Is it possible to make a few hundred dollars at the start of my journey.


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I have been lurking for a while and I have been studying carding for about 2 months now, I am really interested in this topic. My biggest fears are that I'll lose money and nothinh will come out of it. So my question is is it feasible to make some money at the start because from what I read most people lose a shit ton of money before they start getting into profit. I'm trying to minimize the risk of that happening. If you know any tips or stuff that you wanted someone to tell you before you started in fraud what would that be. All suggestions and comments are highly appreciated, thanks to all in advance!


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Hello! I know there’s gotta be plenty of people who are just trying to make easy money quick, and I just want to say that that’s not me. I really am trying to learn how to card, but with all the misinformation, scammers, etc it makes learning a bit difficult. I was wondering if there’s anyone out there whose willing to teach, all the way from square one, maybe for some form of payment or something of the sort. I just don’t even know where to start without endangering my safety whilst maintaining a worthy income from such. I don’t have a lotta money, and I’d like to stay online (no products, no deliveries, etc) just because I don’t really have a safe place to get orders delivered too. If anyone’s “up to the challenge,” let me know!


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Hello, you are starting carding, you do not need any investment. You can’t lose any money as you don’t need money even to buy a valid card.
For anonymity, you can use a free VPN provider account that does not log.
Therefore, you will not be disappointed. It only takes a little time and waiting for a profit for the work done. This method is especially suitable for all comers who want to try their hand in this direction.

So, in order to start free carding and make money from it, you need to follow these steps:
1. We write to a reliable and trusted buyer of goods or drop-service who receive illiquid goods to the addresses of their drops. We get the addresses of the drops from him, where we will send the ordered goods. We will clarify what percentage they will pay us after receiving the goods.
2. We go to European online stores (the list is on this forum in the "Freebie" section, similarly to it you can find other stores and work with them)
3. Generate billing payer data to a postal address or bank account using a free online data generator. Or we take data from invalid old fullz in the "Freebie" section.
4. We register an account in stores using the prepared generated data.
5. We buy any goods, we indicate previously generated data as payment data. As the address of the recipient of the goods, we indicate the address of the drop that the buyer provided.
6. We are waiting for the assembly and dispatch of the goods, we inform the buyer the track number of the parcel.
7. We are waiting for the buyer to receive the ordered goods.
8. We receive payment from the buyer to our bitcoin wallet or other necessary details. Usually, the payment for non-liquid goods is 40%, but this is not much, but this nuance you can compensate for orders with a large volume of goods.
Slowly every day in this way you can earn from 5000 euros and more. It already depends on your efforts and mood for successful work.
At the same time, we are not bothered to buy cc, fullz, accounts. Absolutely no cash investment is required. You only need to pay for the service of the Internet so that it can work stably for you and use the free VPN to remain anonymous.
If you do not want to work with buyers, then you can order goods for your drops, but then you need to find them in advance (this is unnecessary movement and is not necessary at all, since drop services will always provide you with any number of addresses for receiving parcels and we will be happy will pay for the delivered goods).

We can also work with a scam method, that is, simply sell non-existent goods and receive prepayment for them for the details of cashing services.
We can also take already worked out logs from log sellers and search for accounts of various banks and patches systems in them, and then use them for their intended purpose, or simply sell them.
We can also take valid accounts on free distributions and simply resell them, having previously checked the validity in the checker.
We can also mediate the sale of any material or provide services. We find buyers - we receive payment, after which we buy material in a trusted store at a cheap price, and sell it to customers at a higher price. Either we negotiate with services for providing drops for cashing out or receiving goods, finding good carders and providing services for providing details for cashing out or an address for receiving goods.
As you can see, there are many different ways to start carding and scamming without investment. All that is required is your motivation for successful work and a little effort.


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We know that it is almost impossible to start in carding without investment. Money makes money. Today I will consider several options for earning start-up capital for beginners, since they have long found their place in the world of carding. Including I will consider such methods as earning money without investment, making money on sales and-no goods (Skype, incentives, etc.), a pinch (thing), partner girls and others.

The first way is not for the lazy, if you are lazy - you can skip this paragraph right away. And so, you came to the world of carding, you have no money, you are looking for a job and accidentally ended up on this forum. What to do? Do not worry, there is a way out! Now we will talk about earning without investment. This method is based on freebies. Almost every forum has a freebie section, where free CC, PayPal, and other useful things are regularly posted. We are not talking about baryzne, you will use this material for your own selfish purposes. If you do not have experience with driving, it will be more difficult for you, there are many lessons on the Internet on driving into Steam, Skype, bin databases, checkers, RDPs and other things that will come in handy later. And so, we go to the freebies section, we are looking for a suitable material for us, in my case it will be - CC without vbv. Cardboard on hand, there is a grandfather. It remains only to drive in and sell the account. Where to drive in - it's up to you. For example, you can drive into Skype for $ 60 or 60 euros. Such accounts can be sold for $ 7-8. Not a lot, but enough to buy valid CC, take a RDP from a freebie, or buy and drive in more Skype. If desired, you can earn $ 30-50 per day.

Next, I’ll talk about the percentages. This method is suitable for those who have at least some driving experience. Here you need a small investment to buy a dedicated server (RDP), CC or PP, sock if needed. If you wish, you can find it all in a freebie. Next, we are looking for people who pay a certain % for carding. It is not difficult to find such people, there are plenty of suggestions in the "Work" section. The bottom line is that you drive the customer into the merchandise, he pays you % for it. Example: you drove $ 150 into an online game, got 20-30% ($ 30-45). Again, if you are a beginner, you should practice well before going to hammer someone in so as not to let the person down.

Carding of goods. Here you need to have a good driving experience. This method will not work for beginners, it still needs some price. The bottom line is - find a shop, a customer who is ready to buy a certain product at a certain price, he pours money into the guarantor or under protection, you card him, for example, a laptop for $ 1300, get your own $ 700-1000 to work. Looks easy, doesn't it? Not everything is as easy as it seems, with a carding (pinch) a lot of options can arise! Calls, scans, SMS acceptance and so on. It will also make it difficult to find a suitable shop, it is easier to just buy it for ~ $ 50-60. If your product is of high quality, you will have buyers. Those wishing to buy a mobile phone that costs $ 1000 for $ 500 - the sea. Attention: always work through a guarantor, this will save nerves for both parties, + will insure you against potential scammers. Alternatives can be patronage or prepaid work. Never send the product forward, in a high probability you will simply be thrown.

I think you've already heard about affiliate programs. Affiliates are affiliate programs that pay, for example, for attracting customers, for traffic, for clicks on their banners, for downloading files, and the like. The beauty is that you can always wind up affiliate programs. There are many ways to cheat affiliate programs, for example, cheat downloads on flybit, deposit, website autosurfers and other programs. You can get up well on affiliate programs, but you need to work very hard to achieve at least some results there. Example: an affiliate program offers you 10% of the referral you invited. Find a client, he buys goods from them, you get 10%, everything is quite simple. Also, there are a lot of ways to deceive partners, for example, buying "from yourself", driving with CC with the subsequent receipt of 10% and others. I do not recommend using affiliate programs as the main way of earning money, as this is quite a gemoric and boring business. Affiliates are a great way to earn extra money, you can have a stable $ 10-30 per day by running just a few programs.

I will finish the article on a bright note - you can always make money, you just need to want, and have the desire to work. If you are not lazy and you can do even boring, not interesting, but at least some work, you will succeed. Do not be lazy, and always remember - the one who seeks will always find. Good luck!