How do you make money from phishing, carding? Dangers of working with a drop.


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This is a type of fraud on the Internet, the purpose of which is to obtain personal data of users such as ID, password, login, access keys.

The article
  • Phishing, carding
  • How to steal personal data
  • What else can you think of tricky

Phishing, carding​

Phishing (from the English phishing and password - "fishing" and "password" - "Internet fishing").

This is a type of fraud on the Internet, the purpose of which is to obtain user personal data (such as ID, password, login, access keys, etc.).

How to steal personal data​

Everything is very simple, but at the same time it is tricky.

Imagine what you would do yourself, having received a letter from the bank where you serve (for example, you have a plastic card) asking you to confirm your data. I'm sure you would just follow the instructions given by the bank.

Carding is a more risky type of fraud. The goal is to get exactly the user's payment data for his personal plastic or virtual card. After that, a complete analogue is created on white plastic.

With such a card, the carder simply withdraws your money at any ATM or pay with it on the Internet. Of course, the carder himself will not risk withdrawing your capital, volunteers are used for this. Trust me, there are enough people like that.

If you are one of those daredevils who are not afraid to withdraw $ 10,000 at once in order to get $ 1,500, then go ahead.

Why do users voluntarily part with their identification information? And this is how it happens: a message from a bank or an administrator of the same WebMoney arrives in the mail to the victim.

Such a letter says that such a situation happened as a result of which your data was lost. And to restore them, you just need to go to the site, enter your username and password and carry out any operations. Made? That's all, got caught!

The thing is that, instead of a real bank address, the scammers send a link to an exact copy of it. And even with a similar domain name. Only instead of the letter i - j, instead of o - 0, etc. It is practically impossible to distinguish such a setup if you have not prepared in advance.

Phishing, carding, work for drops without prepayment

Immediately after your authorization on a phishing site, its admins will receive all the information you entered. Including username and password. And then they will go to do with your account whatever their heart desires. At least sponsor international terrorism. ?

Be especially vigilant when receiving such emails. A real bank is unlikely to be engaged in this kind of mailing, tk. the image of the bank directly depends on this.

I know of more than one case of theft of money from some accounts of Internet users. What did the bank do? But nothing! He did not inform the "victims" about the incident at all. I just paid off the debt behind my back and that's it! A very narrow circle of bank specialists became aware of this case, the name of which, for obvious reasons, I will not name.

What else can you think of tricky​

Previously very popular were “fool's actions”. Of course, today they are biting less and less, but nevertheless they still come across.

I'm sure you've seen messages on various message boards and forums in which people shared information about supposedly "magic wallets." They offered to send money there and the type will return more. These are just such promotions.

Deceiving users even on the Internet is a criminal offense under the article fraud. This means that illegal activities on the Internet are punishable by law. At least that's how it should be. However, Internet crimes are very difficult to investigate, fraudsters often cannot be found and they go unpunished. In any case, most of the attempts of our domestic militia (police) to combat cyber crime are in vain.

Let the quality of the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for caber security and the fight against cyber crime remain on their conscience. Hackers are certainly happy with the level of preparedness of our law enforcement officers. However, this situation promises to end soon.

The cyber security departments started hiring guys with, let's say, not quite a "clean past." Of course, they have no previous convictions, but in their “past life” they were engaged in not very good things.

As far as I know for certain, various contests are held among the newly minted "policemen". It helps them that they know most of the methods of Internet fraud from the inside. themselves have recently been among them.

And today they are scouring the web in search of ... Of course, they are not going to put their friends behind bars, but the fate of everyone else ...
IMHO: And the fact that they now do not break, but protect is a completely natural process of the computer industry development.


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Beware of phishing!

In the first half of this year, 79 phishing web resources were recorded in Ukraine. This was reported by the Ukrainian Interbank Association of Members of EMA Payment Systems. For comparison, for the entire 2016, 174 such resources were recorded.

According to experts, by the end of the year their number may reach 160, since last year the peak months of fraudulent activity were November and December. The most profitable days for scammers are the holidays. It was during this period that the most people leave the confidential details of their cards on fraudulent sites.

During the month of the existence of the phishing resource, it is visited by up to 35 thousand users, each of whom can be robbed by fraudsters, according to EMA. 41 out of 79 identified (as of July 1, 2017) phishing sites are fake card-to-card money transfer services. In addition, 48 out of 79 phishing sites offered non-existent mobile top-up services. Two fraudulent web services "engaged" in lending (defrauding card details under the pretext of issuing a loan online). Four more sites offered to find a job - to work for the state enterprise "Ukrposhta" at home.

What is phishing?

Phishing is a type of Internet fraud, the purpose of which is to gain access to confidential user data - logins and passwords, credit card numbers, e-mail, etc. The bottom line is that the fraudster creates a web page that is outwardly indistinguishable, or hardly distinguishable from the real page, on which confidential information is requested from the user. A link to a phishing page is usually accompanied by an enticing description, like: "Free gold", "get an instant bonus", "golden stream", "information about new tanks", "shocking truth about ...", "look what news about ... "etc.

Remember, if a message of this kind appears in the course of a normal discussion, you should immediately be on your guard.