Introduction to Enroll


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I am sharing a lecture on a topic which is not discussed much and you won't find much about it in forums. Enroll : What is it?

Enroll is a regular cc but with an online access where you have the ability to do different things such as change billing address to our needs, change phone number, control card transactions - there are many things depending on different banks.

The issue with billing address in US cards is because of the AVS. We hit shops, everything goes well and later you discover that the shop cancelled the transaction.
In the USA there is a system for checking billing addresses and shipping addresses, called AVS.

Suppose you hit a shop but the shipping address is different from the billing address and the shop declines your order in such cases you will need a enroll with billing change - we change billing to our drop address- it takes 3-5 days excluding weekends in order to change the address.

Not all banks have the option to change billing address. In such cases it is possible to do with a phone call.

it’s better to change the address to a drop that has not yet been dropped, since many banks have, let’s say, black lists of addresses, or if this address has already been used in this bank then it will kill your card/enroll.

Mini deposits :
Mini deposits are mini transactions that the shop debits from the cc to verify you as a card holder, as a rule, the minicoin amount should be around 0-2 dollars.

The shop withdraws a small amount of money from you and asks you to tell exactly how much they withdrew from your card, or the transaction code that came with this mini transactions.

If you confirmed the transaction to the shop, then the shop has confidence in you as a cardholder and after that, usually the shop has no more questions for you or simply say it will be more easy to do the work.

There are shops for which the bill = spike is not important, the main thing for them is to verify the minis. If they have verified the minis, then 99% of the problems will not arise with the order.

VBV(Verified by Visa) - if VISA card

MCSC(MasterCard Secure Code) - if MasterCard card

As a result, if the shop has VBV and you entered it, then the shop’s trust in you increases, which increases the success of your order

There are shops and services that won't miss an order at all without vbv

Phone change:

Rollers also have a change of phone, but again, not everyone!

It has long been known that you can call with the substitution of the number that was specified when purchasing the card / or we found in the office, but the shop can always call back to the number from which we called.

If the shop rings, it will go to card holder and, accordingly, our order will be canceled, so that this does not happen, we can use the number change in the roll

BUT sometimes some banks may call cardholder and ask if cardholder changed the number or not, so you need to know that changing the billing as well as the number is not always successful

An interesting point, in some banks there are lines Home Phone, Mobile Phone, Work Phone, and so it happens that Home Phone is indicated, but Mobile Phone is not (or vice versa), you can use this and indicate the rented number or Skype, instead of changing the holder number, thus we increase the percentage of successful carding without killing the card.

Now you know what is enroll. Now where can you buy it? There are several sellers. Also, you can hit me up - I have daily updates of non bvb enrolls.

There are two types of Enroll. Primary Enroll and ReRoll

Primary - this means card holder did not roll the card and you will be 1

Reroll is when card holder rolled the card to you, but by entering the data you were offered to reroll

Some banks allow you to calmly reroll, for example, PNC business, and some may ask you to answer the secrets that KX set when depositing, then it’s easier to immediately throw it out or drive it somewhere like a regular cc

You can, of course, order a ringing, but where is the confidence that the ringing will not kill the roll? since the Bank, when calling, may ask you to answer the question

After uploading, you should not immediately change the address or phone number, usually I put it off for a day, after that I already

You shouldn’t immediately drive the roll into a bunch of places, drive it into one shop, wait until the pack is delivered and go drive it again if the card is still alive

In enroll you will see
Current Balance - this is what ch spent, and available credit is what is available for carding

Now let's talk about how to work with Enroll

We go to our purchased material or personally made, go exclusively from the SP for the drop. For many, I think the question immediately arises: "Why change the bill not from the holder's ip?"

Again, you can use the SP under the holder, but what's the point of that? We turn on the logic, immediately put ourselves in the place of the holder, imagine you are moving to live in another city, for example, from New Yourk to Dallas at the time of the move, you definitely won’t have thoughts about what you need right now to change the billing in your bank account. Accordingly, upon moving, you will change the billing address.

Immediately after the billing change, exactly from the moment the application was submitted, that is, right away, we go and choose the shop we will hit. Remember once and for all such a moment, you can break through absolutely any shop! Whatever protection it has, if the shop is created for an ordinary person, then we can make goods from it

We go to the shop, register for the roll holder data (Full name enter the holder, billing and shipping address - drop)

Many people think the question will arise: "why do you need to immediately register in the shop? And if the bill does not change, and the meaning is not yet ready for the main tool for driving in", I always make sure of one thing, 40 % success - account warming up! This is the most basic part (in my opinion) to achieve the result.

How does it warm up? And what kind of animal is this?

Warm-up work can be done in different ways, but I strongly recommend taking this issue seriously

To warm up your account, I recommend using the largest possible number of methods known to you, I will tell you just a few of them

1. Surfing - I think the most popular way to turn up the heat on your account!) Without surfing, you won’t be able to drive anything, only if it’s in the most leaky shop

We need to constantly climb the site, watch the product, read the site rules, see the product parameters, material, etc.

We always put ourselves in the place of a real holder, I don’t think that the holder would come in and make an order in 5 minutes, no! Americans and many Europeans are very sensitive to the choice of any product, even if it is ordinary socks.

A real pendos, before buying any product, he will read everything about him, read a bunch of reviews, think 100 times whether he needs it or not, then we'll see the quality of the material, compare it with other analogues of the product, only then will buy, I know this from personal experience with pendos

We need to warm up our account every day until the billing changes

Simply put, we went to the account for an hour or two and looked at the goods Close to the one we will order

For example, if we order a guchi sweater, surf only sweaters or just a guchi brand, sometimes we go to something else), the next day we do the same operation and so on until the bill changes

Ringing, chat

As practice shows, warming up with this type is very pushing towards success. We immediately put ourselves in the place of the holder. Let's say you registered in the shop, looked at the goods and you immediately had a few questions, where will our curious holder run to ask them? Of course, online chat

Questions can be different, the point is not at all in them, but in the fact that when chatting, fraud begins to smile at us more and more, because we begin to fit the description of a real holder!)

There are many different calling services on the forum that have a "warm up chat" service, for a certain amount (usually not more than $ 5-8) they go to your account and communicate with the store

There are much more ways, but basically I use these two methods

With the next course of work, 2 reversals of the event:

1. The bank changes billing and everyone is happy

2. The bank blocks the account. What to do in this case? We turn to the dialers, the chance of unlocking an account is about 30-40 percent. It all depends on the bank and how much information you have on the holder

How much to buy goods?

The question is very delicate, here again, it all depends on the bank and the limit on the holder's card. How to know the limit? Back to callers again

The meaning of the conversation with the bank should be such that the holder wants to make a purchase on the Internet (Let's say you drive in the amount of $ 1,500) and find out if the payment goes through normally? I mean, won't there be any problems?

There are 2 options:

1. Your future purchase meets the limits and the bank says "Everything is fine, you can make a purchase"

2. Either - You have a card limit for online transactions of $ 1000, we can increase your limit

The 2nd option is the most common. We do this not only to find out the limit in the bank, but also to warm up the transaction, what can this mean? And the fact that we have just notified the bank in plain text that we will place an order for $ 1,500! And the bank already knows about it! What could be better?

Always remember. There were some problems with the order, immediately contact the callers, a good dialer can pull out a lot
there are unsolvable decals from the shop, the problem is with you, not with the shop! Always carefully check the system, whether everything is correctly configured for you. When carding, you need to take into account a lot of factors, not everything is as simple as it seems, with each carding you will be more and more experienced

Tuned carding machine

Mail is better to use the gmail domain. Also, if the holder is called, for example, "Leen Helson", then I advise you to do the mail something like this: "", who deals with email:pass databases will understand that mostly amers use the first name last name or just the last name for mail login , the most common type.

CTR+C CTR+V - Mistake of many newbies! Any data write by hand! And only with your hands! You never need to copy and paste anything, be it a login, password, billing, and so on... 90 percent of the antifraud system looks at this, because the real holder, his address or data from the card will definitely not be copied and pasted!

It often happens that in the process of a 3-day carding, a sock dies or a grandfather, who has been at work for a long time, I think this unpleasant situation is well known. If this happened to you, do not try to take the first Dedik or Sox that comes across and get into your account, be it a bank or an account in a shop!

In such a situation, select the most similar SP with what it was, try to find the same zip if there is no zip city. If this is not done, from the side of the shop, it will look like this. You go through registration You are from Texas, you sit for a day looking at goods, after 3 hours you come from Las Vegas, isn't it strange?

We immediately remember about the fraud glasses, which we don’t really need, and the fraud’s smile immediately begins to subside. If this happens, even from the same city, but from different addresses, it's okay, let's say you came to a friend and sat with him. passed registration, climbed with him, looked at the goods, then came home and again went to the site. The situation is simple

In no case, I do not recommend driving on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Do carding exclusively from Monday to Thursday! Because they send the goods on these days, if you do it on a weekend, your goods will be sent on Monday and the chance that the transaction will be canceled by this time is very high!

There are a lot of factors, every little thing can and will affect progress! Always imagine yourself in the place of the holder! After all, you are an ordinary American who wants to place an order.

That's all for the lecture.

(с) CheapTravels


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
Can you recommend any vendors or shops to buy enrolls?
I can make them for fairly cheap, i will need: CC SSN+DOB Background Look up And Credit Score. You can pay look up sevrice for this info, it will be around 10$