DNS question


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So, I have ExpressVPN turned on and when I go to whoer.net , it says I have a DNS leak, but when I go to the ExpressVPN DNS checker it says I am protected. In both scenarios it is not my real IP adress that is displayed, nor is it my real internet provider. Am I good to go? Any ideas what should I do/what am I doing wrong?


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Hiding the real ip server using your DNS. How?
The task is to hide the real IP server on your own (i.e. without cloudflare and other analogs). How to do this step by step (you can use large strokes, but the details will not be superfluous)?

If I am not confusing anything, there are two possible options for solving this problem:

1. Server 1 - contains apache / nginx, database and site sources. The dns server is also hosted on it.
Server 2 is a separate server with a VPS through which dns requests are forwarded to the site by its domain name.
Those. server1 conducts incoming and outgoing traffic only through server2, the ip of which is open to the outside world, but which physically does not contain any site data, but only receives it from server1 and transmits it to the user.

2. Server1 - contains apache / nginx, database and site sources.
Server2 hosts dns.
When a site is requested by a domain name, the call goes to server2, which sends the request to server1, receives the requested content, presenting it to the user.

I did not confuse anything, are both options possible?

Which is the best in terms of performance and security?
How do you set it up? In particular, dns (bind) settings are of interest in both cases on both servers.

Do not offer third-party services (cloudflare, etc.) and dns-hosting. You need a solution on your own.

Install the 3proxy utility on the proxy server (2). In its config, among other things, we write the following line:
tcppm -iserver 2 port 2 server1 port 1

Thus, you can create a proxy chain. An additional plus of the solution is that you do not need to put an ssl certificate on the proxy server, unlike the option with nginx.

3. Without DNS server.
server 1 <---vpn---> server 2 <---> wild internet.
On server 1, server 2 is set as a gateway for dest 443 and 80 ports (and others if desired).
On server2 SNAT-im server1 to the world, and DNAT-im coming from the world traffic to 443 and 80 port to server1. In the settings of the dns zone, we make an entry A to the IP address of the server 2.

4. Also without dns.
nginx or haproxy on server2 as a reverse proxy. 443 and 80 we bring down to server 1.

Real DNS: how to hide and why it is visible
After connecting the VPN, always check your online anonymity using the whoer.net service. One of the enemies of anonymity is a real DNS leak, while not only your DNS is visible, but also the country where you are actually located.

When executing the ping and tracert commands, you may notice that when you enter at the command line.
ping site.com

packages are exchanged with the site.com node []. That is, the call goes to one of the site.com servers with ip

How does a computer “recognize” the IP of the site.com server in order to access it? This is where we see the DNS service at work. The addresses of sites like yandex.ru, google.com, facebook.com and others are not actually addresses. In order for the page of the desired site to open on your screen, it is necessary for DNS to "find" the ip address of the site you are looking for and transfer it to your computer.

What does DNS mean?
DNS (Domain Name System) is a domain name system. It links the names of sites with the IP addresses on which the pages of this site are located.

At the beginning of the development of the Internet, the role of the domain name system was played by the hosts file. This file contained thousands of lines, each of which contained the IP address and the corresponding site name separated by a space. When entering the site address, for example, whoer.net, the hosts file was accessed. After the IP match to the entered site name was found, the searched site was opened in the browser. This was possible due to the small number of sites at the time.

Due to the rapid growth in the number of sites on the Internet, the dns service has replaced the hosts file. It is she who is used today for addressing on the network.

What happens after you enter the site name in the address bar of your browser?
After you have entered the name of the site in the browser, the hosts file is accessed, ideally it contains only one line localhost.

Next, the request is sent to the DNS server of your ISP. If information about the site was not found on this DNS server, the call is made to the primary DNS server.

What is a DNS Server
A DNS server, like any server, is a computer on the Internet that stores information about the correspondence of site addresses to server IP addresses.

As we have already said, first of all, the address to the nearest DNS server occurs. It stores the request history or cache. The cache is used to reduce the response time to a request from the user's computer.

Several IP addresses in the DNS database can correspond to one site. Most often this is done to ensure that the site is available at all times. The DNS server setting determines the order in which the IP address is issued from the list. Therefore, with several calls to the DNS server in order to obtain the ip address of yandex.ru, you may receive different results each time.

Why is your real dns visible when changing IP
To determine your IP, DNS and your level of anonymity, you can use the whoer.net service. Based on the data received from this service, our ip is located in the Netherlands. At the same time, DNS check gives out the real location of the computer - in Russia. Our anonymity is under threat and is only 40%.

When using a VPN, there may be situations where the connection does not go through the DNS server of the VPN provider.

This is due to the nature of the Windows DNS service. When using a VPN, all requests are first sent to the VPN provider's DNS server. If no response has been received within 2 seconds, the request is sent to the nearest DNS server. It is these servers that give out your real location. Delayed response from the VPN provider's DNS server may be due to poor Internet connection quality or the remoteness of the VPN provider's DNS server. In any case, the issue of changing dns is quite easy to solve.

How to bypass dns tracking when using a VPN
To prevent DNS leaks when using a VPN, you can:
1. Manually configure connection parameters in the operating system. As a result, when connecting, only the required DNS server will be used.
2. Use Whoer VPN client

After installing the Whoer VPN client, right-click on the Whoer VPN icon in the system tray (you can read about the system tray here) and select "Show Whoer".

Uncheck the "Use DNS systems" checkbox in the settings and Whoer VPN client will always substitute dns.

Regardless of which option you choose, after the settings are made, the whoer.net service will show us that there are no differences in location by IP and DNS.

Now you know what is hidden behind the abbreviation DNS and how addressing is carried out on the Internet. We hope our tips will help you improve your online anonymity. You can read how to achieve 100% anonymity in the whoer.net service. We are waiting for your questions in the comments.

DNS leak
Domain Name Systems or DNS (Domain Name Systems) converts IP addresses to URLs with more familiar domain names and vice versa. This system works in such a way that we do not need to remember the IP-address of the site every time we want to visit it.

When you surf the Internet, your operating system sends a DNS query to retrieve the IP address associated with the required domain. ISPs can then record every DNS request that comes from your operating system in order to then retrieve your detailed online browsing history. With VPN, every DNS request will come from your VPN provider's server rather than your ISP's server, thus keeping your personal information safe. A DNS leak can occur when your conversion requests come from your personal DNS server and not from your VPN provider's DNS server. If such a leak occurs, your browsing history is disclosed, as is your IP address and the location of your ISP.


WebRTC leak
Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC), at its core, allows you to instantly transfer video, voice and messages to the browser.
This is a very useful browser-based peer-to-peer (peer-to-peer) communication, but users have found that WebRTC opens up certain VPN vulnerabilities. Similar leaks occur in popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Brave and Opera. With just a few lines of code, any site can reveal your IP address and location.
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Hiding the real ip server using your DNS. How?
The task is to hide the real IP server on your own (i.e. without cloudflare and other analogs). How to do this step by step (you can use large strokes, but the details will not be superfluous)?

If I am not confusing anything, there are two possible options for solving this problem:

1. Server 1 - contains apache / nginx, database and site sources. The dns server is also hosted on it.
Server 2 is a separate server with a VPS through which dns requests are forwarded to the site by its domain name.
Those. server1 conducts incoming and outgoing traffic only through server2, the ip of which is open to the outside world, but which physically does not contain any site data, but only receives it from server1 and transmits it to the user.

2. Server1 - contains apache / nginx, database and site sources.
Server2 hosts dns.
When a site is requested by a domain name, the call goes to server2, which sends the request to server1, receives the requested content, presenting it to the user.

I did not confuse anything, are both options possible?

Which is the best in terms of performance and security?
How do you set it up? In particular, dns (bind) settings are of interest in both cases on both servers.

Do not offer third-party services (cloudflare, etc.) and dns-hosting. You need a solution on your own.

Install the 3proxy utility on the proxy server (2). In its config, among other things, we write the following line:
tcppm -iserver 2 port 2 server1 port 1

Thus, you can create a proxy chain. An additional plus of the solution is that you do not need to put an ssl certificate on the proxy server, unlike the option with nginx.

3. Without DNS server.
server 1 <---vpn---> server 2 <---> wild internet.
On server 1, server 2 is set as a gateway for dest 443 and 80 ports (and others if desired).
On server2 SNAT-im server1 to the world, and DNAT-im coming from the world traffic to 443 and 80 port to server1. In the settings of the dns zone, we make an entry A to the IP address of the server 2.

4. Also without dns.
nginx or haproxy on server2 as a reverse proxy. 443 and 80 we bring down to server 1.

Real DNS: how to hide and why it is visible
After connecting the VPN, always check your online anonymity using the whoer.net service. One of the enemies of anonymity is a real DNS leak, while not only your DNS is visible, but also the country where you are actually located.

When executing the ping and tracert commands, you may notice that when you enter at the command line.
ping site.com

packages are exchanged with the site.com node []. That is, the call goes to one of the site.com servers with ip

How does a computer “recognize” the IP of the site.com server in order to access it? This is where we see the DNS service at work. The addresses of sites like yandex.ru, google.com, facebook.com and others are not actually addresses. In order for the page of the desired site to open on your screen, it is necessary for DNS to "find" the ip address of the site you are looking for and transfer it to your computer.

What does DNS mean?
DNS (Domain Name System)
is a domain name system. It links the names of sites with the IP addresses on which the pages of this site are located.

At the beginning of the development of the Internet, the role of the domain name system was played by the hosts file. This file contained thousands of lines, each of which contained the IP address and the corresponding site name separated by a space. When entering the site address, for example, whoer.net, the hosts file was accessed. After the IP match to the entered site name was found, the searched site was opened in the browser. This was possible due to the small number of sites at the time.

Due to the rapid growth in the number of sites on the Internet, the dns service has replaced the hosts file. It is she who is used today for addressing on the network.

What happens after you enter the site name in the address bar of your browser?
After you have entered the name of the site in the browser, the hosts file is accessed, ideally it contains only one line localhost.

Next, the request is sent to the DNS server of your ISP. If information about the site was not found on this DNS server, the call is made to the primary DNS server.

What is a DNS Server
A DNS server, like any server, is a computer on the Internet that stores information about the correspondence of site addresses to server IP addresses.

As we have already said, first of all, the address to the nearest DNS server occurs. It stores the request history or cache. The cache is used to reduce the response time to a request from the user's computer.

Several IP addresses in the DNS database can correspond to one site. Most often this is done to ensure that the site is available at all times. The DNS server setting determines the order in which the IP address is issued from the list. Therefore, with several calls to the DNS server in order to obtain the ip address of yandex.ru, you may receive different results each time.

Why is your real dns visible when changing IP
To determine your IP, DNS and your level of anonymity, you can use the whoer.net service. Based on the data received from this service, our ip is located in the Netherlands. At the same time, DNS check gives out the real location of the computer - in Russia. Our anonymity is under threat and is only 40%.

When using a VPN, there may be situations where the connection does not go through the DNS server of the VPN provider.

This is due to the nature of the Windows DNS service. When using a VPN, all requests are first sent to the VPN provider's DNS server. If no response has been received within 2 seconds, the request is sent to the nearest DNS server. It is these servers that give out your real location. Delayed response from the VPN provider's DNS server may be due to poor Internet connection quality or the remoteness of the VPN provider's DNS server. In any case, the issue of changing dns is quite easy to solve.

How to bypass dns tracking when using a VPN
To prevent DNS leaks when using a VPN, you can:
1. Manually configure connection parameters in the operating system. As a result, when connecting, only the required DNS server will be used.
2. Use Whoer VPN client

After installing the Whoer VPN client, right-click on the Whoer VPN icon in the system tray (you can read about the system tray here) and select "Show Whoer".

Uncheck the "Use DNS systems" checkbox in the settings and Whoer VPN client will always substitute dns.

Regardless of which option you choose, after the settings are made, the whoer.net service will show us that there are no differences in location by IP and DNS.

Now you know what is hidden behind the abbreviation DNS and how addressing is carried out on the Internet. We hope our tips will help you improve your online anonymity. You can read how to achieve 100% anonymity in the whoer.net service. We are waiting for your questions in the comments.

DNS leak
Domain Name Systems or DNS (Domain Name Systems) converts IP addresses to URLs with more familiar domain names and vice versa. This system works in such a way that we do not need to remember the IP-address of the site every time we want to visit it.

When you surf the Internet, your operating system sends a DNS query to retrieve the IP address associated with the required domain. ISPs can then record every DNS request that comes from your operating system in order to then retrieve your detailed online browsing history. With VPN, every DNS request will come from your VPN provider's server rather than your ISP's server, thus keeping your personal information safe. A DNS leak can occur when your conversion requests come from your personal DNS server and not from your VPN provider's DNS server. If such a leak occurs, your browsing history is disclosed, as is your IP address and the location of your ISP.


WebRTC leak
Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC), at its core, allows you to instantly transfer video, voice and messages to the browser.
This is a very useful browser-based peer-to-peer (peer-to-peer) communication, but users have found that WebRTC opens up certain VPN vulnerabilities. Similar leaks occur in popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Brave and Opera. With just a few lines of code, any site can reveal your IP address and location.
Thanks! After redoing everything I have a 100% anon result. Am i good to go?