Carding parable


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Once upon a time, two carders lived in the neighborhood of each other. One always had a bunch of work topics and even more fresh ideas. His work was constantly in full swing, money was earned as if by themselves.

And the second, well, could not call himself successful in any way - all his PayPal would not give, or it would refuse, and the CC comes across completely expired, sometimes invalid ... and so in everything.

And then these two carders began to communicate. And with friendly personal communication, carders always merge each other with whatever information is, because personal communication is a luxury for a carder.

And he became the second carder, thanks to this communication, new tricks and features for himself to receive and try to apply them in practice. And since these tricks and features were very effective, the result from their application was not long in coming.

The second carder liked it very much. He appreciated the prospects for such communication. And then he came to the first carder and asked:

- Teach me your carder wisdom, I will be grateful to you until the end of my life. I would still pay you for training, but there is no money. And thanks to your methods, I will get rich quickly. And my gratitude will have no boundaries within reason. If you want to name the price, only I can pay you not now, but from the profit received. And so name the price.

- Thank you, my neighbor, - the first carder answers him, - for giving me the opportunity to share with you the knowledge I have accumulated. I will gladly do it. And I will not tell you any price now - you yourself, when you decide that you have enough knowledge, will thank me as you see fit.

And the first carder began to teach the second little by little all the subtleties and wisdom. But the second was not bothered by the subtleties - he was looking for, if not the "loot" button, then at least its current model at a scale of 1:10. And he grabbed every work topic taught to him, like someone sentenced to death for the right buttock of his wife for the last time before execution (fussy and thoughtless, making a lot of unnecessary body movements). Passion for money prevented him from learning how to get it.

But then the day came when, out of all the knowledge gained, the second carder managed to build his own working scheme. He then threw in to be the first to visit. Began to sit at home at the computer and hammer bitcoins from the vmz.

True, on the first day it seemed to him that he would get rich very soon - the bitcoins just flooded. On the second, things got a little less fun. A week later, the full-flowing bitcoin river dried up to the state of a stunted, cutting stream.

"This topic gives little" - thought the second carder - "It gives, it gives steadily. But not enough. I still need to find another topic for myself. ”

And again he sat in the evenings in the house of the first carder. And again he shared his knowledge with him until another topic was found, which in the hands of the second exploded into a cryptocurrency fountain.

The second carder again sat down at home at the laptop. And the situation repeated itself - the topic gave out a super-profit for a day or two, but two weeks later the daily investments in the material were already comparable in amounts to the profit received. And the second carder realized that he works almost only for material.

And again he returned to his neighbor's house, and again sat and listened to him, absorbed knowledge in search of such a topic that would not collapse in a week, but would live for months or even years and make him truly rich.

And he was very persistent in his desire to get rich, our second carder, and since persistence is always rewarded sooner or later in our world, he found his own theme. I added up all the information I received and understood - this is it!

The second carder was drilled again at home and began to work continuously on the topic. And the theme is really such that she is not supposed to die in any way. And it simply cannot but give profit. Awesome topic. "Now that my wealth is definitely not going anywhere from me," thought the second carder, rather rubbing the keyboard buttons with his fingertips.

And he sat working days and nights, forgetting about sleep and the daily routine. And the topic continued and continued to work and consistently brought in income every day.

However, after a couple of weeks, our second carder began to notice that most of the money earned was lost somewhere. Just some miracles. A chain of accidents.

Then, when exchanging bitcoins for qiwi on localbitcoin, he is poured with mud and the qiwi wallet is located without the right to restore. The drop on which the western union was transferred merges in an unknown direction. Then the computer freezes and a snapshot of the virtual machine is covered in which there was the only copy of the bitcoin wallet to which he had just withdrawn the profit. I bought a new working laptop - and in it the matrix was covered with a female genital organ in a week - I lost a lot of time while driving to the service and back. And yesterday at the market a wallet was pulled out of a pocket by tweezers.

“And it’s necessary,” the second carder thinks, “I’ll work even harder to cover these accidental losses.”

But no matter how much he works, all accidents happen and happen. No matter how much he earns, money keeps leaving him. In many different ways, but money leaves him.

And then the second carder remembered about his neighbor. Came to visit him for a friendly dinner. And at dinner he told how he persistently and successfully works, applying the knowledge he has gained. And despite this, he does not succeed in getting rich, due to the fact that money scatters from him in different directions due to various unlikely accidents, a series of which began in his life since the normal earnings went.

“I’ll tell you one clever thing, my friend,” the first carder answers him, but don’t be offended and, in general, do not misunderstand me. In our world, everything obeys laws. There are laws of society. There are laws of money. Money is not a piece of paper. Money is energy. The energy of money exists on all planes of existence. She is invisible and immeasurable. But it is there. When a greedy person is sitting next to you on the bus, you involuntarily begin to count the money in your wallet.

There are no accidents in the world of money. There are only undeveloped patterns. The energy of money is kinetic energy. Money lives when it passes from owner to owner. And money multiplies in conditions of unconditional love and sincere gratitude.

Here I have never had such problems as you have - I share the income received with everyone who helped me in obtaining it at least with advice. And how much you earned on the topics I taught, you never brought me, as your teacher, even half a bitcoin. Here is the money and leaves you.

- Ah-ah, so I get it! Do I need to pay you money? At the very beginning I asked you how much is needed, but you didn’t say anything concrete then. I would say right away - I would pay. Even forward. I do not mind.

As I thought, now I’ll raise the topic - I’ll earn a couple of lamas and then unfasten 10 percent of them for you. Don't think, I remember everything - I owe you the coffin of my life for your education. As soon as I get rich, I'll give you at least half of it ... well, I'll give you at least a quarter. Take a tenth of my future billion straight and take it without asking - everything is yours.

And you thought I was sorry? No, I don't feel sorry for anything for you. How could you think of me, your best friend?

I just need to fix my financial affairs first, and then I'll give you everything else just for your kindness. But here these accidents take everything away from me. And you are still talking to me now about money. Do you want me now where I can borrow and give you everything? Want?

“You still don’t understand anything. - the first carder told him, - I don't need your money. I have nowhere to put my own. This YOU NEED, in order to be successful, to show minimal gratitude, with each successful transaction you make, deducting those who helped you in its implementation even a little. But with EVERYONE and IMMEDIATELY - only then your activity will be successful when he is involved in unconditional love and sincere gratitude.


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