How to work with brute bank account


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Hello everyone, just started working with brute bank account, i have read articles on the forum on loading them in Prepaid/Vcc but still don't get the process. Please can someone help me with some guideline, and is it better than Paypal. Thanks.

Carding 4 Carders

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The process of working with a brute bank account is as follows:
1. Buy a bank account in a trusted store or log sellers.
2. Check the balance and validity of the bank account.
It is advisable to use cookies that can be provided in bundles.
3. Replenish your bank account from any payment system or credit card, or work with an existing balance.
4. Cash out. Make a transfer from the purchased bank account to the drop account and withdraw money or buy, for example, bitcoins or goods in online stores.
P.S. It's easy and simple to work with bank accounts. Same name given fullz, you can make self-registration, i.e. independently create a bank account using the full card details. Do what is more convenient for you, easier and more like it.
Please ask questions that interest you and be sure to get reasonable advice and methods, ways to work with them.


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The process of working with a brute bank account is as follows:
1. Buy a bank account in a trusted store or log sellers.
2. Check the balance and validity of the bank account.
It is advisable to use cookies that can be provided in bundles.
3. Replenish your bank account from any payment system or credit card, or work with an existing balance.
4. Cash out. Make a transfer from the purchased bank account to the drop account and withdraw money or buy, for example, bitcoins or goods in online stores.
P.S. It's easy and simple to work with bank accounts. Same name given fullz, you can make self-registration, i.e. independently create a bank account using the full card details. Do what is more convenient for you, easier and more like it.
Please ask questions that interest you and be sure to get reasonable advice and methods, ways to work with them.
Thanks alot @Carding 4 Carders


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@Carding 4 Carders, so i purchased a bank account with An/Rn, can't find seller with cookies. i logged into the account through clean socks but what asked for verification, is there a way to work with it?. Thanks

Carding 4 Carders

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You can buy bank accounts, for example, from this seller
Yes, of course you can bypass the verification, it depends on the anti-fraud system that a particular bank uses.
Before buying accounts, it is important to ask the sellers in what configuration they are selling them, of course, it is advisable to buy with cookies.
If it is self-registration, then use the IP mask with which it was registered so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion.
If verification requires an SMS to the account holder's phone number, then you can use social engineering. Just try to call the bank's hotline and report that you have lost access to the phone number, after which you will be asked to name the full owner and a new number to receive SMS messages. You can do it yourself, but it is best to turn to professional dial-up (call) services, of which there are a lot on our forum and their services are cheap. For example, 1 call costs $ 5.
You can also write an email, but this method does not work with all banks, as they can call the owner to confirm and clarify the information.
If verification for entering your account is required by e-mail to which you do not have access, but you know it, then you can try the same password as for online access, or simply hack the mailbox.
You did not specify what kind of verification you are interested in and what problem arises?
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You can buy bank accounts, for example, from this seller
Yes, of course you can bypass the verification, it depends on the anti-fraud system that a particular bank uses.
Before buying accounts, it is important to ask the sellers in what configuration they are selling them, of course, it is advisable to buy with cookies.
If it is self-registration, then use the IP mask with which it was registered so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion.
If verification requires an SMS to the account holder's phone number, then you can use social engineering. Just try to call the bank's hotline and report that you have lost access to the phone number, after which you will be asked to name the full owner and a new number to receive SMS messages. You can do it yourself, but it is best to turn to professional dial-up (call) services, of which there are a lot on our forum and their services are cheap. For example, 1 call costs $ 5.
You can also write an email, but this method does not work with all banks, as they can call the owner to confirm and clarify the information.
If verification for entering your account is required by e-mail to which you do not have access, but you know it, then you can try the same password as for online access, or simply hack the mailbox.
You did not specify what kind of verification you are interested in and what problem arises?
Thanks @Carding 4 Carders, was ask for phone number or email verification


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The seller you talked about his shop is empty, so i purchased the ba from, i saw it on one of your article. Please is there any shop to get with cookies from, because most shop are either An/Rn or An/Rn + Name. Thanks

Carding 4 Carders

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As I already wrote above, you can try to change the number through the call center of the bank, and get access to mail through hack.
Please learn the different hacking methods on our forum and use them.
Remember that in the beginning, services earn a reputation and try to provide good material, and when they get customers and can start to deceive and abuse their trust.
There are a lot of log sellers of valid bank accounts with cookies and a good balance in the telegram chats of stealers creators:
And many other vendors.
When buying, do not forget to clarify all the nuances and the set of the provided material.
Work only through the guarantor (escrow) service so as not to be deceived.


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As I already wrote above, you can try to change the number through the call center of the bank, and get access to mail through hack.
Please learn the different hacking methods on our forum and use them.
Remember that in the beginning, services earn a reputation and try to provide good material, and when they get customers and can start to deceive and abuse their trust.
There are a lot of log sellers of valid bank accounts with cookies and a good balance in the telegram chats of stealers creators:
And many other vendors.
When buying, do not forget to clarify all the nuances and the set of the provided material.
Work only through the guarantor (escrow) service so as not to be deceived.
Those Redline stealer and vidar sell bank account with cookies, i thought they sell only programs?
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Those Redline stealer and vidar sell bank account with cookies, i thought they sell only programs?
You understand correctly they are the creators of the stealers, as well as service them and provide the necessary updates and support. You can get the accounts of banks and payment systems by working with their software from the received logs, after sorting the search for the data you need in them.
Ready-made accounts with balance and self-registrations are already being sold by other sellers, including those who received them through phishing or their stealers.
P.S. Access to brute accounts is obtained by means of a massive search for logins and passwords previously entered into dictionaries or generated by a computer algorithm.


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Carding brute accounts
I don't work with all the well-known eBay, amazon, pp, etc...I work with brutus of various shops that I find myself + I order software for them, and only for myself.

What does brutus give us?
1) A brutus account may have a CC link with which we can make a purchase.
- Of course, we are interested in those shops that do not need to enter a cvv code during checkout.

2) A brutus account can have a purchase history, i.e. the probability of driving in a different bill / spike increases significantly.
- I try to select drops for the staff of the brutus account, in most cases the shop sends staff without problems, the main thing is that there is money on the CC linked to the account and the bank missed the transaction.
- As a rule, the bank skips in most cases, because the cash register has already been charged in this shop.
- When driving in a different bill \ ship name, I leave the brutus account everywhere, as a rule, drops are received on any names.

If you are typing in an intermediary, then you will need to specify the name from the intermediary.

- I also want to note that I constantly come across brutus accounts in which the KH itself makes purchases to different addresses, I would even say that in 70-80% of cases such accounts come across.

3) If the shop doesn't send us a different bill / ship, we can always send it to a pickup truck.

4) In addition to the pickup truck, you can enter an E-gift if it is present in the store.

5) If the shop has a linked CC in its account, but requires a cvv code when checking out, we take a new CC under the zip brutus account and push it into it. Often this method does the same thing both for different bill \ ship and for pickup or gift.

How do I search for brutus stores?
1) We do a search on the topic you are interested in.
2) Check the store's traffic per day/year.
3) If the traffic is high-we register, fill in the billing and shipping data in the account, and if you can immediately specify the card details, fill them in as well.
4) We throw a small product in the basket and make a checkout.
5) If at the last stage of the checkout, the pay button is not active and asks you to enter the cvv code, do not despair.

But there are shops in which this chip does not pass with saving the card , only the card number and exp are saved ,but cvv still asks :))


When I was looking for taxi shops, I made one mistake.

And I thought so until once again I found a shop where I filled in the CC data without specifying cvv, and when checking out, it did not request cvv at all. I.e., in fact, you can also push cardboard without cvv into such a shop.

Do not rush to discard such shops :)

And of course, do not rush to throw out the shop if it asks for cvv, if it has a large attendance and liquid product, think about maybe it's worth knitting a new CC and trying to drive in different ways indicated by me above.

Also in my practice, there is a case when a shop has just a huge traffic, the shop is top-end, everything is saved in the account up to cvv. But I didn't manage to recruit accounts, I ran a bunch of databases and found nothing. And in the shop a lot of equipment and other things, that's how it happens:) pain hDDD

When carding brutus, I will definitely spam CH's mail before and after driving in.

I merge the databases for brutus either by myself, or I find workings from all over eBay.

I use fineproxy as a proxy, but I'd like to try something better already :)

As a result, in order to drive in brutus, you need to
1) Find the shop - 0 costs other than time. Well, a maximum of one CC for the test.
2) Subscribe to the proxy. To begin with, you can take the smallest packages for a day or two
3) Order software from the coder. There are a lot of coders ,the prices are different and depend on the specific shop. The main thing is that the coder does not leak your software.
4) Subscribe to the Yandex. Mail spam service. You can also add some money to your balance for a short period of time
5) mail:pass databases. Either we ask for testing on the forums, or we merge ourselves (how to merge everything is in the public)

To make the cost even less, work as a team and divide everything in half.

Because I have a huge number of brutus stocks for my shops, from the costs I have only tunnels and spam mail, sometimes RDPs, but this is sooo rare.

Brutus - a good and interesting way to distract yourself from the boring CC and enroll.

Search - to simplify the search, use dorks, I actively use them myself, because by writing a suitable dork, you will sharply narrow the search range, as a result, you will get rid of the search for shops that do not match any parameters.

After you have found a good shop that suits you, look here at the community of which country it uses, because it used to happen that you would find a suitable service, brute sharpening, and goods 0 then you would see that the US are only 20% and the rest is India and so on.

Watch the visitor's program here (you never know who didn't know)

Balance - if the shop has an internal balance, then it can often be even better than cc, because it goes very easily and naturally.

Software - I would recommend taking a project on Private Keeper instead of software, because it will be cheaper than full-fledged software, which plays a big role at an early stage, a good coder can be found easily, and is done very quickly.

Spam - yes, at the initial stage you can buy a subscription, but later I think it's better to just buy software and not worry about paying for spam services anymore, the prices for it are $20-100

P.S. When you find a suitable site, see if there is an e-gift on it, also in addition to the gifts of the store itself, there may be gifts from popular offices such as Amazon, steam, psn and others. If there is, then be sure to try to drive in, since at the initial stage such a gift will bring you money within a day(or even a couple of hours), and the staff will go much longer.


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Working with BA


Today I will superficially consider another type of material with which you can work successfully.

Brutus BA.
Brutus ba - login and password from the account. Such ba are often used under paypal, venmo or other offices. They stand around 0.1% of the balance.
In most cases, you will not be allowed to enter the bank's personal account, knowing only your login and password, you will need confirmation by mail / sms / 2fa.
Therefore, such material is used to link to accounts of payment systems or services that accept payments from BA. Their authorization system makes it possible to bind a bank bypassing protection.
Brutus usually write under the banks of US (chase, citizen, suntrust, navy, etc.), but you can also use ba from other countries.
The usual scheme of working with a brute through a stick looks like this: create a new account (self-registration), link a ba to it, then make purchases or add money to the balance for subsequent cash out.
One ba can be linked to several paypal accounts, but when you reach the maximum number of times, the stick will no longer allow you to link - such accounts are called maxlinks.
If you do not work according to PP, then in order to save on material, you can buy maxlinks - the price for them is lower due to the fact that most people still knit cans to a PayPal.
But you should not limit yourself to a stick and venmo, there are a bunch of different services (investment offices, btc exchanges, shops with liquidity) that accept brute bang, but you still have to look for them.


BA from logs.
The concept of BA from logs means that you have full access to the holder's bank: login, password, cookies, access to mail.
With such a set of data, you can already do better things. For example, having all this, you can go to the lk on the bank's website and make a transfer to another ba.
Each country has different money transfer systems from ba to ba: in us zelle, in canada interac, etc.
You can register a new ba and spend money on it, or use the services of cash out services. There are many people with their own drops who are ready to accept money from their logs and pour it up to 60% in your direction.
However, you are unlikely to be able to withdraw the entire balance, because each bank has its own daily limits. For example, in the usual ba chase, the daily limit for transfers of zelle is $ 2k. So if you come across this request in your logs, then you can make a good return on them and turn out to be a plus.
Also, in addition to USA and Canada, Australian banks (commbank) are in demand. If you find drops in Australia, then you can also work out this ba, or simply tie it to a PayPal and drain through it.
Banks of other countries most often have additional degrees of protection, but if you find any bank in the log, then do not be too lazy to go in and see if it is possible to somehow withdraw the balance.
Keep records, write which banks do not allow you to log into the account and you can throw them out, which ones allow you to go in and see the miniatures to bind to the PayPal, and which ones do allow you to make transfers / payments.
By my example, I can say that there is always a chance to get to the giving bank and successfully drain at least part of the money. I saw such a bank - I went to localbitcoins, looked who accepts it and calmly bought myself some bitcoins.
I still try to give banks popular among cashiers from my logs so as not to waste my time: I get my% for this, and I myself work on the basis of my accumulated links.

As a result, I can say that the topic with banks is profitable and interesting, but to work with them you will need investments: to work with brut it is highly desirable to buy / write software and brute yourself, and it is extremely difficult to find bank logs better than from yourself.