"Newbie" INTRO


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I'm sure there's a bunch of reasons why we eventually turn to carding. Life has treated us like shit we grow up looking around you see everyone with things you want. You think being disciplined and humble in a world like this is what gets you far but unfortunately its the complete opposite. When you need a hand there is no one to reach out to but there's so much to be expected from you. I came across carding and have been doing my research for a few weeks now been mainly learning about privacy n anonymity first. I even carded for a small amount with a newbie friendly method I came across but theres a whole lot more to learn ofc. Im glad to have come across a forum that I can join and learn with experienced and other new carders as well. I know we all hungry and life pushed us to our limits but I want us to all eat. The world never took it easy on us, why should we take it easy on the world? Much love icymid


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The main reason people start carding is the desire for quick and easy enrichment. Card shopping is common on the Internet and in real life, and these methods continue to be relevant over the years.
Everyone can be realized in life and open a real business than engage in theft. It depends on the temperament of a person, the strength of his will, moral principles and attitudes.

Our world is beautiful and wonderful and you shouldn't see only bad things in it. It depends on your attitude to the people around you and nature. By and large, money is evil. It is important to give people happiness and goodness. But for all that to exist, we cannot do without money, this is how the financial model of the world and the work of the economy in all developed countries are arranged.
Gradually, many carders grow up, become smarter and wiser, stop doing this, open a business or receive a stable passive income from investments. There are many legal and affordable ways to make big money. Only desire and diligence are important. It is necessary to determine and put the translation into the correct whole, gradually achieve them and go towards success.

Each person should help others in any endeavors and share useful information that he considers necessary to present for public acquaintance. Freedom of thought and expression of will is laid down in the Constitutions of all countries and is the main mechanism for the development of a democratic society.
The study of carding can be continued for as long as you need to understand all the aspects, subtleties and nuances of working in this direction. It is necessary to have a clear idea and overview of all the available methods and a way, only then make a balanced and deliberate decision for productive work in this direction. To start work, investments are required only for a valid CC and socks, this is no more than $ 20, which is available to most of those who wish.
On this forum, we are happy to share our knowledge and best practices, give useful advice and recommendations. We are very much for the sake of you joining us. We hope you enjoy it here and you will be completely satisfied with your visit to this site.

God takes care of all of his children. All peace, kindness and happiness. Be good people and do not do bad deeds, this can hurt someone and you can bring grief and disappointment to someone. Unfortunately, there are a lot of very greedy and greedy people. As well as the rich who earned their money dishonestly or exploiting other people. Carding is designed specifically against such people, and poor, hardworking people should not be touched. Protect your honor, moral principles and arrange. Help orphanages, shelters and charities. We must make the world a better place. Chipping, cards and money is a big evil and negative, although many people become happy with them. And you need to get it not from money, but from sincere love, preserving nature, helping those in need and doing good deeds.
All energy goes into space. The universe is limitless.


Reaction score
The main reason people start carding is the desire for quick and easy enrichment. Card shopping is common on the Internet and in real life, and these methods continue to be relevant over the years.
Everyone can be realized in life and open a real business than engage in theft. It depends on the temperament of a person, the strength of his will, moral principles and attitudes.

Our world is beautiful and wonderful and you shouldn't see only bad things in it. It depends on your attitude to the people around you and nature. By and large, money is evil. It is important to give people happiness and goodness. But for all that to exist, we cannot do without money, this is how the financial model of the world and the work of the economy in all developed countries are arranged.
Gradually, many carders grow up, become smarter and wiser, stop doing this, open a business or receive a stable passive income from investments. There are many legal and affordable ways to make big money. Only desire and diligence are important. It is necessary to determine and put the translation into the correct whole, gradually achieve them and go towards success.

Each person should help others in any endeavors and share useful information that he considers necessary to present for public acquaintance. Freedom of thought and expression of will is laid down in the Constitutions of all countries and is the main mechanism for the development of a democratic society.
The study of carding can be continued for as long as you need to understand all the aspects, subtleties and nuances of working in this direction. It is necessary to have a clear idea and overview of all the available methods and a way, only then make a balanced and deliberate decision for productive work in this direction. To start work, investments are required only for a valid CC and socks, this is no more than $ 20, which is available to most of those who wish.
On this forum, we are happy to share our knowledge and best practices, give useful advice and recommendations. We are very much for the sake of you joining us. We hope you enjoy it here and you will be completely satisfied with your visit to this site.

God takes care of all of his children. All peace, kindness and happiness. Be good people and do not do bad deeds, this can hurt someone and you can bring grief and disappointment to someone. Unfortunately, there are a lot of very greedy and greedy people. As well as the rich who earned their money dishonestly or exploiting other people. Carding is designed specifically against such people, and poor, hardworking people should not be touched. Protect your honor, moral principles and arrange. Help orphanages, shelters and charities. We must make the world a better place. Chipping, cards and money is a big evil and negative, although many people become happy with them. And you need to get it not from money, but from sincere love, preserving nature, helping those in need and doing good deeds.
All energy goes into space. The universe is limitless.
Thank you for such a thorough response. <3

CC Master

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At present, forecasting world dynamics is going through a certain crisis, the manifestation of which is the inability to predict world financial and economic shocks in time. To overcome the existing problems, it is necessary to rethink the role of one of the most important determinants of crises, namely money. This article highlights the reasons for the genesis of crisis phenomena in the economy and society as a whole. The main purpose of the article is to comprehend the role of money in this process and analyze their modern social functions, a critical analysis of "financiers". It is stated that the role of money in the modern economy is radically changing, but at the same time turbulence is growing and the nature of the dynamics of the economy is changing. The economy is becoming financially dependent, the importance of money and finance in the modern economy is increasing dramatically. The conceptual provisions of the new modern philosophy of money are stated, a comparative critical analysis of the views of famous scientists on the function and role of money is made. The authors come to the conclusion that the role of finance in economic life is underestimated and the need to develop a new philosophy of money in post-industrial society in the context of globalization.

The genesis of the global financial crisis and the need for a new philosophy of carding money.

The global economic crisis came as a shock, first of all, to the economists themselves, who believed both in the absolute stability of the world economic system and in their own infallibility and ability to predict the crisis at least a quarter of a century before it began. In fact, everything turned out to be not so simple. This economic crisis, which began with negative shifts in the US stock markets, in a matter of months hit the whole world like a hurricane, plunging it into chaos of financial and economic turmoil. To a large extent, this was also facilitated by the process of globalization that has been actively going on in recent decades, which, like a hoop, pulled together all the economies of the world into a single open system.

The crisis was practically not associated with banks in the traditional sense, or even with bankruptcies, the number of which in that year as a result of legislative changes decreased compared to the previous one. Its main reason should be sought in the emergence of the phenomenon of "secutized loans", which allowed banks not only to issue loans, but also to sell their bizarre combinations to interested parties, but in fact had the effect of a time bomb.

We also note that at first it was only about the financial crisis, and it seemed that it would not affect the production sphere itself. But in practice, the financial crisis very quickly passed into the stage of a global economic crisis and encompassed all spheres of economic life, all spheres of the economy. This once again emphasized the structure-forming role that money plays in the conditions of the modern post-industrial society.

In such a situation, it would be quite appropriate to raise the question of a new, modern philosophy of money - a carders philosophy that reflects the realities of the post-industrial world and the era of globalization. But first, let's try to distinguish the philosophy of money from the theory of money.

The theory of money is an economic teaching about money, about money circulation and about the financial sphere of the economy in general. This is the doctrine of how money circulates in society, how the financial sector of the economy functions on a global scale. The arguments of the theory of money, as a rule, are expressed in economic and mathematical language, supported by a rigorous system of evidence, verified by empirical facts and examples.

Philosophy of carding money and an overview of their social functions.

The philosophy of money is a philosophical and economic teaching about the essence of money, about the metaphysical and ontological foundations of the modern monetary economy, about money as a philosophical and economic unit that has a profound impact on the development of the economy and all social life. As a philosophical-economic-economic unit, money has many functions and purposes, and they cannot be completely reduced to traditional economic functions (money as a medium of circulation, a means of accumulation, etc.). In addition to purely economic functions, money also has various social functions. For example, according to M. McLuen, money acts as a "repository of labor and experience", as well as a communication tool similar to language: "Money, being, like language, a repository of labor and experience, also acts as a translator and transmitter".

On the whole, the number of social functions of money is so great that it is hardly worthwhile to be limited to one or several of them; there is always a risk of losing sight of an even more significant social function: “Money is a system with incomplete unification; the search for one purpose of using money leads to a dead end. This explains many of the futile attempts to define "nature and meaning".

These goals arise from the description of the situation in which we use these objects, and the analysis of the result of this use”.

The same thesis can also be expressed as follows: from a philosophical and economic point of view, money should be considered not as a purely economic institution, but as a social institution. The study of money as a social institution should be carried out with the tools of various sciences: economics, sociology, political science, cultural studies, history, but the key role here should be played by philosophy as a universal methodology of all social sciences; it is she who should synthesize and generalize the results of particular disciplines. Naturally, priority will still be given to the conclusions obtained by economics, and in particular to the conclusions that come directly from the theory of money; but all the final conclusions will remain with the philosophy of money.

The modern philosophy of money considers many different problems, for example, such as the symbolization of money, the fetishism of money and the money economy, the virtualization of money and finance, the social and cultural significance of money, the problem of “alienating” money from a person, etc. etc. The philosophy of money is also called upon to discuss such an unpleasant and obscure question for economists as the question of the "end of money." Will money forever exist or will the social institution of money cease to exist? So far, only science fiction writers know the answer to this question, while economists and philosophers only guess and speculate. The Soviet writer Vadim Shefner in his fantastic story "The Girl at the Cliff" has a little reasoning about this, so to speak, a reflection from the future: "My story begins on the day the money was canceled. In fact, nothing special happened that day. The fact is that the process of withering away of money has been going on for a long time. Money did not die suddenly - it died quietly. Recently, it had more statistical than value. If you didn’t have enough banknotes to buy the thing you needed, you simply tore out a piece of paper from your notebook and wrote $ 1 on it and paid them to the saleswoman. Or they could simply ask for money from any passer-by, and he gave you the required amount and, without asking your name, went his own way”. you simply tore out a piece of paper from your notebook and wrote on it "$ 1" and paid them to the saleswoman. Or they could simply ask for money from any passer-by, and he gave you the required amount and, without asking your name, went his own way”. You simply tore out a piece of paper from your notebook and wrote on it "15 kopecks" or "3 rubles" and paid them to the saleswoman. Or they could simply ask for money from any passer-by, and he gave you the required amount and, without asking your name, went his own way ”[4].

Each of these questions has its own history and its own authorities. In particular, many economists have touched upon the problem of symbolizing money. K. Po-lanyi, for example, here noted the following: “Thus, money in the XIX (as well as in the XX and XXI centuries - AO, FA) century is a symbol of exchange; they are used for various purposes and appear in almost complete analogy with language and writing, where sounds and signs are still universal money”.

The analogy between money, on the one hand, and language, on the other hand, is also drawn by other authors (for example, M. McLuen), and this analogy allows us to connect two modern fast-flowing processes - the symbolization of money and its transformation into a media, communicative tool. like the Internet, newspapers and television, transmitting information from person to person.

The symbolization of money is closely related to the problem of fetishizing money and transforming money into a universal communicative means: “Money becomes a universal mediator in market exchange relations because it itself lacks qualitative definiteness, it is only a universal sign that, itself being nothing, can take any guise, turn into both material and social, cultural and even spiritual values. Therefore, carders money has the ability to gradually penetrate into all spheres of human existence without exception. But at the same time, according to its unchanging nature, money brings in everywhere, where it penetrates itself, and an element of alienation”.

The next interesting point in the philosophy of money is the problem of the substance of money, its fundamental principle, the primary source. From the point of view of classical political economy, the question of the substance of money should be associated with the question of value (value), and then with the sources of this value (value) - labor, capital, natural resources, entrepreneurial ability. But this is a view again from the point of view of the theory of money.

The philosophy of money should pose this problem in a much broader and, let's say, "holographic" perspective. For example, she is interested in the question: is this substance of money or, conversely, immobile; whether money is equal or not equal to itself in different periods of time (here we digress, of course, from the problem of inflation) and how money and time are generally related; whether it is possible to pose in relation to money the problem of Heidegger's coincidence of essence and existence, etc.? These are all questions that can be described as the "metaphysics of money."

Some authors have already tried to answer these questions in one way or another - and oddly enough, there are no economists among them yet, but there are philosophers and lawyers: “If we try to grasp the substance of money, we may notice that money, unlike any other thing are subject to the influence of time (here we are distracted from the problem of wear and improvement, which is obviously irrelevant) and are obviously not equal to themselves at different moments: they either fall in value or "grow" without changing their material nature, thus, any most durable seizure of money does not provide domination over their essence, which remains completely beyond the control of either the owner or the owner. Consequently, the absoluteness of the law itself is lost, it turns out to be dependent on turnover, on society as a whole”.

“Money circulates as a medium and does not disappear anywhere; being a medium of communication, they are stable in time, they are a measure and motivation of all economic activity: if they buy and sell for money and by means of money, then the payment makes sense and has rationality in the context of the economic system, belongs to this system”.

Carding Criticism of "finance".

And how does the modern philosophy of money assess the role of money and the financial sphere in general in the economic system?

Let's start with the well-known metaphor: "Finance is the lifeblood of the economy." It is sometimes argued that such a statement unnecessarily overestimates the role of money and finance in the economy. In our opinion, the situation is exactly the opposite: it is not an overestimation, but an underestimation of the role of the financial sphere in the general structure of the modern economy.

It should be said even harder: “Finance is not only blood, but the heart and brain of the carding economy”.

The role of money in the economy is changing radically, but at the same time the economy itself is changing. The economy becomes a "financial economy", a "financially dependent economy". Whether we like it or not, this is exactly the case. The importance of money and finance in the modern economy has increased dramatically, and modern philosophy of money emphasizes this fact day and night.

Naturally, the attitude to this in modern economic science is different, and in most cases it is rather negative. As an example of a sharply negative characteristic of modern "finanomics" one can cite the statement of M. Osipov: “Money, finally, is created outside the economy, although for the economy, and it exists not only for the economy, but also for itself, and therefore not only and not so much money for the economy as the economy for money. Hence the phenomenon of total finance, if by finance we mean any working money at all - with the use of such supposedly neutral "tricks" as the same exchange rates. In the global financial system, all means are good, the main thing is that financial, or cost control is implemented. over the economic environment. Here we are no longer dealing with the economy as such,

We would categorically disagree with such a destructive characterization of "finance". Blaming the modern economy for gradually turning into "finance" is about the same as blaming the caterpillar for turning into a butterfly. After all, the main goals of the economy itself, its "cornerstone meanings", i.e. stability, economic growth, economic efficiency, economic justice, reduction of unemployment and inflation, etc. in no way related to the role of finance in the economic sphere. Or, let's put it this way, these goals can be achieved either through the transformation of the economy into "finance", or without it, it does not matter, the main thing is that they are achieved. If "finanomics" will solve all economic problems better than conventional economics, what is bad about that?

But in the reasoning of M. Osipov, there is one more argument: he accuses finance of the fact that it is "the total domination of money in exclusively elite possession and provided on credit to a non-elite (massive, profane, plebeian) district." However, such an argument can hardly be considered serious from a scientific point of view: it is rather an argument from common sense - "everyday consciousness", "common sense". In fact, the development of financial

sphere and the credit and banking system (apparently, this is what M. Osipov has in mind) leads to completely opposite results: a decrease in the level of social inequality in society, amelioration of social problems, an increase in the well-being of the middle and lower strata of the population.

“Poverty is not the result of the exploitation of the poor by predatory financiers. It is much more closely related to the lack of financial institutions - to the lack of banks, rather than to their excess. Only access to well-established credit networks can save borrowers from the embrace of usurer sharks, and only if there are reliable, from the point of view of depositors, banks money will be able to flow from the idle rich to the diligent poor".

Yes, with M. Osipov may well agree that there are individual imbalances in "financiers", but at the same time there are no more of them than in the usual, non-financial, economic system, and they are connected rather not with "financiers" itself, but with human nature in In general: "If there are flaws in the financial system, they are a mirror image and an increase in the properties of human nature. In essence, growth and decline are products of our emotional instability."

We emphasize once again: money itself, finance itself, are completely indifferent in relation to key economic goals and objectives. But money as the right to use any resources, the possibility of using any factors - they are either a multiplier that pushes the economy forward, or a "fifth wheel" that slows it down.

“At its core, money has always represented and represents a right, not a commodity. And this right from the very beginning was based on their credit nature. The form in which this right is quantitatively fixed, expressed, preserved and implemented in practice and is the form of money. In the process of development of civilization, money as an expression of legal relations between creditors and debtors changed its form. Note that, like any other institutional form, the used form of money at some historical stages can contribute to, and at others - slow down the process of socio-economic development, which causes a social need for its replacement”.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized once again: "We need a lot of money - good and different." And the most important thing to remember: money is not banknotes, silver or gold; money is the ability of people to trust each other, or, shall we say, a “purchase mark of trust” that opens up a wide variety of opportunities for people to communicate and communicate: “Money is not metal. They are trust itself (italics ours - A.O., F.A.). And it doesn't matter if it is embodied in silver or clay, on paper or on a liquid crystal display screen”.

Modern philosophy of money also points out that the role of money and the money economy in modern economics is rather underestimated than overestimated. Money is no longer only the blood of the economy at the beginning of the 21st century, but also the heart and brain of this economy. And this is a fact to be reckoned with.

And one more thing: it is foolish to expect that the large-scale financial crisis will be the last in the history of mankind. There will be many more crises, and we must be prepared for them. The most important thing is to learn to anticipate them (at least a week or two before their onset), and then, when the crisis nevertheless comes, pass the crisis phase as less painfully as possible and without serious socio-economic cataclysms: “The scale of the crisis does not in the least justify those who failed to foresee it. They could look into any book on history: its pages are full of major financial turmoil, and only a fool can count on a hundred years of respite between them”.

Indeed, if all countries that voluntarily built their economies into the mechanism for maintaining and ensuring the purchasing power of world currencies, for example, the dollar, had the right to exercise control over their emission, then nothing bad would happen to the world's economy. The real currency supply would correspond to the real volume of assets that should have been provided by it.

So, let's not just wait for the next crisis, but prepare for it. And prepare in such a way as to prevent the crisis itself, but to overcome it as quickly as possible.


Carding and carders play a very important role in modern society and the economy in general. Thanks to them, banks and financial institutions continue to develop and improve their methods of protection. Poor people are given the opportunity to become rich and get a chance for a happy life.

Money markets are enriched and filled with assets. Rich states should help poor countries develop and raise the social level of the population.
According to official data, more than 25% of all financial turnover is occupied by the shadow economy. And this is billions of dollars. The state mechanism itself has created such an opportunity, at the same time, states are tightening laws for various financial crimes.

Of course, I do not advise anyone and do not recommend doing this. Please look for legal ways to earn money and you will be happy and successful.

Carding 4 Carders

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Carding was born as soon as the first cards appeared. People began to pay for their purchases with soybeans and use them as a convenient means of making payments. Especially carding has developed with the advent of online payments. Carders started looking for all available ways to get someone else's accounts.
These are modern cyber-thieves scammers.

Philosophy of Carder's life - the meaning of human life and death
Life philosophy is a human belief system. The search for answers to the main questions in life, what is its meaning, why, what and how to do, does not stop. Since ancient times, the minds of philosophers have been philosophizing over this. Dozens of teachings have been formed, but people still ask themselves these questions.

What is philosophy of Carder's life?
The concept of "philosophy of life" has two meanings:
1. Personal philosophy, in the center of which is the solution of existential questions about the state of a person.
2. A philosophical trend that originated in Germany in the second half of the 19th century as a reaction to rationalism. Main representatives:
  • Wilhelm Dilthey;
  • Henri Bergson;
  • Pierre Ado;
  • Friedrich Nietzsche;
  • Georg Simmel;
  • Arthur Schopenhauer.

The concept of Carder's life in philosophy
Life definition in philosophy has occupied the minds of many thinkers. The term itself is ambiguous and can be considered from different points of view:
  • biological (as a form of existence of matter);
  • psychological (as a form of existence of consciousness);
  • cultural and historical (as a form of human existence).

Philosophy of Carder's life - basic ideas
The philosophy of life has combined various directions, united by common ideas. It arose as a reaction to outdated philosophical traditions driven by rationalism. The ideas of the philosophy of life are that being is the fundamental principle, and only through it one can comprehend something. All rational methods of knowing the world are in the past. They are replaced by the irrational. Feelings, instincts, faith are the main tools for comprehending reality.

Irrationalism and philosophy of Carder's life
Irrationalism is based on the uniqueness of human experience, the importance of instincts and feelings, as opposed to rational knowledge. He, like romanticism in literature, became a reaction to rationalism. It was reflected in the historicism and relativism of Wilhelm Dilthey. For him, all knowledge was driven by a personal historical perspective, so he argued the importance of the humanities.
Johann Georg Hamann, a German philosopher, rejected the process of thinking, looking for truth in feeling and faith. Personal confidence is the ultimate test of truth. His colleague in the literary group "Storm and Onslaught" Friedrich Jacobi exalted confidence and clarity of faith to the detriment of intellectual knowledge.
Friedrich Schelling and Henri Bergson, preoccupied with the uniqueness of human experience, turned to intuitionism, which "sees things invisible to science". Reason itself has not been canceled; it has lost its leading role. Instinct is the engine behind existence. Pragmatism, existentialism, irrationalism is a philosophy of life that has expanded the concept of human life and thought.

The meaning of carder life - philosophy
The problem of the meaning of life in philosophy has been and remains relevant. The answers to the questions, what is the meaning of life and what makes life meaningful, are sought by philosophers of different directions over the centuries:
  1. Ancient philosophers were unanimous in the opinion that the essence of human life lies in the pursuit of good, happiness. For Socrates, happiness is equal to the perfection of the soul. For Aristotle - the embodiment of human essence. And the essence of a person is his soul. Spiritual work, thinking and knowledge lead to the achievement of happiness. Epicurus saw the meaning (happiness) in pleasure, which he presented not as pleasure, but as the absence of fear, physical and spiritual suffering.
  2. In the Middle Ages in Europe, the idea of the meaning of life was directly related to traditions, religious ideals and class values. Here there is a similarity with the philosophy of life in India, where the repetition of the life of the ancestors, the preservation of class status are key.
  3. Philosophers of the XIX-XX centuries believed that human life is meaningless and absurd. Schopenhauer argued that all religions and philosophical movements are just attempts to find meaning and make meaningless life bearable. The existentialists, Sartre, Heidegger, Camus, equated life with absurdity, and only a person could, through his own actions and choices, give it some meaning.
  4. Modern positivist and pragmatic approaches argue that life takes on the meaning that is important for an individual within the framework of his reality. It can be anything - achievements, career, family, art, travel. That for which a particular person values his life and what he strives for. This philosophy of life is very close to many modern people.

Philosophy of Carder's life and death
The problem of life and death in philosophy is one of the key ones. Death as a result of the life process. Man, like any biological organism, is mortal, but unlike other animals, he is aware of his mortality. This pushes him to thoughts about the meaning of life and death. All philosophical teachings can be roughly divided into two types:
  1. There is no life after death. After death there is no existence, along with the body of a person, his soul, his consciousness also perishes.
  2. There is life after death. Religiously idealistic approach, life on earth is preparation for the afterlife or reincarnation.

Books about the philosophy of life for self-development
Fiction can be an excellent source for philosophical enlightenment. Not only scientific or popular science books written by philosophers introduce new philosophical ideas and give impetus to spiritual development. Five books that present the philosophy of human life:
  1. "Outsider". Albert Camus. The book is fiction, in it the author managed to reflect the main ideas of existentialism, even better than in philosophical treatises.
  2. "Siddhartha". Hermann Hesse. This book will transfer your thoughts from worries about the future to thoughts about the beauty of the present.
  3. "Portrait of Dorian Gray". Oscar Wilde. A great book on the dangers of pride and vanity, the reader will find a lot of self-reflection and sensual search in it.
  4. "Thus spoke Zarathustra". Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche built one of the most original and radical philosophies in his entire history. His ideas still send shock waves through the Christian community. Most people reject Nietzsche's slogan that "God is dead," but in this work, Nietzsche does explain this statement and voice interesting ideas about life on earth.
  5. "Metamorphosis". Franz Kafka. Once waking up, the hero of the story discovers that he has turned into a large insect.

Films about the philosophy of life
The directors turn to the theme of human life in their films. Films about philosophy of life that will make you think:
  1. "The tree of life". Directed by Terrence Malick. This movie raises millions of rhetorical questions about the meaning of life, the problem of human identity.
  2. "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind". Michel Gondry's painting, released in 2004, is a kind of philosophical teaching on how to live your life, accept mistakes and not forget about them.
  3. "Fountain". Fantastic cinema from Darren Aranofsky will show new interpretations of reality.

The basic concept of the psychology of carding is the pursuit of personal enrichment at the expense of other people's money.
This can negatively affect your karma and life path. Stealing other people's money is a very bad business.
If you nevertheless embarked on this wrong path, do not forget to send part of the proceeds of the criminal chain to good deeds. Help shelters for stray animals and people.
Order gifts and clothes for orphanages. Pay for treatment of critically ill people.
With this, you will earn at least a little pluses for your destiny, cleanse your soul and karma.
When you become a wealthy person, open a charitable organization and provide assistance to everyone in need. The world is not without good people. Money is not the main thing in life.


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To give a reasonable answer about these forums, it is necessary to analyze them and study the proposals they offer.
Please post the exact links of these forums. I'll take a look at them.


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What is the sense of carder life? The answer is here! Why does carder live?
What is the sense of carder life? A question that every person asks himself at least once.
Why search for the meaning of carder life at all, if life itself is a temporary thing and, in fact, very quickly ends in death. Moreover, it is necessary and inevitable.
And in fact, the world does not care whether we exist or not. He has always existed before us and will exist forever after us. The person does not want to think about it, or he simply does not see the meaning and runs away from the question about the meaning of life.
Well this is one of the options. On the other hand, you can look at the statistics of Google queries, how many carders are looking for something about the meaning of life. These are hundreds of thousands of requests every month.
The search for the meaning of life worries so many of us, this is a fact. Moreover, the popularity of this issue is clearly not fading away.
About myself, I can only say that I am looking for the meaning of life, and moreover, I have found it. And I will try to tell you about my answer in this article.
It is scientifically proven that meditation is ABLE TO TRANSFORM LIFE, and you have only one. I advise from the bottom of my heart!

1. There is no sense of carder life or it does not matter what it is.
Is there a meaning in life.
Yes, many carders believe that the search for the meaning of life is a pointless exercise. Their version is not without foundation.
They believe that the meaning of life is needed by a person who does not want to develop, grow, build his life, do important things, and spends his time on all sorts of nonsense, like searching for an answer to the question of what is the meaning of human life.
All is good, but why then are there so many seekers? Why do so many of us have a gaping void in our souls, which we cannot fill in any way and we are all looking for something and asking ourselves, fate, higher powers. Why is something constantly missing to fill this void.
All our important affairs, all our worries, all this running, business, work, why can't they fulfill the role of filler? Why is it so uncomfortable, despite the successes in life, at the seemingly obvious and so necessary realization? Why do we still ask what is the meaning of life?
Yes, because although we are hiding from death, from its inevitability, we still understand that human life is temporary and finite, and even including ordinary logic, you can see that all our external goals essentially mean nothing, because tomorrow they are only dust in the space of time.

Carders can remember the great rulers of this world.
They built empires, seized lands, fought, fought for power and their greatness. So what? Not a trace of many of these empires has remained, times have changed, and only book dust keeps the memory of them.
Yes, some of them were able to significantly influence the course of history and the drawing of the political map of the world. And we see what we see largely due to their actions. But what difference does it make to us?
What difference does it make to a newly born person? He came into this world and saw it like that. If then in history, everything would have turned out differently, the new person would have seen everything differently, and would have known the world differently, not knowing that he could have been something else. Like this? OK. Differently? Okay, because he doesn't know that it is somehow different. He sees it as it is.
Maybe we also live in a world that could have been many times better, but we do not know this, because the world is what it is now. Or maybe it could have been much worse. Or maybe it could not ...

What is the meaning of carder life, when even the life of great rulers was rather just their game in this life than something really worthwhile.
Try to understand the size of the universe and its infinity.
Our planet inside this immeasurable nowhere and never ending space is nothing at all. She's not even a speck of dust that is too huge to be compared to the Earth in the universe. The history of our planet is only an instant.
A person is looking for the meaning of his life, trying to somehow catch on, to justify his existence here, otherwise you can just step into the abyss.
But no, we live, give ourselves significance, importance, build a career, a business, do something constantly while we can. But all the same, in moments of silence, in moments of loneliness, something aches in my soul, something is not right, something is not right, why is all this.

2. The meaning of life in religion.
This sense is a logical continuation of the previous one. Religion, of course, in itself, should not be the meaning of life.
Rather, it may be what this religion carries in itself, the essence of it that resonates within you. Something that filled that empty space that always reminds of itself.
There is nothing wrong with that, but how many people come to religion simply because there is something here that fills their void. That which gives an answer to this question, which has already set the teeth on edge: what is the meaning of life, why does a person live in this world.
That is, it is just a tool for filling holes that we could not patch ourselves. I mean, few people find true meaning in religion. Who was able to penetrate deeply and really find there the essence of his life, meaning and essence, and not just an excuse for his existence. Not just an answer to a question.

An example from carder life.
I somehow ended up on one of the carding forums and tried to start a dialogue there. You have no idea what started. But I did not raise any sensitive topics that could offend someone's feelings, I just asked about people's opinion. Everything was perceived as an attack, as a danger, and the attack began on me.
I didn't immediately understand what it was all about. There is a lot of bile, even some kind of hatred or something, many tried to express pity that I am asking something, which means that I do not deeply understand the essence of religion, if I can ask something that can never be asked under any circumstances.
With only one or two members of the carding forum, it turned out something similar to a dialogue, from which I could take something for myself. All the rest perceived a person with a non-standard question as an enemy invading their lands and encroaching on their property.
This means that people are not sure themselves, they are afraid to open the void again. I sincerely believe that Christianity, like many other religions, can be what really makes a person enlightened or something, opens his eyes and teaches him to look at the world in a different way, helping him in life, making it better and, most importantly, giving his life is awareness, giving the answer to the question, what is the meaning of life.
But when religion is just a hammer and a nail, then it is nothing more than just an unconscious attempt to hide. Just one way to come up with the meaning of carder life. But as soon as someone, as it seems to you, encroaches on him, you begin to aggressively defend himself, because you are afraid that someone will be able to deprive you of him.

3. Come off to the fullest.
Money, sex, alcohol. Break away while there is an opportunity.
Probably, today this meaning of life is more popular than ever, thanks to the huge number of opportunities that have opened up.
100 years ago, sex was not so available, there was no such development of technology and technology. And of course, there are so many entertainment venues, shopping centers, restaurants, clubs. So many available alcohol, tobacco, drugs. There is everything, only money is needed.
And a person decides that the meaning of life consists in money, which can be spent on the satisfaction of ever-increasing needs and gratification of passions.
I don’t want to say that a person has become weaker, it’s just that there are more temptations, and this makes it much more difficult to resist them than centuries ago. Therefore, there are more and more of those who ask themselves, why should we resist at all? Life is one and what I want with it, I do, especially if I like it that way.
The result of such a life is emptiness. Moreover, it is growing and increasingly depressing.
There is actually nothing to fill it with, so a person turns, for example, to the aforementioned alcohol, which allows one to forget and get a portion of illusory pleasure.

4. Meaning in family and children.
What is the sense of life? Many will answer like this. If you really choose the meaning of life, then this one, you see, is not so bad.
When there is peace, tranquility, mutual understanding, common interests and hobbies in the family, when there is love, then life becomes happier and more joyful.
This is important, no doubt. But whether this should be the meaning of a person's entire life, I'm not sure.
A mother who has seen a child all her life, and then he suddenly grows up and leaves home for his own life, remains alone with herself and without exaggeration can lose this very meaning of life.
I'll have to look for a new one. Well then, grandchildren can come to the rescue, if everything goes well, and if the children often bring them to their grandmother.

And where is your mother-grandmother at all? Where exactly is this person?
If we imagine that children, seeing that they need to devote their whole lives to children, will continue this path. Then it turns out that everyone sees the true meaning of life in their children, those in theirs, and those in theirs, but no one sees themselves here.
You give your life to a child, for what? That he would also give his life to his child?
Parents should undoubtedly love their children, educate. But is it worth it to get attached to them so strongly that later, when they leave home, they do not see the continuation and meaning in their own life.
Then it turns out that such mother-in-law or mother-in-law poke their nose too far into the relationship of people who do not need this nose at all, because these are adults who want to build their own lives.
We are helpers to our children, we open this world to them, we teach what we consider necessary to teach, but in no case should we prevent them from being themselves and living their own lives, carrying the dharma for which they were born.
And if you see meaning in children, then in this case it should not be the only answer to the question of what is the meaning of life. You need to see it somewhere else, if we talk about when there are many meanings and they can be chosen.

5. Career and business.
The meaning of life is to realize oneself in work, in building a business. Here it is important for a person to feel his importance, significance both in the eyes of himself and those around him.
In this case, business is preferable, it can be passed on to children if they have a desire to do it. In your career, there will come a moment when you are asked to leave and make room for another person. And there is a pension where you, as a specialist, are no longer needed.
And the meaning of life is lost. The question is, what was all this for, what were you born for, for this? In order to remain useless in the end. Why ran, tried to work for the sake of promotion, for the sake of reputation, why all this fuss, if everything is like this.
What's the point?
Even business remains empty bustle at the end of life. But business can be endowed with a deeper meaning.

6. The meaning of carder life is in ministry.
You can build a business in ministry. What is it like?
For example, do not engage in alcohol, cigarettes, fast food. These are obvious examples. This is a business for money.
This type of activity does not apply to this item, it is above, to money. I'm talking about what really helps people, makes their life better, without harming others and nature.
Immediately, a farm of natural products, which are almost not in stores today. Healthy food cafes, wind energy, solar energy, other unconventional ways to create energy. An enterprise for processing garbage into what a person needs, training courses on meditation, on pranayama.
Then that is the meaning of service.

7. Sense in travel and knowledge of the beauty of the world.
Someone has enough of what he sees under his window and does not want anywhere else. There is a warm shelter, there are loved ones nearby, in the evenings a book, TV, communication and nothing else you want.
But there are those for whom this is not enough, who are looking for the meaning of life and find the answer in traveling and discovering new countries and cities. Who cannot live without a road, without flights, without learning new things day after day. Whom every moment pulls to the mountains, to the sea, or maybe somewhere where the common man cannot get - to the hard-to-reach wild places. Who never ceases to admire the beauty of this stunning world.
Such a person wants to die on the journey, wants to admire and admire until his last breath.
Someone may say that this requires a lot of money, but this is far from always the case. There are many examples of travel on the Internet with a small budget, when the main desire is. Today the world is open, you need intention, decision and action, and everything is in your hands.
Morning breathing
Powerful breathers for every day to take life into your own hands, put your emotions under control and become a master of your mood.

8. In development.
A person struggles with his fears, weaknesses, passions, studies, strives to become better. In addition, you can engage in the development of your body, swing on simulators, run, and so on. You can grow and develop as a specialist in one or more areas of activity.
I would still combine personal development with spiritual development. Maybe it's easier for me to do this, because for myself I openly accept the existence of the human soul and God.
Personal development in isolation from the spiritual is not much different from the meaning in business and career. In fact, why develop the body if it will become old, flabby and die anyway. Why build a business if you leave this Earth and this business will never be yours.
Therefore, I would supplement business with ministry, and personal development with spiritual.
In the final part of the article, before I say what is the meaning of life, that it is this or this, I must definitely mention a few words about who a person is and how I see myself in this world. Otherwise, the answer will not be entirely clear.

Who is a carder
I will try in a few words.
Carder is a spiritual being. And the path of man on Earth is, first of all, the path of the soul. This is her experience of living in a human body, this is her embodiment here.
I wrote a little about why this is so, here and here. But a lot will be said in future materials.
This car, called the human body, cannot go without a driver. Our body is just meat, blood and bones, nothing else. By itself, this entire complex system cannot exist. Unconscious.
What is consciousness? To date, the scientific world cannot clearly answer this question. But it is and without it the body is dead.
This Consciousness, if we talk about it with a capital letter, and not as referring to a separate living being, it is in every organism, in everything that surrounds us. Just as all organs work - harmoniously with one system - absolutely everything works in nature. Everything is one.
What is within you is also within everything around you. This realization came to people for a very long time. There are oriental traditions, religions, and yoga here. Everything is one.
To make it clearer, a person has three bodies: external (material, physical), astral and causal.
If very roughly, then the role is the body, the actor is the soul, the viewer is God.
And the most important thing is that, existing separately, all this is essentially one whole, indivisible, one. God is an actor in his role, while he is also a spectator.

So what is the meaning of carder life?
What is the meaning of carder life on Earth?

"So, go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, when God delights in your works"
Book of Ecclesiastes.

What is happiness on earth, son? To live! The words above contain the greatest wisdom.
The true meaning of life is to live with the awareness of the moment of life, with the feeling of the flow, the passage of life through you. As it is written, eat bread with joy, enjoy this moment, feel it, enjoy it. Let the moment pass through yourself. It's actually very simple.
Be yourself at full capacity, using all your senses and perceptions for this. Breathe not automatically, but feeling the freshness and moisture of the inhaled air. Breathe with your whole body, catch, catch all the smells of the air after the rain.
In the morning feel how the world wakes up with you, how the first rays of the sun timidly penetrate the room. Notice this. Notice how you feel about everything that happens. Catch the smiles of people, catch the noise of the wind, its cold or warmth, hear the noise of trees, rustle of leaves, because all this is always with you.
This can be understood only by accepting and realizing oneself as a soul, as one with God, with the Universe, when there is an understanding of the infinity of life, its indivisibility and unity. When you understand that you are everything that you feel and hear.
Once again, the answer to the question, what is the meaning of life. To live, living the moment, being aware of it, letting it through, dissolving in it. Read this in continuation of what I am writing about.
Reveal yourself to the fullest in the role that you have chosen in this life. Each person has his own dharma, his destiny, his own path. And you need to walk along it, feeling and CONSCIOUS every step. Not automatically, as most people live their lives, only hiding from themselves, from their fate and from the question of what is the meaning of our life.

You need to live with the awareness of the moment of life.
Service? So be totally in it. Sport, achievement - be in it to the end. Business - put yourself into it, be there with your soul, be there with God. Understand why you are doing this, for whom or for what, but at the same time dissolve in the process itself, whatever you come across on the way.
I can't help but quote the words of Haruki Murakami, who describe exactly what I want to convey to you. This writer has spent most of his life running a marathon. Here's what he writes about it:
"The quality of perception of one's own life is not conditioned by any objective indicators such as time or evaluation, but by the realization (provided that everything is going as it should) of the completeness of merging with the action being performed."

“And even if from the outside and from a position of some superiority such a way of life may seem aimless and meaningless or, say, flagrantly impractical, I do not care. Let it make no more sense than the aforementioned pouring water into a leaky pan. But efforts were made - that's a fact. Good or bad, cool or not cool, the thing that cannot be seen really has the greatest value. What we feel with our hearts. To be able to understand something important, you need to perform a lot of seemingly meaningless actions. But even what seems to us aimless or ineffectual, it is quite possible that it is not at all so".

I don’t know if I can continue to do these pointless actions indefinitely, but given that I’ve been doing this for so long and persistently and still not disappointed, I think I will try until my strength leaves me. Long distance running (for better or worse) made me who I am today. Most likely, I will continue to live under the sign of marathon running and eventually grow old on the run. There is not much logic here, but this too is carder life... "

Feel life!
It doesn't matter what you do, feel the life. All these things, all these works, I apologize for the word, all these achievements that seem so necessary and so important, all this is just a handful of dust - I blew it - and it is gone.
A person needs this in his physical body. The soul wants to feel life, because that is why it is here. This is her answer. Feel life in everything you do!
Through this feeling you will be able to find what you love and find friends and family. Happiness in the end.
I hope you understand what I mean.


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TThese are the forums. A friend of mine wants to use one of the services advertised there and I wanted to be sure if they are legit before I can advice him. Thank you.


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These are very good and popular carding forums, not a scam. Feel free to register there and study the materials for general viewing.
There you will find many useful proven services and handy manuals for successful work.
Just do not buy CC from this seller - it a scam:


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Thank you very much for that.

Anyways am inlove with how everything works here and I love to deal here.
That place is kind of busy and no one cares to help when you ask for help so hey am here 24/7 lol.

Thank you,


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I am registered on many carding forums, but I noticed that really smart guys hang out here who understand the topic and help in everything.
I also noticed that all scammers who sell dumps + pins on prepayment and other nonsense are blocked here.
If you notice that on other forums, they freely trade and deceive innocent people.
This is what distinguishes a good forum from a bad one.
It is important to earn the reputation and respect of the carders for a successful project.
Also on this forum there are more useful manuals than on others, I also really like this and make me happy.
I also decided to be useful to society and find good partners here.
I also want to get access to the VIP section of the forum when I gain reputation and register on the private forum of the CSU.


Reaction score
All scammers have the status of a verified TOP seller. LOL.
Well, when will you be smart? This is quite obvious, only stupid beginners and complete fuckers come across.
If you want to make money, then study on your own.
You already understand for yourself - no one will sell money transfers for 10% of the cost. If they could make transfers, they would send them to cash-out services or to their drops for 70%, and not offer them for 10%.
This is the same deception as selling a dump + pin.
Be smart already, do not fall for provocations and never make an advance payment for shit that you never get.
Don't be fooled.