Lecture: "Work with nonUSA" (carding education 2021)


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Lecturer: Feyona

(19:11:17) Feyona: Hello everyone, today we are reviewing the direction of nonUSA.

(19:11:59) Feyona: Before we get started, I want to point out the importance of capturing the results of your activities, regardless of the outcome, I hope you all understand that carding is not just theft, but also obtaining and analyzing data, so if you are nothing don't write it down this is your main mistake. We will return to this clarification in my other two lectures.

(19:13:12) Feyona: I work with google drive, the browser version, and more specifically Google Sheets, (do not try to store virus samples there, Google scans files and the account may be blocked).

(19:13:50) Feyona: Here is an example of which points I am paying attention to, perhaps at the beginning it will help you, in any case, as you work, you will add your own


(19:14:17) Feyona: So, let's move on to the topic of our lecture. By nonUSA I mean other regions, they can be distinguished on the basis of territorial division (mainland), as a rule.

(19:14:33) Feyona: This is Latin America, the European Union, the CIS, Asia, Australia, Africa.

(19:14:59) Feyona: Perhaps this is a subjective division, because you can also highlight the Arab countries and India, England (approx. the lecture was previously about Europe and Asia, but I decided to include the whole world.) In fairness, I will say that I worked mainly on yusa / ey / asia.

(19:15:42) Feyona: You should be able to find information from open sources, to put it simply, there is a lot in Google, and private information is gained by your own labor, you can read this article https://habr.com/ru/sandbox/46956/

(19:16:06) Feyona: As I noted above, I mainly worked from USA / EU / Asia, so these areas will be analyzed in more detail, in other regions + - the same situation as in EU and Asia

(19:16:43) Feyona: Let's start with AVS

(19:17:21) Feyona: And 3ds

(19:17:45) Feyona: As for 3ds, many Gateways (americanexpress / diners club / jcb) have their counterparts.

(19:18:21) Feyona: AVS - Address Verification System should have been studied, the point is that if you make a transaction within the country (that is, the card issuing bank of the same country as the store) you can verify the digital part of the address, and if it does not match will be decline, remember the list of countries that have this system. That is, this system does not exist in the RF / EU.

(19:18:43) Feyona: (approx. There is no AVS on corporate maps of england, also not all cards in usa / ca / au can have such protection, in usa and ca almost everything, in au it is more realistic to find without verification)

(19:19:25) Feyona: 3Dsecure - It seems that it is usually called the third layer of protection, the point is that you enter the Internet password for purchases, I think you have already encountered this when buying from your cards, when the bank sent you to confirm the transaction sms code.

(19:20:15) Feyona: What is very important to note, if you made a purchase with a 3D code, the chargeback falls entirely on the shoulders of the cardholder or the bank, the store is not responsible for this operation, that is, even if the cardholder burns the transaction, it is unlikely that the store this will affect and he will not send you the goods, but there is an exception (a shop that values its reputation will cancel).

(19:20:41) Feyona: That is, transactions with a 3ds code have a high trust (except for USA, because the Internet password there is often static, that is, for example, like a password from an email, and it can be reset).

(19:21:00) Feyona: I'll clarify a little https://prnt.sc/fyheyl this is the USA bank's 3ds code entry window, but instead of SMS, the bank asks you to enter card information + zip code.

(19:21:43) Feyona: But nevertheless, the situation is changing and if earlier USA banks survived only due to AVS and there was almost no 3ds protection, then 2020 brings its own rules and there banks began to connect sms protection, all cards offhand 53.com, usbank debit, so maybe a year or two and merchants all over the world will adequately perceive USA cards with the 3ds code, at the moment this does not happen since USA's 3ds protection is to enter zip + ssn in 70% of cases, and this everything is easy to break through.

(19:22:00) Feyona: In general, 3ds is the most common type of protection; in most countries, merchants in shops have it connected to cards.

(19:22:21) Feyona: That is, if the merchant does not have this protection enabled, but it is on the card, then the transaction will take place without 3ds, since it was not initiated by the shop.

(19:22:44) Feyona: Pay Attention! - if you made a transaction without entering a 3ds code, then the charge falls on the shoulders of the store, so at the first notification of the shop you will receive a cancel and they will not send you anything or they will try to deploy the pack.

(19:23:04) Feyona: I would like to mention such a phenomenon as Auto3ds. This is when the 3DS function is enabled in the merch, and the card has it, but the code is requested only when a certain amount is exceeded. On different bins, this amount is different, someone has 100 euros, someone 300, someone 1000.

(19:23:35) Feyona: The bottom line is that there is a shop (or rather its merchant) with 3ds protection + there is a card that also has this protection connected, you make a transaction, but the code is not requested and the operation goes through, what's the matter? This is auto3ds, the transaction went through as non3ds (in the case of a chargeback, the shop is to blame) + the system liked you, it took you for a cardholder. Examples - paypal / aliexpress

(19:23:50) Feyona: I already mentioned that 3ds code in the USA is often static, as a rule it is either zip / ssn or zip + ssn, or it can be set by the cardholder, but often it can be reset (you will see the reset item).

(19:24:15) Feyona: So in eu / ca / au and possibly in other regions you can also find cards that can reset a static password (provided that it is static and not an SMS or a token and there is a reset item) but how much money you will spend looking for this no one can say)

(19:24:39) Feyona: Unless in the UK there is a higher chance of finding something with a reset, since at one time there were a lot of bins with changing the password 3ds for DOB.

(19:25:10) Feyona: in order to determine the presence of 3ds at the store, you need to take a card that has this protection installed and conduct a transaction, preferably not typical so that auto3ds does not work, so you can go through the lists of shops, or find out which merchant from the shop and read the documentation on their official website.

(19:25:39) Feyona: I want to note that in the 3ds window (this is the window where you need to enter the code, you will see the logo of the issuing bank), the input may not be available 1.if the store's merchant is in the black list 2. the region lock is working: check these 2 item can be following the logic (1. carding another merch 2. carding the country of the issuing bank).

(19:26:22) Feyona: At the expense of work directions - you either beat cards within the country, or with international delivery, here the main point is the region is lock, by default many banks put restrictions on transfers, so there is a possibility that the transaction may not be missed bank (withdrawn by a call to the bank), as for the store, you can always find out in the support of the cards of which countries they accept.

(19:26:45) Feyona: Well, you either beat cards with 3ds protection in shops that do not have it, or you are looking for shops with auto3ds, or you beat cards that do not have 3ds protection in shops that have it.

(19:27:07) Feyona: You can start collecting information on merch.

(19:28:15) Feyona: When working in a specific country, look at banks' websites and read information from there, it will give you an understanding of the banking system.

(19:28:45) Feyona: Referral for people with experience, willingness to record and think, and money to spend on tests.

(19:29:10) Feyona: In CC shops I do not advise taking cards with a well-known 3ds code, especially in those countries where mainly SMS (ey / asia), such material can very rarely be bought from hands for% of the drive, but you should clearly discuss all the conditions and think several times whether the region will be lock or not, and how to remove it.

(19:30:03) Feyona: Epilogue: There used to be a lot of bins with resetting the 3ds password, by the add, zip (data that got through through open sources) now I'm talking about Europe and England, at the moment, as I already said, there are such bins less, but it's real to find them, I would start with England and Italy, but this is subjective.

(19:30:53) Feyona: At the moment, many have already left this, and now either SMS or 2fa tokens (like 2fa google applications)

(19:31:13) Feyona: But if there is an SMS, then there are options, and in the world already from 2017-2018 they are trumpeting that it is necessary to refuse confirmation by phone number, so in 2-3 years a lot of banks will probably switch to tokens.

(19:31:23) Feyona: This is what the 3ds window looks like and the principles of EU protection:

(19:31:39) Feyona:


(19:31:47) Feyona:


(19:31:59) Feyona:


(19:32:06) Feyona:


(19:32:25) Feyona: And here, after entering the 3ds code, I additionally requested the account number


(19:33:02) Feyona: I will give you the methods of working with EU swearing at a lecture on hotels and air, because all these areas are very closely related to each other. We have to figure out how to look for these bins, and what is the actual advantage of working with EU material.

(19:33:13) Feyona: This concludes our lecture, I'm waiting for your questions

(19:34:19) GruRus: I have a question about AVS.

If I drive the EU card into the same USA Amazon (domain .com). And I will enter the billing address not real, but a drop. How will Amazon react to this?

(19:34:58) Feyona: I will not tell you how the Amazon will react. But the AVS system will not react in any way, in Europe it does not exist)

(19:35:24) Goodman: 1. What options are there if there is an SMS?

(19:35:50) Feyona: Option to beat in merch, where there is no vbv. Then it will simply not ask for the SMS code and the transaction will be successful

(19:36:16) Goodman: With 2fa it won't work like that?

(19:36:41) GruRus: I mean, will the Amazon see that the billing address is unreal? I know that there is no ABC in Europe. Does USA have access to EU billing systems or Asian billing systems? Merch way to see it?

(19:37:00) GruRus: capable *

(19:37:29) Feyona: In the merchant itself, you can see from which country the map is. About Amazon, I repeat, I will not tell you. I do not work with goods. Purely digital purchases / services, and this is easier for me. I can always write the real address of CH)

(19:39:20) Yarah: so basically Europe has much less restrictions on verifications than the US?

so basically Europe has much fewer / weaker inspection restrictions than the US?

(19:40:15) Feyona: Not really. In Europe, you will very rarely be able to reset vbv, as a rule it is tied to a mobile phone number. But at the same time, if you find bins without vbv, you will be able to pay for purchases much easier

(19:40:21) Feyona: Forgive me the translator)

(19:40:38) centurion_52: How do I know if the map has no 3ds? Trying to drive into merchandise where you know what 3ds costs?

(19:41:05) Feyona: Yes, we will sort it all out in lectures on hotels. It's just that she is voluminous without this information, so she divided it in this way

(19:41:25) dat_user1:
Can you advise the service for lookup through the SSN?
Do you work through the sphere?
Where do you get the proxy?

(19:42:00) Feyona:
1) Syndicate
2) At the moment I work from real mobile devices due to the specifics of my directions. And so, yes, the sphere.
3) Suites

(19:42:46) g1120: for example, what types of digital goods do you mainly work with?

What is the approximate average monthly profit that can be expected when working in this area?

(19:43:43) Feyona: Now I work with all sorts of offices. And before she specialized in the bay of hotels)

(19:44:20) Feyona: When working in which direction? We have analyzed the main methods of protecting cards, how they differ. Where will you apply this knowledge - another question

(19:45:03) Feyona: And here you can do 500 bucks a month and 200k) It all depends on 1) Hands 2) Good luck (yes, finding a topic in time is luck) 3) Amount of material)

(19:46:03) goldenbaum:
1. If payment getaway is from vbv, but I have an eu non vbv card, what will happen?
2. Is it even worth signing up for closed shops that claim to have nonvbv? Or is it not worth it?
3. About mobile devices. I have a guess. What if you put a soxon a router and distribute it to an iPhone, then it will be easier to drive in this way? If so, how to find information how to set up a phone?
4. Do you have some kind of scheme that drives digital goods and resell them?)

(19:48:42) Feyona:
1) Successful payment.
2) No, shops sell cards to you. And you have to look for bins yourself.
3) Yes, that's right. You don't need to set up your phone too much, the router does everything for you. Switch off geo, set language, date and time. Everything is standard
4) No, I work with crypto exchanges now

(19:49:13) AlexFlex2134: "Try to drive into the merchandise where you know what 3ds costs?"

Yes, we will sort it all out at lectures on hotels. It's just that she is voluminous without this information, so she divided it in this way but this can also kill the card, because cardholder will receive an SMS or code in the application and it will lock the card.

(19:49:44) Feyona: That's why I wrote in the lecture that the direction is for people with money. Tests will cost thousands of dollars)

(19:50:46) Yarah: Will you show us how to break into Europe alive in the future?

(19:50:53) Feyona: Yes

(19:50:59) Feyona: If I understood the question correctly, of course: D

(19:51:24) Izolentna: You said you were working on services. Then how do you take the money from there?

(Sori for a stupid question)

(19:52:13) Feyona: Services - hotels. You pay the client for accommodation, he gives you cue ball (there is a corresponding section on the forum). So with everything else. You can go further, find outlets for hotel owners, pay for rooms there and collect money)

(19:52:29) centurion_52: as I understand it, it's not worth working for those living in EU in Europe?

(19:53:19) Feyona: I think it's better not worth it)

(19:53:38) Koba787: are the hotel owners under threat in this scheme?

is the scheme the same as with airbnb?

(19:54:00) Feyona: Yes, absolutely the same

(19:55:30) gangass13: is it possible to contact you directly through the forum during practice in this direction?

(19:55:50) Feyona: Yes, of course

(19:55:53) Feyona: anytime

(19:56:48) centurion_52: card us and shop US - AVS is triggered and decline occurs?

(19:57:19) Feyona: Well, if the CH address is different from the one you indicate, then yes

(19:57:41) dat_user1: air beat with the transfer of dates?

Well, the money would reach the host faster)

Did you use corp mail for payment?

(19:58:06) Feyona: When I worked on Air, we could beat on the day of arrival and we didn't get anything for it (((

(19:58:31) Feyona: You will be told more detailed information about Air at the lecture on renting) It is entirely devoted to air)

(19:58:48) goldenbaum: 1. Could it be easier to hit the USA shop on the EU card?

(20:00:02) Feyona: Yes, why not. But I think it depends on the shop. I do not think that when you come to ey non / avtovbv that you will spend this mate on clothes)

(20:00:25) Izolentna: Now this topic is probably not very popular among hotels and all that. After all, a virus, a pandemic. Do people travel a little? Or can you always find a gold mine?)

(20:01:11) Feyona: Now yes (although it seems to be better already). But this is not forever) You can always find a mine, here you are absolutely right

(20:01:26) Goodman: 1. I forgot something, is there any merchant without AVS in USA? Or just a redirect or fake id?

(20:02:00) Goodman: 2. will a card with 2fa enter into the merch without vbv?

(20:02:09) Feyona: 1) Listen, as far as I know, ABC is everywhere in US, but I could be wrong.

2) Yes

(20:04:51) SPARK_LQ: vbv cts in novbv / auto vbv shops. novbv cts in vbv / avtovbv shops right?

(20:05:35) Feyona: Spaok, right

(20:05:45) deadhasan: what's the most promising direction for a newbie?

(20:09:21) goldenbaum: just in time for the last message, for example, on the search for a scheme, whether colleagues themselves trying to break through works or not

(20:10:07) goldenbaum: as I understand everything is built on experiments, who has tried https://www.klarna.com/at/?

(20:10:36) Feyona: Everyone is looking for themselves, checking, looking. Our work is partly research.

(20:10:58) Feyona: And you know, I can't tell you whether someone tried this or that office. Each has its own direction, I cannot say for others)

(20:11:51) dat_user1: When will you be able to communicate in HP in the era?)

(20:12:18) dat_user1: I'm going to fuck hard there

I know that there can be more than one mule per month

(20:12:20) Feyona: You can unsubscribe to me, but I hit him for the last time in the summer of 2017) It is better to write in calamus to the lecturer who leads this direction)

(20:12:37) Yarah: Koba787 yes, I think the lecturer just teaches us all differently so that in the future we are familiar with which direction we want. we study math, science, art in school, but some become mathematicians, some become singers and so on. ithink we will succeed.

(20:13:09) OTJlU4HUK: What is checkmate

(20:13:17) centurion_52: material

(20:14:21) Feyona: Nothing, in a month or two you yourself will not notice how you will use this slang)

(20:14:24) OTJlU4HUK: by the way, there is no explanatory dictionary

(20:14:27) RedHeadCockatoo: Yes

(20:14:33) RedHeadCockatoo: in lectures for beginners

(20:14:57) Feyona: I would be grateful for the feedback on the lecture


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Where do these 'Lectures' take place? Is it the chat in this forum or some third-party communication app?