Covered by the FBI, the crypt cash-out service worked for several months under the control of the feds

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Employees of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation did not begin to curtail the activity of the service, which helped to withdraw cryptocurrency to fiat (such activities are illegal in the country, as they require expensive licensing). Instead, the investigators, having identified one of the intermediaries in the cash withdrawal, already with his help continued to conduct exchange operations, adding to their database of Americans violating the law.

Six people, all natives of India, were arrested in the case. The service they invented accepted cryptocurrency payments from customers, and live money was either sent by mail, or even transferred from hand to hand. The startup lasted exactly one and a half years, until it was noticed by the FBI, and its leaders were not arrested in New York.

It is known that the group was caught by identifying the person who packed and sent money by mail. He was persuaded to cooperate with the investigation, after which he admitted that several times a week he had to pack from 100 thousand to 300 thousand dollars. During the several months during which this man worked with the police, the security forces seized more than two million dollars. In total, more than $ 30 million was laundered through the service during its existence.

It was the interruptions in shipments that forced the service managers to think that they were having problems. However, they did not have time to escape and were arrested during the personal transfer of a large sum.