How an AI book uncovered Israel's Secret Cyber Intelligence Chief


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In a recent publication in The Guardian, a sensational case was revealed when, thanks to a careless digital trail, it was possible to identify the head of the mysterious Israeli secret service 8200 - Yossi Sariel. The 8200 service, which is often compared to the legendary American NSA, was in the spotlight because of a leak provoked by its leader himself.

The reason for the exposure was the book "The Human Machine Team", written by Sariel under a pseudonym. It outlines his vision for how artificial intelligence can radically change the conduct of war, offering new approaches to human-machine interaction on the battlefield. An email trail left by the author of the book unexpectedly led to his personal Google account, revealing his true identity.

The Israel Defense Forces denies all charges related to the leak, but the story raises serious questions about digital security and privacy. The article also focuses on the potential of AI in the military field, especially in the context of the ongoing clashes between Israel and Hamas, but without covering the work of the 8200 unit itself in detail.

This division, known for its cybersecurity operations and the creation of the Stuxnet virus, remains a mystery, as does its role in shaping the global community of information security specialists through graduates who have founded successful startups in this field.