How to customize creatives


Reaction score
Creativity is one of the main components of a successful advertising campaign. But often it loses its uniqueness. Creativity can be burned in the spa and used by other affiliates, or it can get lost due to a number of other reasons.
If the creative converts well, but its gulf leads to a ban, you need to get together and unique it in a few clicks. And enjoy life further with:

Uniqueizing pictures
What does FB fire?

1. Metadata.This is a set of data that includes the name of the file, its extension, creation date, and other information. They need to be cleaned up.
To solve this problem, there is a PRO version and an easier one. Those who have primary Photoshop skills can upload an image to the program and save it for the web by selecting the item responsible for metadata in the window.
Those who do not want to get into the program can use a variety of online services that remove metadata in one click.
After carrying out these manipulations, using the document properties and the "Details" tab, you can make sure that there is no metadata.
However, it is worth remembering that absolutely "naked" pictures arouse suspicion among FB.
After editing the photo in any editor, you will have a couple of lines with new data, which will not be enough. On the service you can change and add any metadata for more persuasiveness in front of the FB.

2. Hash amount. This is a unique code that is assigned to a picture when it is created and added to the network. Even by changing the metadata, this code will not go anywhere and will put steps in the way.
To get rid of it, simple processing is enough: cutting, applying filters, adding text, etc.

Video uniqueization
Video creatives are also unique in the points mentioned above.
In any convenient video editor, you need to crop in some places, apply filters, change music, speed up or slow down the video a little.

File uniqueization via telegram bots
This way of uniqueness is the easiest and most carefree. You upload a creative to the bot and in a couple of minutes it will give you a ready-made and clean version.
In order not to fall for a poor-quality bot, we recommend that you use
We wish you white creatives and their long life.