[PAY LATER] Amazon Refund & Double-Dip Service


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Do you want to receive all the products you want at home for FREE by ordering them from Amazon as you always have?
You got it right, all the products you want, even if they cost more than $ 1000 !!

Let me introduce myself...

I'm the_refunder, one of the best in refunds and double-dip on Amazon.

For those who do not know me, or for those who do not know the refund and double-dip service on Amazon, I will explain it to you in a few words.

Thanks to my service you can get a 100% refund paid to Amazon, or you can even get the same product twice + a 100% refund (Double-Dip)

In practice, you will get the ordered product for FREE!

You can quickly and easily earn a lot of money!

The only things you will need to do are:
  • Contact me privately
  • Order the product after my ok
  • Fill out a questionnaire that I will send you in chat (you must send me the questionnaire via https://privnote.com/ to avoid misunderstandings)
  • Wait for the email from amazon confirming the refund
  • Only after receiving the refund confirmation email, pay the chosen service in BTC

How much does the service cost?
  • 100% full refund -> I only ask for 35% of the total price of the product
  • Double-dip -> I only ask you 55% of the total price of the product

PS: The payment will take place when you receive the refund confirmation email from amazon. (Don't fool me because I can safely contact amazon again and cancel your refund)

Does it work with all products and even if my Amazon account is new?

It does not work with all types of products.

If your account was created at least 6 months ago and has an order history (at least 2 orders) you can easily double-dip.

If your account is new or has 0 orders placed in the past, you must follow my instructions and you can also double-dip.

  • If the account has little history of orders, the product can have a maximum cost of $ 1000
  • If the account has a lot of order history, the product can have a maximum cost of $ 2500
  • The product can be ordered from all amazon warehouses (USA - UK - FR - IT etc.)
  • The product must at least be shipped by amazon

  • You must follow the instructions that I will give you in chat and only then can you proceed with the order of the product to be refunded
  • The product can cost up to $ 600
  • The product can be ordered from amazon USA - UK - DE
  • The product must at least be shipped by amazon

  • If the account has little history of orders, the product can have a maximum cost of $ 1000
  • If the account has a lot of order history, the product can have a maximum cost of $ 1500
  • The product can be ordered from amazon USA - UK - DE
  • The product must be sold and shipped by amazon

  • You must follow the instructions that I will give you in chat and only then can you proceed with the order of the product to be refunded
  • The product can cost up to $ 600
  • The product can be ordered from amazon USA - UK - DE
  • The product must be sold and shipped by amazon

PS: I will ask you to access the amazon account in order to access the chat with assistance on your behalf. After the confirmation email you can easily change your password.

ATTENTION: do not try to do all this by yourself because if you don't know what to say or do you will get in trouble! Trust those who know and understand!

Contact Me
  • Chat: the_refunder @ 404.city (delete the spaces) - OTR ACTIVATED
  • PM



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I am receiving many messages in chat where you ask me if with your amazon account it is possible to do a double-dip ..

I answer you here, in order to clarify this thing:

1- I have published the list of requirements to check if your account is eligible for a double-dip
2- even if the account is new, I'll tell you what to do to double-ip (of course the product will have a lower price limit because amazon doesn't have much confidence)
3- it doesn't take long to understand that if an account is old and has order history, amazon has much more confidence
4- with my personal accounts I also triple-dip, but the success rate is 75/80%, which is why I don't sell this service. So don't ask me for triple-dip


Reaction score
I am receiving many messages in chat where you ask me if with your amazon account it is possible to do a double-dip ..

I answer you here, in order to clarify this thing:

1- I have published the list of requirements to check if your account is eligible for a double-dip
2- even if the account is new, I'll tell you what to do to double-ip (of course the product will have a lower price limit because amazon doesn't have much confidence)
3- it doesn't take long to understand that if an account is old and has order history, amazon has much more confidence
4- with my personal accounts I also triple-dip, but the success rate is 75/80%, which is why I don't sell this service. So don't ask me for triple-dip


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Refund & Replace on Amazon. Manual 2021.
Today we are going to deal with Refund in rather unusual ways. Surely everyone who sits in the "special" telegram publics is somehow familiar with this word. In short, Refund is the return of money from goods that were received from marketplaces (Aliexpress, Amazon, Asos, Ebay, etc.)
The return occurs through a dispute (aka a dispute), in which the buyer, seller and mediator (an employee of the site, in this case acting as a judge) participate. The latter decides on the return (or non-return) of the money.

It works as follows - I bought a product, received it, fucked up technical support, left the product for myself, received a refund.

Today you will learn how to get huge benefits from working with Amazon, applying only the skills of social engineering. You can get up to 400% income on your investments.


Amazon is arguably the easiest store to use social engineering. You can use it to train your social engineering skills, and then use your knowledge in almost any store.

We knock out a discount
The first task for the smallest referees, which develops social engineering skills in record time. Have you ever wondered whether it is possible to refund a product even before paying for the order? Or maybe about how to use SI to reduce the price of the thing you need?

Let's go!
The whole scheme is actually tied to gift cards (hereinafter - GC from "Gift Card") and on your SI. You must have GC for some amount less than what you want to buy (or you can pretend that you have it).


We pretend to be a helpless stratum of the population (there will be an example at the end) and start bothering the supports: we ask you to lower the price, because we really need to buy a video card for studying this product. Most likely, they will lower the shipping cost and offer you to pay with a new price. You keep saying that you still don't have enough money to pay for the goods. Press that it is for "noble" purposes (not for personal).
You can also inform the support that it "gives you an error" when paying (by analogy with the screenshot).


In the end, you will be given money for your Promotional balance and you can spend it.

You are a student from the Rotting States of America. You just need to buy a $ 110 calculator, but you only have a $ 80 GC. We poke into support and ask to lower the price, do not forget to remind you that you are a student and that you need this calculator for learning purposes.
You can also write that your payment does not work, the system gives an error: "Your $ 80.00 gift card or promotional balance is less than your order total of $ 110.00. Please choose an additional form of payment to continue".
Keep insisting that you don't have enough money to pay. Sooner or later it will lead to something.

Important note: tell the support that you do not have a bank card, so you are trying to pay for the order using your only GC.

As a result, we are credited with $ 30 for our Promotional balance per account.


Refund preparation
First you need to choose the right product.
To be able to use the methods described below, one condition must be met: the product must be Sold and Dispatched by Amazon or Fullfilled by Amazon.

For example:
- Sony PS4 Sold and dispatched by Amazon - ok
- Sony PS4 Sold by ABC Store and fullfilled by Amazon - ok
- Sony PS4 Sold by ABC Stoe and fullfilled by ABC Store - no good

There are many Amazons. American, English, French, Italian. For example, in German it looks like this:
  1. Verkauf durch "store name" und Versand durch Amazon
  2. Verkauf und Versand durch Amazon


If it's not clear, we use a translator. Next, we apply my methods.

First, you need to figure out what kind of Amazon support service is, tk. it is they who will help us get additional goods and money.

1. The customer agent (communication difficulty level - easy)
The easiest way for them to get a refund is because they have the authority to issue it right away. Be aware that they have a money limit on which they are eligible to issue refunds. Usually it is $ 350.

2. The Investigators (communication difficulty level - medium)
I sometimes hate these people because they know they owe you a refund or replacement, but they deliberately delay the process. They usually investigate, but fortunately for us, only an internal one. It includes only their warehouses and executive centers.

3. Account Specialists (communication difficulty level - hard)
Try to avoid these guys as much as possible. They are the hardest to deal with. And if you have brought the process to them, then sometimes it is simply unrealistic to receive a refund or replacement of goods.

In my personal experience, I had to communicate with them only three times, and once they refused me to replace the product. In general, try not to bring the process to the point that Account specialists start communicating with you.

Many are aware of some of the reasons why you can ask for a refund or replacement for your order. Some information is already in the public domain, and I'm not here to tell you to use the "empty box" method. Nevertheless, this method is also present in the list, since it still works. I will help you adapt to any situation and make the right decision.

You should contact the support service only when it is indicated on your Amazon account that the goods have been delivered.
There are 4 main methods through which you can get a refund or replacement.

1. Empty box
The method is quite simple - say that you opened the box, and it turned out to be empty. It is also important to inform that the box was intact and there were no signs of opening on it when you opened it. This method should be used carefully when the goods have been delivered using UPS or FEDEX. These companies clearly update the information about the package, wherever it is. UPS and FEDEX almost always weigh packages before and after delivery. Once the courier even photographed my drop along with the package and the scales, when I returned $ 10,000 worth of goods from this address. But that was in the past, now with the help of this method it is difficult to get huge refunds, nevertheless, this technique should be in your arsenal.


2. The package did not arrive
This method is quite successful because it's hard enough to prove whether YOU received the package or not. To use this method, make sure everything has been done correctly beforehand. Shipping should be slowest, free or standard usually means shipping using USPS. This is the best company for our method, because most often the package does not have tracking, and if it does, then it is almost never updated. They also allow you to receive a parcel without a signature. And yet, you can always call USPS and ask that the package be left on the porch or behind the house.

3. Unauthorized transaction
This method also received a lot of returns, but we should be careful with it, because this puts your account at risk, where your account can be frozen or blocked. This method can be used when you have already made several orders. Make a purchase to a different address, otherwise there will be no logic in this. Next, you contact support and inform that the transaction was not authorized, thereby receiving the money back, and receiving the parcel at a different address.

4. Problems with packaging
This is my favorite type of deception, because here you can give free rein to imagination. From my experience, I can give the following examples:
  1. There were some insects and parasites in the box that spoiled the package
  2. There were a lot of some little bones in the box
  3. There was something like shit in the box, absolutely everything was smeared with it. I don't need such a package. How does a service like Amazon allow itself to do this?
  4. Everything in the box was sprinkled with some kind of powder, it smelled very strange, I don't know what it is, but maybe it was some kind of narcotic substance. I don't want to get in trouble with the police, so I threw out all the contents. What is it, YOUR MOTHER.

Don't be afraid to experiment, and most importantly, never be shy. Shout, freak out, in general, behave as if it really happened. After all, I do not think that if they sent you a package all in shit, you would calmly talk with support.

Now that you know the main ways to get a refund or refund, I will tell you one more very important thing.
You have 3 contact methods with Amazon support: email, live chat and call.

1. E-mail
This is the worst communication method because they have 24 hours to respond, and during this time anything can happen. This delays the process of solving the problem very much.

2. Live chat
This is a much better way than e-mail, because all actions take place right at the moment, but nevertheless, the service worker has time to think or consult with the supervisor and find the optimal solution.


3. Call.
This is the best way. Here you can always finish off a person from the support service. You can also convey your displeasure to him with the help of shouts and emotions. The employee will not have a lot of time to think, and you can take full advantage of this. If your knowledge of English does not allow you to "put pressure" on the operator, use the call service, which costs 5-10 dollars. You can ask me for contacts.

You: Hello, Amazon. I just received my order. I waited it for a quite awhile and I'm extremely disappointed on how my order was handled. I just got the box, however the item was missing inside. Does this happen with amazon all the time?

Amazon: Hello Sir. No, we usually do not get these type of problems with our customers. However, in order for me to help you, please provide your order number and your account name.
You: “account name” + “order number” + “billing information” What should I do next? A friend of mine ordered from Amazon and this happened to him too.
Amazon: Since this order is a huge amount, I can't refund you, instead we must send this to our investigation team, so that you can be further assessed with. We will do our best to resolve all your problems.
You: (in such a situation, there is a difference between a call and a live chat, because during a conversation you can continue to pressure the employee with high quality) I worked with a courier company before. And in order to speed up the process, I actually called them today and they told me that they only delivered what Amazon gave them. In fact, they can't do anything about it anymore and they told me that the item was lost in transit.
Amazon: before we process to the refund, can you please tell us the condition of the box when you received it? Where there any dents or damages to the box or was there any sign of it being tampered?
You: The box was perfectly packed. There was no sign of any alteration to it, not a single sign of any form of theft to it. I only got the box and the invoice inside. It's just that the item is missing from the box, which makes it really weird.
Amazon: Thank you for that information. Do you prefer refund or can we ship the new item to you?
You: New item, please, since I still need it.
Amazon: Ok, you will get information about your item soon on your e-mail. I really hope, that you are satisfied with the solution that we found. And here's another 5 $ promo for you, because we value our clients.

1. Replacement + money back
To do this, ALWAYS ask for a replacement first. If you receive an empty box, say that you want to receive this item anyway. If you used the “package was not received” method, tell them that you will do everything possible on your part to get the package this time. Try to mix. That is, if the parcel did not arrive the first time, the second time you say that the box was empty, and you can already ask for a refund.

2. Two replacements + money back.
It will not be so easy for a beginner to do this. This will require you to work hard. First, you need to ask for 2 replacements. You can use "empty box" and "did not arrive". To receive a refund, you need to contact Amazon when your package is on its way and inform them to leave the goods on the porch. It is best to call on the day the package is due to arrive. Now you need to call the courier directly and ask them to deliver the goods to another point, not far from the first place. Sign not with your own signature, and then declare that the package was stolen.

3. Three replacements + money back.
This method is completely for extreme lovers, and nevertheless, I managed to crank it more than once. Do the same as in the previous method. Now use the following method. Change the address slightly when specifying the address. For example, if you live on the 3rd floor, indicate the 4th floor. If you live in 12 apartments, indicate 22. You can also change one letter in the address. The courier will figure out where to take the goods, but you will refer to the Amazon service that the goods were never delivered and ask for a refund.

1. First of all, say that you yourself have already contacted the courier service, and they cannot do anything about it, or, on the contrary, call the courier service and say that you have never received the parcel, because when they brought the package, you were not in the country at all. You can also press on pity and say that the product was for your son for his birthday. How would they feel if you were?
2. You can play the role of the victim. Tell them that you bought an item on Amazon to sell it on Ebay in order to earn some money. And now, when you have not received the goods, you have suffered losses and you will not be able to pay for the rent of the apartment.
3. You can inform that soon you are leaving for Uganda on a mission to help children, and you will be without the Internet, and this package is very important on this trip, so return the money and buy it more expensive in the store. In this case, in addition to a refund, you may also be given a coupon for $ 5-50.

In some places, did you make a mistake? It happens, but it's fixable. Account Specialist deals with the reverse opening of an account, it is rather difficult to solve problems with him, but this is real. The main thing is to understand why your account was closed. This may be due to the use of a left credit card or left documents, as well as they found a relationship with other accounts, where violations have already been found.
So, what can you tell a support to try to access a closed account:

1. I would like to copy the data of the sent parcels.
You ask Amazon for information about your packages. Despite the fact that your account is closed, if you ask very much and ask respectfully, there is a possibility that they will open it.

2. I would like to record all transactions in order to fill in the correct tax return.
This method can be used at the end of the month and especially at the end of the year. Tell them that you really need your account details to fill out your tax return correctly, otherwise you may run into problems and be fined heavily. It can also be said that the insurance company requires all bills from you to calculate the cost of insurance or to cover some of the payments. Speak in clever words, in most cases, support people do not understand anything about this, and if possible, they will open your account.

3. One account for the whole family (In English, this is called a family-shared account)
Please inform Amazon that many family members use this account because do not know how to use a computer well. The main thing here is to sound sincere and to pretend that you are aware of the rules of Amazon. Just tell them that lately you have not had the opportunity to follow what your family members are doing on this account, and now it turns out that you cannot get into your account. They will tell you that it is forbidden to share one account with someone else, and in response, you will say that naturally they will not do this anymore, and you will help your loved ones make an account.

4. My account has been used by someone else.
We can say that you went on vacation or business trip for a month, and did not use your account to concentrate on vacation or work. And today, when you try to log into your account 11, you get an access error. For the sake of persuasiveness, you can say that you only wanted to order diapers for the unborn child, but as evil you cannot get into your account.


1. Other residents
If Amazon does not allow sending to the specified address, tell me that some bloggers previously lived at this address, who probably constantly ordered something from Amazon. Tell them that you have nothing to do with them, and do not know what the problem may be.

2. Left guy
Say that an incomprehensible guy periodically appeared nearby and took the goods from the courier. Say that you do not know him, and perhaps he ordered something to your address, but you do not know anything about it.

3. Beginner
Introduce yourself as a complete newbie to the internet and inform that you have just moved. And tell me that the former tenant just yesterday picked up some parcel at this address. Tell them you don’t know anything about this tenant and let them know that you are ordering at this address yourself for the first time. You can add that tenants from your house / neighborhood also had problems with delivery to this address.

1. It is best to prepare a new account, or use the account from which you have not made a refund or replacement yet. Use a card that has not been used on Amazon before, otherwise additional verification will most likely be required.

2. Where to order:
To drop
This method is great because the address will be fresh and will not be on the blacklists. Further, you can ask to send the goods to RU, or send the goods to the buyer, or try to immediately find the buyer and send the goods to him.
This option is well suited for putting such a service on stream. To do this, you will need fresh drops and fresh white cards (do not pay with one card from 2 different accounts). If you are interested in the question of where to get white debit cards, I will help in the LAN, but in principle it is quite easy to search for it in Google.
For forwarding service (There are a lot of such services, if you need a list, ask in the LAN, I will give it out)
This option is also perfect for both personal use and for the sale of goods. The only thing, before ordering an unofficial forwarding service, is to find out if they can send it to it, because some transfers are on blacklists. And one more important aspect. In the forwarding service, you can easily underestimate the value of the goods, which can speed up the customs process.

Directly to your country
This is a less desirable method, and for good reasons:
You have to wait long enough for the parcel to reach you to start the return or refund procedure
There are not many goods that are sent directly to your country. There are many more positions that can be sent to the USA or the South Caucasus.
Fuss with customs. If the product costs less than 200 euros, then everything is ok, there will be no customs clearance. If the value of the goods is up to 1000 euros, then the customs will request documents about the recipient and about the ordered goods. You will need to provide this. If the product costs more than 1000 euros, then in addition to requesting documents, you will need to pay a 30% duty for an amount exceeding 1000 euros.
3. Make no more than 3 items of goods in one order.
4. Sometimes Amazon can ask for documents, this does not happen often, and there is nothing to worry about. This can be a bank statement, a photo of the card, where the last 4 digits of the card are visible (the rest can and should be covered up), and a document with a billing address (if you do it for yourself - no problem, if you can draw it to the left address, it costs 3- 10 dollars)
5. There is nothing illegal in this, you can safely make the goods for yourself, relatives, friends. In the worst case, your account will be blocked, and your address will be blacked out. Fortunately, we now know how to remove an address from such lists.

Once you've figured out the basics of social engineering, it's easy to do the same trick with other stores.
The site where you want to apply your knowledge of Social Engineering should say something like this.
This is a kind of guarantee that the company will send you the goods again or refund your money if there are problems with delivery.

Avoid companies that say the following:

This means that they will not pay you the money back or will send you anew if the package is lost. In general, by this they say that these are your problems, and we do not give a shit about you.
I bring to your attention a list of stores where I have successfully applied the above methods to get benefits:
[+] Amazon
[+] Footlocker
[+]] Vitacost
[+] Abercrombie
[+] Zumiez
[+] Urbanoutfitters (one item up to $ 150, higher amounts are being investigated)
[+] Nike (one item worth up to $ 150, investigations are underway for higher amounts, no longer gives to ru from the end of 2018)
[+] A1 Supplements
[+] Asos (gives in ru, but the above schemes are not suitable, only privatka)
[+] Vans
[+] Bodybuilding
[+] Blizzard
[+] Keurig

Here's a quick guide to multiacc. So, the first time you place an order for your data. You need:
- Account name;
- Email address;
- Delivery address and billing address (address of the bank that issued the card);
- Phone number;
- Card number;
- Net IP address

Name on the account - it is desirable that the name when registering an account coincides with the name of the Cardholder (card name). At this stage, you will encounter troubles, when adding a payment card, in addition to the card number and the expiration date of the card, Amazon also asks for the name of the holder of that same card. that is, ideally, write the first and last name.
One important point, the name of the cardholder is not verified, so if you have a virtual card or an unnamed card, you can specify absolutely any name. For example, the name as on the account or the name of the recipient of the parcel.
Many indicate the name on the account simply Andrey, and the Amazon support may also ask for the surname (which is indicated in the shipping address, or which is indicated as the name of the cardholder, or initially you wrote the surname, but I was only told the first name). You definitely need to know this name - for you Refund may take one more day.
For each new account, use the distortion of the first and last name, an example was given at the beginning of the article using the example of drops.

Email address is standard, new account = new email. A small note, perhaps someone still does not know this. New mail should be created from the name and surname that you indicate on your account. For example, if you indicated John Doe on your account, then create an email similar to [email protected]

Delivery address and billing address - Remember! Billing address in your country is not verified! You can specify billing always equal to shipping. If you send to an intermediary, then people do it differently: sometimes they indicate billing in ru, shipping of an intermediary, sometimes they indicate the same billing and shipping - an intermediary. And so and so refs go.
Each time, on each new account, you should have new billing and shipping addresses. Use the address distortion, which I indicated at the beginning of the article, and you can also specify the address of a neighboring street. It is important that the neighboring street that you indicated is close to your actual place of residence. If you just indicate the house number, then the courier will call you in 100% of cases. And when he calls, you can ask him to deliver the package to the address you need.
But even without waiting for the courier's call, you can take the initiative and call the local courier service office and ask to change the delivery address that is convenient for you (you can use the one that was already sent to you, the main thing for you is not to sleep in front of the Amazon).
Sometimes, if you choose a long delivery from Amazon, the package comes to you by post, but such a rarity is possible. Therefore, when you choose a long delivery, I advise you to indicate the address more or less real, because he will receive a receipt from the post office, by which you will need to pick up the parcel at your office.
Phone number - of course, it is better to use a new one, but there are people who use the same number 2-3 times. I would strongly discourage this.
New bank card - it can be any, that is, an unnamed, virtual, your reissued old card, a card of your friends. The main thing is to have a new card number. If the cards are strained, you can try to use it for another domain. For example, you get a Refund on. de, after ref, delete the card from your account and add this card again, but for .co.uk.
IP address - Ideally, each account should have a new IP address. Where to get it, decide for yourself - use computers of friends, relatives, at work. You can place orders from a phone with 3G networks, you can use dediks, tunnels, socks (be sure to check for cleanliness of socks and tunnels).
Explaining to you that it is impossible to log in from one IP address to 2 different accounts categorically does not make sense, you yourself must understand this.
In addition to the above, you must not access different accounts from the same browser. If you change the IP address through proxies or tunnels, then use different browsers or configure your browser once according to these instructions.

More info:


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Publishing this guide is useless my friend :)

I don't sell a guide to teach you how to do it all by yourself, I sell a solid service that works.

Many of my clients write to me saying they have read the guide on the web, but they prefer to pay for my service to make sure they are 100% successful.

So, again, it is useless for you to comment in my thread with a guide, almost as if to make believe that the service is worth nothing.

If you put it this way, then could I happily post carding guides under Commissioned Carding Service threads?

My friend, do what you want, but don't hinder the affairs of others, but above all don't play with people's money, because if they can't get a refund, they are the ones crying.

PS: This guide is fine, but it does not mention the problems that occurred in 2017, when Amazon started asking for complaints in order to send the refund.

And this problem can only be bypassed in one way.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
hey are u have icq ? I dont use Pidgin help me Contact us me pls



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I've just purchased the Email Spider by Creative Bear Tech for my Spa Treatments business but I can't find the tutorials for the email extractor software. I remember someone here who mentioned that they also have this software. Thanks in advance.