Bank card fraud - carding. How to prevent it.


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A bank card is an essential attribute of modernity. Despite the reliability and availability of several degrees of protection, carders continue to try to gain access to the data and money of our citizens.

Carders are trending

Knowing only your bank card number and your first name, last name, and IIN, fraudsters will not be able to withdraw money from it. They need additional information: the validity period of the card and the security code (for example, the CVV code for VISA cards or the CVC code for MasterCard cards). If fraudsters manage to find out one-time codes from notifications that come from the bank to your phone in the form of SMS or PUSH notifications, or get a username and password from online banking, then they will have information that allows them to easily perform any operations on your account.

Recently, carders have taken advantage of the fact that looters entered some bank branches during the Almaty tragedy. Now, according to the attackers, personal data and bank card details of ordinary citizens have fallen into the hands of third parties. And in order to secure them again, you need to tell them right now the code that will come to your phone.

"If there is any failure on the bank's side, or suspicious transactions are made on the client's account, the bank's specialists will never ask for any codes from client. According to the security regulations, the bank will block the card and account and notify the customer via SMS or mobile app, or the bank's contact center will report suspicious activity. The client can always turn to the call center or bank branch in case of any suspicions and be in the "security perimeter" of the financial organization," says Roman Perminov, head of the cybersecurity Department of the ARRFR.

If you receive a call allegedly from a bank, hang up the phone, check the news feed, and if necessary, contact the bank yourself.

My smartphone is my fortress

Разумеется, никто не хочет добровольно передавать мошенникам важную финансовую информацию. Поэтому злоумышленники прибегают к различным видам программного обеспечения (ПО). Оно помогает получить несанкционированный доступ к системам пользователей и выкрасть нужные данные.

"To protect yourself from such attacks, you need to use proven antivirus programs. Install them on all the devices that you use, and do not forget to update them periodically, because scammers are always looking for flaws and vulnerabilities in software and applications, " advises Roman Perminov.

Update your operating system and set strong and different passwords for all applications, mailboxes, and social media accounts. Do not store passwords/access codes from apps or other important services on your phone. Do not store electronic digital signature (EDS) keys in your device's memory. Do not store photos of bank cards or photos with password entries in your device's memory or send them in instant messengers.

Owners of iPhones need to download apps only from the AppStore, and Android phones - from Google Play. This will reduce the risk of hacking your smartphone.

"Check the list of installed apps from time to time. Delete unnecessary ones if you rarely use them. Also, don't link your bank card to paid app services," recommends Roman Margatsky, Vice President of IDF Eurasia and Business Coach. "Extra" apps not only clog up your device's memory, but are also an additional clue for scammers."

Often, carders use legitimate remote access programs to get your data and manage your gadget. With the help of these programs, criminals can read: SMS from the bank with passwords and codes, log in to your mobile banking application, transfer money or take out a loan in your name. All this will be possible if you install such an application on your mobile phone. Therefore, you should not trust people who ask you to download a certain program or application under various pretexts. For example, they call you on your phone, posing as employees of a bank or other financial organizations, and ask you to download the app in connection with fraudulent attacks on you.

If you install apps, consider whether you need to allow the program to track your data, geolocation, and give you access to your contact list. You can only do this if necessary, for example: allow the taxi service app to find out your location or give access to your gallery to create a collage. If you are alerted by the requirements, you can opt out and choose a different, more reliable app.

My cardis my property

It is worth remembering that when paying in cafes, restaurants and even supermarkets, you do not need to give your card to the cashier or waiter. Always attach or insert the card into the terminal yourself. In cafes and restaurants, ask for the terminal to be brought to you or go to the reception desk to make a payment. Remember that there is contactless payment by card (NFC technology), and try to keep the card out of the reach of random reading.

If you notice suspicious transactions , immediately block the card via the bank's mobile app or call center. Do not disable SMS notification of transactions to avoid missing suspicious debits.

"Blocking the card is a reliable guarantee that suspicious transactions will not be repeated. And to understand how a suspicious write-off occurred, you must immediately contact the law enforcement agencies and the security service of your bank," says Roman Margatsky.

Try to use ATMs inside bank branches. They are checked more often and better guarded. The ATM must have equipment designed for secure (hidden) dialing of a personal identification number.

A few basic recommendations:
  • Connect your mobile bank and SMS notification to track transactions that you didn't make. This way you can quickly respond to the actions of scammers — and time is very important in this case.
  • Do not store large amounts of money on a card that you carry with you and use for everyday spending. It is better, if necessary, to make a transfer from the main account or deposit, or even open a separate payment or virtual card for online purchases.
  • Tell your elderly relatives about the tricks of scammers — they are the ones who are most often targeted by intruders.
