How do we prevent carders from receiving parcels bought with other people's credit cards

Carding 4 Carders

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Unscrupulous comrades who want to cash in on honest people revolve around any service sector. Perhaps in comedies about swindlers (like "Catch Me If You Can" or the recent "Trick" with Will Smith) it looks funny and romantic. But in real life, hardly anyone will like it if they pay with their card for three flying drones for $ 3,500, several expensive bags and 8 iPhone 6 Plus 128 gigabytes.

In this post we will tell you how we catch such scammers, what funny nonsense they periodically do, and why agents from the US Secret Service came to visit us.

How it goes​

  1. A fraudster - "carder" - steals bank card details. There is a whole industry for extracting such data - you've probably heard about overhead keyboards on ATMs, etc. Therefore, when using the card, do not forget about safety precautions (the link is a good series of articles on this topic, the author has worked in the banking sector for 10 years).
  2. The carder then pays for the item in a US store and orders express delivery through Shopfans to the address he wants outside of the US. Some particularly arrogant types try to pay with "cardboard" and our services in order to hang on the card holder not only the cost of the drone, but also the cost of delivery.
  3. The cardholder or bank notices suspicious activity and blocks the card. Or the payment is blocked by the store's security system. Or we block delivery.

    Recently, separately cunning individuals began to buy goods with the help of "white" gift cards (Gift Cards), purchased with stolen credit cards. It is important for the store that the payment from the gift card is "white", and in what way the gift cards were purchased - few will understand. Therefore, Shopfans is the last line of defense for online retailers to receive a cancellation notice.
  4. Sometimes we suspect something, but there is nothing to complain about, there is no reason. Then the package leaves the warehouse. If later information appears that the things in the parcel are stolen, we look at how the parcel was sent, and at what stage of delivery it is now. Sometimes there is an opportunity to "get stuck" right on the way. If the parcel is already in Russia, we contact the local branch of the Russian Post and block the issue there, we have been officially cooperating in this way since 2012.

Sometimes there are more professional schemes when scammers work with so-called “drops”. Usually a "drop" is an unsuspecting person who has been hired for a simple job: to receive parcels by mail and send them to another address. The need for such redirection is explained by some quite normal reasons. (We've even seen such advertisements allegedly on behalf of Shopfans.) There

may be several shipments, depending on how badly the sender wants to cover their tracks. This chain is more difficult to untangle, although we also catch and return such messages.

How carders come across​

We will not tell everything so as not to facilitate their work.

1. The seller can contact us. Sometimes, they get notified very quickly about Cheergebacks. The cardholder received an SMS, contacted his bank and said that he had not made these purchases.

The card issuing bank initiates an "alert" through the "Visa" or "Master Card". The signal goes to the bank that serves the payment terminal of the online store. That, in turn, informs the store about the disputable transaction within a few minutes. The store, if the order is not sent, delays delivery or contacts us if the package is already on its way to us.

If the package is in our warehouse - they provide us with the tracks and the client's suite number, we return everything immediately. If the package is gone - as mentioned above, we are looking for a way to return it.

2. There is an option when the seller gets in touch not with us, but with the police. We have been friends with the police station for a long time, we showed our curator Bill Bair (pictured) from the Folcroft Police Department.


If they call the police, they send us a notification on the same day, which says: I received such and such a request. Sometimes a request may come from a police station in another state.

3. Carders try to pay with a PayPal account and identify themselves as John Smith.Although the account is registered to Vasya Pupkin. By the way, we noticed that PayPal's anti-fraud system is weaker than, for example, Amazon. With due diligence, carders bind stolen cards to left accounts and pay with paper pallet in stores

4. They often write with errors, as in the screenshot. Or they may pretend to be a girl, and the style of the letter shows that this is a boy.


5. They get nervous and often write "Where is my package?" They, too, may have paid some money to be provided with the details of this credit card. And for a long time we set up the system on our side so that it was difficult to catch them.

And I also had to work with the "carding": they scard the card data and some store suddenly missed the payment. Then you need to have time to order and receive the goods, until the owner of the card found the loss and blocked the card.

Sometimes they write to us very funny things to force us to send a package as soon as possible: "I will inform the FBI that you are embezzling someone else's packages and, hiding behind a forwarding company, are sending biological weapons and sponsoring terrorists."

By the way, the FBI officers once came to visit us, to get acquainted. They asked to inform if someone orders the delivery of a nuclear missile:


6. You can catch the cheater using social networks.There was one comrade who was "burned" through social networks. He was telling one thing, and on his Vkontakte page we found a post "I sell iPhones in bulk with a 50% discount." The man had a sense of humor, he admitted that we revealed him.

Fun cases with documents: almost perfect forgeries and photographs of Margaret Thatcher​

If there is a suspicion, we ask for more data. Many make excuses:

- A business partner bought it for me ...
- This is my compensation as a salary ...

After that we say: ok, let the person who paid for this order contact us. Or provide its ID.

Once they sent a scan of documents with a photograph of Margaret Thatcher. Once - photographs of a famous football player and teacher from Ust-Kamenogorsk (who, of course, did not order anything).

There was one case with a certain "Veronica Pitt". She sent two seemingly good quality documents.


Fortunately, we have employees who are very good at Photoshop. The forgery was revealed - the signature of the owner on the passports turned out to be 100% identical, which, of course, cannot be in real life.


On the second document, the signature was simply copied and slightly expanded.


Recently, carders have gotten their hands on it. If they use "leftist" photographs, then they try to have a person with a similar appearance at hand.


A certain Toor Luc


And the passport of Pavel Anatolyevich Zolotarev

But if we see that fake documents have been sent, then we say - sorry, your account will not be unblocked, orders are returned to the store.

Although sometimes we still make mistakes, blocking someone access​

Once we blocked the account of Vanessa Alejandro Acosto Malero, who lives in Belarus. The reason, as you might guess, was the name. We started to correspond.

She sent us her photos, we found her in social media. networks - Facebook and Linkedin. We wrote her messages there and asked to answer, she answered without any problems. It turned out that the girl had married a Belarusian and moved from Venezuela. We apologized.

The communication usually shows immediately whether the client is normal. He even sends what we do not ask for - photographs with a child, with a car.

How carders take offense at us​

The guys are very offended by us that we do not let them "earn", and write angry reviews on the Internet, pretending to be dissatisfied customers.

Although on their forums (the bulk of the forums of "carders" and "fraudsters" in the shadow part of the Internet, but there are also accessible from the search), they communicate much more directly.


Tears are welling up in my eyes.

Some carders go further. A typical case when we had to block the account of a user who could not provide the required documents: I


literally caused a storm of emotions:


Unfortunately, sometimes they still manage to profit. Let's tell one high-profile case.

We had one client. He provided all the documents. There was nothing to find fault with, although Galina (the main one in the warehouse) had some internal suspicions.

When his parcels left, we got a call from another salesman who was looking for other traces of this "client". It turned out that the guy bought a gold iPhone in another store, but after a while the store received a payment cancellation.

We contacted the Russian Post and requested this parcel back. Then the guy started calling the Russian Post, introducing himself as our manager Peter Sharapov (!), And convincing that everything is in order and the parcel should be handed over. He even sent a letter and signed it as if on behalf of Peter.

Russian Post is at a loss whether to issue it or not. We also see the light from such impudence. In general, while we were figuring it out, some kind of wheel slipped by the Russian Post and the parcel was issued.


Here is such a talented Mr. Ripley.

After that, he began to write reviews on a special website - what a bad company we are, we steal packages. A salesperson entered into a dialogue with him, who sold him a gold iPhone and asks - are you generally normal? You're a thief!

Why don't the police investigate these cases and the carders keep trying from year to year?​

For example, we caught a person and returned his orders to the store. The store did not incur losses. We know that the scammer will try again, and we are ready to give it up.

But until there is a request to the police station from those whose cards were stolen or from the store that received a refund, no one will worry. And people are often inclined not to raise further fuss: they returned the money, and good.

American law enforcement agencies will only open an investigation because of the very large amount. Otherwise, it is inconvenient: the theft happened in one state, the drop is in another ...

And if the parcel is already in another country, then even more so. Once we were visited by agents from the US Secret Service. As far as we understood, the card of the daughter of some banker was involved, the Russian carder skimped on 15 thousand dollars. We provided them with all the data of the person who ordered the package. But we were told that this is not the amount due to which they will make a request to the authorities of the Russian Federation. So we have only a business card from that case:


In general, the war with fraudsters continues. Keep track of your cards and successful purchases!

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