Installing Azorult Stealer


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I've seen a lot of distributions, but no installation guides. I decided to write, otherwise why is a stealer needed if 60% of people just stupidly cannot figure out what to do with it. In this thread I will write not only the installation of the stealer, but also the distribution (there will not be many downloads, but 150-200 in a couple of days - like from a bush)

Let's start the installation.
1) Download the stellack files. Download

2) We register on Sweb hosting

I say right away, hosting is free, more precisely with a test period, just read and watch carefully!

Then everything is standard, we write mail, enter captcha, register an account.
After registration, a letter will be sent to the mail, where there will be data for entering the control panel and FTP

3) Download Filezilla, enter the server Ip address, login, password and connect to the server. Turn off Filelilla (do not close it and go on)

4) Go to the hosting in the control panel to the MYSQL Databases section. Create a database, come up with a password (login is given by default), then click here 3332 , enter your password from the database.
Then just open the folder with the styler, go to the panel - panel - info folder and copy the dump.sql file to the desktop. .

Back to hosting, Press "import" - select our database (dump.sql) and load 22 ..

5) Next, download Notepad ++, go to the folder with the stealer, find the index.php file, open it through Notepad ++, and write the base name 9 matches the base) and the password from the base, as in the screenshot: 221

6) Next, open our configured Filezill, click on the publik_html folder and drag the stealer files to the host, exactly as in the screenshot: 32 !!!!

Then there is very little left on the way to success. Go to our mail, open the letter from the hosting, find the test domain they provided: 333222. Next, write the link: Your Domain / panel / admin.php, paste it into the browser and get to the admin panel of your stellack .. Enter the password (edited in index.php, forgot to mention, you can see it on the screen) and fly into the admin panel.

We put all the checkboxes, Configure the grab of files from the desktop, everything is as in screenshot

It remains to make a build .. We have the builder in the folder (I recommend running it on a virtual machine).

Open the builder and write the link: http: // your domain / index.php. Next, your build will be added to the folder with the builder. If this error pops up: 12 - no big deal, just close ..

7) Next, go to the folder with the builder, and find there an incomprehensible file called bin .. Open the file properties and add the extension to get bin.exe .. This is have your virus, revealing that the victim plucked your fury and might!

Now I think it's worth thinking about distribution. I saw on another forum how a certain type shoved a virus in the logs (made distributions), in this case the virus served as an image from the desktop. It all looked like this: We will do the same today.

First, you need to hide the exe file from AB a little, well, just so that the file is not so much afraid of leaks on VirusTotal and other fucking. Before you start, you should encrypt the file, preferably .. If there is no money for crypts and your hands are crooked, you can do that for a start.

The topic is not mine, it was merged a long time ago, but I use it myself.
1) Copy the name of the exe file (virus), right-click on it and add it to the archive, then put the same checkboxes as on the https screenshot: // Let's set the password, ANY, preferably more complicated! Next, go to the "advanced" tab, "sfx parameters" and write the path% temp% (you can do another one as you like), then, in the "installation" tab, write the name of our exe file, together with the extension, in the "modes" tab we set tick "hide all" and in the "update" tab, select item 2 everywhere. We save and get a new file, clicking on which - you will need to enter the password.

Second step: Create txt, open and write: Your file name -p Password. which you specified -d% temp% .. As in the screenshot Then we rename the txt to "start" and change the extension to .bat, which would be: start.bat! Next, select start.bat and our exe-shnik (both of these files), add them to the archive, put the same checkboxes, again the sfx parameters, again write the path% temp%, but in the "installation" section, write only start.bat. Again we tick the "hide all" box in the "modes" section, again every 2nd item, in the "update" section. Then we save the whole thing and get a ready-made file .. (delete all the rest so as not to get confused).

Then we need a program: JoinerJoy. Download. (I uploaded transfiles to the file hosting service, without a password. If you have any suspicions, you know where to start).

open the program.

The program will put the original icon of the image on the exe file and glue the exe file with the real image, so that when a person opens your virus, thinking that this is an image, the real image will open and no suspicions arise.

1) Select the jpeg picture that will open after the virus starts
2) Select our exe virus
3) Select the icon for our virus (there are many options, select the image icon)

Next, save the resulting exe-shnik, change its name to "screen" and extension to "scr"

Well, that's all, our "photo" is ready, it remains to spam it correctly, which I will definitely tell you about

If your "picture" is viewed from the archive, it will be displayed as an exe-shnik, therefore, in order for the victim to be led, you need to unpack your archive with a virus, view the "picture" from a folder or from the desktop.

As for the distribution - I want to tell you a little about the chips. I will immediately show one of my test panels, which I caught up with 100+ downloads in a day and a half of lazy and passive distributions on active boards (the main thing is that the audience is less than 16 years old).,

As you already understood, I added the virus to the archive with the logs, uploaded it to the file hosting service (archive with the password), prepared the installation link and the password. Created 2 themes: 1) Distribution of Fat Steam logs under hyde. 2) Distribution of btc logs under hyde. And distributed, distributed 1 and the same logs, until someone already unsubscribes in the subject that there is a virus in the archive. Then, when it was already "opened", I began to create topics (very quickly), like: I merge awesome logs for you, etc. you can go to the panel, logs 5-6 will be there. The point is that you need to arrange active spam of the virus from the victim's accounts. But do not rush, first, until the victim burns the activity, you need to quietly process the logs, suddenly something interesting (watch my threads) and then panic.

I hope the article was helpful for you and someone it will help to develop, not having the money to start.