How to farm Instagram accounts so that they don't get banned


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In 99% of cases, Insta accounts for arbitrage are blocked in the first week. And those that cost $ 0.2 for a bunch and even faster.
As you know, budgets are not rubber. So today we'll talk about how to avoid blocking, by what principle the system issues a ban, how not to get into the sight of algorithms, and how to set up secure automated farming for hundreds of accounts at a time.

What to do to prevent Instagram accounts from being banned
Obviously, as is the case with Facebook accounts, they need to be warmed up. What does it mean? The principle is the same as when buying a new car. The first 100 km the engine is running in, if at each traffic light you press the slippers on the floor - you can get to the overhaul ahead of time.
It's the same with accounts. After registration, algorithms look at user behavior. The algorithm is not faced with the task of calculating the affiliate marketer, its goal is to study the interests of the user, correctly form a "smart" feed, a section of recommendations, etc.
But when the accounts are massively registered by the affiliate marketer, instead of human behavior, the robot sees "bells":
  • using other people's photos, pictures from the Internet;
  • spam in comments;
  • massliking;
  • mass following;
  • masslooking.
This begs the question: how many actions are allowed to be performed so that the bells do not start ringing? Answer: within daily limits.
Until 2019, they could be found in the Instagram Terms of Use in the "For Developers" section. But in the latest edition of the rules, this data is not available. Therefore, the numbers below are more likely a red line that the guys engaged in free promotion have groped for. We do not recommend going for it.
Please note that these limits are relevant for fresh accounts (up to 6 months). For those that are older, the numbers can be multiplied by 2.
In addition to daily limits, there are other recommendations for affiliates:
  • do not insert the offer link into the profile description in the first days (the link must be different for each account);
  • do not log into your account from different devices;
  • use a personal IP, mail and phone number for each account;
  • make a bunch of Instagram + Facebook;
  • if you plan to purchase posts, you do not need to advertise on the very first day, and it is better to increase the advertising budget gradually;
  • photos dilute video and story.
Follow these guidelines and your accounts will live longer. Nevertheless, you need to understand that losing money on offers a la "Lose weight by 100,500 kg in a week", "Enlarge lips at home for 100 rubles", "Buy a spell for wealth" will entail a ban. And in a day or in a week - it's already a matter of luck.

How to reduce the risk of getting banned when farming your Instagram account
Considering the above, the scheme of work with each new account will be as follows:
  1. Buy an account or register through services with mob. numbers. Buy a separate proxy for each account.
  2. After registration, do not log out of your account. The robot regards this as an atypical user behavior.
  3. Flip through the feed for a few minutes, subscribe to several celebrities, put a couple of likes, watch a few stories. Repeat the procedure for about 10 days. In this case, you need to log in from the same device.
  4. Add original avatar, photos, videos, stories.
  5. Link Instagram account to Facebook.
  6. Let it rest for a week or two, periodically simulating activity.
Only after that we put a link to the offer in the bio, parse the list of accounts, start mass-liking / following within the established limits and collect leads.

How to automate the warming up of accounts
Naturally, when you need to generate huge amounts of traffic, you need hundreds of accounts. What to do in such cases? It is simply unrealistic to warm up everyone manually. To do this, you can use services that simulate user actions.
An ideal service (of which there are hundreds), in addition to mass-liking and mass-following functions, should support proxies and be able to connect an unlimited number of accounts to one account.
Here the choice is narrowed, in fact, to three adequate combines - InstAccountsManager, SocialKit and Zinsta.
With the help of InstAccountsManager, SocialKit and Zinsta, you can slowly farm hundreds of Instagram accounts, setting daily tasks for low activity, thereby flavoring algorithms and reducing the risk of blocking.
Alternatively, you can look for a working solution based on Zenoposter. If you have a budget, order software from a professional developer.

Conclusions and advice
Let's be honest. In 2k20, if an account has lived for a month and generated few leads, this is already an excellent result. Whoever says otherwise, hardly went to Instagram for a couple of years, or deliberately splurge.
Algorithms are constantly being improved and it will be even more difficult in the future. If your accounts live longer, then you have chosen the right key. Think about the pattern. If you wish, you can share the scheme in our telegram chat.
And remember, all of the above works only in combination. Each seemingly insignificant moment can ultimately play a key role.