Cash out or sell manual drops


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The main pages of black Internet forums are full of advertising banners. Almost everything is sold here: fake licenses, documents, diplomas, fake bank cards.

The top service is “cash out”. The sale of electronic wallets, by the way, is one of the segments of this direction. There are many offers. This includes WebMoney, QIWI, and Yandex.Money. The average cost is from 50 to 320 dollars.

The product is intended mainly for the markets of Russia and Ukraine, but occasionally Belarusian wallets are also found: for example, a personal WebMoney passport, personalized by our compatriot, was sold for $250.

I choose several “trusted” sellers and write to them about purchasing wallets. I decided to immediately take the bull by the horns - I wrote that I was in Belarus and it was desirable that the wallet should also be registered in the name of a Belarusian. Out of seven requests, not a single answer. It seems that frankness is not at a price. And my messages look unconvincing - the local “party” has its own slang: “kosh” - wallet, “poison” - Yandex.Money, “dirt” - dirty money and, finally, “drops” - people to whom the wallets are registered.

Finding out who these drops are, I am surprised to discover that this is another significant layer of the gray market. Depending on whether they know what they are doing or not, they are divided into “divorceable” and “non-divorceable.” That is, some are forced to take such a step fraudulently (as the Soligorsk resident did), but there are others who deliberately issue electronic accounts for themselves, accept “fills” on cards, and cash them out. Among those interested are our compatriots: I happened to see a couple of messages in the spirit of “there is a team of drops from Belarus.”

I decide to experiment. On one of the sites I post an advertisement for the search for drops for identifying electronic wallets. A few hours later I receive the first response:

— I agree to cooperate, describe the conditions. —Will you write how you are ready to work?

— If you need a “personal certificate” (that is, a personal certificate, to obtain which you need to meet in person with the registrar), then at least $140.

- Where do these prices come from?

— Prices are normal. What are your conditions? There was an experience of “baying” a bank card. There it’s 50/50, the earnings are higher than here.

— So why don’t you continue to work with the “bays”?

- It's scary. I don’t officially work, so I don’t know how to explain where the money comes from if something happens.

— Isn’t it scary to sell a wallet?

- Well, what's wrong with that? If something happens, I’ll tell you that it was stolen. I won’t have any money from the very beginning. And so, poor student, he started it to play poker...

After that, the conversation didn’t go well - the guy demanded to know if I agreed to the order. At this point, I realized that it was time to end the conversation.

Such “work” attracts people with easy and quick earnings. This, by the way, also applies to scammers: in addition to cheap loans, they are hooked, for example, with tempting job offers. Non-divorceable workers work for a fee - a fixed amount or percentage, depending on the type of service.

With “floods,” for example, the drop can take from 30 to 50 percent of the amount. But there are also a lot of scammers here: for example, they offer to work on an advance payment or with a deposit, take the money, and then - silence.

Dmitry, a former guest of “drop” forums, dissuades people from such an adventure:

— Falling for a scammer is a better outcome than falling for a real “dumpster.” People are facing jail time. They do not understand that the money passing through their accounts may be associated with drug trafficking and terrorist activities. And this is very serious.

—Who usually goes to the drops? Mindless youth?

- There are some. In general, it’s difficult to judge, but I would say that most often these are people aged 25-45, driven to despair - many have a lot of debts, loans, they need money to urgently solve their problems. Instead of working and looking for an adequate way out of the situation, they give their last money to scammers or risk going to prison.

I'm making another attempt to buy a wallet. This time I’m being careful - I’m checking whether it’s possible to transport the kit to Belarus. One of the sellers responds: a standard set on WebMoney will cost $100. I’m wondering if it’s possible for the wallet to be registered in the name of a Belarusian? In reply:

- No problem.

— Are your drops “prepared”?

— Yes, all drops are manual.

It’s like we’re talking about some kind of animal. The fate of the drops is of no interest to anyone here. In black business, only money matters.

Based on materials from