PayPal self-registers for carding


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Greetings! This article includes the experience of hundreds of people working in this area, so I advise you to listen and absorb all this information.

I consider this direction to be the most interesting and profitable at the same time, it does not require large injections of money, this is the direction that is most developed in our carding forum. Let's go!

We are waiting for such an extensive and rather complex topic as PayPal self-registration. PP self-registers are nothing more than a manually registered PayPal account. We link the BA (Bank account) to the account and we will try to drain money from it or buy goods. The main share of self-regs is accounted for in the USA, this is due to the fact that the material for creating self-regs in Europe and the rest of the world is not so common. Since we are already familiar with brutus, it will be much easier for us to get used to it.

Let's repeat the terms and find out what you need to register a self-rating service.

Fullz (full info) - all cardholder data, which we will use to register our account.

Fullz example:
karon hunter|SSN: 440-85-8766|DOB: 3/8/1973|Address: 4727 sweeping glen st|City: las vegas|State: nv|ZIP: 89129|Phone: 7024671576|Email: [email protected]

SSN - Social Security Number - social security number. Assigned to every American, a kind of identification number

DOB - month day and year of the holder's birth. it usually comes in the format MM. DD. YY

ZIP- the foreign equivalent of our index

We will also need:

BA (Bank account) - the log format is different for all sellers, this is again the same as with brute PP depends on the checker.

dverqal:jayla1006 $7301,35

Type: checking CHASE CHECKING

Account number : xxxx6729 Routing number :124001545[/B]

There are two ways to link a BA: instant (instant) and using minideposits (miniks). For an instant link, we only need a login and password from online banking. for a link via mini-deposits, we will need to break through Account / Routing numbers. In most cases, the AD is linked by an instance.

There are two main types of accounts in the United States: CHECKING and SAVING. Similar Bank accounts: this is a checking account and a savings account. There are also Loan, Credit, and similar accounts, but we are not interested in them.

Google voice - Gmail mail with a virtual US number attached to it, we use it when registering, and we can also accept SMS messages if we have an invoice.

Virtual Credit Card - a virtual credit card that can be used to pump up self-rating with small transactions, recently they are used less and less often, and also serves to increase the limits and trust of the stick to the account.

Portable browser - a browser that is not installed on the system, all its data is in one folder and you can have, for example, 50 folders with Google Chrome on one PC.

Google Chrome -

Mozilla Firefox -

We have dealt with the components of self-registration, so you can proceed to registration.

1) Portable browsers for each selfreg + tunnels (or VPN)

By base, we mean the physical machine on which the English version of Windows is installed, preferably 10.

2) Browser anti-detect + tunnels \ sockets \ VPN

3) Virtual machine + portablebrowsers + tunnels \ Socks \ VPN

4) Dedicated servers homework with a hidden account (expensive pleasure)

5) Linken Sphere

Registration process
Let's look at the main way to register a self-report, via the main page step by step.



Business accounts are similar to employees, and they are also attached to BA and cards. The difference accounts have in the monthly limits of the withdrawal amount (in business accounts from 1 thousand rubles).$ and higher, shown in notifications), verification features, and the ability to accept payments via merch (not available in personal accounts). We choose Personal.

Next, we enter the first and last name from full info, and create a password for our email address.


We also fill in by entering the address from full info and enter your GV or textnow number.


Next, we get this window, click on the PayPal icon in the upper-left corner.


Here is our PP account, just a few steps left. Click on the Wallet tab.



Click on the Link a bank account field.


We get a list of banks, choose our own, I have a chase.


As you can see, everything is intuitive here, we enter the log\pass from the BA.


Next, we are waiting for two outcomes of events: either the bank will be connected immediately (instantly), this happens in most cases, or it will ask you to enter account and routing numbers.

The first item that appears is a list of invoices. There may be several of them.


Here we have only one account linked to the BA.
With our Bank, a request for acc and route numbers in 80% of cases means that this account is already tied to a PayPal.


If the BA is linked to the PP the maximum number of times (maxlink), then it will give us an error and tell us about it, most sellers change this material.


And you can find out the account and routing numbers using the breakdown service or by digging into the browser code yourself, I think there will also be an article.

Send a request, Bank\breakdown type\username and password from the BA.

If we link the BA using acc and route numbers, then 2 small amounts up to$ 1 will be debited from our BA, the same mini-deposits, for example, 0.14 and 0.48, usually they arrive within three days. There are not many good services for checking the balance and receipt of minideposits. Here are a couple of services that work,, apps for phone M1 Finance (balance), Clarity Money (balance), Exeq (minideposits balance, Dave (minideposits balance), Truebill (minideposits balance), Empower (minideposits balance), Chime (balance) and many others.

Breaking through anything related to BA
If everything went well, we will see confirmation of the BA binding.


Then you just need to finish verifying our account, confirm your email, SSN+EXT, and phone number. I hope you won't have any problems with your email or phone number.

SSN+EXT we confirm via the add money button[/B], this can be done both before linking the bank and after, I strongly recommend doing this before linking the bank, how? It will be shown in the video, this is necessary in order to immediately find out whether we have a good fullz or not.


We fill in all the same data from fullz, the date of birth and the last 4 digits of the SSN.


We don't touch the next page that opens after clicking Confirm. Well, our selfreg is ready, we have linked the BA and confirmed the mail.


Registration is finished. Now let's look at what types of work there are with self-regs.

Types of debits:

E-check - debit occurs on the second day, and ACH transfer goes on for another 3 days. on the 5th day (the day of clearing the e-check can be seen by clicking on the transaction), the seller will receive money after clearing the e-check and send the product.


Instant debiting from the BA occurs as in the paragraph above, and since PP trusts you, it credits you, and the seller receives payment immediately and sends the product.

1) Work under Ref (Refund)

We can't immediately merge money from the BA, but we can merge money from the balance sheet. To do this, we will make purchases on eBay or in stores and then cancel the order, but not immediately. As we remember, the stick has 2 statuses, Pending и Complete. If the transaction is returned with the Pending status, the money will be returned to the BA balance, and if the status is complete, it will be returned to the stick balance.

Remember if the payment was completed:

With CC, the ref will fall back to CC.

With a BA check that is in the complete-will fall on the balance.

With BA e-check who is in pending - back to BA.

With BA instant - for 5 days on the balance.[/B]

Not all sellers on eBay accept payment with a BA, how do I find out?

Go to the desired product and view the delivery and payment data.


We need such an icon for the seller, this is an old diz. He's still dating.


In the new design, the BA icon is not visible. you can find it by the label under the payment methods.


If this label is present, then there is no BA payment.

Or use the extension for Mozilla, then the payment methods will be displayed directly in the list of products, the extension works on the latest versions of the browser.


It is advisable to choose the cheapest delivery, so that the seller does not have time to send it before we write to them about the cancellation.

2) DEPOSIT to the balance.

This direction is more complicated because antifraud sticks are much more loyal to purchases than to deposits. Deps are not given so often and the chances of a limit are high. It is done as follows:



3) Buying staff and gifts

We register an account on eBay with the same data and add another address-ours and try to shop. Or we work as with brutus PP, indicating our address in the shops. We buy gifts and give them to scoops either on

Selfreg build-up
This is the most important thing in working with self-regs, a lot depends on the correct build-up, the following was revealed experimentally:

The PayPal doesn't care about your state.

The PayPal doesn't care if your IP is blacked out or not.

The PayPal doesn't care what time you work.

The PayPal doesn't care what time zone you have set.

PayPal all the same on your Windows and webrtc.

But still, the more natural your system is, the better.

The main problem after registering a payment plan is that the PayPal does not see the BA and offers to add the CC when making a payment there are many ways to force it to do this.


Send from the upgraded acc PP.

Fill in a small amount on the balance and pump it with transits.

Withdrawal of a small amount of $ 1-3 from the balance to the BA.

Donate (services that accept donations, etc. search in Google (donate via PayPal).

Driving in an IP address from <URL> sometimes helps the PayPal to see the BA.

And of course, the rest period is 3-10 days, so the stick doesn't have much trust in the new PP accounts.

As well as combinations of all the above actions.

As I do: Registration-Donate-eBay. If the Bank sees the donation, we try a small amount up to $ 10 in eBay, if the BA does not see it in eBay, we postpone it for 3-5 days and try again. Over time, most self-regs will see the Bank, some may take several months.

We pump it in small transactions to eBay or shops. As a result, if you slowly swing the ACC, you can go to normal amounts and start making stuff or refund. Or you can immediately try large amounts, some self-registers give immediately. However, do not focus on one account, if it dies, you will be left with nothing. It is better to manipulate several at the same time, in this case, there will be MUCH more chances of successful purchases. And it's easier to understand how a stick behaves.

How many self-regs should I do? The more the better, no less than 20 is for sure, make it a rule to register several pieces every day,[/B] while working in parallel in other areas, after a certain time you will receive a sufficient number of giving self-regs and will be able to fully devote yourself to this direction.

A huge role is played by cookies if you are not portable browser, always save before leaving them and download before entering the ACC, this is the extension from the browser, is as important IP, it is desirable that he has not changed, as we remember from the article about brutus PP if the stick has given us a midrange that if you go through the day from the same IP, MF will be gone. We think and experiment.

Sometimes, if the fullz is good, the stick can give us a loan called BML (Bill Me Later). But it is very difficult to work with him, and it is very difficult to merge somewhere, personally I have never worked with him, I can't say anything.

The build-up is not limited to those areas that are listed here, these are just a few of the main ones. Experiment with it! There are a lot of craftsmen whose self-registration is given immediately after the registration of 1000+$ in eBay, and their topics also lie somewhere on the surface, so try something non-standard and sooner or later you will find a loophole.

Ways to cash out your balance

1) Purchase of gifts and stuff.

2) Withdrawal of a Bank account to selfreg, this is one of the ways that cashiers use. You either send a send to their swinging selfreg, or they link their BA to your account and you withdraw money to it. Cashiers take an average of 40-50% of the amount for themselves. This is the easiest way to cash out your selfreg balance.

3) Work with bitcoin exchanges, such as virwox.

4) Sending funds via a pad (another us or European PP account) to <url> selfreg, with subsequent withdrawal either to the card or to exchangers.

5) Fill in empty email and sell it to the same cashiers, we send it to any email address that is not registered in the PP. When registering a self-register for it, the amount of the deposit will fall to the balance, and the same will happen when linking this email to a ready-made self-register.

1) Easy - accept SMS, change password, change secrets, - removed easily and quickly

2) Average - passport\id, statements with VCC \ BA, proof of address - 1-2 days or more, sometimes a call is required if it is not removed in 2 days.

3) Hard - here they ask for all possible documents, and the last point they want to hear an essay on the topic, what transactions, to whom, for what they made, the option of removing such a limit is 1%

A store has been created especially for you with everything you might need to work with self-regs, fullz, and textnow


1. free SMS reception: (send text messages to a random number once a week)

2. Where to buy a BA?

3. The BA is not linked by an instant, where can I check the minideposits?

4. When should I try to drive in/send?

You can immediately after registration, you can lie down for a day, as it is convenient for anyone, the main thing is not to jerk off accs much.

5. Should I disable web-rtc?

Without a difference.

6. Can I work without tunnels via VPN?

Not desirable, but possible.

7. Where can I buy tunnels? - there is a client for connecting to SSH, we look in the news section at the very bottom.

8. BA doesn't fit

Change it at the seller's.

9. when making a payment, it asks you to enter the CC number.

Take a few days off, donation.

Available on BA with balances up to$ 100, but this balance is at the time of the check and they cost $ 0.3, as we know holders are real people and they spend money or they receive deposits, so, having a small amount to start in selfregs, you can buy 13 such BA instead of one with a balance of 0.8-2K for $ 2, first we go and check them on personalkapital or another service and see if cardholder money comes and when they come, I'm sure of these 13 BA 1-3 PCs will initially be with balances of 1000+, and we are KNITTING those that have been replenished or will soon be replenished.



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Thank you for this article.But is VirWox the only btc exchange for paypal? Because Virwox died in 2020


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Yes, VirWox closed already. You can use this trust exchanger for PayPal < - > Bitcoin


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Self-registration warming up
The problem is that the stick immediately considers everyone to be a scam, even if it was registered by the most law-abiding person in America.

It is necessary to replenish our account in advance for a small amount for the first transactions, because there will not be a PP to write off from the attached BA immediately (see the transaction screenshot below).

Method 1: Donate.

There are no problems finding an office that accepts donations through PayPal. We search in Google: donate with PayPal / donate via PayPal and we crawl deeper into the search results, the less delayed the donate, the better. Donate 1 to 5 bucks to start with. Donations are not frequent.

Method 2: eBay.

The classic version of the buildup. It is problematic to find a suitable product, you have to tinker. The peculiarity is that you can not buy everything from self-registration, but only what is marked with the BANK icon in the Shipping and Payments section.

Now on the version, this icon has been removed and you need to search on the Canadian version (, and then switch to the American version ( on the same product, or by using an extension.

Here's an example - a typical product for the initial buildup of self-registration. Complete illiquid with BANK payment (from our BA tied to self-registration) .

We switch to the American version, change .ca to .com and buy this product to a fullz address. We are always looking for the most illiquid goods: nails, nuts, capacitors, spare parts for an unknown garbage.

Method 3: Other shops.

There are a lot of different shit shops on the Internet, slapped on the knee. We are looking for the most miserable, somewhere on the 30th page of Google's results. The goods - the worse the better: books, hijabs, horseshoes, coffins, etc.

My favorite option: shops on the BigCommerce engine, searched in Google for the request: inurl: giftcertificates.php site: .com We look at the distant search results pages. We buy at CH, amounts from $ 1 to $ 15.

Method 4: Send to trusted sellers.

Every time a payment is made to a shop or donate, you can see the email of the seller, and then send it there from different self-registers.

After each successful payment, we throw the self-tracking device into bed for 3-5 days. If nothing gives, also in a nap. We are gradually increasing the amount, purchases from 80 bucks can already be refunded.

We pay from the BA and usually hangs with the "Pending" status, which means that the PP is waiting for the bank to transfer the payment, and sometimes the PP gives the self-register some "credit of trust" and the payment immediately goes as "Complete", which means that the store is already got money from a PP, she credited us, that's a good sign. After lying down, you can safely increase the amount of driving.


Example of transactions during warm-up.


Example of transactions during warm-up.

Method 5: mini-deposits from trusted services.

In this case, there should be a small amount on the balance of the PP. We will accept transactions in the form of mini-deposits to our PayPal account, all these transactions will fall on the balance, besides, you can accept mini-deposits from large offices, which will increase the trust of PayPal, in this way you can swing your account by spending quite a bit of time.

We need a self-registration with an already confirmed SSN, the technique is simple and will be clear to everyone. We follow the link and order a MasterCard card from the holder. We are interested in Debit & Prepaid Cards, choose PayPal Cash Mastercard. Request Your Card.

Then we proceed as follows:

It is not advisable to change the address, since the stick may request a verification of the new address.

After we go to the account settings.



In the last screenshot you see the account and routing numbers, these are the details of your PayPal account, using these numbers you can bind a stick to hundreds of services, be it investment companies, crypto-exchanges, payment systems and much more, linking your account to 5 offices in 1-3 business of the day, you will receive 10 transactions, I do not advise you to do more per day, since there is a possibility of obtaining a limit, but it is easily removed. Thus, you will not only swing your account with transactions, but also get a small balance on the PP that you can spend on small purchases on cardholder, as well as for the buildup, or withdraw to the ba to increase the trust of the PP, so both created accounts and accounts that do not see BA for a long time.

You can also use the PP to withdraw BA self-registers or BA logs, many banks have been swearing at VCC for a long time, right there we have an account and routing from Wells Fargo, which increases the trust from banks.

Or create self-registers of pp without attached banks, swing and only then knit banks, so as not to be afraid of the limit and save on material.


Withdrawing funds from your PayPal account.
We have a grid of 7-10 self-registers, we slowly pumped them and at least half of them have already acquired several increasing tranches.

By type: $ 2> $ 23> $ 56

Method 1: Refund eBay.
Everything is the same as with the initial swing, we are looking for illiquid assets with BA payment and hit. Amounts from 80 to 150 bucks to begin with, and then increase up to $ 700. Amounts up to 100 bucks can fly in as a compliment, the rest, as usual, by pending.

If it's complete, then go to your personal account, find your order and click to contact the seller. We write off to him that he changed his mind to buy (reason). The amount for the order will be returned to our PayPal balance, but not immediately, but after 4-5 days.

If the payment turned out to be not a compliment, but hangs in the "pending" status, then we wait for day 4 and also unsubscribe to the seller that you want to refund. The sellers are now clever, and if the payment has already been cleared, then they can immediately send, or rather pretend that they have already sent. Therefore, we ask for a ref one day before clearing the payment!

How can I find out the exact date for clearing a payment? Click on the "Contact us" link in the basement of the PayPal main page, then we stomp into the "Resolution Center" section and there click on "Report a problem" and in the plate we see our transactions and status, where it will be seen when the payment is going to be "cleared".

Method 2: Other shops.
I recommend looking for shops on the BigCommerce engine, there are many shops with wild illiquid assets and minimal antifraud. We refuel in the same way as eBay, only we already write or call the shop itself the day before the e-check is cleared. Any amount is possible, I got $ 1500 in one payment. But smaller is better so as not to attract attention.

Method 3: send to your rocked self-register.
There is a risk that if the limit for one self-register arrives, then the second one will fly away along the chain. This probability can be reduced by sending the send as a "gift". On a swinging self-register, the chance of depressing increases, although still not more than 25%, according to my feelings.

Method 4:
Buy a cue ball from a stick. While the wonderful service is alive, you can and should use it! The method is as follows: we register, buy local SLL candy wrappers from the balance of the stick, then change them to BTC and put them on withdrawal. Only we do not fuss much and do not twitch, the office was badly battered with the PP brute, which means they had to return a lot of money to the legitimate owners of PP accounts. Don't do this! Only self-registers! The office, of course, has limits, you can cash out no more than $ 110 per day, but when small amounts come to the fore at first, this is an ideal option. Well, the limits are accelerated gradually, which is also useful.

Method 5:
Register on a VCC fulllz, tie it to a stick and remove it from it. Everything lies on the surface, you just need not be lazy to test new services.

Method 6: Paysend and similar offices.


A similar method will give up to $ 250 at a time.
Each time we withdraw $ 250 on the same card, no more than $ 250 on one account. If it has stopped giving to this card, it means that you screwed it up, we make a new account, a new IP and get a new output card, do not forget to register a new Movo every time.

To do this, you need left cards, but if there is no money, at first you can pour on your own. Usually the transfer fee is 4-7 $. A promo code with which it will be possible to pour without a commission, 1 promo code for 1 account - RKASSA

If it doesn't work the first time, try to reduce the amount by a couple of bucks, it happens that there is simply not enough money for Movo.

This is how working with PayPal looks like.
Of course, there are many more nuances, for example:
  • how to reduce the number of limits;
  • how to draw self-register out of the limit;
  • how and where to get the right materials for self-registration;
  • how to properly configure the system;
  • what is better for working with a PP: socks, tunnels or RDP;
  • how to break through the BA routing and accounting, if it does not exist;
  • how to increase the chance to instantly add BA to the stick;
  • how to break through micro-deposits if the BA did not get attached by the instant;
The best assistant in the buildup of self-registers is time.

Your PP. This is my personal way.
1. We need a Ru PP. The left bank card, with the support of the client's bank. Left sim card. Passport data. We register with vpn Nord or Windscribe and fill in all the data. We give a rest in 3 days. Then we tie the bank from the savings bank and the card. We give a rest in 5 days. Now you need to throw $5 on the left card. After paying for something on the eBay with this stick to give a fuck. That's it, the PP ready to receive your money)
2. As soon as you have money on the self-register, you simply transfer it to your PP, then put it on the withdrawal and then transfer it from the savings bank to the btc.
Is it safe to work with this scheme?! I think that it is quite, but it is not necessary to transfer more than $ 100 in this way from 1 PP. Moderate your appetites. You must have restraint, if you don’t have it, you don’t have reasonable boundaries, go rob Sberbank right away, because nothing will help you, no security at all.
Further, I cash out through the exchange There you must find a BTC seller who will accept a send from you, without requiring an ID or state or any other document. There comes out cashed from 45% -85%.

Output to vcc. We use We download a program like Nox. We put vpn / tun / socks. Download from google play. We register there, I will throw off the registration process for you. Next, there will be a tab with the bank, it will need to be linked and confirmed with mines. After your grandmothers are on the balance sheet of the self-register, you can safely display them there. Then go to and transfer there by transfer, this same money

Cashiers, they can be found on forum, but they can be scammed, there are verified, there are private ones. It is best to search for them on carding forum, see that the theme is checked. I can give contacts in HP, I will not give them to lectures. People change and it is not clear whether you can be thrown today or tomorrow. Therefore, I give cashiers, only when I myself transfer a certain amount through them.
Now about the buildup.
Now there will be a lot of letters about the buildup, so get ready.
We have 3 PP, let's call them: "A1", "A2", "A3".
On the A1 PP, we throw $ 9 dollars from the exchanger. From it we send $ 2 to the A2 stick and also send it to the A3 stick. Relaxing the A1 stick for 3 days. Next From PPA2 and A3 we buy something for eBay for $ 1, if you want, you can do a ref, I don’t.
Then we transfer from PP A3 to PP A2 1 $ and the same from PP A2 to A3. We throw them in a lodge for 3 days. Thereafter. We go to the A2 and A3 PP, put the invoice on the A1 PP, $ 2 each. We go to the A1 PP and pay for these invoices. Rest in 1 day for all PP. Next, we go to the A1 PP and buy something for $ 1 for eBay. Rest for A1 PP for 1 more day. And from PP A2 and A3 you try to buy something for 20 $ -30 $, (after setting the payment by the bank on all PP!), There should be a bank payment in the e-check and the confirm button should be lit and the button should be lit. the bank, with invoices, is the same, it is called a swinging stick, which simply offers to pay for something, with such an attribute as BA. If it gives to pay, then it is a giving PP. You can google about the invoice, it's very easy. This is an example of a buildup as it happens. You can combine the buildup in different ways, there was an example above. You can transfer from the A1 PP to the A2 PP and vice versa, so it will not be effective all week, because only two PP are involved, but it will also be swinging. (Build up for 8 days and $ 10)


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A good article for beginners, in fact, you can try to beat a Chinese shop with an e-check and ask for a refund. Then send to the linked BA(this is instead of accepting $ from exchangers to your balance)

So, what we need is:
1) Google Voice = 2$
2) VCC with a small balance (2-30$) = 2-10$
3) BA (for training you can take 1-3k) Chase = 2-4$
4) RDP homework with admin rights ( something that a beginner should start with) = $5
5) Fullz for the state and preferably the city of RDP = 0.6$

Okay, we sawed down self-reg, what should we do next?

1) Go to the add money button, enter our data, that's it. You can try to immediately dep, sometimes flies.
2) We give you an overnight stay of 2-3 days, in order to allow the stick to process the data we entered from fullz.
3) We return, shop in chinashop for 20-30$ to the address CH
4) We lie down for 2-5 days, accept payment from a trusted member of the pp ( I'll tell you about it at the end)
5) We lie down for 2-3 days, accept payment from another trusted member
6) We lie down for another 2-3 days, here you can make a dep of 185% of the received amounts, that is, if you received $ 25 + $ 30, then you can make a dep of$100
7) Okay, we are waiting for 5 or 7 days, depending on the day on which the dep was made, the stick processes the payment only on business days (from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays)
8) We go in, check out, go out, lie down for 1-2 days
9) We merge 80% of our amount on the balance wherever you want, personally, I merge the cashier, for me, it's easier, since I don't really want to mess with the clothes
10) We got the first profit and recaptured all our expenses, at least + we got a self-review that gives us a self-review, from which in the future, with a successful combination of circumstances ( inactive BA holder, holidays where fraud is greatly weakened ) you can multiply the amount of dep and drain several times, respectively.
11) We continue to do the same, while not forgetting about sleeping off and, accordingly, receiving money from a trusted account.
12) If you are lucky, our self-reg will become a trusted memeber in 2-5 months of life ( a rather controversial period, but I noticed it on the roulette wheel when I was doing white affairs )
14) See end


1) Trusted member - a rocked acc pp that the pp trusts very much. What can it be ? For example, the white account of a real amer who periodically makes purchases, business sticks, offices that pay out on PayPal (iwriter, jvzoo, fiverr), I personally receive these payments by selling my services on foreign sites. Everyone has their own ways. Be very careful with the offices, many have their own security services that monitor payments from new accounts (iwriter)

2) One well-known person (the one whose name can not be called) said that dep is a fraudulent operation. Personally, I haven't noticed it yet, but maybe he's right

3) But papal on that and papal that there are a lot of problems with it, such as (which I personally encountered) limits due to the use of fullz on several accs (the holder may already have a pp account, the fullz seller is not honest, the fulka was merged several times, etc.), you can not check the purity of the grandfather, whether he was used before in the pp, etc., the death rate of grandfathers.

4) This manual was checked for 5 self-regs, worked on 4. I hit the limit by 1, since the holder already had an acc in the pp, also with a negative balance ( but I put$700 on it)

5) The manual also works with large amounts, but this is more likely for people who do not need this manual itself

6) Only one way to create and build up was described, in fact there are thousands of them, starting from using real cc, which we use to break through ssn+dob + reg on the real amer number, ending with the creation of self-regs with ru ip, I repeat, everyone has their own methods

7) Average expenses for 3 self-reviews ( it is better not to create less ) is equal to$ 45, the amount can vary in both directions

8) This manual was a generalization of my knowledge, which I took from the branch and archive + my experience, all this, in principle, is public information that can be found in the branch.

9) I repeat once again, I do not pretend to be absolutely true, this manual was created for beginners, and for me, in fact, in order to summarize my knowledge and remember something.

PS: In my example, I used a rocked steering wheel, which was bent after 35 send for pumping, be careful!

Thank you all for your attention, I will attach screenshots for clarity from 1 self-reg.



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I've already said that this is my favorite topic, so I'll start with it. Yes, and it seems that there are no people on the channel, but they constantly write in the personal account, so in order for me not to be particularly distracted, here is a brief manual on PayPal self-regulation.
I think you should start with the terms that you will have to deal with while working with a PP:

Palka, Stick - PayPal payment system.

* CH (Cardholder) - card holder of a bank account, in our case it can also be applied to the owner of a full account.

* Full Info - information about a specific citizen. Provided in the NAME || ADDRESS || CITY || STATE || ZIP || PHONE || EMAIL || DOB || SSN format.

ZIP code is an analog of our index.
DOB (Day of Birthday) - birthday.
SSN - Social Security Number) - an analog of our INN. Important, do not confuse with the phone number, remember in the number-10 digits, in SSN - 9!
MMN (Mother's Maiden Name) - mother's maiden name. Of course, it is not required for self-monitoring, but in many areas it is necessary information. It is made separately.
DL (Driver License) - a driver's license, also an optional document and is also issued separately.

* BA (Bank Account) - the actual bank account from which you will merge the balance. The price depends on the bank itself and the balance sheet. On average, BA with a balance of 2-3k, 3-5k costs $ 3-5.

* VCC (Virtual Credit Card) - a virtual credit card-Sberbank-online, roughly speaking. Also used in self-regs, you will not need it yet.

* GV (Google Voice) - to register a PP, you will need a mobile phone number, Google Voice will help you here, it is long-lived and reliable, but it costs ~ $ 3. Fortunately, this is not the only service, there are more The service is free, but you need to send a text message once a week so that the number doesn't die.

SSH — you are already familiar with this friend.

Remember everything? Excellent. Let's move on.
I will not repeat that the tunnel \ RDP and number are needed for the fullz stuff.

So, you bought everything you need, went to the RDP or tunnel, and then? And then you need to register the mail to which we will register the stick. In general, there is no radical difference in the choice of mail, unless it is, of course, rambler or I hope you understand that the mail must match KX. I prefer\

And here you are registering, for example, on hotmail, and it asks you to enter and confirm your phone number. It is clear that you should not write to your mobile phone, so keep the service for receiving sms messages for you - (I want to note that I will provide all links not as advertising, but in order to simplify your torment.)

However, there is a small trick to avoid paying for a temporary number. Before registering Yandex. Mail, make sure that the name for registration is available, but don't rush to register. Go to and register an account with the intended email address, since there is no confirmation required to get the number, there will be no problems. In general, you received a number on TextNow and use it to verify your email. Not always of course, but it saves a little money. Life hack.
Fine, half the job is done.

Go to the site and we start registering a personal account. It is personal, not business. Actually, we carefully enter the data from fullz, enter it with pens — no copy-paste. Antifraud is quite a sensitive thing. Next, enter the email address and phone number that we already have.

Voila! It remains to verify the account and link the BA.

We go to your email address, see an email from PayPal asking you to verify your e-mail, kindly grant the request and most likely the mobile phone verification window will immediately pop up, and also follow the on-screen instructions. If the mobile phone confirmation window doesn't pop up, go to your PayPal account settings and go through verification there. For complete happiness, you can add an SSN, which you will find in fullz.

That's it, selfreg is ready. We postpone it and make another 150 pieces. It's not a joke, if anything. How to work with self-regs in the following articles.