Introductory Lecture on Carding


Reaction score
Lecture # 1 Introductory

Lecturer: Mans77

(19:02:04) Hello everyone! We are waiting for 15 minutes for those who are late and start.

(19:17:44) Stop the flood

(19:18:30) Now I’m just saying, pluses and all the other phrases do not need to be written in the chat, even if you really want to.

(19:19:21) I’m Mans77 from the forum and I’m your main curator for the entire period of training, and not only with the training, we keep in touch with some, although they passed my training in the 15th year.

(19:20:12) Today we will have an introductory lecture and on I will tell you what awaits us this month, what and how it will be and what where to look.

(19:20:29) We also get to know each other a little closer.

(19:21:27) Immediately make a reservation, Carding loves dating in this business, as in any one without more experienced friends. So initially I advise you to organize a powerful team within the group, which will help and motivate each participant.

(19:22:10) We will start our studies with security lectures.

(19:22:57) Since we have a lot of questions, vpn \ system \ setup \ data storage. Because of this, without the basics of security, they will quickly put us on a bottle.

(19:23:12) I advise you to approach these lectures extremely responsibly.

(19:24:20) I speak right after Linux. Who wants to transfer to it, but does not fumble in it, we take those. literature on this OS and study independently. Without it, you won’t understand and you won’t be able to work comfortably, wake up and suffer, and in 90% you won’t be able to move on the barge.

(19:25:40) Next we will have lectures on the basics of cage. Analysis of bank cards \ Analysis of antifrauds \ Let's get acquainted with drops \ in the middle.

(19:26:16) Everything is clear in detail, without the fundamentals you cannot get a quality drive in and the fact that it will pass and you will be sent the goods is rapidly approaching zero.

(19:27:27) And after that we will begin to analyze all kinds of methods in the cart. How to buy GIFs \ How to work with Paypal \ Rolls / Air and Hotels

(19:28:05) We’ll also have a video broadcast of driving a drive - driving a pickup, driving a GIF.

(19:29:05) Those who come with zero knowledge and understand nothing, you can not worry! Our training is structured in such a way that you will understand everything, and that you will not understand, we will tell you and show you everything.

(19:29:23) We will get to know the lecturers as we study. All lecturers are also in our forum conferences.

(19:29:51) Each lecturer has his own sphere in the cart. Someone for Gift, some for PP, and some for Air and Hotels.

(19:30:26) A lecture, on average, goes 1-1.30

(19:30:39) after question / answer

(19:31:06) If there are any deviations from the schedule, we will give announcements in the main conference.

(19:32:14) First comes the lesson material, then ask questions and the lecturer answers them.

(19:32:27) When did the topic go. Does the lecturer put a sign? and writes that we are asking questions.

(19:33:08) The lecturer takes turns writing nicknames -> You write a question -> The lecturer answers.

(19:33:27) When there is a topic and a question appears, I advise you to immediately write it down in a notebook and when I call your nickname you just made a copy-paste. Saves a ton of time for everyone.

(19:34:09) All relevant information (lecture logs, links, shops) will be added in the first posts on the forum in our group LAN.

(19:35:26) Here we look at all the info. Those who missed lectures will have logs in this conference.

(19:35:59) All questions that appear, we write in the question / answer konf.

(19:39:04) We ask any questions at all. What is connected with the cage. we write everything there. Because many have similar questions and so that everyone sees the answers and does not ask all the same question a hundred times.

(19:41:02) I just want to make a reservation about the questions and their answers) Many people write to me with a request to ask questions in the LAN, motivating them not to interfere with the guys from the conference and so on and so forth. Guys, your phobias about stupid questions, all this is nonsense! To begin with, you yourself are not small and our contingent is 95% adult and everyone understands that everyone has come to learn a new profession and if we do not work together to solve all issues and problems, we won’t succeed!

(19:42:31) Also, who has complaints / suggestions \ in the question \ answer does not answer the question - we write to the cart

(19:42:36) Or something urgent

(19:44:26) The quickest thing I can answer is in the cart.

(19:45:36) Since everyone writes a lot to us in drugs \ Carts \ Toads there is a simple instruction that they will answer you 99%

(19:46:57) To prevent you from being missed, do the following:

1. Unsubscribe to drugs

2. Duplicate the issue in telegrams or toad.

3. If no response is received, upset the drug after 2 days.

(19:48:00) I am online from Mon to Fri from 10 to 21 Moscow time. SAT day off and in the sun towards the evening already online. Do not be surprised if you write at 4-5 in the morning on MSC, but I do not answer)

(19:48:09) By Sphere bonus

(19:49:26) A sphere is issued to everyone at one moment. Sooner and later we do not give out to anyone. So do not ask this question to me and do not write to Sappa of the sphere on this question.

(19:50:09) Tomorrow you will begin lectures on security.

(19:51:09) You will have the message Crowe. He can be late, so no panic. If there are any changes in time, I will inform you this information.

(19:51:47) And now we set? and I will answer your questions!

(19:52:45) net23: will the lectures be audio or video or text?

(19:54:39) net23: 90% of lectures text + video streams with driving in shops.

(19:54:49) qmorgenshtern: will there be lectures on the logs? Sun work with shops with logs or with Amazon. or just lectures on ss?

(19:55:50) qmorgenshtern, we’ll lie superficially, but we won’t go deep. There is no Amazon, there the fraud changes every day, it is easier to knock out a middle hand in a shop and have a profit.

(19:55:58) MaisWindows: What is a sphere bonus? Do you need some preliminary steps to get it in the future?

(19:57:46) MaisWindows: Will be given free access for 6 weeks to her. Read the scope on forum.

(19:59:05) BloomBerg: how will the main lectures be held, because writing to lecturers manually for a long time, as I understand the large amount of information?

(20:00:32) BloomBerg, each lecturer has his own lecture log, which he constantly updates and corrects. At the lecture, he gives it to you gradually so that you can read everything and further formulate questions on the topic.

(20:00:42) wayanfas: When I skipped classes, is there a way to view the lesson I’ve missed?

(20:00:50) usbnet: 1. question on the practice that was written in terms of training, what is included in it and how will it go? (provide software, materials and someone personally will bring to profit?)

2. Regarding the recommendation to transfer to Linux, there are options to offer by the training manual, are there any tips what are the best training manuals for beginners to get comfortable with?

3. about driving in and other things related to Carding which softwares will be needed to use and get profit, and we will get them for free or extra. payment? if so, issue verified sellers for collaboration?

(20:01:35) revolver81: Will the logs be laid out day after day? to read and not skip. And will there be access to them after training?

(20:02:43) revolver81, Martha manages the logs. Usually it spreads per day per day, but there are delays. Access remains with you all the time.

(20:06:49) usbnet, 1. Practice goes like this - issued for the weekend DZ with the subsequent analysis of errors and questions in the conference question / answer.

2. Tomorrow Blood will say.

3. To drive in, you need a virtualka or Sphere (your sphere will go with a bonus of 6 weeks). The rest of the software at your request. What we give is enough for successful work. We have a lot of sellers on the site. The best way to check the seller is to read reviews in its topic.

(20:07:00) MrQwiks: Not much rejected question. How do carders find Beans for the right service? And one more question. I have already paid the scope for 1 month, can I also get a bonus on top of this month?

(20:07:39) MrQwiks 1. This will be discussed in lectures 2. Yes, of course, you will receive everything in full.

(20:07:52) Necrolyt: 1. They said that there will be new builds of vin10 on the forum. When exactly?

2. When is the scope issued?

(20:09:06) Necrolyt 1. I’m doing now how I’ll complete the pumping on the forum. 2. By the end of the training. week 5.

(20:10:08) net23: who will help set up the machine and when? and can they help set up the phone for driving?

(20:10:08) id666: a little clarification. lectures will be from Mon to Thu inclusively, at 19:00?

(20:10:54) net23 - what needs to be configured? here you need specifics. Phones are not customizable.

(20:11:05) id666, yeah, that's right.

(20:11:15) Jayall87: what about working on macos?

(20:12:27) Jayall87, I don’t really like him at all, even for white use. There is little software for it. If you work with him, then you need to distribute socks on the waffle. In general, everything is hemorrhagic. The best work with Windows / sphere / phone

(20:12:49) Parlamenter: What does the assembly on vin10 mean? specifically what are assemblies?

(20:13:16) wayanfas: 1. Can each operation work only on VMware?

2. Can I use RDP to replace it?

(20:14:22) Parlamenter, a virtual machine for work.

(20:14:51) wayanfas: 1. Not entirely clear. 2. Yes, you can work calmly with RDP

(20:15:04) Rarka_: regarding work on MacOS, you put the sphere and don’t bother with virtual machines, all right, I understand?

(20:15:39) Rarka, yes, Sphere of norms or WB and virtual machines.

(20:15:51) net23: who can set up the phone?

(20:16:10) net23, but why don’t you want to configure it yourself?

(20:16:34) analitik99: will there be training on working with the sphere?

(20:16:46) xevious: Linux is also a good way to work, right? or I better use windows. I have a parrot on my laptop. But if Windows is better for these things, I will install it right now.

(20:17:00) net23: I don’t know how, it’s also necessary to go there as an administrator, etc. put some kind of program for work

(20:17:15) analitik99, yes, there will be a lecture + there is a normal manual, how to work with it

(20:18:11) net23, there’s just an option to learn. There are lots of manuals and text and video. Moreover, the lecture on androids will be.

(20:18:53) xevious, windows will be better for carding than Linux.

(20:19:23) But! This is my IMHO) I do not like a penguin …

(20:19:34) Serrwrtet: How important is ping in work and is it an antifraud?

(20:20:58) Serrwrtet, we will analyze all this in lectures

(20:21:15) Rarka_: Will working with enroll be affected in training?

(20:22:43) Rarka_, of course there will be a lecture on skates.

(20:22:51) Parlamenter: what does IMHO and the penguin mean?

(20:24:08) Parlamenter - It is assumed that he began with the English phrase “In My Humble Opinion”, which can be literally translated into Russian as “in my humble opinion”

2. Penguin - Linux systems

(20:24:19) Majesty: 1. Regarding working with the sphere, can it be installed on a virtual machine or can it be set to a slave machine from vpn and tp? 2. What method is better to drive in (ss, roll, logs), not counting warming up and so on.

(20:25:57) Majesty, it’s possible on the basis, it is possible on the PC. I already do the assembly for it. 2. There is no better, all the ways are working and bring profit, and after it we just came here))

(20:26:09) academeg: what is driving in?

(20:27:33) academeg, today I will add the dictionary of "young carder" in the first posts

(20:29:08) Reimon: What days of the week will training take place?

(20:30:04) Reimon, lectures will be from Mon to Thu inclusive, at 19:00

(20:30:39) Kto-to: Chto za voprosy u vas? Ne polenites 'prochitat', vse raspisano

(20:32:02) net23: what are GIFs and driving a pickup truck)

(20:32:22) we will analyze it all in lectures

(20:33:35) GBC: I have a jaba on my phone, that is, all the lectures that take place remain but I can only read them by 10-11 o’clock in the evening, can I ask the lecturers questions later? Or the next day afternoon

(20:34:21) GBC, yes of course you can, just write to the question \ answer

(20:34:48) xevious: when will receive our bonus? and I saw that we get $ 200 for the Balance for distributing trading topics. But what is it?

(20:35:28) wayanfas: If I missed a lesson. Is there any way to find the content again?

(20:37:10) Mans :) xevious, this is if you create a trading topic for selling a video (as an example) you can spend this money on advertising.

(20:37:24) wayanfas, yes, everything will be in our main conference.

(20:38:06) In general, the sailors have no questions)) Today we finish)

Thank you all for coming!


Reaction score
Lecturer: Mans

[19:31:40] <Mans> Today we will have an introductory lecture and at it I will tell you what awaits us this month, what and how it will be and what to look for.

[19:32:08] <Mans> Let's also get to know each other a little closer.

[19:32:44] <Mans> Carding loves acquaintances in this business, as well as in any other business, without more experienced comrades. So, from the outset, I advise you to organize a powerful team within the group that will help and motivate each member.

[19:33:05] <Mans> This year has seen the biggest update to our training.

[19:33:42] <Mans> Now the tutorial is divided into 6 blocks


1 Introductory

2 Linux security

3 Security and anonymity on the network. Setting up a virtual machine


4 Cards

5 Drops, in the middle

6 Antifraud

7 Finding shops and what is merch

8 Basic fundamentals of shop / service warm-up behavior

9 Antidetect

10 Android


11 Driving from A to Z

12 Pickup

13 Europe


14 Enroll

15 Working with Enroll

16 Gift and Egift

17 Gift and Egift (online driving)

18 Working with Amazon

19 Working with Facebook


20 Paypal introductory

21 Paypal self-registers and working with them

22 Working with brute accounts

23 Working in Bank accounts

24 MERCHI, creation, customization and work with them.


25 Hotels

26 Air

27 Rent part-1

28 Rent part-2

29 Excursions

[19:35:18] <Mans> There is a lot of information, I advise you to immediately delve into and read.

[19:35:57] <Mans> I'm talking about security right away.

[19:37:18] <Mans> For Linux. Who wants to transfer to it, but nothing fumbles about it, we take those. literature on this OS and study it independently. Without it, you will not understand nichrome and will not be able to work comfortably, you will sit and suffer and in 90% will not be able to move along the carding.

[19:38:57] <Mans> Also, many asked for vpn and servers. I will throw off a mini lecture for you now. you can ask questions after the lecture in questions.

[19:39:30] <Mans>

[19:39:37] <Mans> Let's move on.

[19:40:28] <Mans> Those who came with zero knowledge and do not understand anything, you can not worry! Our training is structured in such a way that you will understand everything, and what you do not understand, we will tell you everything and show you everything.

[19:41:32] <Mans> We will get to know the lecturers as we progress through the studies. Also, all lecturers are in our conferences on the forum.

[19:41:45] <Mans> Each lecturer has his own area of expertise. Some by Gift, some by PP, and some by Air and Hotels.

[19:42:11] <Mans> The average lecture lasts 1-1.30

[19:42:22] <Mans> After question / answer

[19:42:42] <Mans> If there are any deviations from the schedule, we will post announcements in the main conference.

[19:44:04] <Mans> First comes the material on the lesson, then you ask questions and the lecturer answers them.

[19:44:32] <Mans> When the topic passed. Is the lecturer making a sign? and writes that we ask questions.

[19:45:17] <Mans> The Lecturer writes nicknames in turn -> You write a question -> The Lecturer answers.

[19:46:02] <Mans> When a topic comes up and a question appears, I advise you to immediately write it down in a notebook and when your nickname is called, you just made a copy-paste. Saves a lot of time for everyone.

[19:47:10] <Mans> All relevant information (lecture logs, links) will be added in the first posts on the forum in our group LAN.

[19:47:44] <Mans> Here we look at all the information. Those who missed the lectures will have logs in this conference.

[19:48:38] <Mans> All questions that appear, write to the Confu Question / Answer.

[19:49:32] <Mans> We ask any questions at all. What is connected with carding. we all write there. Because many have similar questions and so that everyone can see the answers and not ask all the same question a hundred times.

[19:51:02] <Mans> Just want to say about the questions and their answers) Many people write to me in the PM with a request to ask questions in the PM, motivating so as not to interfere with the guys from the conference, etc., etc. Guys, your phobias about stupid questions are all nonsense! Let's start with the fact that you yourself are not small and our contingent is 95% adult and everyone understands perfectly well that everyone has come to learn a new profession and if we do not jointly solve all the issues and problems we will not succeed!

[19:51:56] <Mans> Also, whoever has complaints / suggestions / in the config question / answer does not answer the question - we write to me in the cart

[19:52:03] <Mans> Or something urgent

[19:52:09] <Mans> I answer the fastest in the cart.

[19:52:41] <Mans> Since everyone writes to us a lot in LAN \ Carts \ Toads, there is a simple instruction to get you 99% answered

[19:53:14] <Mans> In order not to miss you, you must do the following:

1. Unsubscribe in PM

2. Duplicate the question in a telegram or a toad.

3. If there is no answer, update the drug after 2 days

[19:54:07] <Mans> I am online from Monday to Friday from 10 to 21 Moscow time. Sat is a day off and in the sun in the late afternoon is already online. Don't be surprised if you write at 4-5 am Moscow time, but I don't answer)

[19:56:01] <Mans> As for virtual machines, some have a question, download everything or how. I explain.

VB7EN64 and VB7EN32 - the difference is only in the bit width. a sphere is set in 64, and so they are the same. We choose the one that is needed for your tasks.

VB7RU32 - RU assembly suitable for surfing and chatting.

For English speakers, you can safely take any assembly in English for communication.

[19:56:20] <Mans> Your security lectures start tomorrow

[19:56:36] <Mans> Big start tomorrow!

[19:56:52] <Mans> By the way, for security, who has not bought VPN yet, we must put it! The guys from DED.IM have prepared discounts for you

[19:57:04] <Mans> Now let's put it on? and drove on questions

[19:58:22] <ame> Vpn now to take, or as the practice begins, also on the remote desktop.


[19:59:57] <Mans> ame: VPN should be taken now and used everywhere, even when visiting on carding forum and similar forums. Since the provider writes all the logs where you roam. According to the Desktop, it is not necessary to take it at all. Those who need it and thinks to work with it, then you can now take it. And so you can safely work from the Virtual Machine.

[20:00:05] <Izolentna>) Regarding the scope of work. You said about the penguin. That is, it is better to sit with him than with the window?

2) A question about methodology and, in principle, information on the forum. Is there any reason to read it before teaching? Or will they all chew what and how?

[20:01:58] <Mans> Izolentna: 1. Did I say that it is better to sit on it? I said that for those who are not prepared for this system, it is worthwhile to study it, since you will only have pain with it. I myself work with Windows and do not complain. 2. There is no sense, since info is outdated and then there will be a mess in my head.

[20:02:18] <RedHeadCockatoo> Regarding vpn. Based on links: is it more advertising + proven resources? Or you can also install other vpn. What is the priority when choosing vpn? Do you need to install both on the PC itself and on the virtual machine?

[20:04:58] <Mans> RedHeadCockatoo: Proven resource and discount for you. But we do not call, you can put the one that you like. There are a lot of VPNs and until you test you won't say anything for it. We always put on the basis of vpn, since there can be a couple of virtual machines and so that everywhere Ip is hidden.

[20:06:32] <polosatiy-55> 1. what update was there this year?

[20:06:46] <Mans> polosatiy-55: above bro dropped blocks

[20:07:02] <IB $ integral> Each block of study in a week goes approximately with the exception of the first. Interested in when it will be about BA and self-registers of the RR: in a week, in two, etc.

[20:07:21] <Mans> So

[20:07:24] <Mans> let's not flood

[20:07:33] <Mans> I find it hard to pick out all this later

[20:07:46] <IB $ integral> If that was the question

[20:07:47] <IB $ integral> 1. Each block of training a week goes approximately with the exception of the first. Interested in when it will be about BA and self-registers of the RR: in a week, in two, etc.

[20:09:00] <Mans> IB $ integral: The schedule is always floating, so hard to tell.

[20:10:06] <dat_user1> Will there be information on current shops?

Where is it better to get everything.

Will there be an example of driving practice?

[20:10:35] <Mans> dat_user1: 1. We will give shops where we buy ourselves. 2. Will be driving online.

[20:11:00] <Koba787> 1Do I need to update the software in Windows?

2 still did not understand whether it was necessary to buy only vpn and work through a virtual machine or nadly buy vpn and vps?

And why do we need virtual machines if we buy VPS?

Do I understand correctly that from now on and forever and ever we do not use our mail, even in those resources that you discard?

4installation on the main pc or virtual machine; that is, if I have a poppy base, then I still buy a vpn for a poppy? and will it be forwarded to the virtual machine?

[20:11:29] <Koba787> and 5 will we have extended info on the linked sphere?

[20:12:02] <Koba787> 1-1 Windows downloaded from links and branded wallpapers and presets

[20:13:51] <Mans> Koba787: 1. You can have a browser, the rest is optional. 2. We read carefully my answers, I said that the UPU does not have to be taken at all. Whoever wants him to let him work, the rest can safely work with the VM. 3. Of course, we register tutanota / protonmail and use them. 4. You put the client under the poppy, and the configs are the same there and it will work on the VM. 5. There will be a separate lecture.

[20:14:20] <Mike Wazowski> What kind of VPN services are there that match the level of general security recommended by Are there any recommendations for analogs?

[20:14:54] <Mans> Mike Wazowski: If only

[20:15:10] <loodsman> Downloaded and now I'm sitting with your build 10ki (eng), but I added a Russian layout for communicating at the conference, so as not to infuriate people here with transliteration ... in the future for work - it will not show through where what?

[20:15:45] <Mans> loodsman: will, because of this there are assembly RU and EN. Unpack another EN for work.

[20:16:13] <deadhasan> I correctly understood vpn not for work, but for protection, we need it, and if we have our own vpn services that do not contain logs, can I use them?

[20:16:27] <ZellyBoBa> 1. about Linux. is there a recommendation which distribution is best for our purposes? tales / heads / whonix or something else?

[20:16:41] <Mans> ZellyBoBa: This will be told to you at the lecture tomorrow

[20:17:20] <deadhasan> I generally have such an understanding, why switch to Linux if you’ll admit it all your life on Windows, it’s like going to first grade with an extra haemorrhoid.

[20:17:29] <Goodman> 1. As I understand from the blocks, we will not touch the logs?

2. Is there an official chat n tg?

3. TG threw off in HP

4. Will there be homework for the practice?

[20:18:30] <Mans> Goodman: 1. let's be superficial 2. No. 3. Ok 4. Will practice on the weekend.

[20:18:48] <titanfinancierstoic> VPS + sphere - enough for all learning tasks? Approximate period before the start of practical lessons on clothing / will work with large shops be covered?

[20:20:24] <Mans> titanfinancierstoic: 1 Yes, of course 2. And we do not touch large shops, you will not pull them out, because there is antifraud every week, you leave all the coins there. We must start with small / medium-sized shops.

[20:20:39] <ame> At what stage for practice or dz investment is needed. Can I immediately transfer to btc or, in fact?

[20:21:11] <Mans> ame: not earlier than 3-4 weeks of training. While gnawing the granite of science at the lectures.

[20:22:46] <centurion_52> 1. About the Russian layout. I'm sitting through honix on a normal Windows. Do I need to create a separate

[20:22:55] <AK-Baks> 1. What about free VPN services? How effective are they? ITop VPN Currently using

2.How soon practice and first results?

3.How to buy VPN? Just throw it to the guys from your card? Or Qiwi?

4. Will you have a homework for practice?

[20:27:50] <Mans> AK-Baks: 1. Forget them like a bad dream. They write logs, merge them at the first requests of the FBI. In general, you do not need it. 2. Let's start learning first. Where are you in a hurry? There were individuals who have already gone to the induction to drive in and I will tell you that they have successfully driven in, but this is fraught with mistakes and leaks of money. 3. Buy a cue ball on exchangers. Reception for security reasons only jammed. Your safety if anything. 4.Will

[20:29:38] <HuggoBoss> vWhen will the materials accompanying the training be issued?

There activation of the sphere, etc.

[20:29:56] <ZiVert> Yes, I have already caught up with everything myself slowly) VPS is a server? Right? You wrote about the sphere in the English version. What does she give? ??

[20:30:04] <Mans> HuggoBoss: I'll write everything down in the first posts

[20:30:46] <maxmaximov88> if I have already paid for nord vpn, you can use it or not

[20:30:51] <Mans> ZiVert: yes, these are remote servers. 2. Sphere in English does not give anything. There is a substitution in the very sphere of everything.

[20:31:22] <Mans> maxmaximov88: well, nord is very popular. I would not, but if I have already paid, use it.

[20:31:57] <centurion_52> About the Russian layout. I'm sitting through honix on Windows. Do I need to create a separate workstation without Russian layout?

[20:32:49] <Mans> centurion_52: yes, it is necessary, because if you drive in from the VM clean, then when driving in, the layout is visible. and with ru layout, they will send the goods to you.

[20:33:04] <Izolentna> The question is completely green for the cue ball. Do you need to figure out how what works or will there be some kind of short lecture in the security section? Blockchain and all that ... How to work with it

[20:33:33] <htuf> on a secure wallet for cue ball, should you think about which one to use right now, or will it be discussed in the future?

[20:33:37] <Mans> Izolentna: we will tell everything in the lecture.

[20:35:51] <riba12> Mans How many hands-on sessions with lecturers will there be for doing things? And when there will be a practical lesson, will it be interciative or will we just watch how the lecturer is doing?

[20:38:37] <Mans> riba12: We will have 2 classes with real-time driving in, where we will analyze all your questions later.

[20:39:08] <Qqmalo> is there a timeline for curatorial advice after training?

[20:40:28] <Mans> Qqmalo: unlim, of course, if the advice is within the framework of training, and not from the category of how to hack the Pentagon.

[20:41:48] <blazhkin> Mans: will the logs after the lectures be posted only with the text of the lecture or followed by questions from the students, too?

[20:41:59] <Mans> blazhkin: of course with questions

[20:43:15] <riba12> We will use virtual in the next lectures? do you have to run it every day?

[20:44:00] <Mans> riba12: no, it won't. so far only Theory

[20:44:08] <bulbik> Screen recording can I do?

[20:44:35] <Mans> bulbik: even if it wasn't possible, how would we know that you are writing a screen?

[20:45:19] <Nexxtip> Will the questions be answered in the logs?

[20:45:28] <Mans> Nexxtip: yes

[20:45:53] <RedHeadCockatoo> 1) At approximately what level do you need to know English? Fluent spoken? or will google translators master the help? As I understand it, knowledge of the language will be a very good bonus when communicating directly with shops / banks if something happens. Based on the courses for beginners, I already know that certain people are engaged in these for money, but still ...

[20:48:17] <Mans> RedHeadCockatoo: Bro, through a translator you can successfully earn money and communicate with shops, but knowledge of English is a very big plus.

[20:48:53] <ame> On the forum, in the general purchases section, my balance is 0, is that how it should be? Some have more than 0 on the balance sheet.

In the end, how long will the training last?

[20:50:35] <Mans> ame: It should be so if you didn't buy anything through the forum automation. 2. 29 lectures, 4 per week.

[20:50:53] <user80> 1. when registering a mailbox on a protonmail, you do not need to specify additional. address to restore access? Or is it still possible to indicate, just in case?

[20:51:23] <Mans> user80: can be specified. register before this on tutanota and point it in proton

[20:51:24] <ame> the tuber has just registered and did not make a purchase

[20:51:28] <ame> but he has balance

[20:51:39] <ame> only bought the course

[20:51:52] <Mans> ame: he could pay for tuition through a voucher and these money fell on the counter

[20:52:27] <user80> 2. What is the best way to pay for VPN using the link above?

[20:52:36] <Mans> user80: jammed

[20:52:41] <Koba787> would like to return to the keyboard layout? there was a talk about what to use then 2 Os. Closer to practice, can you just remove the Russian keyboard and continue your successful work on English Windows? or in practice we will sit in a sphere and it will disguise it?

[20:54:39] <Mans> Koba787: what's the point to put, but to delete? put two VMs ru and en. If the Sphere, then no difference.

[20:55:22] <htuf> question again about the cue ball, is there a difference which wallet to use?

[20:56:23] <Mans> htuf: we'll talk about this in the lecture.

[20:56:43] <Koba787> purchased vpn is also useful when working with a sphere?

[20:57:02] <Koba787> sorry for the many stupid questions

[20:57:16] <Mans> Koba787: of course! Vpn is the very foundation of your security, but few people understand about it.

[20:57:18] <dat_user1> Bro, when will the sphere be?

do we buy proxies through faceless?

If so, will we be given active accounts?

Because first deposit there 50 $

[20:58:40] <Mans> dat_user1: 1. In the first posts I will sign. 2. Not only 3. Will not give, there is where and without a depot you can buy.

[20:59:03] <RedHeadCockatoo> I am asking not for myself, but rather for those who ask questions about where and how best to charge bitcoins to a bitcoin wallet. It seems to me that they are asking at the moment, without waiting for a lecture on the topic, based on the recommendation to put vpn as soon as possible.

[20:59:45] <Mans> then make a knight move

[20:59:48] <RedHeadCockatoo> The wording is very clumsy right now, but I hope you get what I mean

[21:03:15] <Mans> In general

[21:03:22] <Mans> by wallets

[21:03:47] <Mans> you can start a wallet here in the first pairs

[21:03:49] <Mans>

[21:03:54] <Mans> start left mail

[21:03:58] <Mans> and we commit to it

[21:04:11] <Mans> Verif does not need to go there to store and send the cue ball

[21:04:24] <Mans> you can buy the cue ball here

[21:04:37] <Mans>

[21:04:40] <Mans> watching a couple

[21:04:43] <Mans> select by course

[21:04:47] <Mans> and tarim

[21:04:57] <Mans> so you can safely buy your first cue ball

[21:05:54] <htuf> if I buy from the stock exchange on which zaregan can lead to de-anonymization of me?

[21:06:14] <Mans> htuf: where are you going?

[21:06:23] <Koba787> is for us? there must be verified

[21:06:33] <Mans> Koba787: verification is needed there

[21:06:37] <htuf> Mans: to a bitcoin wallet, well, in the sense of replenishing it

[21:06:58] <Mans> htuf: well, in general, they can, but for buying a VPN, no one will catch you like that

[21:07:09] <user80> RedHeadCockatoo got it right. But there are no fewer questions, I write on tutanote - I need payment (card or pp), what should I do?

Or maybe just wait for a lecture on security? Security paranoia will set in soon

[21:07:30] <Mans> user80: there is a free plan.

[21:07:49] <htuf> user80: yes there is such a thing, you always get nervous when there is not enough information

[21:08:23] <Koba787> Is the withdrawal from the above wallets carried out without verification?

what is tutanote? and protonmail

[21:09:01] <Mans> Koba787: from the blockchain yes. mulberries and proton are mail services

[21:09:42] <AlexFlex2134> Windows 8 on the virtual machine will go?

[21:10:18] <ame> Does it make sense to work through a virtual machine if you want to use the sphere?

[21:10:20] <Mans> AlexFlex2134: you can put it too

[21:10:37] <Mans> ame: on VM and put the sphere as an option

[21:10:49] <ame> is not allowed on the base?

[21:10:52] <Mans> you can

[21:10:53] <ame> or is it more reliable?

[21:11:02] <Mans> no difference

[21:11:48] <centurion_52> to install vpn on a clean VM?

[21:11:54] <Mans> vpn

[21:11:59] <Mans> is better to put on the base

[21:12:05] <Mans> since there may be more than one virtual machine

[21:13:07] <Koba787> Taking into account that we are talking about work in the sphere, then the meaning of the VM is - or will we have tools: which will allow us to work with the sphere but without the VM, and also in the VM and without the sphere?

[21:14:11] <adik89> are we going to work from a VM on Windows 10 or install and learn Tails?

[21:14:29] <Mans> Koba787: we will consider all options for work

[21:14:46] <Mans> adik89: I advise you to sit on Windows

[21:15:32] <adik89> Mans: Then I don't understand why to learn Linux - you wrote before

[21:16:16] <Mans> adik89: guys, read carefully what I am writing and delve into the text that I am writing.

[21:16:31] <Mans> there was no call to switch to Linux.

[21:17:12] <Mans> and there was a recommendation, if you want to switch, then start reading special literature on Linux.

[21:17:47] <Mans> any more questions?

[21:18:58] <blazhkin> So far, you can not regret anything - no mail, no wallets, but just wait for the relevant topic at the next lecture?

[21:19:07] <Mans> Izolentna: where is it written here?

[21:19:19] <Mans> blazhkin: yes, right.

[21:19:47] <Izolentna> I realized that you can sit with Windows. No questions asked anymore, trash

[21:20:20] <dat_user1> Bro, can I put OpenVPN on my base, Shove a Sphere into a crypt and move through the sphere from the base using the sphere?

Plus, we will create a few more crypts (false)

Like if the cops are looking for me, let them look for a fake))

It's simple Dedic and stuff that's already for 911 it seems to me)

[21:21:04] <dat_user1> If the cops accept *

[21:21:09] <bulbik> And the banks will say what is said,

[21:21:11] <bulbik>?

[21:21:31] <bulbik> Cash and withdrawal with a bunch of vcts, etc.

[21:21:54] <Mans> dat_user1: 1. You can 2. There is no sense in making false ones, there is a special software that sees cryptocontainers. 3. The delusion is complete. 911 has nothing to do with it))

[21:22:06] <Mans> bulbik: No, we don't have it.

[21:22:08] <Mans> Tax

[21:22:12] <Mans> That's all for today

[21:22:18] <Mans> Thank you all for coming

[21:22:22] <Mans> See you tomorrow!

[21:22:29] <Mans> Big start tomorrow


Reaction score
Carding Learning

To begin with, I will try to explain in simple language how you can theoretically be hacked. I will do without complicated terms, for ordinary users of the lecture.

I believe that the user of any operating system, and even more so those who are associated with this at work, need to understand that professional viruses are not an executable file that has been renamed into a document and asked you to run it (stealer or warrior). And not always blocking macros will prevent an attacker from executing code on your system.

Security is a so-called weak link phenomenon. It is as strong as the weakest link in the chain. Strong encryption is often the strongest link.

We human beings tend to be the weakest link. As they say, my tongue is my enemy.

In general, there are two things that are infinite, the universe and fools. Everything is clear with the universe, but what about the latter? Here's how to explain to various Windows users that they can't work without antivirus protection? And how to explain to the creators of MEGA information security systems (antiviruses in common people) that it is impossible to protect against hacking by the access matrix (this is when the reading or writing of some files is blocked, that is, access control) and that hacking is not always: “Threat detected: Autorun process .exe, tries to write to the system registry key. "

In general, in order not to write a bunch of nonsense, just try not to surf some resources on your PC, do not open suspicious links and do not download any unnecessary software, and it’s not clear from where, carefully approach your security issues regarding JS and enable it on trusted resources and much more.

I will not nightmare you. Usually, such vulnerabilities cost a lot of money, and the fact that it is you who will be hacked decreases, despite the fact that they will be interested in you, the probability is extremely small.

But there is an important point: If you read the license agreement from Microsoft that comes with every operating system of the Windows family, you will see that they will give your encryption key from BitLocker at the first call from law enforcement, and this in turn stumbles upon the idea of what the hell is Windows ?! Why are you keeping my encryption passwords on your servers, what the fuck.

The fact is that by "putting a tick" in the licensing agreement with Microsoft, users give the corporation the right to dispose of their data. “We may access, disclose and store for ourselves your personal data, including any content, any files on your devices, in your letters and in other types of personal communications, if we have reason to believe this is necessary to protect our customers or to comply the terms and conditions governing the use of our services ”- reads the license agreement.

In other words, whatever you say on the Web, write, save, create or download on your computer or any other device with Win 10, all this can be remotely deleted or copied from you - if someone at Microsoft decides that it is for them need to. That is, according to the terms of the Microsoft EULA, interference in the privacy of customers and control over it does not even require government sanctions.

All that is needed is permission from users who are too lazy to read the entire license agreement when installing the OC.

How to deal with this? Store everything on removable media (flash drives, hard drives) and encrypt it, like encrypting files can be found on Google.

Cryptography is the process of encryption, encoding, secrecy in order to make them available only to the desired addressee.


Stop the distribution of any personal information. The location and composition of the family, details, emails, social networks, specific nicknames that match the Instagram account, information about work activities and subscriber numbers should not leave the boundaries of a pure operating system and mind.

Regardless of the interested person, friend or colleague - anyone can be not who he wants to be seen, I am no exception. It is important to be aware of what they intend to do and remember: "The personal should remain personal, the work - the worker." It refers not only to people, but also to Internet resources, from which the conclusion follows.

Do not use personal phone numbers, emails and social networks to register accounts on "gray" sites or stores. Mobile and Internet service providers, as well as e-mail companies, in most cases will simply issue information at the request of competent services.

Registration of mail requiring the acceptance of an SMS code for activation is carried out using virtual online activators, for example: There are dozens of similar services, it will not be difficult to find them. The forum has services, including for receiving messages to real numbers of English speakers.

Uncompromising rejection of activities in all countries of the post-Soviet space. Tracking a resident who is in direct physical and administrative reach is much easier, which is once again confirmed by statistics and observations.

For the same reason, the receipt of parcels is carried out through intermediaries and dummies. It is strongly discouraged to involve personal identification data in the typical process of the turnover of goods and finance in any form.

Communication tools and corresponding correspondence histories should not be in open form on the main operating system. Inside a virtual machine? Acceptable. It is better not to use messengers Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, due to the track record of leaks and discovered vulnerabilities that resemble backdoors.

Methods for storing images of virtual machines and information should have their own levels of protection. First of all, physical media: hard drive, SSD (both external and internal) or an ordinary flash drive. Removable storage is also convenient because in a critical situation it can be quickly physically removed or rendered unusable.

Two characteristics play an essential role in choosing a device: volume and speed. Memory is never enough, so the choice is solely at your own discretion, a convenient minimum? 32GB.

Speed is a consequence of the storage type and the characteristics of the computer. SSDs are definitely faster than hard drives, but the cost is clearly higher. For removable drives, the USB connection method is also significant: versions 3.0 and 3.1 outperform v2.0 - for a simple identification of the version, you can see the color of the ports, with 3.0+ it is blue.

Affecting the settings of the drive, this is mainly encryption. When choosing a specialized program, you can stop at Veracrypt; BitLocker and similar solutions are not recommended. Veracrypt is a fork of Truecrypt due to the closure of the latter and the doubts arose on this basis.

A container is created or the entire drive is encrypted, then confidential information is placed inside, in the future to view which you need to decrypt (unmount) with a password. To prevent the risk of capturing a password from RAM, hibernation is disabled - instructions according to the operating system on the Internet.

In addition, the program has the ability to create a hidden operating system. In case of emergency, it will be possible to issue a password from the main, existing in parallel, while the hidden one continues to store files. Double bottom containers work in much the same way. Detailed guides are available in the main working conference on the forum and in the program help, in addition, the functionality is intuitive.

The password manager can be "KeePass" or similar. Needless to say, "qwerty54321" is not a strong password at all.

However, it is appropriate to inform about the convenient two-factor authentication function. 2FA is an additional level of protection implemented by generating passwords every 30 seconds, which will not be superfluous to use where possible. For example, AUTH or OTP applications will do.

As a preventive measure against virus infection, a separate virtual machine is created. To prevent control over the device or interception of passwords directly from the system, the installation of dubious and unverified programs is performed in a previously prepared virtual system.

It is recommended to periodically make backups of the most important data, which must be kept in encrypted form separately from the working system.

The general conclusion on the first part can be summarized as follows: neglect and half-measures in security issues have negative consequences. Maintaining basic hygiene rules is not as troublesome as getting caught out of naivety or losing money due to account hijacking.

Dachshund, the most boring and important part of the lecture is over, let's move on to answering questions and then continue to discuss current trends in carding.

And I will share with you everything I can :)

The link to me is tied.

And so, I am sure that the most relevant areas at the moment is work on BA and Enroll, these are 2 topics that calmly allow you to break through all the necessary information about yourself and merge balances.

But this is not suitable for beginners.

For beginners, I would recommend brute or logs.