Protonmail handed over its activist users to the French authorities


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ProtonMail has disclosed the IP addresses of a number of its French users associated with the green Youth for Climate movement. The data was provided at the request of the French authorities, after which these users were arrested. This is reported by TechCrunch.

Meanwhile, ProtonMail's privacy policy says the company "does not keep IP logs by default," and "no personal information is required to create a secure email account."

ProtonMail explained that IP addresses are still collected, "but not by default," but in accordance with Swiss law, where the headquarters and servers of the company that owns the service are located. A request for disclosure of data related to the mail account through which the activists communicated was sent by France to Europol, and from there to Switzerland, which demanded that this information be transferred.

Under pressure from the Swiss authorities, ProtonMail provided data on the date the account was created, the IP addresses associated with it and the devices from which the account was logged in.

After providing the requested data, the French authorities arrested the Youth for Climate participants.