Man transferred 3 million rubles to the crypt in 2 weeks by agreement of his beloved from a dating chat


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Aerobatics from a leading expert of Aeroflot: a man transferred 3 million rubles to the crypt in 2 weeks by agreement of his beloved from a dating chat, but the money flew to the accounts of crypto scammers.

Dima, a 33-year-old employee of Russian Airlines, "piloted" a dating app in August, where he came across the page of a charming girl. We chatted for about a month, and it seems that the guy's feelings flared up. In early September, the relationship soared to a new level of trust: a friend told me that she had been working on the crypt for several months, and offered to earn extra money. He agreed.

The beauty gave Dima's contact to an unknown guy, and he told on Skype how to use the program for cryptocurrencies and investments, and threw a link to it. Data from Dima's personal account was broadcast in the window in a video conversation, but nothing bothered the guy.

In two weeks, he made sharp turns: he bought currency, transferred money to a crypto wallet allegedly opened in his name, communicated with sellers who offered to buy him crypto.

It all ended two weeks later, when Dima found the crypto wallets empty and blocked, and the girlfriend and her friend stopped communicating. Realizing that he was divorced for almost 3 million rubles, the expert went to the police with a statement.

I love you, Dima, which I need so much...