Hiring Cars - UK


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This can be easy if done properly and if you don’t want to bring too much heat on yourself do not try it.

I`ve hired a number of cars from finance etc, normal hire car companies, most have changed there policy now but there are still a few around that allow you have cars dropped off and picked up from any location.

The reason why it is so easy to hire cars from certain companies is that you can use a Driving license which you have to provide obviously, but then pay with different credit card AND have the car dropped off to a different address of your choice! So basically pick your car, pick any of your choice but remember the car you can get depends on the age on driving license, no 20 year old driving license will be getting a Ferrari (yes I have gotten Ferraris before), older the DL the better the car, not too old DL tho, no 70 year old is going to hire a ferrari.

So fill in required details, you will be paying for the actual car from a credit card, so make sure you get a good card, closer the credit card billing address to the DL detail the better.

Now once everything has been done they will ask for an address for the car to be delivered, any address will do, drops address etc. If you are ringing and hiring the car, all you have to simply say is that you’re staying at a relatives address etc and require a car they shouldn’t ask too many questions.

So the car will be dropped off at the time you request, its best if your not there, get your drop to get the car, someone will simply park it outside the house, knock on the door, and give the keys, not before being shown some ID, you have to show a bill with the name that is on the DL on there. Sign for it. And that’s it, Brand new Bmw, Merc, whatever you like ready for you.

Now you don’t have to get it delivered, they have even stopped delivering cars were I used to do this op, you can go pick them up from actual rental place, still they require DL and bill for this. And you can collect from airport for this they require the same. Some places don’t need DL but house drop off is better.

Now what to do? You can drive around for abit, I wouldn’t do this. After a week or so, itl be reported as stolen. A quick PNC check will show that it’s a hire car so if you get stopped get away easy. Unless its reported stolen then your in trouble.

As soon as I get car I have somebody waiting to buy, don’t sell for very high price no one will pay, its just best to get rid of quick. Off course this is why it is best to get more expensive cars. Now I have somebody who strips the car and sells parts, others like to change all the ID numbers on car, and sell as legit car. Another thing don’t forget the Tracking device you gotta find it and get rid of it.

The other person I do this with, has now bought a scrap yard so we strip the cars ourselves now and sell parts.

The cars won’t stay legit for along time, but then again ive had a bmw 7 series and when I PNC checked it two months later was not reported as stolen.

If done properly you can have a entourage of exotic cars, keep them look at them, me I sell them as soon as I can.

A lot of money can be made if everything is done properly. But I wouldn’t try and do this my self, you need more then one person really.

I don’t really do this anymore, as it was becoming really suspicious, the person I used to do it with, still does it and is very successful. Been doing it for well over a year.

With one search I found a fresh website also: www.car-rental-hire.co.uk/bookuk1.htm

Seems good for hiring. If anybody tries, be careful and good luck!