Carding for beginners 2024


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The article is for informational purposes only and does not call for actions that violate the law!

Information in this article is exclusively for beginners

Carding is a highly intelligent gop-stop.
The method of taking money from users of colored plastic.
In the vastness of the Internet, hacking, scamming and phishing are widely walking hand in hand. Persecuted by the law.

Carder's vocabulary
  • ATM (automatic teller machine) - ATM. Slang - loot.
  • CC, cardboard (credit card) - credit card.
  • Cardboard driver is a person who makes purchases with stolen credit cards in electronic stores. And this is really not such a simple matter. In order not to get stuck, you need to sit under the American version of Windows, make purchases at a certain time, climb through the Pindos proxy (the closer to the cardholder, the better), etc. important little things.
  • Track - magnetic stripe data. In addition to the card number, it contains service information, without which the electronic use of the card (in terminals) leads to a failure.
  • DP (dump + pin) - track + PIN.
  • Drop (drop) - a dummy to whom the goods, ordered in an electronic store on a stolen credit card, come. Most often these are nigras or wandering immigrants. Less often - naive housewives.
  • Fraud (fraud) - illegal operation, fraud. Another name for carding.
  • Cardholder (card-holder) is a real card holder. The cardholder is always a bank.
  • Chargeback (money back) - the procedure for withdrawing money back in the event that the cardholder noticed something was wrong.
  • Reaper is a carder scammer who does not hesitate to fool his own colleagues in the criminal business.

Basic misconceptions.

1. I want everything at once.
The first mistake is that a beginner wants to immediately deal with the bays, buy himself a SS and overtake it on his map, this does not happen. It is technically impossible to transfer money from CC to another CC, you can only write off funds from the CC. I always advise you to start with a thing, how to look for shops, drive in and take stuff, everything is there.

2. Security. They'll jail me.
One of the main problems a beginner faces is the fear of being jailed. For some reason, he thinks that he will immediately start making millions and he will certainly be watched. If you scard even a hundred goods from the shop, then the chance that they will come for you is equal or almost equal to zero! And this is the most important thing that you need to drive yourself. When you drive into a shop from a Dedicated Server, you are already hiding your real ip, and you are not using Sox, but Dedicated Server, which has the greatest anonymity.

Yes, when monthly incomes exceed $ 2,000, then you should buy a VPN,
VPN - these are the same dediks, but only connected by one route, a bunch of ip, i.e. the real location will not really be calculated if, for example, the servers for the VPN are located in Panama or Sri Lanka, because the authorities of these countries by default will not disclose the logs to Interpol.

3. Easy money.
Perhaps you already know that all dump + pin sellers are all a scam.
And if not, then I warn you, no one sells money for money, miracles are possible only in the country of fools.

Where can you drive in and how to make money on it.

1. Shops.
Pros: It's relatively easy to find a slutty shop.
Cons: shops die quickly, a small% of net income from driving.

2. Your merchant account.
Pros: income from driving up to 95%.
Cons: start-up capital to raise your merchant, difficulty in finding a merchant with a large percentage of allowable chargebacks or with instant withdrawal.

3. Brokerage offices, such as forex and stock exchanges.
It makes no sense to drive in the CC, but you can buy such accounts from the logs and open an account for the drop with the same name and surname as the holder and spend all the money on the drop.

4. Poker accounts and sports betting offices.
You can, of course, do chip dumping and come up with your own chains, or you can go easier through a little deception. ...

5. Mobile operators.[
I will say right away that it will not be possible to drive operators in the CIS, I do not argue, there are such merchs, but the limits on replenishment fluctuate around $ 10, it's just not worth it to waste your time.

6. Online games.
At the moment, having driven games into the CIS, he died completely, it will not work to make money on this, money can be debited from the SS, but they will not be credited to the account of the game, if they come, then the account will be quickly lost. So, we only drive into Pindos games or buy gold from suppliers. It is driven in better with paper than with SS. If one drives in and the other drives out, then you can work well.

7. Payment systems.
You shouldn't drive it into the payel, if only because the prices for the accounts are available, it also makes no sense to drive it into the moneybookers (skrill), this payment positions itself more for paying for goods and services than for making payments. But it makes sense to drive into the alert, it is enough to receive an SMS, send 2 scans and you can drive in.

8. The rest.
These are all kinds of scams, mmm, social networks, hosting, advertising, porn, etc.
It will not work to drive sites into the CIS, except if the pipe, alert and the like are not screwed on.

When a person, far from carding, hears the word "carding", images of bays begin to come to his mind, how he withdraws money from bourgeois cards and transfers it to his accounts. This does not happen. You can't just take from the SS to another SS to drain the loot. You can transfer money from a roll (CC with online banking) to a CC (card) drop of the same country. Prices for cards start at $ 400 and end at $ 5000, but you won't be able to pour millions on them, because everything depends on the limits.

Money from the CC can be transferred to the account of a casino, poker, payment system and withdrawn from there, but this will no longer be called a gulf, it can be called the topic of a drain from the CC. So no one will just shoot the topic of draining money from the SS. There are public topics that you can read about in the articles, and there are private topics that you need to get to yourself. Yes, they sell themes, there are some decent ones, the range of prices is from $ 100 to $ 3000, in any case, the Temks did not come across more expensive to my eyes. Only a catch, incl. having bought a theme, even if through a guarantor, no one will give you a guarantee that the theme will not die the next day. As a rule, drain topics live on average for a month or two, then either everything is covered at all, or limits, additional checks, restrictions, etc. will be introduced. In this direction, you can work and earn, but in order to directly earn millions, it will not work.

Looking ahead, I will say that millions are spinning only in banking bays. Those who are able to keep their botnets, first of all, pull out the logs with bank accounts and pour them onto their drops, and everything that they sell is slag or small balances, or there are not enough additional codes, tans, SMS confirmation, or the bank is not convenient for draining, the tranza goes for a long time, they quickly lock. By the way, this is why the prices for CC are so low, CC come with all logs, money is not drained from the accounts, but CC is sold immediately in bulk, as an addition to the main income.

Now let's go down to more real land, the bays are good, but you need capital to start. And we wanted to earn from a few tens of dollars for bread and salt, and better with caviar. So that's it. There is such a magical place and this place is a thing. We drive the staff onto the drop and get our percentile. One shop is, in fact, one topic on the drain, if the jerking off dies just as quickly. The only difference is that every day there are hundreds of times more new shops than offices that accept payment. There are simply more shops, it is easier to look for them, a non-hostile shop can be easily replaced by a one-handed one and so on in a circle. The search for a shop can be divided into three stages, the first is screening, here the main task is to compile a list of potential whopping shops, at the second stage, we write a legend to the supports of all these shops that I want to send a gift to such and such in Russia, how can I do it better and, depending on the theme of the shop, we choose from grandfather to son, from husband to wife, etc., at the third stage, already for all those shops that answered us positively, we try to drive in the SS, drive in a small amount , just to check if the shop is sending at all. If you adhere to this sequence, 9 out of 10 shops will be sent. Now let's calculate our possible income. A stafer receives an average of 30% of the price of a product in a shop. Three drives are made in an hour, 20 in a day, we do not take this on the top bar. 600 $ - the average cost of one pack, if sent to drops in the USA or Europe, the amount will be higher. So. We multiply 600 by 20 drives in and take our 30% from this amount and get $ 3600 in income for one day. who answered positively to us, we try to drive in the SS, drive in for a small amount, in order to just check whether the shop is sending at all. If you adhere to this sequence, 9 out of 10 shops will be sent. Now let's calculate our possible income. A stafer receives an average of 30% of the price of a product in a shop. Three drives are made in an hour, 20 in a day, we do not take this on the top bar. 600 $ - the average cost of one pack, if you send it to the drops of the USA or Europe, then the amount will be higher. So. We multiply 600 by 20 drives in and take our 30% from this amount and get $ 3600 in income for one day. who answered positively to us, we try to drive in the SS, drive in for a small amount, in order to just check whether the shop is sending at all. If you adhere to this sequence, 9 out of 10 shops will be sent. Now let's calculate our possible income. A stafer receives an average of 30% of the price of a product in a shop. Three drives are made in an hour, 20 in a day, we do not take this on the top bar. 600 $ - the average cost of one pack, if you send it to the drops of the USA or Europe, then the amount will be higher. So. We multiply 600 by 20 drives in and take our 30% from this amount and get $ 3600 in income for one day. Three drives are made in an hour, 20 in a day, we do not take this on the top bar. 600 $ - the average cost of one pack, if you send it to the drops of the USA or Europe, then the amount will be higher. So. We multiply 600 by 20 drives in and take our 30% from this amount and get $ 3600 in income for one day. Three drives are made in an hour, 20 in a day, we do not take this on the top bar. 600 $ - the average cost of one pack, if you send it to the drops of the USA or Europe, then the amount will be higher. So. We multiply 600 by 20 drives in and take our 30% from this amount and get $ 3600 in income for one day.

The word "cash" evokes various associations. The carder has a lot connected with this, in particular - drops, payment systems and, of course, a lot of money.

But in the end, it all comes down to one thing - extracting quite real money from virtual cards. For example, WebMoney. Of course, I will not give ready-made recipes “cc> WM”. They simply don't exist. Many newbies are deceived in this way, because any person who has just come to carding will be tormented by the thought: “How can I quickly cash a credit card in WM and get a lot of $ ??

Method number 0 - sale
The most basic way is to sell credit cards. It can even be called an example “cc to WM”. You give a credit card - they immediately transfer almost legal money to you.

A potential valid (that is, with the nth amount of money lying on it) credit costs on average $ 2-3. Very little money, considering that there can be up to several thousand dollars on a credit card, which you can later spend almost as you please. Let not all, but you will probably be able to extract some part. How? I'll tell you about this today.

Method number 1 - translation
Let's see how to transfer money "CC>Bitcoin".
The fact is that you can buy Bitcoin money directly from a credit card, and you can easily transfer it to WM, there are a lot of exchangers on the Internet now (you can find a list of them), the main thing is to choose the interest that suits you. Of course, there are also difficulties here - you may be asked for confirmation by phone, a scan of a card and an identity document. In this case, if you are not a cardholder, it is very difficult to get money.

It all happens like this. You are looking at the above site for exchangers that accept credit cards. You drive in the credit, indicating how much money you need to transfer from your card to your account in the Bitcoin system. You wait for hours or sometimes days. Then, if everything goes well, you open your e-gold account and you are surprised at the amount there. But not everything is as simple as it seems. The cardholder (the owner of the credit) will definitely make a charge-reverse (refund) when he sees that the damned carder brazenly stole his honestly earned money. The guys from the exchanger will write to Bitcoin - "help, we were robbed." And your Bitcoin account will be closed along with the money. So it is very important to have time to launder this money. There are people who do this - you send them illegal money from your account, and they send you legal WebMoney.

You can object: they say, you can find the Bitcoin > WM exchanger and quickly exchange it yourself, so as not to pay a percentage (and considerable) from the stolen money to the clerk. But keep in mind that soon this exchanger - after Bitcoin takes the money from him - will also contact the WebMoney support service and demand a refund. WM will do it with pleasure, plus it will definitely block your WM ID. That is, the entire Keeper. In general, the motto of any carder is “If you want to live, be able to spin”.

Method number 2 - laundering through the auction
We go to the online auction and post the lot there: "Domain + hosting for $ XX per year! Payment by WM". Then, when buyers appear, we start buying domains and hosting using someone else's credits and selling them for $ XX to buyers at the auction.

It would seem that everything is simple. But some time after the sale, domains and hosting ... will be closed. Why? Yes, all because the cardholder will demand the return of the stolen money, the bank will take the money from WorldHosting, which, in turn, will cover the domains. It turns out that your customers threw money away, and you became a scam. Not great, right?

Method number 3 - affiliate programs
In order to implement this method, we have to find affiliate programs that pay for clicks or banner impressions. We make a website where we post these same banners and sponsor scripts, buy a lot of traffic on ss. And - we are waiting for our WM.

Here, I think, everything is chocolate. But the content of your site must be solid so as not to attract the attention of the affiliate program support service. After all, they are going to pay you, and if your site is a mess of incomprehensible text and suspicious design, and the counters show thousands of visitors every day, then this will raise fair suspicions. What can lead to the closure of your account.

Method number 4 - Ask yourself a question for money
Our path lies on sites with paid answers or tasks. To implement this method, you need to take a bunch of cards without a code, create accounts and create tasks for yourself from different categories. Each question costs a certain amount (you demand it yourself). For 2-3 tasks a day, it may well run up to 10-20 dollars, and so - all the time. When withdrawing, you will have to ask to send a check, and when cashing in, you will have to ask to transfer to WM. Thus, it is quite possible to earn up to $ 500 a month for virtual communication with oneself. Websites can be changed.

Method number 5 - Bargain with yourself
What prevents us from buying domains on cc and selling them for WM? There are many websites that sell ready-made designs or solid exclusive website templates. They can also be bought on ss and sold through a payment system that is beneficial to you.

You can trade with yourself in another way. For example, make a REAL website for the sale of some service or software. The site must be real, so that the merchant can check it and not suspect anything. Then we register an account with a merchant, set a low price, and install everything on our website. It remains only to promote the site, buy traffic for CC, and when you have enough visits, you can start buying from yourself, only within reasonable limits and anonymously, again - the merchant should not suspect anything. Thus, you can create a couple of sites and work on the sly. The main thing is not to overdo it and know when to stop. Then, of course, get secret WM, if the merchant allows such a service, or, having received a check, transfer it to all the same WM.

Method number 6 - Perky, but not porn?
The main thing here is to find through some search engine (for example, Adult-sponsors who provide a ready-made store (for example,

These sponsors give you a percentage of sales from your (more precisely, provided to you) site and pay for attracting referrals. It remains only to pretend to be a porn maniac - to drive cards in your shop. Then, already in the role of a porn seller, order a check through Western Express for WebMoney (if the sponsor does not work directly through WM).

This method has an undeniable plus - you don't need to do anything. No websites, no billing connections. But there is also a minus - usually they give no more than 25% of the sale.

I have described far from all the ways to cash out money from credit cards. But to engage in carding or not is a personal matter for everyone. I can only advise you not to be annoying, have patience, read smart books and, of course, articles.

The article is for informational purposes only and does not call for actions that violate the law!
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CARDING for beginners ?


Many novice users of balck net flipped through a bunch of pages of forums to find at least some intelligibly interpreted information on the explanation of the words included in the Congress of rectangular cardboard called CARDING?
For you, my dear reader, I found this article on one of the forums, which helped me personally to deal with many aspects of this case.
I advise you to add a seagull and, without taking your eyes and attention, to absorb information from the very depths of the Dark Net.


Once again I looked through the topics of the beginners forum and realized that many questions remain unanswered. And they do not answer them, not because there is no desire to give information, but because there is no time to answer often frankly stupid questions. Therefore, I decided to write a specific message to everyone who is just embarking on this difficult path of the carder. I don't know how useful this article will turn out, I don't claim to be "incorruptible of the year".
So, you've come to the website. Unfamiliar words flash before your eyes - “dumps, pins, enroll, warp, drop, claim for 3000 wmz”, and you understand that this is something you have never seen before, but, apparently, brings good money ... “Easy money ! "- you will say. And you will be very wrong. Once upon a time, carding may have been an easy way to get rich, but now it is hard, highly intellectual work that not everyone can do. And if you decide to get rich in a matter of months, and buy an apartment, a car, a summer residence, then I will immediately disappoint you.
I see Carding as a business and not otherwise. What is the essence of business? It consists in combining material, financial, labor and information resources in order to produce goods intended for obtaining benefits. Such a connection can be short-term or long-term (this is connected with the stability of demand, and with the possibility of diverting resources and other aspects).
That is, without these components, the business will not work. And the more of these components you have in quantitative and qualitative terms, the more benefit you can get.
You will think: “What resources do you have now?”. The answer is, at least material and labor. After reading the topics of the forum, you will add an information resource.
And then there will be little left to do - to find a financial component.

So, let's begin:
The first thing you need to do is read the forum. ALL. From "Newbie Questions" to "Black List". Get yourself a text document, and throw all the information that seems important to you there. And remember: information is the currency of the 21st century. This information lies under your nose, but many do not notice it. A simple example: after reading the entire blacklist with nested logs, I found two banks that flow very well))).
Have you read it? Have you read everything? Have you figured everything out?
Then it makes no sense for me to write further, you already know a lot.
We pass to the stage of accumulating financial resources.
It all depends on your abilities.
If you know English at the spoken level, get a job as a dialer, you will receive 5 wmz for every call you make, plus you will learn how to get out of non-standard situations, and most importantly, you will find out a list of slutting shops and pouring banks.
Place an ad that you are ready to work as a hammer for a nominal fee. You will get your hands on the drive in cardboard, get acquainted with various billing systems, and again, if someone tells you that something needs to be driven in somewhere, it means that it brings him money. Read everything about this site and understand the way this person makes money.

So, you earned your first pennies with carding. Now the main thing is to spend them wisely: buy cardboard, socks and start driving in. I advise you to work on several fronts:
1. Register in Affiliate programs and drive there a little. It still works. Many articles have been written on this topic.
2. Find a drop or take it from a drop guide and spike an inexpensive staff on it, which sends it to an address other than billing. Most often, such shops ask for a ringing tone, but you already know how to talk.
3. Place on auctions and forums advertisements for the sale of Steam, Skype, Rapidshare, etc. akkuntov.
You can also buy 10-20 mb of logs from sellers. Of course, you won't find good bank accounts there. No matter how we all swear and swear, we look through ALL the logs for the presence of several links, which we don't want to go public. But, nevertheless, there is a lot of useful information in these logs. If you are lucky, you will find several banks of akki, paypal, ibey there. I advise you to sell all these accounts immediately, and do not try to poke around in them or cash out. Now you need stable money. And the risk is useless.
And now 2-3 weeks have passed, and you have a certain amount on your wallet that will allow you to move on. This is where you should think about what suits you best. I will outline the main directions, with pros and cons.

1. The thing
Pros: if you do it for a certain time, then it can give you a high percentage of income at a low cost. If you make friends with the drop guide and he agrees to accept not only electronics, but also other stuff (50x50%), then you will have a lot of interesting and useful things at home that you would never spend money on in ordinary life
Cons: a lot of problems with the delivery of the parcel. It is important not only to get the shop to send the product, but also to receive it. A drop can be thrown, a drop lead can be thrown, an adjustable drop can refuse to accept goods in someone else's name, the police can come to him, a postman can carry two parcels with the same address, but with different holder names, and not give them out without presenting an ID, etc. ...

2. Transfers
Pros: the main thing is the amount. Even with a 1k transfer, you will get $ 400, which is very good. It's quick money - 1-3 days and you get your payout.
Cons: There are a lot of them. Account price: at least an account costs 40-50 wmz. A dishonest seller of accounts can sell an account in two hands, the holder may notice unauthorized access to the account, the bank may suspect a fraud transaction, the drop may throw, the account may be locked at the drop, the drop will not be able to issue information about the transfer, holder or provide an invoice, and etc.

3. Casino
Pros: It's interesting. You can make very good money. Unlike shops and banks, a casino cannot die completely, but it can simply tighten the rules, but, nevertheless, you can work at 2-3 well-known rooms and continue to earn.
Cons: You need to be able to play. It will take a very long time to find the balance of the game. To pour money into kazi is a whole art. You will need a large amount of your money to deposit clean accounts, and there is no guarantee that the casino will not lock your account. And it will be very difficult to reach them, sometimes they just ignore your messages. As a result, a costly process of verifying a clean account.

4. Creation of a botnet.
Pros: “It's nice to own a small zombie army” (c. Bender). A lot of them. You will have a lot of bank accounts, you can try to pour them without any special financial costs. You can sell akka bank, various accounts, sell logs. You get your own socks.
Cons: requires constant investment. Payment for traffic, hosting, crypt, purchase of new bundles. They can pour bad traffic and you will not get normal accounts, they will constantly lock the domain with a bundle, bots die before they can send all the information.

5. Work in real life. Cashing dumps in the store.
Pros: this is, perhaps, the only direction in which the principle of payment on a day-to-day basis works consistently. With one card, you can buy goods from 700 to 3-4 to $.
Cons: The main disadvantage is the high risk of being caught. Very large material costs, for a normal start you need a printer, holograms, embosser, signature tape, left documents. Dumps often “don't fire”, which means you can stay in the red. Plus, you need to constantly travel to another country. Discussion of work on the Russian Federation on the forum is prohibited, and I do not advise you to do this. Many troubles can be found. And I'm not just talking about the idea of patriotism and our valiant police, there are also security services of banks and chain stores, which, if you are caught, to your great regret, will not turn you over to the police , but will resolve the issue on the spot.

6. Dating scam.
Pros: fuckers will never run out.
Cons: terrible hemorrhoids. A very long time. You can promote $ 500 for a whole month. Militia's keen interest in this kind of swindlers.

On this, perhaps, I will end. And finally.
When you buy or sell something, work through GARANT or with a protection code. Don't be fooled by a suspiciously low price or that the seller is in a hurry.
Always think about your safety: do not use your personal e-mail, phone number, icq when registering or communicating on carding topics. When entering the forums, clean your cookies.
Do not use the wallet that you use for settlements with carders for personal purposes (paying for the Internet, replenishing your cell phone, buying goods in your own name).
And the last thing. If you really decided to make money from carding, then treat it like a job. Set a time for yourself, for example 5 hours a day, and spend these hours at work: searching for new sites, checking logs, looking for new ways to make money.
Good luck and success.

This article is presented for informational purposes only and does not carry a call to action. All information is aimed at protecting readers from illegal actions.
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