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So, you thought for a long time and decided to finally try yourself in real life (maybe you hit your head, or you urgently need money, or you just got tired of driving into steam).

How to be, where to start?
Skimmers are not yet affordable, and experience is not enough. You can also forget about cash out at first, since this occupation is trusted only by old and proven real people.
There is only one option left - to go shopping)
No, not for grocery shopping for milk (although of course this is also possible), but for something more significant, and, accordingly, with someone else's credit card.

As you probably already understood, this article will focus on shopping. I'll talk about this industry as a whole, as I see it, and I'll share some of my tricks and tricks.
I want to make a reservation right away that the story is about work NOT on ru, I live in Europe, and don't let your eyes light up with the phrase "... check in the grocery across the road", as well as all coincidences with real people - an accident.
So let's get started ...


Of course, highly experienced theorists will tell you that you need tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment. So - all this is nonsense. Now I will write a minimum kit that will allow you to safely go shopping and make money on it.

1) Encoder. Holy of Holies in real carding. This device is needed in order to write dumps to plastic. My advice is MSR 605. This is the gold standard. Free to buy from Ali or Ibei, the price is around $ 200

2) Plastic. Naturally not white, but a decent, bank type. You can, of course, order production, but it is much easier to roll on old salary blanks

3) Dumps. Actually, information from the magnetic stripe of the card. Prices vary greatly, depending on the level of the card, country, seller and much more. From personal experience - take America. The dumps are heaped up and they shoot almost all over the world. Many advise taking cards not lower than gold, but in my opinion this is not always correct. Yes, the balance is higher, but in all my practice I have finished off the card "to zero" only 2 or 3 times. But the cases when the exhaust from the standard Mastercard was much more than from the platinum - a lot


So, an encoder with plastic on the table, dumps are waiting in the wings in a notebook. And already at this stage, most make a gross mistake - they write dumps and run to check them into the store across the street. And then we all watch the round-ups together about how the valiant police caught the crooks while trying to buy sausage. To prevent this from happening, I will tell you about some of the nuances that everyone so often forgets about

1) Generation of the first track. Pour it from an ATM - but at least fill it in with the name of your beloved dog, he doesn't care. But when you go to the store, try not to be called Elizabeth Jackson, a hefty bearded man. Sellers are very worried about this. And for heaven's sake, don't write your real name there. The check is printed in duplicate, and one remains with the seller, so you will be found just once or twice.

2) The last 4 digits. There are two options: either you are looking for a store where they are not driven in, or you ask sellers to pick up a dump with the necessary numbers for you, since some provide such services.

3) Checking. My advice: if the seller offers to check the material, check it. Thanks to working with checked material, I have met the code "card stolen" only once, and I managed to get out. It's also a good idea to check the card yourself, for a small amount. Or rather - exactly the cost of the dump. So you will go to zero if the card dies after the check.

4) Find a buyer. Fortunately, if you were able to buy an iPhone, they are in great demand and it will be very easy to sell them. But not everyone wants to buy a box of whiskey, for example. Therefore, remember the rule: first find a buyer, and then go shopping purposefully. Because now you are sitting at home and it seems to you that buying 20 cans of protein is a great idea. And then you get angry and eat your protein yourself, because you didn't find someone to sell it to.

5) The path to retreat. Improvisation is certainly good, but it's better to think in advance how you will act in case of failure. What do you say to the seller when "call the bank" appears on the screen and where will you run if everything gets worse. It is useful to walk around the shop for a couple of hours and explore the area. A friend told a story about a guy who went to a supermarket in the evening to stock up. It is already at the checkout, and then four police officers are attached to it. As it turned out, there was a branch in the next building, and the cops stopped by after work for a drink. Everything worked out of course, the guy quickly faded away, but I think that at night he now wakes up in a cold sweat.

6) Disguise. Whoever says anything, but when you go shopping, you burn. It is not uncommon for an outdoor surveillance camera to pick up the license plate of a car, and after a couple of days people in uniform are knocking on the door. To prevent this from happening, leave all your personal belongings at home (cell phone first). Also buy clothes specifically for shopping, and do not shine anywhere else. Well, it's still better to cover the numbers of the cars)

This completes the preparation and it's time to move on to the next chapter.


So, while in the store, remember - YOU ARE A CARDER, NOT AN INJECTOR. No need to run into the store, grab the plasma and stick a credit card into the seller's hands. Come in calmly. Say hello to the seller. Say that your birthday is coming up and you would like a phone / tablet / laptop. Let him help you make your choice. And the main thing is to constantly communicate with him. Even if you know more about this laptop than him, you still ask if there is a Wi-Fi / if GTA / how much disk space. Talk about different things, ask him for his opinion on a couple of models. Become friends with him, and then even in the case of a withdrawal code, he will happily believe that this is just your wife's card, and you are in a quarrel with her, so she blocked it to ruin your holiday.

I want you to read this paragraph several times. Shopping is dead. It is not in dumps, not in cards, and not in withdrawal limits. You are an actor and the store is your stage. And the only goal you are pursuing is to make them believe what is happening.

Always think with your head. If you need to hide your face, put on a medical mask, cough, pretend to be sick. Pierce - let your partner break into the store and arrest you, picking up the card and purchase as a docks thing. Simulate situations and invent new approaches. If you need to pick up a card from a merchant, ask yourself - in which case it will be acceptable, how to justify this action? Personally, I go to the store with two identical cards. One has a dump and the other is my own. If something doesn't work and the cashier starts to get nervous, I say, "Yes, this happens, I myself used to work in a bank. Can I look at the card?" I take the card, I say that everything is in order, there is just dust on the card, so the operation is denied. I ask what they write. While the cashier looks at the monitor and reads, I change cards, and the transaction goes through normally.

And finally, I would like to add - there is no need to use anything "for courage." Shopping requires brain work, often in extreme conditions, so the head must be clear.

P.S. Again, the article was not written entirely by me, but revised and supplemented.
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🔱 Real carding, you are not a raider, but an actor 🔱

Plastic “blank” cards with a magnetic stripe, can be of any color, but the most common is white (it is easier to draw an image on it). It is used to make credit card fakes.

It is divided into 2 types – Hi-Co and Lo-Co. These types differ in the magnetization force of the magnetic strip. You can, of course, order the production, but it is much easier to write dumps on old cards.

There are 2 types of cards, chip and unchip.
The security level of chip cards is an order of magnitude higher than that of cards that have only a magnetic strip (there is also unique information on the chip), respectively, the dumps are also different in them – divided into:
201 - Dumps of chip cards
101 - Dump cards without a chip
Accordingly, for real carding (especially to start work in this area), we will need exactly 101 dumps.


So, the encoder with plastic on the table, dumps are ready for recording.
  1. It is necessary to record track 1. When you buy a card dumps, it may already be bundled or may be missing. The most important thing that contains track 1 is the name of the holder. Try to make it fit your image. If you are a man, it is impossible for it to contain a female name. This will immediately arouse the suspicion of sellers. Also, do not write your own name there, because a duplicate of the check remains in the store, and how you think, to whom the police will come the next day.
  2. There are two types of stores, some enter the last 4 card numbers, others do not. The second option is more suitable for us. When you buy dumps in the shop, you can pick up the last 4 digits of which will correspond to the digits of the card you are using. Then the question of choosing a store will be closed.
  3. Checking. Check the card dumps can both the seller and yourself. It is better to check for the cost of the dump, so you will make sure that the card works and in case it dies will return your money. I want to warn you that checking card dumps is a good thing, but many of it die after such a check.
  4. Before you go to the store you need to understand exactly what you are going to buy. In other words, you must have a buyer for the goods you intend to buy. Solve this issue in advance, agree with a potential buyer.
  5. Always carry money with you that would be enough for you to pay for your purchase, if something goes wrong. Think about your actions well in case of failure. What will you say and where to run if the situation gets out of control. Find out all the entrances and exits, walk around the supermarket, explore the terrain.
  6. Pick up clothes specifically for the card, so that it would be obscure. Remember that there are a lot of cameras around. If you are by car, it is better to leave it somewhere not nearby. If you drive up to the store, then take care that you would not see the number. Do not carry documents and mobile phone with you, all that will help to identify your personality.