Psychology of real carding


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Let's look at installing a skimmer, namely how to behave at an ATM. I think that there can be 2 models of behavior. The first is that I picked the moment when there was no one at the ATM, thoughtfully looked around, did my dirty little business and left. The second one is an impudent person, he put on overalls (even though bank employees don’t wear them, but that’s how the hard worker got started - special clothes) hung a sign on the ATM “the cash machine does not work” and you do whatever you want with it. In the second case, the main thing is not to get hit by bank employees passing by. There is, of course, a 3rd one - at random, as practice has shown for Russian people, it works almost without failure. In general, we choose a model of behavior solely based on our character. And the most important thing in any business in real life, before you go to an episode, try to force yourself to believe either that you are following your own, or an ideology, that you are right in what you are doing and there is simply no other way. Honestly, with such awareness you behave much more correctly and confidently than when you are walking and you are shaking because you went to steal, you are about to be burned, put in prison, etc...

The psychology of skimming in general. Try not to use something that has already been chewed for a long time. Look, this is your first time using a skimmer, you know the basics, you think you’ve studied all the details. And on the other side (SB Bank) there are people who really know ALL the details, are technically equipped and you are not their first. I understand that it seems like you are doing everything right and the risk is worth it. NOT WORTH A FUCK!!! Come up with something of your own, go into real life, think, do and spend money. Real life doesn't end with skimming. Don't look for easy ways - they are being watched.

Okay, I'll finish for now. Next, I’ll look at shopping, cashing at ATMs.

Cashing out cards at an ATM. It seems like he just took the card and went with the wooden fuck and withdrew the money. Yeah - that's all true. But what if you have, for example, 100 of these cards? And all from one range, i.e. from one skim, and they need to be poured during the night, so that it doesn’t turn out that he poured 20, and the rest burned and were locked (yes, yes, banks have such a system). How to be here? Involving third parties for cashing is a bad idea. They know 2nd everyone knows. Here I will offer several options from my experience. Again, the rule is to believe that you have followed yours. It’s closer to my spirit to behave arrogantly. I did it differently. Sometimes I stood at the ATM for 1.5 hours, went to a nearby store to get coffee and stood there with the coffee continuing to pour. Passers-by tried to get in line, I stood there stupidly and asked, “Are you coming soon?” “No,” I answered and continued further. What's the point? a person stands there, withdraws money - he behaves impudently, therefore he withdraws his money, there will only be hostility towards you, that because of you they had to go to another place. In closed ATMs (in booths). He hung up a sign saying “the ATM is not working” and calmly withdrew money. By the way, don’t you think of pouring RF cards into the Russian Federation like that, firstly it’s very bad, and secondly they’ll come for you in 15-20 minutes, maybe faster. Security guards cooperate with banks, although they are responsible for the integrity of the ATM, but I think the security guards will not be refused...

Shopping. The idea is not for the faint of heart, especially if greed led you to a store with security.

I’ll start with how plastic should ideally look, then I’ll say that it’s not important. And so the design of the card should be the same as that of the bank issuing the dump. The digits of the card number must be embossed and typed on the card. The card number must match the number on the dump (at least the last 4 digits). The name must be the same on both the map and the dump. There should be a hologram on the back of the card - a signature strip with a signature that you can absolutely put on the receipt that the cashier gives. Of course, if you are somewhat careless, then design, embossing, typing and holograms can be neglected. Next is the behavioral model. Choose a product for a long time, meticulously, ask the consultant if there is something cheaper, but with similar parameters, show that you care about every penny. Don't forget you are spending your hard earned money. At the checkout you can act out a comedy like - Oops, there’s not enough cash. Don't you have an ATM nearby? Oh, you can pay by card?! Convenient - thank you. Improvise. If the card shows a pick-up and you don’t have the opportunity to stupidly start out of the store, make a surprised face, grab the phone, call your accomplice, and carry on the conversation as if you were calling the bank and that’s it... Fantasize, don’t give up . Oh, I forgot, don’t forget to prepare an identification document. I beg you, do not make a card according to your real data, use a draft for a little money and buy a license or a re-glued passport (although this is also an article). That's about all I wanted to say.

And lastly, my personal opinion. Shopping is the most flawed topic in real life; personally, I won’t go there. Although.. don’t promise...

Good luck in your endeavors and all the best.