CC Master

Reaction score
I consider applications for cooperation from all active participants possessing certain skills and abilities.
Those who know how to work correctly and understand the specifics of correct work.
I checked a few of your themes and they are all copied from the internet. I have not found any leadership and methods showing the level of your professionalism.
Excuse me, maybe I did a bad check and you are really a reliable and proven person.
Don't worry, even if you just copied someone else's information, I can still consider our cooperation.
Please add 3-4 links in this thread to any guides you have written and are a legitimate author (I will check them online).

Also fraudulent scammers claim that you @CreedX can be a clone (fake account) of the admin or my clone and write a fictitious review. I don't want reviews that aren't credible or believable. Therefore, I ask you to remove all reviews from deceivers who did not provide evidence for their words.
No need to litter my topic with spam and other rubbish.
I also ask you to block (ban) the accounts of all deceivers who deliberately damage my reputation.

If you doubt that I have material, I can provide it to ANY VERIFIED ESCROW! I can provide my CC not necessarily to the administrator of this forum, but to ANY ADMIN of the verified forum of your choice.
You must agree with the admins so that they check the validity of all presented cards if you do not trust my checker.
Escrow services are free (on "Ver", "Crd", "Procrd, Crdpro"). Therefore, you can choose any other forum if you don't trust it. I agree to work through other forums too, besides fraudulent projects.

I do not sell logs and accounts.
I am a borrower and specialize in providing CC for cashing out to trusted and reliable guys.
The possibility of creating VCC is also being considered, but I have already found services that we can cash out, if they cannot cope with the volumes, then I will report on the search for additional people in this thread.


Confidence Man
Reaction score
I consider applications for cooperation from all active participants possessing certain skills and abilities.
Those who know how to work correctly and understand the specifics of correct work.
I checked a few of your themes and they are all copied from the internet. I have not found any leadership and methods showing the level of your professionalism.
Excuse me, maybe I did a bad check and you are really a reliable and proven person.
Don't worry, even if you just copied someone else's information, I can still consider our cooperation.
Please add 3-4 links in this thread to any guides you have written and are a legitimate author (I will check them online).

Also fraudulent scammers claim that you @CreedX can be a clone (fake account) of the admin or my clone and write a fictitious review. I don't want reviews that aren't credible or believable. Therefore, I ask you to remove all reviews from deceivers who did not provide evidence for their words.
No need to litter my topic with spam and other rubbish.
I also ask you to block (ban) the accounts of all deceivers who deliberately damage my reputation.

If you doubt that I have material, I can provide it to ANY VERIFIED ESCROW! I can provide my CC not necessarily to the administrator of this forum, but to ANY ADMIN of the verified forum of your choice.
You must agree with the admins so that they check the validity of all presented cards if you do not trust my checker.
Escrow services are free (on "Ver", "Crd", "Procrd, Crdpro"). Therefore, you can choose any other forum if you don't trust it. I agree to work through other forums too, besides fraudulent projects.

I do not sell logs and accounts.
I am a borrower and specialize in providing CC for cashing out to trusted and reliable guys.
The possibility of creating VCC is also being considered, but I have already found services that we can cash out, if they cannot cope with the volumes, then I will report on the search for additional people in this thread.
What's your username on crd?


Reaction score
I checked a few of your themes and they are all copied from the internet. I have not found any leadership and methods showing the level of your professionalism.
Excuse me, maybe I did a bad check and you are really a reliable and proven person.
Don't worry, even if you just copied someone else's information, I can still consider our cooperation.
Please add 3-4 links in this thread to any guides you have written and are a legitimate author (I will check them online).
So others(if really it not one person) you offered Card, wrote there guides themselves?, how many guides on this forum or other public forums that are not copy and paste?
Which of your suppose professional have helped newbies with guides and answered there questions straight and correctly without copying from net, remove the sand on your eyes before judging others
Don't find excuses to fuck people brain.This were your words
Requirements for cooperation:
- Registration on the forum: at least 3 months
- Minimum number of messages: 200

If it the admin making all this up,You can keep your card and deceive newbies to promote the forum, i don't have time to improve the traffic of the forum.
I knew all this was a joke, now it finally clear and proven for everyone to see.


CC Master

Reaction score
@CreedX when you copy information from other people's sources, you do not increase traffic, but rather lower the site's position in the search engine. Please learn how SEO promotion works.
Hope to read the authoring guides from you soon.
But don't worry, I think I'll give you free CCs for your activity, after the admin will clear my advertising theme.

The methodology of work in other forums is as follows:
1. You inform me:
- the name of the forum where you want to pass the deal via escrow
- link to your profile on this and another forum
- your contact jabber or telegram
2. I register on another forum under the nickname "CC Master". If this nickname is already occupied by someone else, I register under a different nickname.
3. I am checking your profile on another forum, namely the following facts:
- registration date must be more than 3 months
- the number of messages should be more than 200 (it is possible and less, for example, 100 messages if they are of high quality by which you can determine the level of your skill and full awareness of the topic).
- the profile must not have the status "Blocked", "Scam", "Deer", "Rat" or similar negative satatuses
- the absence of claims against you and the current proceedings in the "Black List" section.
- lack of reputation points in the "Freebie" section, ie reputation for providing invalid material to other forum members.
4. I tell you the nickname under which I registered on another forum and provide a link to my profile.
5. You verify me through private messages on another forum.
6. You create a topic in the "Escrow service" section of the following content.
Topic title: "Deal with CC Master - provision of free CC for cashing out".
Topic content:
- CC Master provides to escrow service free CC for checking
- Escrow service check the validity of the provided CC
- The escrow service notifies me and the CC Master of the results of the CC check
- Escrow service provides me *your nickname* free CC for work
- I *your nickname* undertake to cash out within 7 days after receiving the CC
- I undertake to pay the commission for the provided CC after cashing the to CC Master
7. After creating a topic in the escrow service, you provide a link for the correctness of the specified conditions and confirmation of the transaction on my part.
8. I provide CC to the Escrow service.
9. Escrow service check the validity of the CC and reports on the results of the check.
10. Escrow provides you valid CC to for good work.
11. You receive CC and work with them within 7 days.
12. You inform the escrow that everything is in order or that some problems have arisen that require additional investigation and provide your evidence for what reason you could not work with valid CC.
13. You pay me a commission to bitcoin wallet.

Similar actions can be applied on any trusted forum.
After a successful transaction, you receive a new CC without escrow services.
You do not pre-pay money either to me or to the escrow service, that is, no cash investments and operating costs on your part.
You pay me only after you have successfully cashed the CC and get a new portion to work.

Attention! Nickname "CC Master" on another forum may be occupied by someone else! Before making a deal, be sure to go through the verification through private messages on this and another forum!


Reaction score
So others(if really it not one person) you offered Card, wrote there guides themselves?, how many guides on this forum or other public forums that are not copy and paste?
Which of your suppose professional have helped newbies with guides and answered there questions straight and correctly without copying from net, remove the sand on your eyes before judging others
Don't find excuses to fuck people brain.This were your words

If it the admin making all this up,You can keep your card and deceive newbies to promote the forum, i don't have time to improve the traffic of the forum.
I knew all this was a joke, now it finally clear and proven for everyone to see.

Comments are removed by @admin.
Brother, you are right.
This is totally @admin's project.
An amateurish project designed to trick new users to increase the number of posts on the forum.


Reaction score
@CreedX when you copy information from other people's sources, you do not increase traffic, but rather lower the site's position in the search engine. Please learn how SEO promotion works.
You don't have to teach me about SEO i know that, if your professionals start posting active and meaniful methods you will have good traffic, check all my Post on this forum and others and check which is active and meaniful, I might not have a background in carding but i don't copy trash, i don't post what i have not worked on.
Hope to read the authoring guides from you soon.
If you need anything to read GOOGLE is your friend, if you don't understand anything people on the forum will help
But don't worry, I think I'll give you free CCs for your activity, after the admin will clear my advertising theme.
Thanks, not interested they are people who needs it. I don't need my brain to be fucked.

@admin if you need advice on getting traffic, people on the forum will help you.



Reaction score
Guys, this is complete idiocy! Just a fool can't buy a CC for $ 10.
Only a complete idiot would be so humiliated and begging for 1 free CC. Are you out of your mind? Do you have no honor and pride?
Have your head on your shoulders and a tip of advice, it's a shame to be a freeloader and a freeloader.
If you're a professional carder with 200 posts, don't you still make a paltry $ 10 to get a valid CC and crawl so much to this salesperson.
No successful carder will ever beg for a free CC like these guys.
And when they were refused to present the free CC, they begin to cry and blame everyone they are clones and scammers.
Now let's remember how @0101010 threw $ 5-10 and that he compensated for the damage? NOT. He's such a petty and pathetic type that he doesn't even have $ 10 of free money to make up for. This is complete nonsense!
And read their fake reviews of how they successfully buy accounts in the store and successfully cash out $ 76k. And in this topic, they humiliate themselves and ask for a free CC for $ 10. THIS IS FULL ABSURD. LOL!
How can you trust such stupid beggars and liars? They generally have no idea how to work properly with the CC and what can be done with it. They are not just trying to throw everyone in any convenient way and beg for free material for work.


Staff member
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[email protected]
Yes, our forum needs high-quality thematic traffic. We want to become a popular project and earn a reputation. When our forum gains momentum, we want to go into a private mode of operation, but so far we really need high-quality filling and new members.
Please contact me for anyone who can arrange traffic. We can provide you with free valid CCs from any store and in any volume you need. We can also simply pay with money for the provision of this service.
We will be glad to any help and support, but we can not specify the conditions for this seller as he accepts them on an individual basis.
We can buy for you prepaid, virtual, credit, debit cards whatever you want for successful work in any CC store.


Reaction score
Admin clone @CC Master you are an idiot,if you want him to teach you something while not ask in private.
This is a bad statement to say to someone that helps this forum.
None of your clone post relevant things,just copy and paste rubbish,you also complained about dunk doing that
This dude @CreedX is very smart he played you all and you felt for it, making everyone TRUST FOR THE FORUM GO DOWN.

@Father you are stupid, you call everybody @0101010 clone that needs free cards, i don't think this dude needs card.
He said on his post he don't need it if you are blind get glasses and see it, he did not humiliated himself but got respect.
@CC Master you can keep on scamming people.

@admin you can use your card yourself and promote the forum with your clone, don't think anyone is interested
You are smart you can do it yourself
We all lost trust on the forum.


Reaction score
Notice When the admin and his clone are been caught, they start blaming people for scam
Pathetic Fool,@CC Master keep scamming people.
Don't feel you are wise because you are not


Reaction score
this Post is 100% mainpulation
just look how Commented and you will see that all those profile have been made by the Admin
@Carding 4 Carders
@CC Master
those all are Admin and CC Master is also the Admin

@CC Master i would like you to Answer this Question?
you said Requirements for cooperation:
- Registration on the forum: at least 3 months
- Minimum number of messages: 200

but they was not Registed on this more less that 3 Months
they was registed less than 1 Month :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
from that date


Reaction score
Thank you for your questions, I am happy to answer them:
1. Our charitable organization is officially registered, has all the necessary documents and carries out legal activities.
2. The organization has a formal agreement with a banking institution that issues these cards.
3. The sale of prepaid cards is necessary to cash out several million dollars from the organization's accounts every month. Decent volumes and high demand are required. The problem is that the bank refused to issue cards with a nominal balance of more than $ 1000. Therefore, it is very inconvenient for the successful cashing out of large amounts. This measure is necessary to avoid higher taxes! More than 10,000 cards must be sold per month! The staff distributes them to their friends and acquaintances, but they are simply physically unable to cover the entire volume.
Of course, we make our own purchases, but we need clients who will help us cash out by selling prepaid cards.
The activity is absolutely legal and complaints from our organization will not come!

I remind you that the cards are provided ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE to everyone and WITHOUT ADVANCE PAYMENT!

@Carding meets the specified requirements. These card with a face value of $ 100 were provided to you in your private messages for FREE! Please check this fact, make a purchase on it and report the results!
I remind you that for further cooperation, the cards will also be provided to you in advance without payment, already with a higher nominal value. And after you receive them and buy something on them under the terms of cooperation, you must pay me the following amount:
For a prepaid card with a balance of $ 1000 - $ 200 btc.
For a prepaid card with a balance of $ 500 - $100 btc.
For the next orders, we provide no more than 5 cards at a time. Subsequently, the limit can be increased to 10 pieces!
hello im new user i need to buy a valid cc


Reaction score
My opinion remains mixed on this seller he put the conditions of cooperation if you do not match he does not sell you any and all who say they are scammed have not been out of the forum


Reaction score
This seller DOES NOT SELL cards and cannot cheat.
He provides cards for cashing free of charge.
If you do not fit his terms, then simply do not write to him as he does not work with scammers.
Anyone who said that he was a fraudster could not provide evidence of deception. They are just envious and fools.
Hi, did you try his service?
Honestly for me seems this to good to be true. If this would work everybody would do it and make a hell of money very easy


Reaction score
This seller DOES NOT SELL cards and cannot cheat.
He provides cards for cashing free of charge.
If you do not fit his terms, then simply do not write to him as he does not work with scammers.
Anyone who said that he was a fraudster could not provide evidence of deception. They are just envious and fools.
Скептически отнесся ранее, но хотелось бы попробовать, если есть такая еще возможность и подпадаю ли я под требования)