Carding is real, but it has some peculiarities and nuances:
1. Carding does not require the purchase of any special software.
Yes of course you can buy:
- Paid version of browser antidetect. But do not forget that you can use a free test version or a hacked cracked version of the antidetect
- Paid tariff of a VPN provider that does not keep logs of your visits. Do not forget that you can take the accounts of any paid vpn provider from the freebie section, or use a free trial period for a certain period. You can also use any free VPN provider. Each browser offers corresponding plugins.
- Paid tariff of a good proxy service. But do not forget that there are free proxy lists, although they are not suitable and not suitable for high-quality and qualified work.
You can also find proxy providers that offer proxies per piece for just a few cents, which is quite affordable for everyone.
The only thing that you have to buy in carding and spend money on it is to buy material - valid CC + CVV in reliable CC stores. But you can learn to hack databases or use dorks to find them, but it's very difficult to do, so it's much easier to buy.
Also remember that you can use the generated card data and you do not need to buy cards at all. But the generated cards are suitable only for certain sites and it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a purchase for a large amount using them.
But there is an option to buy expensive goods according to the generated data fullz (full info) by invoicing the payer. But this feature is only available in some European stores.
Methods and guidelines in carding
All carding tutorials are for informational and educational purposes only. You cannot find really high quality and reliable information in these guides and reference books.
All methods contain only the basic aspects of work and do not touch upon pitfalls, nuances and tricks.
As a rule, the specified bins to analyze the presented information in them no longer work and it makes no sense to use them.
The help information can be used for informational purposes only and do not use the described step-by-step guide.
You must correctly cite and analyze the information provided. Perceive knowledge and learning only as a theoretical basis, not involving practical training.
Now, you can get clever only in real practice, as well as learn the special work with each site and methods of bypassing the antifraud system.
Carding is hard work, but if you find the right approach to it, then it can bring you real profit.
Stealing money from other people's cards is very bad knowledge and requires moral standards, adequate beliefs and cold principles. Psychological preparation is very necessary and is a prerequisite for successful work in this direction.
It is necessary to learn how to correctly understand and analyze the information provided from which to draw appropriate conclusions.
A real carder must have a sound mind, an inquiring mind, nerves of steel, have moral restraint, as well as be able to assess any current situation.
Putting knowledge gain into practice is not an easy task, but without it it is very difficult to achieve success.