Carding: How to cross the threshold?


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Hello anon. I understand that everyone has not gathered here because of an easy and rosy life. It is unlikely that a person planning to engage in carding wakes up in the middle of the day, throws away the silk blanket with a smile on his face and jumps from the second floor of his own mansion into the pool. More likely, waking up with an alarm clock, a crush on public transport, or a traffic jam of people like you on the way from home to the hated job. Someone is forced to choke his conscience with smoke and drown it at the bottom of a glass. It’s easier for someone to overstep moral values and they’re ready to blow their entire budget on Friday night. These are not different people, rather different stages that you go through, or are preparing to go through, and someone is destined to live in fucking Groundhog Day until the end of their time.

It was not for nothing that I highlighted the last part of the sentence. If there was an opportunity to frame it, I would do it. In fact, nothing in this world is predetermined. And your “shitty” life is just the consequences of chaotic actions and the inability to formulate your own goals. You can read and watch all possible books and films on self-realization and they will say the same thing that I am saying now.

Carding is, of course, no exception. I understand that you came here for easy money. BUT! THERE IS NO EASY MONEY AND WILL NOT BE EVEN HERE!
Everyone has to do hard work on themselves. Gain new knowledge, experience and most importantly change your approach.

What prevents us from achieving our goals?​

Procrastination, that is, the desire to put off unpleasant or difficult tasks until later, giving preference to those things that bring pleasure or quick results.

Unproductiveness due to the desire to grab onto everything at once, to solve several problems at the same time.

Inability to correctly set priorities, unpreparedness for “force majeure” situations. Inability to plan under unknown conditions. For example, you find out that you can go for coffee with a friend on the very day of the meeting. And this determines whether there will be an additional hour to solve work problems or not.

Failure to follow the plan. It’s not enough to just write a plan, the main thing is to implement it.

What exactly needs to be done?​

Record everything. All our lists should not only be collected in one place, but also always at hand. It doesn’t matter in what form - in a notepad or in a mobile application. The main thing is to protect yourself from “I’ll write it down later” or “I definitely won’t forget this.” Absolutely all ideas and tasks, even if they seem small and insignificant, must be immediately added to the list.

"The devil is in the details." If a task requires the completion of several subtasks, then they should be recorded. Nothing like “prepare a report”, since then you will have to spend extra time deciphering this item. Such a task should look like this: “collect the necessary information, structure it, visualize the data, create a presentation” and others. By the way, if some task can be delegated, then you should not be shy about doing it.

Relevance. Keep your lists up to date. If a task is outdated, or, conversely, the deadline for its completion has decreased from next week to “needed for yesterday” - react to this and immediately make the appropriate changes.

Set your priorities. First, do things with the nearest deadline or the most important ones right now. Ideally, each task will be assigned a specific due date. If you use a scheduling app, add reminders. If you use a notepad, you can additionally use a calendar to mark deadlines.

Do it. All the previous points were created not “to be”, but to bring them to life.

Don't forget one more thing. Despite the fact that you don’t have to understand the topic of carding on your own and you can confidently rely on my support, you still need to work on yourself! Understand me, with whom will I enjoy a long-term relationship?
  • With a person who lives in chaos and is constantly looking for an excuse
  • With a person who clearly accounts for his actions. A person you can rely on and trust with your knowledge
The choice is obvious.