Everyone should know: manipulation and psychology of zombification, social programming


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People are exposed to social programming and are afraid of what others will think of them. All human interests are suppressed in a variety of ways. And people think that this is normal, they are afraid of everything.
Instead of being themselves, enjoying life, and living, most of them stick to the crowd like a herd. Instead of loving, getting acquainted, and communicating with new people, people are afraid of their desires, afraid to stumble, and seem stupid and funny. People wear masks, they are not themselves.

There are 12 main signs of human zombification, social programming and manipulation of his consciousness:

1. Hide your desires, likes, and intentions
Society and school impose on you that there will be bad consequences if you admit your sympathy for some girl. After all, if everyone at school found out the truth, they would start pointing fingers at you and laughing at you. So, since school years, you can't openly tell a girl that you like her. It's not your fault, it's just that the circumstances and the place where you grew up instilled it in you. Be proud and don't hide your desires. Tell people sincerely what you feel.
Religion, society suppresses your desires. Not only can they not speak clearly about making love, but no one says anything indistinctly either. Everything seems to be under the strictest confidence. Such a hidden psychology of managing people.

2. Mass media will teach you how to live and what to do
There are so many fake articles and incorrect information on the Internet and social networks! People continue to copy and tell their friends articles from the Internet that teach them how to live and what to do. Society becomes a gray mass.
TV becomes a teacher and mentor for you from an early age. The right-from-wrong filter is not developed in children. They learn all the experience and information second-hand from the mailbox and think it's the right thing to do.
All sorts of scandalous programs and shows inspire people to shout at each other, swear, call names and insult. people. People unconsciously adopt the psychology and behavior of the main characters from the screen. I haven't watched TV in three years, and I'm happy. I don't have a TV at home, no kidding! Sometimes, when I'm waiting in line in the hallway of a service company, I watch TV. They show some kind of muddy transmission. I immediately genuinely don't understand and wonder why people in it are so emotional.

3. The world is ruled by banditry and terrorists
The news and the terrorists inspire you. that there's a war all around. Everyone is being held under fear. People are afraid, and they think it's normal to be afraid. Because of this, people are not open to new acquaintances. They think that the world is ruled by gangsters and authorities. This is not true.
Sometimes I meet such people, very shy and closed. I go up just to talk to some girls. As soon as I say a few words, they run away from me in horror, fear in their eyes. The TV has imposed on them that violence is everywhere.
Why are some older people very wary and distrustful? Because they watch more TV than others. I go over to my grandma to say good day, and she turns away and quickens her pace. It's like I pulled a grenade out of my pocket.

4. Appearance and external attributes supposedly decide
This is already the work of advertising and marketers. All these expensive cars, clothes, looks, plastic surgery, shoes, leather jackets-buy them, and you will supposedly become happy!
We are being programmed to sell happiness for money. This is absurd! And people believe in it. This is the whole ideology of advertising.
Who is the person who dictates fashion and decides how people dress or look? Show it to me."
It is not the clothes or the house that make a person beautiful. But, on the contrary, the person himself, his presence, his expression of himself transforms the place where he is.
In fact, rich people are still unhappy. Money can't buy happiness. A rich person may have a lot of money, but they can still be unhappy and suffer. The main idea of social programs and advertising is that people constantly consume, buy and do not think about whether they really need it.

5. Spiritual ignorance: thoughts manipulate people
We are not taught either at school or at the institute esotericism, the theory of ourselves, who we are and what relation we have to this world. People go crazy, their psyche is disturbed. There are mental hospitals in the city, and this is considered commonplace.
People's thoughts just do crazy things to a person. Constant noise in the head, internal dialogue does not give a person rest. And people believe their thoughts. They think that thoughts are them.
Identifying with your thoughts makes you a zombie. People are emotionally unstable. Most people don't know anything about how meditation helps a person stay in harmony with themselves. But people don't want to develop.
Drugs and alcohol are temporary band-aids for the emotional wound. But the pain will not subside if you do not deal with it and find out the essence of its appearance. For many people, it is wild to hear such concepts as harmony with oneself, awareness, self-development. Human consciousness is being manipulated.

6. Impose on people that the opinion of others about you is important
It's been going on since high school. The teachers wanted you to be an obedient boy. They get you hooked on the needle of approval through praise or comments. The teacher checks your diary, gives you marks, describes your behavior in the diary, complains about you to your parents. This means that the student unconsciously reinforces the importance of someone else's opinion. This is social programming.
If you do the wrong thing, say the wrong thing, people are afraid that the environment will not approve of them. People are afraid to catch reproachful glances, words of disapproval.
Living in this way, a person does not want to be great, so long as others consider him great. A person does not want to teach people, but wants to be considered a good teacher. Don't look for respect in others, respect yourself. A person becomes truly happy and successful when he gives up on other people's opinions and does what he wants, despite society or the environment.

7. Propaganda of sacrifice: people are forced to live for others
Society forces a person to respect the values of others in the first place. Instilling a person to put his interests below others is a clear sign of hidden control of a person and his consciousness. The person begins to lose self-esteem. Completely forgets his own opinion and listens to what others say. Altruism — the willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of others-is promoted everywhere. Some standards of behavior and examples are imposed on society. People believe in this, and they value their own opinion less, do not do anything for themselves, do not think with their own heads.
Gurus who preach sacrifice and life for others are the most false and unreal. They gather weak people around them and manipulate them, impose their ideologies and take money for it.
Religion says that you are evil, inspires you with doubts and self-doubt. Of course, you shouldn't look at everyone arrogantly, but you should value and love yourself first.
The most valuable thing for yourself, you should invest in yourself first.

8. Suppression of genius, individuality, cultivation
The most common zombification is called "Genius is guilty by definition". They always try to put a great person and a genius in his place, without giving him the right to speak. Society and the gray mass do this because genius destroys their reality. The gray mass doesn't want to wake up. They like the everyday comfort zone they live in, and they don't want to see beyond their nose. Free and independent individuality for the gray mass is death.
There's nothing wrong with a person saying they're Legendary, and nothing less. It only gives him charm and just makes a person attractive when he adores himself. Adoring yourself doesn't mean belittling others! Without belittling others, there will be no room for ego growth. Yes, and the buzz is more to live like this, what's the use of being pitiful? There are so many fearful and ordinary people in the world and there is no buzz or inspiration in this.
EGO arises precisely when someone can say that they are the best on the planet, and you are not, because you don't feel that way. But here it is better to ask yourself "Why are you not the best on the planet for yourself?", and just become so for yourself. Others will still not understand-even if you are simple and modest, even if you are strong and mega confident. We don't live for other people!

9. Depriving people of happiness
A person is taught that it is normal to suffer, be depressed, grieve, or cry. Supposedly, everyone should live like this. Nowhere do they talk about books and techniques for inner harmony and happiness on a permanent level. We should all live a happy life and be in harmony.
Social programming suggests that if a person lives for the sake of their desires, lives for themselves - then this is shameful and sinful. You supposedly should not be happy, give up your pleasures, dreams, love, plans, ambitions, and you will be rewarded. Where and in what place?

10. Reach out to the herd
Many people, surrounding themselves in a society like "friends", individually do not represent anything of themselves. Friends give a person temporary situational confidence. But you have to be confident without friends everywhere you go.
I often see a picture in clubs: some girls can't go to the toilet alone and can't dance without their friends. It's funny, because in fact there is only one warrior in the field.

11. Impose perfectionism: be perfect
No one is perfect. There are no such people. Everyone makes mistakes. Mistakes are the main criterion of your growth. Don't pursue an ideal that doesn't exist. Forget about perfectionism.
You are already self-sufficient and complete. And there is no reason to do otherwise. You get what you get, and you do it the best you can.
Don't be too demanding of yourself. There is not a single correct ideal person in the world. And if he tries to be like that, then he just lives an unhappy life. Don't compare yourself to others, live your own life and adventure. You are the main indicator for yourself of whether you are growing or not.

12. The concept of masculinity
Now the word "masculinity" is terribly hackneyed and distorted. No one knows the exact definition of this word. Nobody! And no one has the right to speak and evaluate you and your masculinity!
Society and the mass media paint a courageous man as a pumped-up man who is ready to fill everyone's faces and show off his coolness. The word "masculinity" makes people think of Rimbaud, Die Hard, or Jason Statham. Society instills in people the concept of masculinity as a willingness to rush under bullets and jump under a tank with a machine gun. The state needs recruits for the army, obedient and ready to give their lives guys. Therefore, there is zombification and manipulation of human consciousness.
Don't bother with the concept of masculinity. Be fearless! This is the most powerful and important quality.
Often, someone tries to help someone else. Help yourself first! Don't be controlled. Don't let yourself be manipulated.


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Psychology of poverty


There are several main common reasons for this behavior of a person, in which access to wealth is blocked for him.
Let's look at the ones that are most typical for our region.

- Low-paid, but stable job
A person with the psychology of a poor person, as a rule, chooses a low-paid, but stable job. In state institutions. Because the state will always provide. And if you go to a commercial organization, then there are risks of staying on the street after some time.
A person absolutely does not believe in their own strength and that their experience and knowledge will be in demand. In the end, this is what happens. He goes to a boring, boring job, stops learning new things, turns sour and becomes useless to anyone. Instead of growing and developing.

- Fear of change
Again, for the reason of not being needed by anyone, a person with the psychology of a poor man is afraid of change.

- Low self-esteem
A characteristic feature of people with the psychology of poverty.
A person with the psychology of a poor man does not understand that wealth and good prospects are revealed to active people who are not afraid to take risks and start all over again.

- Unwillingness to be active
Obviously, in order to achieve something and get a good result, it is necessary to constantly make efforts in this direction.
A person with the psychology of poverty does not want and does not know how (because he has never tried) to be active – he is afraid to look for a new job, because he believes in advance that he will not be able to cope, does not earn extra money, because he is sure that nothing will work out and there will be no money anyway. A person is passive, and therefore poor.

- Everyone should
A person with the psychology of a poor man is convinced that he should be adequately paid. Simply because it does its job well. And his salary should be such that it is enough for everyday life, and for recreation, and for children, and for himself. Forgetting that he accepted the low-paid job himself. And now he's blaming the stingy boss.
A person shifts responsibility from himself to others. What's the point of moving if nothing depends on me anyway? Do it or don't do it, and the result is the same – I won't get anything.

- It's easier to be frugal
The poor spend their energy not to attract, but to retain. They spend hours visiting stores, comparing prices, and shopping where it's cheaper. They write and go to various authorities, seeking a meager reduction in utility bills or one-time social assistance, which is hardly enough for one trip to the store. Instead of spending the same effort effectively on earning money or finding a good job.
Take a closer look at yourself. Do you have any of these qualities? And get rid of it as a matter of urgency if something similar is found. Remember that your life and your well-being are only in your hands!