PayPass and PayWave - contactless payment technologies


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  • The history of MasterCard PayPass
  • MasterCard PayPass and Visa payWave. What is it and how does one-touch payment technology work?
  • PayPass and payWave security

The PayPass contactless payment technology, which first announced itself in 2002, was introduced to the well-known MasterCard payment system to speed up and simplify purchases with a card equipped with this system (one-touch purchase). The analogs of this technology are payWave for Visa and ExpressPay for American Express.

The history of MasterCard PayPass
Initial testing of the novelty took place in the United States. After it, PayPass payment terminals appeared in McDonald's fast food outlets - in America, Canada, Japan and the Philippines. Gradually, large banks began to connect to the contactless payment system, and payment terminals spread across the territory of many countries. Today, PayPass cards can be used to pay for a service or purchase in countries such as Australia and Canada, Mexico and China, Korea and Mongolia, the United Arab Emirates and Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines, Turkey, Malaysia, Lebanon, Indonesia, and almost all of Europe.
The first "lucky" person who experienced his work was a Moscow restaurant called "Five Stars" - here a contactless payment was made using a MasterCard with the PayPass function.
The first bank to issue PayPass cards was Industrial. They were provided to teachers and students of educational institutions. Interestingly, for students such a card has become not only a kind of "wallet" that allows them to pay for lunch, it completely replaces a student card and even a record book. Further distribution of PayPass cards to other universities of the country is expected. This is not surprising, Russia is a country of student youth. In their environment, like nowhere else, a lot of purchases are made and contactless payment technology is most appropriate here.
Moscow Industrial Bank gained followers and now cards with the PayPass function are issued by some Payment Systems and banks.

MasterCard PayPass and Visa payWave. What is it and how does one-touch payment technology work?
Initially, the new technology of payments for services and purchases using the contactless PayPass method was conceived in order to simplify the process of paying for goods and save time for each person.
The PayPass function, which works on the basis of an NFC chip with an antenna (NFC - short-range wireless high-frequency communication technology) embedded in a plastic bank card, allows you to make a purchase and pay for any service in a matter of seconds. The terminal reads the information from the card at a distance and makes it clear with a sound signal that the amount required for payment has been debited from it, which means that the purchase has been made.
It is impossible to make a mistake here by paying for one product twice - the system will not allow this, after payment it will immediately turn off. To pay for the goods, you just need to bring the card to the terminal and make sure that the amount of payment on its display corresponds to the expected one. You don't even have to take it out of the purse, but bring it to the terminal - the service will still be paid for.
If there are several cards with radio chips in the wallet, the payment will not occur - the terminal will react to them and stop the procedure. The payment amount available to the PayPass function in is some money and no more. With such a purchase, there is no need to enter the PIN-code of the card or put your signature on the check. If the purchase is more expensive, then such additional operations may be required.
Visa payWave and American Express ExpressPay are technologically compatible with MasterCard PayPass, therefore, payment with cards based on these payment systems is possible on the same terminals that support contactless payments, but subject to certification by the acquiring bank of accepting contactless payments from cards of these payment systems.
The PayPass service is actively used in places where people do not stay for a long time. These are fast food establishments, pharmacies, train stations, airports, cinemas. Contactless payment terminals are equipped with vending machines, toll roads, turnstiles, gas stations, supermarkets and cafes.
Contactless payment technology is a comfortable method that saves time for buyers and users of various services, it is a high-level service. There is no need to carry and get cash, waste time paying and receiving change. Cards with PayPass and payWave functions are universal; they can be successfully used in any terminals and ATMs in all countries of the world. Chips supporting contactless payment technologies are even built into smartphones, which is very convenient - you just bring your phone to the reader and the purchase is paid for.

PayPass and payWave security
Cards with a PayPass chip are protected by a built-in mechanism that makes unwanted purchases impossible - for payment, it must be brought very close to the terminal. Remaining throughout the entire procedure in the hands of the buyer and under his control, it is protected from fraudsters.
But there is also a negative experience of using these technologies. Research has shown that it is possible to scan a chip on a PayPass card using inexpensive scanners right in the crowd. But the protective methods used by the technology (encryption and the inaccessibility of direct reading of the contents of the chip) greatly complicate the possibility of its cloning. In addition, the need for very close contact with the card makes it inconvenient and nearly impossible to access it.
Payment restrictions (up to some money without signing and entering a PIN code) also nullify the efforts of fraudsters - you can't steal a lot.
To prevent unauthorized access to the data of the chip, banks recommend shielding the card (put it in foil or in a briefcase), and it is easier for opponents of the technology to refuse the chip (by turning it off if possible) or damage / remove it.
But in general, shopping with PayPass and payWave is a pleasure, it's speed, security and ease of use!