Bank Logins

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OK I understand how to use credit card info and such, but how does one make money using bank logins? Not sure how one does it in an untracable manner.


Brigid O


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well, it's basically the same thing. the login is attached to the online banking of the potential victim. once you get in and find some balance, you're able to transfer funds to a drop of yours via WIRE/IBAN or ACH... It's not that easy though, because there're verification methods that aren't that easy to be overruled.
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well, it's basically the same thing. the login is attached to the online banking of the potential victim. once you get in and find some balance, you're able to transfer funds to a drop of yours via WIRE/IBAN or ACH... It's not that easy though, because there're verification methods that aren't that easy to be overruled.

Thanks for the quick overview. I assume in this case the drop refers to an account that you can cash out as opposed to a physical address as when carding stuff.

Does anyone know of a good tutorial for bank logins?

Sertys, I have a few more questions I would prefer not to discuss in a public forum, would you mind answering a few follow-up questions by PM?



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hi i'm new to this kind of business....i need a supplier of mounted cards....but the thing is i don't have money...if i get a card shipped to me....i can withdraw from atm and share 50/50 with whoever supplies me...plz p.m me at.........([email protected])
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bank logins are on way out all security is bitch now only some banks can still be done without serious motherfuckin social engineering and resources and luck


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Okay so lets get started,

The first thing you are going to need is banking credentials of some sort.
The information you need will be different for each bank and depend on how
your doing the transfers if by phone or online so research is the key here!

If you are doing the transfers online take a look at the banks login pages
to determine exactly whats needed to login, you might also need additional
information like a password or code to make a transfer so it's a good idea
to set up a bank account with internet banking on the bank your targeting,
this way you will be able to see all that is needed and not just what you
need to log into the actual website.

The usual information needed to log into online banking is usually like;
(remember different banks = different info)

- Username/account number
- Password
- Letters/Numbers of a security code
- Answers to secret question
- Date of birth (sometimes)

For transfers it's much better to talk and bank using the telephone,
this is far more successful than online transfers because it doesn't
attract so much suspicion when a few thousand is being sent somewhere
and banks will process the transfer there and then meaning that if your
phone call to them is successful there is a 95% chance your transfer will be too.

You need different information to do this type of transfer and like before
it's different with each bank, also like before it's a good idea to set
up a bank account with the bank and make a transfer by phone, this way you
will know what to expect when you go to make a fraudulent transfer by phone.

Here is a rough guide of what you might need;

- Account number
- Sort Code
- Address Details
- Date of Birth
- Mother maiden name
- Answer to secret questions

All the information you need for any type of transfer can be bought online
for a relatively small amount of money, the details for online transfers
will usually cost you between 3-15% of the account balance. Information to
make phone transfers will normally cost between $15 upto $50 and this depends
on how much information is given to you about your mark.

Alternatively you can collect and gather this information yourself by the many
ways available such as botnets, phishing, data mining etc...

After you have got the information you need you will need to find or set up
a bank account which the stolen money can be transferred into (bank drop),
for obvious reasons this must not be an account in your real name! The most
common method of getting an account for this is to find people willing to
offer they're account for a percentage of the money, normally 30-60% of the
transferred amount. Another way of getting bank drop accounts is to set them
up yourself using fake ID and counterfeit documents, there is a little extra
work and investment needed for doing this but the returns financially are well worth it.

Now you have information and a bank drop account you are ready to make the transfer,
here is some information and steps on how to go about making both phone and online transfers.

Telephone banking

In theory this method is pretty self explanatory because all you really need
to do is make a call to the telephone banking line of your target bank and
answer any questions they ask as if you were the person whose details you have

but like any type of transfer true success will depend on how well you plan and
carry off the operation so you must talk in a calm, cool and collective way.

Acting or at the very least voice impersonation will play a major role in transfers
made by phone because NO bank is going to accept a transfer from someone on the phone
who has the relatively squeaky voice of a teenager or young adult when the original
account holder is supposed to be 60 years old so you must take the time to perfect
your voice to sound like the account holder might. Sometimes the dialect of a voice
can also make a bank worker weary of a transfer because if the account holder lives
in Australia and you were born in India he or she might be able to spot this in your
fake voice so you must must must! get the dialect,tone and language of your targets
country correct or you will fail, simple!

When you have your voice you are ready to make the call, it's a good idea to use call
spoofing and forwarding to have your targets telephone number registered with the bank
appear on caller ID because some banks may check this or use it as further verification,
there is sometimes also some sort of voice changing functionality with some of those call
services which is a good feature to add to the fake voice your making vocally or if
you have female info and you want to sound like so.

It's not usually necessary to use spoofing so if your making a call just make sure you
are doing so from an unregistered pre-paid cell phone or pay phone and not the personal
land line number in your house. (duhu)

Online transfers

Again like before it's pretty easy to do but there is a lot of different aspects that
can effect the success you have with this method of transfer. All banks have different
procedures and levels of tolerance regarding online transfers, most of your work at
the start will involve research, trial and error and perseverance to figure out the
best ways in doing it and how to maximize your profits from it.

Okay so you have your information and a drop account, now you need to make the actual
transfer! When you are doing anything illegal electronically via a computer you MUST
secure your identity or so called virtual fingerprint paper trail your system and modem
leaves behind, you can do this by using socks, virtual private networks, hacked wireless
connection or any other form of legitimate anonymizing techniques and principals to protect
your IP address and ultimately your identity and location. A good rule of thumb is to
display an IP address located within a local proximity to that of your marks location or
geographic area so an IP from the same city or state is ideal.

after this step you can successfully and safely login to online banking!

Now we have to think about what we are doing... as mentioned before the banks generally
set an amount of money which is deemed acceptable and safe to transfer online,
the history of the account holders' transfers will also come into play so it's your job
to determine the highest amount a bank will accept in an online transaction without
arousing suspicion, this can be done by looking at the payment history of an account
and using your research inline with what you discovered as the banks acceptable amount
in comparison to the balance and history ratio. It is no good trying to transfer $8k
from an account with a $10k balance when the real account holder has never made a
transfer bigger than $3k before.

So after you have a figure you think or know is safe to transfer you can attempt to
make the transfer, please take a look below for more information regarding transfers in general.

General notes and tips about making any type of transfer

The best time to make a transfer is during big seasonal/regional/public holidays like
Christmas or Summer, people spend a lot of money at these times so the chances of a
successful transfer increases and suspicion falls, please remember it's not the same for
small holidays or seasonal events like at the beginning of a new year because people tend
to hold back on spending at those times because they spent so much at Christmas etc...

Transferring money into a bank drop account from the same bank will usually happen instantly
so you can cashout the money on the same day the transfer was made, sometimes this can be
seen as suspicious though. If you are transferring money into a different bank it will take
between 1-4 days for the money to appear in the drop.

Don't transfer money at the weekend because people usually use they're cards a lot more on
weekends when they are off work and out shopping so they will find out money has been taken
from their accounts faster, best day(s) to make a transfer is Sunday,Monday or Tuesday.

If available select the option to take the money from the account on the day it will actually
be transferred (1-4 days) there is usually a box to tick online for you to do this or you can
tell the bank worker via the telephone that this is what you want.

If you have a big balance account like $250k it doesn't mean you can automatically transfer
$75k out of that account because it's a small amount in comparison to the balance, a good rule
is to take between 3-7% of the big balances but also remember the history of the payments is
also very important, try to transfer what the banks sees normally from the account holder.

Make small transfers to your drop account that the account holder might not see or report,
if you make a big transfer 2-3 weeks later there is a good chance of success because the bank
will see money has previously been sent to the same account and no problems were reported.

Online only;

Take a look at the last log in date for the account or ask your vendor to do this if they
checked the account after getting it because if the person doesn't log into or use online
banking often there is a chance the success of a big transfer will fall and you will then be
able to adjust your transfer accordingly, you will also know that person probably isn't
going to see a bank statement until the end of the month.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
Make small transfers to your drop account that the account holder might not see or report,
if you make a big transfer 2-3 weeks later there is a good chance of success because the bank
will see money has previously been sent to the same account and no problems were reported.

what would that be, like a couple hundred each time?


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how do you cash out then?
once you send the money to the drop account
how do you get the money out ?


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the best chance of success is get a fake id and open a bank account under that fake id name, then just transfer it to ur fake account, it is better to have a lot of low balance account rather than one account with a lot of money in it, or the best is u have a lot of big balance account :D

my advise is dont use drops, most of them are rippers, they wont send ur share after they cash it out


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the best chance of success is get a fake id and open a bank account under that fake id name, then just transfer it to ur fake account, it is better to have a lot of low balance account rather than one account with a lot of money in it, or the best is u have a lot of big balance account :D

my advise is dont use drops, most of them are rippers, they wont send ur share after they cash it out

i think u need to be soo full to drop one time money and run.when u can get more accounts and making good money.were is the point to make 1 or 5 k one time and run when u can make 10 or 50 k with more transfers ??


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What if you use someones info to signup for a credit card and then you transfer funds. Is that okay to do?


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i think u need to be soo full to drop one time money and run.when u can get more accounts and making good money.were is the point to make 1 or 5 k one time and run when u can make 10 or 50 k with more transfers ??

is it neccesarry to have a fake account of tht country where u r going to tranfer the funds in ur fake account
for example i have ccs fulls of uk
and i have a fake account of russia
or india is tht going to work


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Wire Transfers

is it neccesarry to have a fake account of tht country where u r going to tranfer the funds in ur fake account
for example i have ccs fulls of uk
and i have a fake account of russia
or india is tht going to work

I think it time someone write more detailed tutorial for wire transfers. Because all banks are different. All tutorials out are pretty much overviews not tutorial. two years ago a friend sent me a russian tutorial on boa transfers. wasnt into transfer then but i am now and i can find it. Anyone out there tutorials for specific banks?


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I think it time someone write more detailed tutorial for wire transfers. Because all banks are different. All tutorials out are pretty much overviews not tutorial. two years ago a friend sent me a russian tutorial on boa transfers. wasnt into transfer then but i am now and i can find it. Anyone out there tutorials for specific banks?

Noone will give you tutorial or share ideas about it! Believe me!
Why would that be good for somebody who earn thousands of dollars per week to share his tricks/methods?!