How sell sports forecasts even if you don't understand sports?


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About the scheme according to the author:
Hi! You're definitely lucky. This is your loot button, which will allow almost anyone with any brains to get out of their ass. All other schemes that are available in the public, sold on forums, either no longer work, or bring a weak profit, or have an unreasonable risk of sitting on a bottle.

How will we earn money?
We will create a sports betting project and row the loot with a shovel. I will teach you, discover all the secrets of cappers, show you how easy and simple it is to earn money on the Internet.

Why sports betting?
Bro, open telegram. It's just teeming with betting channels, and if you think it's too late to create your own, then you'll be wrong - a hundred other such channels are created every day and almost all of them have their own client.

Customers are just fucked up. Most of the channels don't stand out in any way, they are gray and shabby, they copy each other, but even so, they have at least 100 pieces per month.

Edward Bil, Sergo, Dava and other bloggers create their own channels based on bids and have several Lam each month. It's time for you to take your piece of the pie, there's enough money and mammoths for everyone. Gambling people were, are, and will continue to be. This is especially true for the CIS countries, where there is a huge gap between rich and poor, and there was no normal work.

Creating a channel
Go to telegram and create a private channel. Why private? Because when advertising a channel, people are more willing to join and there will be fewer unsubscribes, respectively, this helps in promoting the channel and creates the effect of privacy and the value of information.

After you have created a channel, you need to place approximately 10 posts. You can view examples of posts on other channels, or post a small welcome post about what a cool forecaster you are and how lucky your subscribers are. Don't get too carried away, the main thing is informative and to the point.

The council: to make your channel more attractive in the eyes of the audience, I recommend posting useful tips, plums of paid strategies, and schemes for how to beat the BC. You can find strategies in the channels for drains, or on the Internet, various forums, warehouses.

First subscribers
After you create and fill your channel with the first posts, we will need to increase subscribers.

I recommend that before you spin bots, you pair your accounts from the betting chats and add them to the channel. You will be able to invite no more than 200 people, and you will not be allowed to send more telegrams. It is very important that your accounts are not logged in for a month or more. Why is this so? Because people don't really like being added, forced to do something, and there may be complaints about the channel. Therefore, an audience that doesn't log in to the network for more than a month won't be able to complain all at once. And why not drive the bots right away?

Because in any case, this is your target audience and it is possible that someone will eventually appear on the network and get interested and buy forecasts from you. Regular bots, of course, will not become your customers. If you don't want to bother, then wind up the bots right away.

How many bots should I cheat?
5-10 thousand bots are enough for people to trust and buy. Then I recommend driving the target audience. Target audience – potential customers, those people who are interested in earning money on bets. Most of them are men over 25 years old, with an income, but students and even women also buy. By the way, for some reason, many women are not taken seriously, although they are much more adventurous than men. You can try to drive the same girls to the channel.

How do I buy bots?
Go to the zismo forum ( - this forum is known for the fact that there are many performers who provide services for cheating in social networks.

We find any suggestion for getting subscribers (bots) to the telegram channel and place an order. Average price: $ 5 per 1000 bots.

Bots are needed to trust that you have an audience on the channel, otherwise no one will buy from you.

How do I increase views on posts?
Without pageviews, your channel will also not be trusted by the audience. Therefore, we can't do without increasing our views, at least at first, until real subscribers appear.

Don't twist it, keep the ratio between views and subscribers. Approximately 30% of the total number of all subscribers watch posts. So if you have 10,000 subscribers, your post should have about 3,000 views. And do it as truthfully and naturally as possible. Don't play the same number of views everywhere.

Where can I get forecasts? Do I need to understand sports?
You don't need to be a super forecaster to make forecasts. You can upload forecasts on other channels, or take them from this site:

There are quite a lot of forecasters here, for every taste and color. You don't have to buy a paid subscription from someone to stream on your channel. Although some people do this, but I believe that there are no good forecasters, they are all right, sooner or later you will go into negative territory, even at a distance.

The main meaning that You need to get it into the minds of your subscribers - this is that your free forecasts do not have the same passability as paid ones. Because you give free forecasts with a cursory analysis, and you spend a hell of a lot of time creating paid ones. That's why they're so cool.

Selling forecasts​

The main way to earn money is by selling paid forecasts. There are several types of payment methods available:

Single bets (residents): the average price for this product is $ 15. Depending on the growth of your channel, resident sales will also grow, but at the initial stage you will have at least 3-10 sales per day. Depends on the price and traffic forecasts.

Express trains: the most popular product. The higher the coefficient , the more sales. Prices generally start from $ 15 to $ 100 and above. So even with a few sales at the beginning, it will be an easy task to recapture marketing costs.

Insider information: forecast with 100% passability. Inside information - information "from the inside" that is available to a limited number of people.

Here, prices start from 5,000 rubles, for such "information". Naturally, this is the usual forecast, which is given out as a 100% insider, allegedly from some informant there. A popular product among mammoths who are looking for 100% success and those who do not understand sports. There are insiders and agreements in sports, but they are not available on the Internet.

The council: Create a separate channel with reviews, post screenshots of correspondence and money received from the BC there. Show your winning bets that you make on the demo account. How to get it, read on.

It is important that screenshots of correspondence with clients look real.

We publish posts saying that past forecasts have passed and that you can make great money on them. Constantly warm up your audience.

How do I show good results?
Now I will tell you how many cappers show millions of profits on their accounts.

Someone redoes screenshots by editing the page element code. But this method is already outdated and only repulsed mammoths have confidence in such screenshots. But they can be useful for reviews, from customers, such as here, according to your forecasts, everything is healthy, you are handsome, and so on.

But the main tool for working and earning money on the sale of forecasts is betting on the demo account of the company. Many bookmakers give their partners affiliate accounts that do not differ from the real bookmaker accounts of ordinary players. On these accounts, "forecasters" put large amounts and different betting options, those that did not enter the bids, are deleted.

For example, in the 1xbet office, you can check any bid by using the coupon number.

Example: take the match Germany - Argentina, odds-P1 (1.86), X draw (3.94), P2 (3.92), we bet on each option for $ 100.

For example, there was a bet in which they drew and we have a win with a fairly good odds (3.94)

You take a screenshot of the last bid, and delete the failed bids. And so it is every day.

Important! Dilute losses sometimes, do not make 100% passability, otherwise few people will believe you.

You will be able to add funds to your account through your affiliate program Manager.

Your main task: show yourself as a successful player who earns a lot of money on their bets and you have a lot of satisfied customers. Personal bets and statistics play an important role. Therefore, a demo account is your main working tool.

I recommend working with 1xbet, as players have more trust than Melbet, 1win, and others. And here you can check each coupon by the coupon number, which adds to your confidence and increases sales.

Which affiliate program is more profitable in my opinion?
Best of all in terms of deductions, this is 1win, they pay from 50% of the player's losing money. But it's best to convert 1xbet and trust it more. Although here the deductions are small, since this is a well-promoted brand and it is quite well known among players.

Write to managers only when you already have a well-developed channel with views and posts. Otherwise, they won't give you a demo account. Melbet is very picky and requires you to post your affiliate link first to see if your channel is active. They don't want to just give you a demo account. This problem is solved easily – you drive traffic through an affiliate link.

Go to the box office, the site is perfect,you create a task there for a penny, so that people will click on your link directly from your telegram channel, visit the site, and maybe even someone will register in one click. This way, the Manager won't doubt that you don't have an active channel. Do not forget just before all these actions, place a post with a call to go to the office's website.

They are usually attracted by bonuses, free promotions, or events such as the fight between Khabib and Poirier.

How do I work with a business partner?
You should understand that these companies will provide you with a demo account for a reason. Only on the conditions that You will attract your subscribers, put together with you in this office.

Most cappers place posts with an affiliate link and the caption "I put only here". Either write about the free registration bonus, or you motivate them with something else. All creatives should be provided by your managers. don't be afraid to ask how to properly advertise your affiliate link. They will show you examples of posts and give you advice.

You will cooperate with offices using the-revshare method. In simple terms, you will be paid from each loss of those who click and register using your link. Don't be afraid to tell managers that you've just started working with your audience, that there are good ad purchases ahead, and that they won't bother you too much at first and demand some kind of result.

Good partners earn $ 7000 on average, just by draining people to an affiliate program. Upon your request, our managers can also create banner ads with your personal promo code. If a person enters your promo code, they will receive a bonus to their account and you will receive a payment for it every time they lose.

With good activity on the channel, you can earn you can say on a full passive, several hundred thousand rubles a month. For example, a well-known blogger Dimas from Bataysk earns about $ 100000 a month on a 1win account.

What goes well on the channel? VIP chats
VIP chat - create 2 variants of VIP chat, one real, where you will add those who will acquire access, the other fake. Monthly subscription costs from 3000 rubles.

VIP chat is a private channel with a private link. Without a link, no one can join or find it. In a fake VIP chat, you publish all possible betting options, delete the ones that are not logged in, thereby making a cool passability. Don't forget to add bots there for the number of participants. And from the fake chat, you make reposts to the main channel, shouting about your mega-cool terrain and how much profit you make with subscribers. Warm up your audience every day with these reports. And those who want to purchase access to your vip, you add to the real one, where you give completely different forecasts.

Express trains with high coefficients are also a separate product, which is You can also sell separately and make good money. Many people want to hit the jackpot right here and now, just Express trains provide such an opportunity.

You have placed various betting options on your demo account, such as TB 2.5 and TM 2.5, and you are already showing the last Express on the channel.

Tip: Large odds go well, the higher the final coefficient, the more you will have applicants. Therefore, try to sell at least 10, but preferably 20-30.

Insiders, match - fixing-this is also an interesting product that can be sold to mammoths who do not want to take risks and want to put the last cowards on this bet. Here you can make an insider on the exact account. We write that an informant has appeared in the FNL and PFL Leagues. We don't touch the top Championships or the Premier League, otherwise no one will believe us.

It is best to make insiders to the exact account. Put all the available options on the demo account, 1:0,2:1 1:1, etc. and give out the past bet for the past insider. This gives you a huge amount of trust and a lot of mammoths are provided for you. Insiders are usually sold at prices starting from 5,000 rubles and are held 2-3 times a week. Always write about a limited set of people, make sure that everyone thinks that they may not get it.

As an example:

There was an insider on the vehicle from an informant. Pass 99.9% (you can write that and 100%). I allocate 20 seats (I will sell only 20, etc.).

In General, imagine how best to present it, you can even specify an event, such as the exact score for this match is known.

You must show as reliably as possible that you have valuable information and that thanks to you, you can chop cabbage lying on the couch.

There is also a frankly "black method" - promotion of the account. The capper takes the money, promising to promote the account 10 times, taking 40-50% of the profit for himself with a successful outcome. And they usually accept amounts of 15,000 or more.

What is the benefit of this scheme?
The capper accepts money to his accounts, supposedly he will place bets on his offices. Naturally, he does not bet, but takes the money for himself, providing such a report to the client:

Unfortunately, we merged your account, we couldn't increase it, an annoying loss, and so on.

As a confirmation of his words, he provides screenshots from the demo account of the bookmaker, which was kindly provided by the same bookmaker. There he allegedly put on the money of this client.

And naturally the client loses his money. Along the way, they write reviews on the channel, from other clients, that everything went well and the clients made a lot of money. They show payments to customers - usually they use fake screens of payment systems, transfers from a card. They also often resort to ordering video reviews. Fake video reviews also increase conversion several times. Use them wisely.

Remember, the main point is that in order to constantly buy from you, you need the customer to fully trust you.

Therefore, try to demonstrate everything as transparently as possible. These are detailed reports on paid forecasts on a demo account, or using receipts, reviews - photos of correspondence, photos with money, screenshots of winnings, payments to your customers, bundles of money, more Lux. And then you simply will not have a chance not to become successful in this area.

Mammoths want to live for their own pleasure, not work, drive a Ferrari and fuck models. Give them hope that thanks to you, everything in life will change. Constantly make motivational posts, you can fuck about a rich life.

The main thing is to realize their dream, discover a world that is inaccessible to them. After all, mammoths have such thoughts - If he is successful, rich, then this capper's forecasts bring a lot of love.

Projects with a face are most trusted. But that doesn't mean you have to reveal your face. Although it is unlikely that you will face anything for this. The same Edward Beale threw more than a thousand people, but still he is free and no one broke his face. They also respect him for the video with the distribution of money and charity. Because the sports betting audience is so trusting and stupid that it's a sin not to make money on it, which many bloggers use.

You can come up with a trick, put on the mask of an anonymous capper, or just steal a photo of some rich person and periodically post these photos to posts with motivation. You can shoot short videos of yourself driving in lambe, or in any other rented luxury car, living in the Moscow city skyscraper, eating in fucking places. All this is also faked, the main thing would be the desire. Well, or when there will be money, already focus on luxury.

I don't recommend enabling this right away, as this is just a way to increase trust and therefore conversion and profit. At first, it is quite possible to raise the project without this.

How can I increase the reach and engagement of subscribers on my channel?
A very good way that many bloggers who have created their projects for betting use, they drive people through stories in their Instagram accounts, promising to distribute money-they specially create channels where they allegedly distribute money for nothing, or for correct answers to questions, any interactive content. So then they already drive people from there to their projects at rates.

The reach and activity is just crazy. People believe in freebies and are very active. But the problem here is only one thing-there are a lot of freeloaders, children and beggars. To a greater extent, we need targeted subscribers. But if you have different rates and have forecasts for beggars, then there are no problems, you can also use them.

Also try to give free forecasts, take them from other channels. 5 forecasts per day are enough, even in the range of 3-5, with a small coefficient. It is not necessary to understand sports here, many of them don't give a fuck, or they give with a minimum coefficient of about 1.30. This gives you a great chance of getting through. Ignore the disadvantages, and focus more on the positive rates. But the biggest focus is on paid forecasts.

Ask your subscribers to pin your channel to the very top and enable notifications so that they don't miss your posts. Make the channel interesting and it will work for you for many months, and possibly even years.

Traffic. Where to buy and where to get customers?
This is the most important point. Your sales directly depend on how much traffic you have on the channel. Don't assume that if you publish forecasts, customers will come to you on their own. This doesn't work here.

Advertising in Tg channels

I don't really like this method, because I find it very expensive. A subscriber comes out on average 50-100 rubles, there is no guarantee that you will not fall for bot drivers, which simply pollute the telegram.

Not all channels are ready to advertise projects at betting rates. they often inflate prices, 2-3 times higher than usual, as soon as they hear that sports betting needs to be advertised. Therefore, here you can either download a separate channel with a male theme (not bids), and then merge it to bids, or bypass this method. Main male themes: business, dark theme, auto, erotic.

Here it is very important to be able to choose the right creative and set it up for the right audience, namely, a paying audience. There was such a thing that traffic was going, subscribers were arriving, but in fact they were either beggars or schoolchildren. Both of them have no money, so we don't need such scourges.

If you don't know how to set up ads, select creatives, or build your audience correctly, then I advise you to contact these guys -

If you use the right approach, the ad bounces 5-10 times. They will just pick up (create) creatives for you, fully configure advertising and conduct it for a month, bringing you hot customers. your task is only to correctly process and sell them subscriptions. In General, I advise you to contact only them, you will save a lot of nerves and money.

Sites with reviews

A good source of traffic. Many people before buying something on the Internet, including forecasts, look for reviews about certain projects.

You can copy such sites, change the domain to your own, and create a separate section about your channel, where you can get more positive reviews about yourself. And then, when searching by the name of your project, or by rating the best projects (which you personally create), people will find positive reviews about your project, which will naturally give an influx of new users to your channel and this will affect sales.

How do I respond to those who write to you in PM?
You will be periodically written by freeloaders, or homeless people and just idiots. You need to be able to communicate correctly with your audience. And set your priorities correctly.

Do not respond to the negative - negative, some will specifically try to provoke you, so that later they will publish the correspondence somewhere. Don't try to respond to messages right away. Create an image of what a hundred or two people write to you every day and that you won't be able to respond quickly to all of them.

Train your audience to write strictly to order. It's ideal if you create answers to common questions that you'll post on the channel, or send them to those who fuck your head off. And they will constantly fuck your head, you just need to identify them right away and not waste your time on them.

Such people will not buy anything, but they will take away all the desire to continue working.

Now let's talk about the numbers and average conversion rate
The average conversion rate per sale is 5%. Approximately the same number of people from the total audience that came to you will take paid forecasts, subscriptions, insiders, and so on from you. Let's say 1000 people came to you in a month, 5% is 50 people. Price for Express: $ 50 (this is the average price), your income will be 150 000 - 200 000 however, this is without taking into account the profit from the affiliate program, which, with proper promotion, can bring even more than sales. There are channels that give only free forecasts and earn $ 7000 on one affiliate program.

To increase revenue, you need to either increase your conversion rate or increase your ad spending. More targeted subscribers - more profit.

After 3 months, it is realistic to make a profit of $ 7000 per month.

No matter how hard you try, no matter how much traffic you get from paid or free forecasts, no matter how cool your channel is, if you don't have people, it's all useless.

Yes, the content is important, but in the first place it is a good influx of people to your channel. Many owners of such channels spend huge sums buying advertising in the cart, the subscriber here reaches up to $ 1 even.

I went through all this and I think that there is no better source than the target in Instagram stories and there can not be. They generate leads for 10-20 rubles per subscriber. This is fucking awesome. I don't bother picking up channels for advertising, determining where a normal channel is and where a fucking bot driver is, and there are quite a few of them, believe me. Almost all betting channels, both small and large, are spiked with bots.

Earning money from advertising
As soon As you get a normal influx of users to the channel, the profit from sales will go, I advise you to simultaneously develop bots for yourself and then place yourself in some channels, you can take a couple of large and medium ones. You can negotiate mutual promotion with other equivalent channels.

This will allow you to draw attention to yourself, from other channels of your own subject, start writing already from 20,000 subscribers on the channel and ask about the cost of advertising.

Advertising in betting channels costs a decent amount of money, so You can also make a good profit on this. Even with an advertisement of 5-10 thousand rubles per advertising post, an additional 50-100 thousand rubles can be invested in promotion and earn even more money. Constantly reinvest your income, do not forget that you constantly need new customers.

Buying bots per channel (10,000 bots) - $ 10-20

Views for posts - $ 10

Traffic (average monthly expenses) (set up only after a successful launch in a month) setting up targeted ads - $ 100 + budget (average of $ 50 per week) - $ 500 per month

These are approximate expenses, they can be either up or down.

Here you can break down the budget and use the profit to increase and allocate a larger budget, so that you can quickly reach good profit figures.

The results for advertising that you can get are 2-2. 5 thousand subscribers per month. if the conversion rate is 5% per sale (it is usually higher if you use everything I have described), at a price of 3,500 rubles for VIP chat, Express, or insider, you can earn $ 10000.

The most profitable period for selling bets is autumn, winter, and spring. In the summer, there is a noticeable decline in profit, but still it allows you to not deny yourself anything.

Total costs
You can start with $ 30, the main cost is advertising, which is repulsed after 4 days.

Average expenses are $ 50 in the first month.

In a month, you will have a good income-from $ 300-1000.

In 4-5 months, it is possible to achieve an income of $ 4000 by using an affiliate program, selling paid forecasts, and selling advertising on the channel.

The more you invest in advertising at the start, the faster you get the revenue you want.

Sports betting is a highly profitable business that fights back very quickly, does not have the risks that are mentioned in many schemes, with proper promotion and positioning, you will have no end of customers and you will easily win back your initial investment in a month, at least 5 times, and on average 10 times.

There were, are and will be bets, because in our country there are many gambling people who believe that thanks to them you can get rich and change your life. And you give them hope, in exchange for their money.
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Reaction score
Little brother, I brought you a delicious diagram here!

Lol. Chip, if you want.

I open such a cart and see this miracle! I'm announcing a contest! If someone finds a scheme more disgusting than this one and puts it in the comments, I'll send $ 10 to BTC. Just kidding, at most I'll write "well done" in the personal account.

Help me figure it out! Is this a scheme or an advertisement? I think we can safely say that this and that, since the audience is insanely stupid! Since they can shit right in their mouths, advertising can be disguised as content. Still, cool media girls do it! Here I am with my pissing channel will be able to! Double profit! Freebet Fuck! Which is absolutely in any more or less working office. Think about it simply!! METHOD = FREEBET. Here's a better software scheme for you: Scheme=work=salary=earnings.

In short, another precedent of total disrespect for the audience. I condemn you!!!!
Well, I would limit myself to a free bet. So he still "pussy" its vanishes. Triple freebet! Yes of course!
For example, if I received an offer from any bookmaker, I would first send them to hell, and secondly, I would not lie to my subscribers and would write directly: "THERE'S MY REFERRAL LINK, I GET A PENNY FOR EACH SHEEP, SO I'LL BET EVERYTHING ON THE RUN". Not all of this.. He offers to earn money on freebet.