Earnings on tourists


Reaction score
Before starting this quest, I must warn you that the final amount you can count on will directly depend on your diligence and courage to ask me even the stupidest questions if you have any. Although in the diagram all points are painted in some detail, I am sure that there are always individual blank spots in the understanding of any person. The diagram is divided into several steps and includes most of my experience. It will not require from you any over-effort and cunning, it will be enough to clearly execute everything stated in it and the result will not be long in coming. Also included in the scheme is my personal security experience (at the end), using which only the FBI or the CIA can find you with a probability approaching zero. The scheme has become much more perfect than it was during my work on it. A lot came to mind later. The time frame will be set below, I received the first profit after about 2 weeks. This is an approximate period, when reading it it will be clear what it depends on (the hint is up to you).

So. With the proverb, everything, now a fairy tale.

What do we do

In my life, I managed to buy several schemes, they worked with varying success (or rather did not work), but the idea to create something of my own always fought somewhere in the backyard of my consciousness. As far back as I can remember, I have loved travel adventures. Archaeological expeditions and volunteer camps were for me an example of how to live without worrying about tomorrow. This experience gave impetus to the fact that I came. Anyone of my interests knows that on the Internet and social networks there are periodically advertisements about all sorts of kits on the expedition literally everywhere. The ad itself spreads very quickly and in general it is often impossible to get on this departing train. He himself often missed interesting options in this way. This is where the scheme began to take shape in what it later became (in short):

We have a demand. The demand is VERY high. The demand is constant and not dependent on the season. Why? Because people go on an adventure (expedition) in winter even more willingly, taking vacations or quitting altogether, or just on vacation to get away from the dullness of this reality. The demand can and should be satisfied. So we will create our own expedition with preference and

For this we need 2 pages in VK, from one of which we will give information about our "expedition". Advertising will be needed here minimal, because the principle of word of mouth dominates in these matters, it is known from personal experience. Next, we will need our own group in VK, a description and content for it. Below I will describe in detail what, how and why.

But where will the money come from? People will gladly give money to us as an insurance premium for their participation, which we will give them after their arrival. It is with joy, because in our work we will not use the lamb methods "throw 500 rubles on the wallet", but a subtle intelligent approach, the essence of which rests under the tip of the iceberg that you are reading now, and which practically leaves no options for the victim, except to give us our money with a smile on our face.

What we need and how to do it

Firstly, I started by creating 2 fake pages (all the security nuances at the end!) One page will be the page of the leader (men), the other page - the organizer (women). This division is very characteristic of expeditions and gives rise to additional credibility. We register the pages themselves on the left SIM card (preferably, since this is full control of the page, you can buy it in large cities simply by entering a query in Yandex "I will sell SIM cards in bulk") or use the services of the service sms-area.org, which will allow us to activate any page in VK for 10 rubles. There is nothing complicated there. We register, find the performer and activate. But personally I used the left sim.

Now about the accounts themselves. Firstly, each account must be pumped for at least a week. A lot depends on a competent fake here. We fill the manager's account with photographs of a well-worn peasant of 35-50 years old, it is very desirable that he appears several times in khaki on the avatar photo. Finding such photos is not difficult. We are looking for people in VK on requests for hiking, archeology, travel, expedition, expedition (do not take the very first ones on the list!) Find a hiker and you can safely copy all his albums to yourself. Next, we need to wind up friends and posts.

This is easy to do. First we go to the site vkshop.biz, there we buy coupons for the site likest.ru (a coupon for 10,000 points is enough, this is about 100 rubles), go to the likest, activate the coupon and set the task to cheat friends.

Spin 300-400 people, set with additional parameters from 3 days on the site and with an avatar, so that you have fewer suspicious bots as friends. There is also an option on wkshop for them to wind up friends themselves. During the promotion, we begin to post on the wall about anything, but with the dominance of archaeological topics and scientific expeditions. Join all the groups where the word archeology is and do reposts every day during the week several times. For each post, you can wind up likes on the same likeest, this will give more liveliness to your account. Do not forget to fill in the page with the interests you need (understand which ones?), Indicate your hometown and, in general, fill it with soul. Now it's you .

At the same time, register the organizer for the second sim - a girl or a woman - in the same way. Also twist your friends, just do reposts. You can put any photos. I found a nice married young lady and took all the albums from her (wedding, friends, etc.). Khaki is not necessary for her. There is an option to make these accounts related with the same surname, for example, father and daughter. Also, some comments under the posts will not hurt. I myself did not do this, but it will not be superfluous. Comments can be left by people from the job exchange, I myself have not contacted this (this is a theory), but I think there is nothing complicated there.

In parallel, as we create our fakes with love, we register the group from the very beginning. Attention! The group should make you want to go to the ends of the world. Come up with the name yourself (eg Expedition 2016) We wind up subscribers on the same likeest, setting the most stringent parameters for people in order to weed out bots. It's not hard.

Now the most interesting thing is the content and the legend (or where we all will not go together). There is a field for maneuvers here, I am giving an example of the legend that I used, with some minor corrections. You can adapt it however you like. If you have any problems with this, please contact me at any time. I will direct you on the way, I promise. This is what I had in the description of the group:

"A recruitment of volunteers is announced for an archaeological expedition to Mongolia in the area of the Arkhangai aimag (620 km from Ulan Bator). Large-scale excavations of the Neolithic period will be carried out, in cooperation with the Mongolian State University in the period from (specify the date yourself, approximately 3-4 months duration, the beginning of the expedition itself within 2 - 3 months). Excavations will be carried out in greenhouses. (This is the name of the winter excavation room) Accommodation and flight are paid for. Daily allowance is issued. During the excavation period, lectures and thematic seminars will be held. There will be a lot of guests! The minimum stay on the expedition is 3 weeks. Seat limit - 30 people. There is also a very urgent need for a total station and a cook! The conditions and salary are worthy. A request to everyone who wants to write in a personal ******** immediately with a completed questionnaire. The questionnaire can be found in a separate topic. Passport abroad is a prerequisite! "

This is what a rough legend looks like. Of course, here you will have to show your imagination and point out another place and, in fact, even Russia. But! If you think that the flow of candidates will be significantly limited by the need for foreigners and the lack of salaries, this is not the case (there is only salary for specialists). Believe me, the demand for such expeditions is very high and as a rule there are only our own and it is very difficult to get there. We will provide an opportunity for each and every one with it. Plus, we allow setting the conditions to put the victim on a dense psychological
hook. She shouldn't think that everything will be easy. It is important. You can also take any province of Mongolia, Kazakhstan or even Belarus. Archeology is everywhere. You can consult me about this. I will select historically accurate and justified excavation sites.

After creating the legend, you will need to draw up a candidate profile. It will look something like this:
  • Full Name
  • Year of birth
  • Current city
  • Your education
  • Experience of participating in expeditions (if any)
  • Knowledge of English
  • Your hobbies
  • How long are you ready to go
  • Health status
A few words about yourself, why are you going on an expedition?

Next, we fill the group with photos of Mongolian steppes, artifacts and whatever. As well as with accounts, we make posts on the wall. It is important to know when to stop. We are not trying to pretend that the group is old, but we will also wind up likes under each post and order reposts to show people's interest. The person will feel the competition and make decisions faster. It does not hurt to include in the subject a list of necessary things.

The stage from which we will receive profit

So. We've upgraded our fakes and group. This should take one and a half to two weeks. Now the fun begins. Where are we going to look for our people? This is actually the easiest part of the circuit. I did a very simple thing. There is such a group in VK Goodsurfing (and other similar groups here large selection, after you choose a group, write me back which groups you have chosen so that I can tell if anyone else is working on them, and to make a list of those employed, do not take goodsurfing!) From the account of the organizer (our young lady), I joined this group and I just wrote to the first 20 people that came across something like this:

"Hello! We are urgently recruiting people for an archaeological expedition (here is a link to the expedition). If it's not difficult to tell your friends, people are needed! All information is in the group."

Here's what I did. This group contains people of interest who directly concern us. That is, I wrote to people who are themselves interested in the expedition, plus they have already written to their friends who trust them! Of course, at this time and on the fake page, I had a message on the wall that people were needed.

On the first day I received several messages in the form of a questionnaire, which I asked to indicate, and on the third day I received the first profit. I never wrote to anyone else. Only word of mouth worked. This is an important point, we should not turn the account into a spam account, it can play a very bad joke. The number of people should be moderate. Be sure to write these messages in slightly different words and write after a while so that, again, do not fly into a spam ban. (Still, I can’t exclude the possibility that you will have to send messages for a couple of days, because I proceed only from my own experience).


I advise you to follow the instructions, because it definitely works! When you receive a questionnaire from a person with a wish to go on an expedition - do not answer right away and when you answer - write that ALL THE PLACES ARE TAKEN. "We are sorry, but we have just recruited everyone we need. If someone refuses, we will contact you." We write this to everyone. The man agrees in frustration, but we ask him to stay with us in case, again, if someone refuses. By doing this, we are very preparing a person for the fact that he will give us money. Then, after 3 days, we write to the person about how lucky he was, because one of the participants refused to go and you are just in his place, "if only you are still interested." And he is interested, believe me. Then he happily writes to you what's next, and you throw him a list of documents and conditions, which will look something like this:
  • Passport
  • International passport
  • Honey. certificate of fitness for field work (it is possible without it, it is negotiated separately)
  • Photo in good resolution on a white background (for registration of passes in the country)
  • Contribution of 3000 rubles. (given upon arrival at the excavation site, this measure is necessary to confirm your intentions)

Here, many ask, of course, why 3000, and we calmly explain that the paperwork for you takes a lot of time and effort and we cannot waste on unreliable candidates (answer with a delay to create the appearance of being busy). At this point, about 70 percent agree (an important role is played by the euphoria from the fact that EVERYONE has taken them). It is important to understand that it is very difficult for a person to assume that he can be deceived here. He will see a live group and 2 of your contacts - a decent man and a nice girl. Next, people ask related questions when the departure and how to get there, I think it will not be difficult for you to come up with it. Tell who is the organizer and do not hesitate to send a person on some questions to him (that is, to yourself). In this way, you will periodically connect the organizer's contact to work. If you have any difficulties - write to me. On account of the amount of 3000 - you can ask for more, but at that time it seemed to me that it was adequate. Decide for yourself, but within reasonable limits! Anyone can pay 3000. One more point.

Further, we naturally give the details for payment. Personally, I used the left debit, which I got through my friend. I advise you to take it in any trusted store. You can issue corn on the left scans through the desired seller. It should not cost more than 1000. Do not forget to withdraw money immediately after it is credited to the card. I can't vouch for the cards. Read reviews by the seller. There is also the option of issuing a virtual Yandex money card. You will need the left passport details of any person, you issue a virtual card and there you are provided with normal, trustworthy bank details to which people can transfer money through the Internet bank.

What do we have now? A constant stream of questions from those who want to join, constant money transfers and remorse. Just kidding. We have no conscience. Be prepared for the fact that some people in the process of waiting may ask for their 3000 back if they decide to refuse. Be sure to send back! Nothing should compromise you. While waiting for the expedition, you will receive at least 40 translations (this is my estimate), if you do everything according to my instructions. My personal profit was 160,000 in 2.5 months (after the launch of word of mouth), it was after such a time that my expedition has begun. I did send some of the money back. This is normal. In no case leave the group and fakes while working! Constantly make some kind of posts and create activity. Periodically add news to the group that you have purchased equipment, received permission, please send the missing documents to those who did not send it, and so on. All this will create a very solid base for you.

At the moment, the topic is almost virgin soil, I do not know of examples of someone doing this, I constantly monitor all the groups just as a lover of archeology and outdoor activities. As the time of launching (not launching) the expedition approaches, I think you yourself will already feel great in this whole business and you will understand how you need to hump beautifully. In fact, there is an option to pull up to the last.


By this point, you have already understood that safety in our business is no less important than the scheme itself. Here are my recommendations, what I used myself and what I came to later:
  • Disable all surveillance in Windows itself. A lot of materials are Google in a minute.
  • Buy yourself a VPN for life. I used anonine.comt his service, before choosing a suitable one for a very long time. Installing the client for Windows is very simple. Connect through any server in the world (there are many to choose from). Firstly, this server does not store any logs. Secondly, it is located in Europe and it is very unlikely that someone will ever make a request there at all.
  • Allocate yourself a separate Firefox for work and using this article, configure it to surf anonymously for this article... Go to VK only from him!
  • If VPN is not enough for you, you can install TOR for yourself and run it on top, but IMHO this is overkill.
  • For super paranoid people, I can throw off more advanced methods of protection in face-to-face communication, but IMHO this is super overkill.
Basically, that's all you need to start making money.