Earning money on coins


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Recently, in many large cities (and small ones as well) different people began to approach the street and offer large silver coins with the image of the Russian tsars - Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Paul the First, Alexander the First, and so on. Then these people, under various pretexts, ask to buy these coins, while informing them that they collected them themselves and decided to sell them because they were left without work, or they urgently need money for a ticket, or they found it in a casket at an old dacha and the like.

Such people usually live at ATMs or at the offices of large banks, just as often such people are found at large shopping centers in the expectation that they go to banks and shopping centers with money.

Such people also penetrate the Internet. For example, here is a certain Alexei in the group informs us that an amazing thing has happened. Tajiks dug a well and found such coins, and this Alexei wants to evaluate such coins and sell them in the future.


For greater persuasiveness, this Alexei shows us these coins in close-up.


Further, a certain Nastya tells us that they found such a coin in the field during earthworks (they dug the ground) and she would like to know whether it is genuine or not. During the correspondence with her, it was possible to find out that her husband personally found the coin, wielding a shovel, and now they want to know its value.


Or, for example, a person somewhere bought, on the street or on the Internet, a silver coin depicting Peter the Third, the legendary Russian emperor, overthrown by his wife Catherine the Great, and now he sent a photo and would like to know whether it is real or not. A photograph of this purchased coin depicting Emperor Peter III is attached.


All is good, but the fact is that these coins are not real. It's not even silver. These coins are made mainly of brass (in most cases), also some of these coins are made of copper (covered with a thin layer of silver on top), some are made of steel (magnetised), they are made in our time and have no value.

All similar coins shown in the pictures above are just souvenir coins, made of steel, brass, or copper with a silver coating, purchased in bulk in special stores, trade souvenirs, and under various plausible excuses sold at shopping centers, large banks and ATMs. Scammers also go to offices and sell these worthless souvenir coins to the gullible.

It is not difficult to make sure that this is bullshit, but for this you need to understand numismatics. For example, Nastya, who reported that this coin was found during excavation work, was simply not aware that the coin allegedly found in the ground is a very well-known to numismatists "Family ruble", which now costs over 2 million rubles, was made in quantities about 100 pieces, and was a gift, that is, it was not in circulation, but was presented only to the royal entourage and the highest nobility of that time.

Therefore, finding such a coin in the ground in some Kukundriayka is simply absurd. However, only numismatists know about this, ordinary people may not know such subtleties.

Or, for example, here is the coin of Peter III. This is 1 ruble of 1762. This ruble (on the right) for a person far from numismatics looks very authentic, but if we take a closer look, we will see some differences. Look, on the left is the real ruble, and on the right is the modern ruble, which was sold to a person by scammers.


As you can see, the coins are different and on the right, Peter III is already depicted with a very long nose, and as he wants to show us the manufacturer of this souvenir, the emperor was probably a very inquisitive person)))

What to do if you are offered on the street silver coins with images of Russian tsars and all sorts of teary stories are told about the lack of money and the forced sale of the collection?

First of all, remember that coins offered on the street or on the Internet on message boards - 99% of them may be just souvenir. Remember that such real coins are infrequent, that is, they are very rare, and you still need to run after them at auctions to buy genuine ones. That is, you just need to remember that the coins offered on the streets are most likely souvenirs.

The second thing to remember is that a lot of pseudo-antique coins are taken WHOLESALE on the cheap from such shops and auctions.



And the souvenir coins in these shops look like this.



Therefore, if you are offered something on the streets or on the Internet with images of Russian tsars and dates 1724, 1762, and so on, then after listening to the story about the old foundation of the old palace and the finds in it, inform the seller that before buying, you will first consult with a familiar numismatist, and until this numismatist examines the coins, you will not buy anything.

I would also like to add an important remark. Many people think that if, for example, the original costs, say, 350,000 rubles, then a copy similar to it will cost the same, because there is the same thing - the image of the king, the date and the same inscription. To think so is a big mistake. The fact is that genuine coins had a certain circulation. For example, some specific genuine coins were produced, say only 50,000 pieces. Therefore, in numismatics, only those coins are valued that are from this particular edition and they are the ones that cost good money. Still, other coins issued already in our time, made in China, or not in China, are very similar in appearance, and even if they are made of silver, they have no value at all, and are ordinary metal souvenirs, costing 50-100 rubles.

That is, if the coin is from the old circulation of 50,000 and this is proven by numismatists, then the price is 350,000 rubles. And if it is absolutely the same coin, just a one-to-one exact copy, but issued in our time, then this is just a metal souvenir circle with an image, worth 50-100r, that is, just a piece of iron. These are the souvenir pieces of iron that are sold by fraudsters in large and medium-sized cities, passing them off as real ones and earning money.
