Drugmarket drops = members of an organized drug sales group


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The Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee has established the circumstances of the criminal activities of three participants in the largest platform for the distribution of narcotic drugs in our country.

According to the investigation, two girls (23 and 27 years old) and a guy (25 years old) in the summer of 2020 as "drops" joined an organized group engaged in illegal trafficking of particularly dangerous psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs.

The defendants illegally distributed data for accessing current accounts and bank payment card details, which were used to ensure the financing of drug trafficking. For each "successful operation", the defendants received a monetary reward.

They involved their friends and acquaintances in criminal activities, who also received illegal income for issuing bank cards in their own name or transferring their passport data and subscriber numbers to register their personal accounts in Internet banking.

In fact, these employees of the dtugmarket ensured the smooth operation of the criminal organization.

During the investigation of the criminal case, experienced investigators of the Main investigation Department conducted a thorough analysis of the available materials, including correspondence and the contents of the detainees ' phones.

The collected data made it possible to establish a link between the accused and other members of an organized criminal group, as well as to qualify their actions under the following articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus:

* part 4 of Article 328 (illegal acquisition, transportation, storage and illegal sale of especially dangerous psychotropic substances committed by an organized group on a large scale for the purpose of marketing);

* Part 2 of Article 222 (illegal turnover of means of payment).

With the approval of the prosecutor, a preventive measure in the form of remand in custody was applied to them.

It should be noted that for the first time in investigative practice, the activity of "drops" is qualified under Part 4 of Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. The same fate awaits other members of criminal groups that support various areas of criminal activity in drug markets.