[offer]DE bankdrops by PostIdent


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hi guys,

i dont sell bankdrops!

i wanna sell the famous "postident" document with which you can open real german bank accounts with card+pin+tan`s.
only what u have to do is:

-find a non-using letterbox for receiving the ATM card.
-choose your favorite bank at the internet (eg postbank, netbank, DKB....)
-fill out the online form with your fake adress and print it out.
-fill out my postident form and print it also. send both together to the bank and wait 1 week

have fun with your bank account!

how it works:
generally u can open every bank account at the internet with the online form.
after printing the online form you have to go to the postoffice "deutsche post" (dhl) verify your identity whith your IDcard or passport.
the post office will fill out a second document (the postident). both documents the postoffice send to the bank.

with this postident you can bypass the postoffice verification.

read more (german):

also you can buy investmentfonds or can get a credit by the bank with fake names. just using the postident

100$ - i will fake you the postident one time.
500$ - i will send you the complete psd-template

payment by Paysafecard or WMZ

as i know, its just working with german adresses! maybe AT also...

contact me at [email protected] or pm me
escrow no problem