In Odessa, police stopped the activities of a fraudulent call center


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In the office, which was located in the Primorsky district of the city, data on citizens’ bank accounts was collected to withdraw funds from them.

He was exposed by employees of the cybercrime department in the Odessa region of the Cyber Police Department of the NPU, together with employees of the investigative department of the Main Directorate of Police in the Odessa region.

According to the investigation, in order to seize citizens' funds, the attackers equipped the office with Sip telephony and electronic computing equipment. They called people and pretended to be employees of banking institutions. Using social engineering methods, they obtained personal data and information about their personal accounts from interlocutors and immediately withdrew funds from them.

With the force support of a special police battalion, an authorized search was carried out in the call center premises. 35 computers and laptops, mobile phones, as well as other things of interest to the investigation were seized.

The authorized search was carried out within the framework of proceedings initiated under Part 3 of Article 190 (as amended by the Criminal Code before amendments by Law of Ukraine No. 3233-IX of July 13, 2023) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. We are talking about fraud committed through illegal transactions using electronic computer technology. The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for a term of three to eight years.

Law enforcement officers are collecting evidence to bring the perpetrators to justice. The pre-trial investigation is carried out under the procedural guidance of the Odessa Regional Prosecutor's Office.

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