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The article reveals approaches to the definition of carding, highlights its features, concludes that carding is something more than a form of employment, carding is a lifestyle and lifestyle in general. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the concept of carding in science has not been developed and is often mixed with other related concepts.

The article describes approaches to the definition of carding, highlighted his features, the conclusion that carding is more than a form of employment, carding is a lifestyle and lifestyle in General. The urgency is due to the fact that the concept of carding in science is not developed, rarely found in modern scientific research, and is often mixed with other related concepts.

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that, firstly, in connection with globalization and the development of the information society, the widespread use of information and communication technologies, the content and organization of work of modern workers are changing, new, more flexible and non-standard forms of employment appear, in particular to carding, which meet their needs and lifestyle, becoming a full-fledged alternative to standard and stable employment, reducing the dependence of workers on employers.

Secondly, carding became the object of closer attention of sociology only in the last three to four years, up to this point, as the researcher N.V. Chaplashkin, “there were only attempts to explain the emergence of carding through economic facts,” therefore, in fact, there is still no clear and precise categorical definition of carding, and “there is no scientific method for conducting sociological research of carding”, with the help of which one could study those factors that determine the growing transition of workers and employers to this form of distance employment. Thus, all this actualizes the chosen research topic and creates the need to research carding as a new form of employment in the labor market in modern society.

Analysis of research papers on carding as a new social phenomenon allows us to formulate the following approaches to the definition of carding:

- carding as telecommuting. Teleworking is an out-of-office work that uses ICT, so teleworking, telecommuting and carding are often considered synonymous by many researchers in precarious work. Other authors, such as M.S. Burkhanova, N.A. Yatsenko, V.G. Kolesnikov, they share them, based on the division “the type of contract concluded with the employee. When teleworking, an employment contract is concluded, and carding involves the absence of an employment contract and the use of a civil law agreement. If an employment contract is concluded, then the activity of a “remote” worker is in many respects similar to home work”.

- carding as remote work. Under remote work means the work that is performed by an employee outside the office, using modern information and communication technologies (ICT). Many carding researchers equate it with remote work, such as R.A. Gimranova gives the following definition to carding: “carding is a remote job that does not require the constant presence of a specialist in the workplace”. We share the opinion of the researcher V.N. Gebrial, who writes that “carding is just a special case of remote work”. Also, the concept of "remote work" partially overlaps with the concept of "outsourcing" (from the English "outsourcing" - "external source"), which means "transfer of individual business processes or production functions by an organization to serve another organization (sometimes to an individual),

- carding as distance employment. Many researchers (for example, A.N.Sorokina, O.N. Alkhimenko) identify the concepts of “remote work” and “distance employment”, since distance employment also implies performing work at a distance, at a distance from the office using ICT. But it seems to us that the opinion of the researcher V.N. Gebrial, who believes that “remote work does not exclude the possibility of enrolling an employee in the company's staff”, while remote work is more often carried out without formalizing an employment relationship. Also, the concept of distance employment is used as a synonym for the concept of "telework" (ON Alkhimenko).

- carding as home-based work. Under home work means the performance of personal labor at home by persons who have entered into an employment contract with an organization, enterprise, institution, using tools and means of labor allocated or purchased at the expense of this enterprise. We believe that the opinion on the ratio of remote work, home work and carding by the famous researcher A.N. Sorokina, who believes that “the concept of carding is the broadest and can include both remote work and home work”. According to O.N. Alkhimenko, the concept of home work is the first concept that reflects modern types of employment (telework, remote work, carding, etc.), since the work of homeworkers, according to the traditions of domestic legislation, is protected by labor law.

- carding as a way of life in general. Long-term studies of V.S. Kharchenko led her to the conclusion that “carding is perceived not only as a way of working, but also as a way of life in general”, often opposing work to carding due to the association of work with responsibilities, necessity and coercion, while carding is perceived as freedom, independence , independence, choice.

- carding as a lifestyle. Many researchers, such as M.I. Gurov, V.S. Kharchenko interpret carding not only as a work activity, but also as a lifestyle. Changes in lifestyle entail the emergence of different styles of life, where their distinctive feature is individualization, deviation from the societal lifestyle. M.I. Gurova uses carding in her works not only to describe the form of employment, but also “as an indicator of the social identity of a group, and hence its characteristics. At the same time, one of the most important factors in the formation of social identity for a group of carders who receive orders via the Internet is being in the information society.... In fact, this type of society is the basis for the formation of the social identity of carders”.

As V.S. Kharchenko, an important factor in combining "individualized" trajectories into the lifestyle of a community / group is the type of life activity characteristic of them. Applying the theory of structurations to the analysis of the lifestyle, V.S. Kharchenko through the concept of “habitus” (P. Bourdieu) reveals the following structural elements of carding as a lifestyle: “the formation of a special social space in which agents and classes operate, the emergence of new social institutions, norms and rules of action, as well as subjective aspirations - values, social well-being, ideas about life success, needs, motives, social networks and capital”.

- carding as precarious work. This approach is adhered to by the researchers V.E. Gimpelson, R.I. Kapelyushnikov, L. Vosko. The standard form of employment (SER-model, standard employment relationships) has developed in an industrial society, its main elements are an employment contract, place, time of work (full time), working conditions (social package), stable wages. According to such conditions of employment, “the place of work itself became a sign of stability, certainty and security of an employee in the labor market, an indicator of status and, ultimately, to standardization of a work biography and career path”.

At the current stage of development of the “individualized society”, the SER-model is transformed into various non-standard forms (part-time, flexible, temporary, portfolio) employment, which differ from the standard terms of employment, the amount of time worked, the presence of several employers, the lack of social guarantees and stable pay. At the same time, non-standard forms of employment are characterized by an increase in life risks, an increase in personal responsibility for their own destiny, the construction of an independent DIY biography (do it yourself biography) and a “patchwork career”.

- carding as a “new middle class”, towards intellectuals, who are characterized by intellectual and symbolic educational capital, high autonomy of labor and mobility. But as noted by M.G. Burlutskaya, for carders, in contrast to the “new middle class,” the quality of education and real information capital are more important than the level of education and the presence of a diploma. Moreover, as sociological studies show, carders are people with different basic education, and often he earns not received a diploma profession, but acts as an "information producer" (M. Castells) thanks to the newly developed competencies.

- carding as an individual business. A number of researchers (M.G. Burlutskaya, V.S. Kharchenko) understand carding as a cross between traditional employment and entrepreneurship, since carding contains such features of standard employment as a workplace, organization of working time, presence of a boss, allocation of time for vacations, weekends and entrepreneurial traits such as taking risks, irregular working hours, independence, self-reliance.

- carding as self-employment. We find such an approach to the definition of carding in the works of A.V. Shevchuk, D.O. Strebkova, D. Pink. We join the opinion of such authors as M.G. Burlutskaya, V.S. Kharchenko, M.I. Gurov, who distinguish carding from self-employment, for example, M.G. Burlutskaya writes that “self-employment can include many occupations, including independent production and sale of any products, speculation, small business, etc. An important distinction of a carder is that he does not act on the market for a product or product, but on the market. labor, offering the customer their unique skills, individualized competencies, often reduced to a service”. More detailed differences between them are presented in the work of M.I. Gurova, who understands by carding a type of self-employment that is focused not on quality, but on actual performance of work, representing the lowest level of self-employed stratification [7].

Summarizing the considered approaches to the definition of carding, we highlight the following features:
1) this is a form of employment outside the office, at home, involving remote or remote work;
2) communication with employers, customers is maintained thanks to modern ICT;
3) often an employment contract is not concluded between employers, customers and carders, but are based on an oral agreement;
4) presupposes intellectual work, in which it is not “educational and qualification signals” that are important, but the real level of knowledge (not always in one's profession);
5) is characterized by poly-employment, in which his work activity is associated with several (many) employers, is of a temporary nature, and can sometimes be reduced to a one-time service;
6) this is a type of employment in which a carder independently chooses orders, customers (employers), a strategy for communicating with them, work and rest hours, amount of work, amount of payment;
7) carries with it elements of entrepreneurial risk, which is expressed in the fact that the customer can refuse the order or change the conditions of the order both at the stage of the work and after the completion of the order, is characterized by irregular working hours, work for himself, and not a private owner, or state;
8) is rarely formalized as self-employment. Most carders choose not to pay taxes.
9) presupposes certain qualities and skills to “sell” oneself, to communicate correctly with customers, to seek and receive orders.

Relationship between carding and related concepts
In this work, carding is seen as something more than a form of employment; carding is a lifestyle and a way of life in general. Carders are a specific and narrowly specialized social community of people, which is similar in its socio-psychological characteristics, work culture, value orientations, lifestyle and lifestyle in general.
In fig. 1 shows the relationship of carding with other related concepts. Carding is a special case of home-based work, home-based work does not always imply carding, just like carding not only at home, but can be performed in the office (for example, in coworking, from English means working together).
Carding is a type of distance employment, not every distance employment is carding, but carding is always distance employment, therefore, distance employment is a broader concept, and includes carding as its kind. Carder, despite the fact that he carries out his activities remotely, nevertheless, not all remote work is carding. A full-time permanent employee can also be engaged in remote work, fulfilling certain specific orders from his employer. Therefore, the concept of remote work is broader than carding.
The same is the case with the concepts of "telework", "precarious work", which are broader in scope than carding, carding is telework and precarious work, but not every telework and precarious work is carding. For example, a part-time job by typing text and sending it to a customer via ICT is an example of teleworking, precarious work, but not carding. Carding is a special case of self-employment, in which the personal qualities and skills of a carder play an important role, but above all carding is an intellectual work, that is, one that requires specific skills and abilities for its implementation, one that not every employee can perform. Therefore, we do not agree with the opinion of M.I. Gurova that carders are the lowest level of self-employment. We distinguish between part-time work on typing text and sending it to a customer through ICT and services for creating a website or programming, for us the latter is intellectual work, while any person who can type on a computer and use by e-mail.
Thus, we can conclude that the concept of carding in modern science has not been developed and is mixed with other one-order concepts, to a greater extent being "professional jargon". It was first encountered in the Middle Ages, and is associated with the labor of professional military men, free mercenaries who served various masters for a certain fee and remuneration. In the 19th century, carders are called free artists, representatives of various creative professions. Based on the formulated features of carding, we proceed from the following definition: carding is a form of distance employment, reflecting the special organization of work and lifestyle, the value of economic freedom and creative self-realization of independent agents in the labor market.