Method of obtaining information of interest


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The preliminary study of the interlocutor, of course, is one of the most important tasks of the method of obtaining information. In practical terms, one should take into account those norms that regulate the behavior and attitudes of people in the process of communication and significantly affect the process of obtaining information. Some of these norms are also determined by the national psychological characteristics of a person. These are the character traits of the person we are interested in. You must correctly understand which character traits of the person you are interested in can facilitate, and which make it difficult to obtain information in a conversation. First of all, attention should be paid to the degree of his suggestibility and conformity, as well as to such a weakness of character as talkativeness. There are people who cannot keep in themselves not a single thought that has arisen in their head, not a single piece of news heard from others. Until these people tell what they have to several people, each separately, they cannot be calm. This trait is often used and should be used in purposeful conversations: they deliberately involve people with similar traits. Knowledge of a person's character traits makes it possible to use the vanity and ambition of people. Under certain circumstances, people with such character traits can go on rash actions and statements only in order to attract attention and deserve a positive assessment from another person. Knowing the character traits of a person makes it possible to use the vanity and ambition of people. Under certain circumstances, people with such character traits can go on rash actions and statements only in order to attract attention and deserve a positive assessment from another person. Knowing the character traits of a person makes it possible to use the vanity and ambition of people. Under certain circumstances, people with such character traits can go on rash actions and statements only in order to attract attention and deserve a positive assessment from another person.

It should also be borne in mind that for most people it is always easier to tell the truth than to lie. Therefore, in situations where you have to tell a lie or hide the truth, many get lost and allow so-called "talking", involuntarily express the truth, which must always be taken into account.

It is important to note the intellectual and speech abilities of the interlocutor, the peculiarities of his memory and observation. This helps to form a correct idea of a person and more objectively evaluate the data reported by him. It is also important to know the degree of a person's sociability: how easy it is to strike up a conversation with him, what position he usually takes in a conversation. The mood of the person during the conversation should also be taken into account. The preceding the conversation can significantly affect the state of the interlocutor, his feelings, the willingness to start a conversation and support it. Thus, various aspects of the personality of the subject of interest to us can lead to involuntary statements.

In the final assessment of the personal qualities of the interlocutor, prejudice and haste in drawing up an opinion should be avoided. Prejudice interferes with the objective perception of a person and leads to erroneous conclusions. In addition, there are times when people who seemed at first withdrawn, later turn out to be very pleasant interlocutors.

In order for a focused conversation to be successful, you must have sufficient general preparation that allows you to easily and naturally support the conversation and develop it in the right direction. The presence of erudition helps in conversations with people of different professions and interests, different social and age groups. General training and erudition should also include in-depth knowledge of the area of interest to the interlocutor.

PSYCHOLOGICAL PREPARATION for focused conversations includes several components. One of them is the creation of the optimal psychological mood, which allows you to start a conversation without significant effort.

1. In order to get rid of tension, to maintain the readiness for communication in the interlocutor, you should distract from the upcoming action, remember the situations in which you successfully solved similar problems. It is important to mobilize yourself for the upcoming action and maintain it constantly.

2. Another important aspect of psychological preparation is working out the optimal line of behavior in the upcoming conversation. To successfully obtain information, you should keep yourself free, confident and even somewhat condescending in the conversation. The choice of the line of behavior depends on the individual qualities, character and temperament of the person you are interested in.

3. An independent component of psychological preparation for receiving information is the prediction of specific situations that may complicate the task: change in the interlocutor's mood, alertness, resentment, adverse emotional reactions. Good preparation for a conversation gives confidence and calmness in a situation where there is little time to think about a decision.

4. Practice shows that the conditions of the conversation significantly affect its process. "Informal atmosphere", a calm place conducive to a casual conversation, enough time for a detailed conversation, help to solve problems of obtaining information. Purposeful conversations are best done in an informal setting, when the person you are interested in is free from professional duties.

5. When entering into a conversation, you should try to create a relaxed atmosphere. The initial topic should help to establish psychological contact as much as possible and allow you to further translate the conversation into the direction you are interested in.

6. Attempts to obtain information without previously established contact usually do not lead to the desired result. However, one should not excessively delay the initial stage of the conversation to the detriment of solving the main tasks of obtaining information. Dragging out the conversation while discussing common topics can also lead to undesirable results. After obtaining the necessary information, you should gradually reduce the conversation to a neutral topic and continue the conversation for some time.

Source: "Psychology of operational-search and investigative activities. Textbook" Chufarovsky Yu.V.