be lazy and write down t1 and you will be happy. It is also advisable to keep the original number of characters in the full name string. That is, if in our case ^ ANUS / MICHAEL ^ has a length of 13 characters given a space, and you are already smart, enter the left name with a fake ID, but you have it for example 15 characters, then try to shorten the result to the length of the original. Also, if you suddenly have a Chinese full name via SUN/WIN and the length is shorter, correct the mistake with spaces. In our example, the "correct" t1 looks like this:
B4558891176769239^SUN /WIN_____^1601101000000000000000519000000
as you can see, the number of characters in the full name is saved using spaces. This track will be quite edible, because the bank somehow doesn't care about the meaning of symbols, but the main thing is, oddly enough, their number. And lo and behold, the POS will spit out a receipt with the name you need and with a good standing of Venus in the house of Jupiter and sufficient ballance on the shield, the desired apruv.
There are also rumors that the last 4 digits that are printed on the seed occur exactly with t1 and if you do the same trick with them, then we will solve the problem of checking with the card number. From personal experience, I will say that yes, the last 4 are taken from t1, but if you change them in the same way as we did on the example of the full name, then tranza will give a decline because t1 is checked not only with the bank but also with t2 directly on the pos terminal, and if the reconciliation is unsuccessful, the pic will immediately give out that the card is invalid.

In our experience, we always recommend monitoring the ATM for 2-5 days continuously, changing each other in shifts.

During the observation period, you will learn the main important points that will affect the effectiveness of your further work. It is very important to record :
* the time of visits to the bank's technical employees (collectors),
* the time when the police patrol this area (time and methods),
* the intensity of the flow of holders during the day and when it is most maximum (these data will help you plan the optimal installation time),
* when there are the least people on the street (you will know when it is best for you to install and remove the equipment).
* statistics of the total number of people who passed through the ATM will tell you about the approximate level of income.
* when observing, it is important to feel the atmosphere of the place, what kind of people go, poor or rich, tourists or housewives. This also affects the potential level of income from the site.

The fork works like this: Insert a drop card and withdraw say 100 rubles, the ATM issues them.
Insert the plug and take the money.

The ATM closes the curtain and then insert the card again, but
with the plug inserted into the ATM and order a large amount.

The ATM starts clicking money into the dispenser and cancels the operation because it can not issue money, after cancellation, money from the card is not debited that you withdraw,
they remain on the card, but the money that the ATM counted out is already in the dispenser inside the ATM and when they are counted out, they fall into the fork.

After that, the ATM goes into service mode and simply lift the dispenser curtain and take out the money along with the plug.

The disadvantage is that almost all ATMs hang after one such action, and if you work with a fork, you will have to go around several ATMs per night.
tested on ncr 86 and 87 models, I can't say anything about the rest.

the most common ones are street ncr 5887

We make a test issue,the bill came out, insert the fork between the upper and lower belts in the center,
push it to the end so that the bend on the folding handle rests on the belts.The curtain starts to open, So That later

it was easy to raise the curtain we catch it with a 1mm plate on top but this is not necessary but if you do not do
this you will have to use a powerful screwdriver then pry the curtain and open it.Next, we issue a large amount.
The money supply has started,and at this moment we hold the curtain tightly so that it does not open.The ATM sees the error,issues a check with it, or goes to reboot.

Open the curtain with a screwdriver,remove the plug from the money dispenser. Some people don't even switch to

1. We insert it very carefully and pull it out in the same way so as not to tear off the mustache, since they are attached to a separate
component and some of them when something got stuck just pulled the plug hard and they were cast.
2. If you still put a millimeter plate, then do not overdo it and do not make it thicker, otherwise the
ATM will go offline ahead of time when it snaps the curtain.
3. It happens that when they only insert the plug, they do not have time to shove it or shove it crookedly, and therefore
the belt drive of the dispenser cannot rotate and again the ATM freezes.
In principle, it is not difficult to work with it, just do everything carefully and you will have to learn.
Many people fail the first time.
4. The card with which you work lives for a maximum of 3 days and everything will be found when the collection sees an oversight.
There are usually no sensors.

How Cash-trapping+TRF works

* The fraudster requests a small withdrawal amount.

• When issuing money from an ATM, the fraudster takes a bill and, while the shuttle is open, inserts a "device" into the shuttle (the teeth are bent — it works on the principle of a fish hook – a bundle of bills slides forward along the guides, but it will not pass back, the fork has a bend of the "handle" that allows the shuttle to close).

* The shuttle closes — the "device" inside and part outside. The sensor detects the closing of the shuttle.

* The fraudster makes a request for the second amount, which is already large.

• Before issuing money, the curtain is blocked, for example, with your finger to prevent it from opening.

* The ATM thinks that the shuttle has not opened — the money is unavailable, so you need to make a reverse transfer.

* The ATM performs a reverse, but the "device" keeps the bundle of bills from being returned to the reject cassette, although the belts work out the bundle's pull to the reject cassette.

• Since the money did not reach the reject cassette (delayed by the "device"), and passed, at most, the TSen 3 sensor, and did not reach the final sensor, the ATM detects a jam of bills — Currency jam in presenter transport or transport sensor failure.

* A fraudster breaks out the shuttle, pulling out a "device" with money.

• Since the ATM has made a reverse transfer, this money is available on the card again, and you can repeat the operation. This is usually done at other ATMs.

RFID reader based on arduino up to 2 meters distance.

Electronic access keys and plastic cards are firmly embedded in our lives. As it turned out, it is quite easy to read information from them. It is enough to use a small assembled device based on a microcontroller, an RFID tag reader and put all this in a laptop bag to calmly read information not only from electronic keys, but also information from plastic cards — those that are not with a chip, but with an electronic stripe.

This device uses an Arduino Nano microcontroller, its power supply is 3.3 volts. Anyone can be used as an RFID reader. Its price depends on the distance at which it can read. To read from a distance of two meters, its price will be about $ 400, if the distance is 20 centimeters, then the price is about $ 150.


In general, all parts can be purchased online with home delivery. I won't specify exactly where, but I'm trying to say that it's pretty unsafe to carry a plastic card with you even in an ordinary wallet or pocket. About electronic access keys, we can say that skimming them is even easier, they are usually lying around on tables or near the computer.
The figure shows that the read information is stored on the card itself in a file cards.txt.


For this and a couple of other reasons, I carry plastic cards in a metal business card holder.
We look at the video more clearly.

RFID reader with your own hands from the controller and a coil of copper wire.
Since the price of RFID devices bites, nothing prevents you from making it yourself from a coil of copper wire and a few more parts.

The main task of the controller is to read the data stream. It is known that the reading frequency is 125 kHz. And access cards are used everywhere, by the way, they are also used in supermarkets to prevent losses. Labels are placed on both clothing and consumer electronics, but they don't fit in sausage, cheese, chips, or beer :). In general, in products.
Two students built an RFID reader from improvised tools and described in detail how they did it. Including diagrams, diagrams, and so on. This is their device with their student cards.


And here is their website:

Audio skim on Diebold

Greetings, this topic shows how to build an audio skimmer in 10min, without spending
too much This method is known to everyone, but still let's learn
more We will need:a Chinese spy pen, a head from a tape recorder, a phone battery (860mah enough), 2 different colors of wiring, electrical tape and a soldering iron.

Where do we start?
Of course, with the choice of a Chinese spy
pen, pens are already available with built-in memory(2-16GB) or with a slot for a micro-sd flash drive,this staff is easily distributed and is useful in Chinese shops. It is better to make several models of pens from different Chinese shops.
And so, we take the handle, unscrew the bottom of the handle where the rod stands, we see the charging input(it can be of 2 types(input for the wire as on iPods, Nokia 6300, etc.) or just USB


I came across a USB.We remove the handle body,only the board remains in front of us
Here is a photo of this board:


There are only 2 buttons on it: At the top-on/off, in the middle-reset, as well as 2 light bulbs: yellow-charging/waiting, blue-video recording is going on


You need to replace the battery, otherwise the skim will not work for long, remove the old one and put a new battery, it will be located at the top of the muzzle
Before soldering the head, we need to increase the wires that will connect the head to the board,unsolder the old ones(they are in the photo:red and black), solder the wiring about 4cm so that there is a small margin and the head was in the transparent box as expected.
we solder the head to the wires-it remains only to install everything correctly and fill it in.The camera is installed at an angle(here you will need to measure whether it is standing correctly at the ATM)
Total will turn out(photo taken from the Internet):


These audio guts are only suitable for Optev's dib)now many models of this company are equipped with sensors for skimmers.How do I check if there is such a sensor?
And everything is very simple,in the dark we sculpt a nail on the tape on the card reader and wait)if within 30 minutes it has not gone offline and no one has arrived, then this anti-skimming system is not installed on this ATM.
Still possible interference created by the ATM, shield your devices)
PS Before installing the guts, glue the muzzle again from the inside(no matter how the sellers assure you of the strength of the muzzles), otherwise a small misunderstanding may happen

Many people (especially beginners) are tormented by the question: "What guts should I put on my skimmer / device?". A lot depends on the answer to this question:
- The count percentage.
- Operating time;
- Decode quality and speed;
- Bypassing security systems;
- Your progress on the "Real Madrid Career ladder".

Guts are the internal electronic part of the skimming device, which is responsible for processing and recording information contained on the magnetic strip of a plastic card.

First, let's look at the classic audio guts. The principle of any audio guts is to record audio from the magnetic tape of a credit card. In fact, audio guts are a regular voice recorder that records audio data coming from the audio head, which is located in the place of the microphone. Next, the audio data must be processed (decoded). The quality of audio data depends directly on the sampling rate. The process of decoding audio data depends on many factors and, in some situations, can be difficult. The time required to decode a single audio track is from 5 to 30 minutes.
For the most part, the cost of these guts is small, about $ 10-50. The size ranges from 10x20 to 60x60mm. The food intake is quite high, compared to flush intestines. Usually, the amount of memory is enough for a long recording. Many people choose audio because it can be decoded in non-standard conditions (noise made by ATM; jitter; crooked holder). Most of the audio is not encrypted. As a rule, audiobooks only read the second track.
As guts, you can use miniature voice recorders, such as "Edic-Mini".

Next, consider radio guts.

The principle of operation of radio guts is based on a transmitting module that is inserted into the muzzle and a receiver that is located near the ATM (usually a distance of 10 to 200 meters), i.e. it consists of a "radio beetle" and a radio station with a voice recorder (a tablet or PDA is often used as a voice recorder). Depending on the type of transmitter, there may be problems with frequency adjustment. The receiver is often combined with a voice recorder, which records the received audio data. A big disadvantage of this type of guts is radio interference, which can significantly complicate the midrange response.
The time required to decode a single audio track is from 5 to 45 minutes. The cost of these guts will start from $ 100. Size from 5x10m to 10x30mm. Another unpleasant aspect of this type of gut is the extremely high food intake. They do not require strict conditions in the amount of data transmitted, because on the receiver side you can put a voice recorder (or other recording device) with any amount of memory. You can buy it on "spy sites", amateur radio sites, carge sites, and radio markets.

Bluetooth guts, similar in action to radio guts.

They also have a receiving module that stores the received audio data. Guts consist of a Bluetooth headset and a mobile phone (or tablet). A nice feature of these guts is the transmission of data in digital format, so they are not afraid of any interference. An unpleasant feature of these guts is the DSP processor, which can filter data in real time (it is used by mobile device manufacturers to filter various high-frequency noises and squeaks, such as wind).
The time required to decode a single audio track is from 5 to 30 minutes. In the old guts (Samsung WEP-410), the DSP processor is missing. The cost of these guts starts from $ 100. The size of the transmission module is from 10x20mm to 20x30mm. The food intake is the same as that of your intestines. They do not require strict conditions in the amount of data transmitted. Reads noise and jitter just like classic audio guts. They don't have encryption.

Next up is GSM audio.

The principle of operation is based on two cellular telephones, one of which transmits audio data, and the second, in turn, records a telephone conversation in its memory. Some use Chinese-made GSM bugs, such as N9 (GOOGLE: GSM bug N9). Guts, like Bluetooth, use a DSP processor.
The cost of these guts starts from $ 150. The time required to decode a single audio track is from 5 to 45 minutes. Power consumption is quite high, close to Bluetooth guts. Large size, compared to analogues from other categories of intestines 50x50mm approximately. High power consumption. They do not require strict conditions in the amount of data transmitted. You can buy it on sites that sell spy devices, Chinese sites, and radio markets.

The last audiobooks that I would like to discuss are "Spy devices", such as pens with a built-in camera, keyfobs, etc. The latest spy devices produced have a pleasant enough quality to work in skimmers, such as 2in1 (sound and audio are written in one muzzle), but the performance quality itself suffers very much. You can often find freezes, limited operation time (despite the large amount of memory up to 32GB), breakdowns. The time required to decode a single audio track is from 5 to 30 minutes. Price starts from $ 20.


Although the principle of operation of guts is to receive audio data from a magnetic track, but the end result of flash guts will already be not audio data, but data in text format, the decoding of which has either already been made, or it will take a small time to decode the entire dump. In addition, you do not need any special knowledge in the field of F2F decoding.
The principle of flash guts is to partially decode audio, namely, to determine timings on the fly. As a rule, this is done at the expense of magtek hardware decoders (21006501-21006541). Less commonly, op-amps are used to determine timings.
The time required to decode a single track is from 2 to 119 seconds. The cost of flash guts is an order of magnitude higher than audio. The price starts from $ 200. Size from 5x7mm. An important factor of these guts is the low power consumption of 0.2 Ma. In "combat mode" they can work for 6-9 hours with a 6-9 mAh battery. There is enough memory for 500 dumps or more. Flash cards absolutely do not tolerate noise, but they read jitter quite well. As a rule, all flash guts have built-in encryption, which is quite enough for renting out the device, but absolutely not enough to protect against experts in the field of data decryption, because it mainly uses XOR encryption, sometimes combined with "plus or minus bytes" (i.e., for example, we have the original text 123456, after this method, the text will be 214365). All flash guts reads 2 or 3 tracks.

A radio flash differs from a regular flash in that data is transmitted to a receiving module located near the ATM. Instead of memory, a receiving and transmitting chip (or similar module) is used, such as nrf24l01, which has its own digital data transmission protocol, which is not afraid of external interference. The cost of such guts will start from $ 300. size from 5x7mm. Power consumption is not significantly higher. than a regular flash (0.5-0.9 Ma). The amount of memory is usually extremely large due to the fact that an external data receiving module is used. All other parameters do not differ from the classic flush.

The essence of GSM flash guts is to send dumps in the form of SMS messages. The transmitting GSM module itself is large, so it is located near the ATM, and data is transmitted to it via a radio channel. That is, GSM guts consist of a radio flash and a GSM module (which is often used by mobile phones or tablets that process the received data and send it by SMS message). The cost of such guts starts from $ 500 with a size of 5x7mm and consumption, like a radioflash.