Android Trojan "GoldDigger" is rapidly emptying the wallets of Vietnamese users


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No text message can hide from an advanced digital thief.

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new Trojan for Android that targets banking apps, dubbed "GoldDigger". Its goal is to attack financial applications to steal victims funds and provide remote access to infected devices.

According to Group-IB, the malware attacks more than 50 Vietnamese banks, electronic and crypto wallets. There are also suggestions that the Trojan may expand its presence to a wider area of the Asia-Pacific region, as well as to Spanish-speaking countries.

The Trojan was first detected in August 2023, although there is every reason to believe that it has been active since June. It was named "GoldDigger" by the researchers in connection with the specific detected "GoldActivity" activity in the analyzed APK file.

Although the exact scale of the infection is currently unknown, malicious apps have been found to impersonate a Vietnamese government portal and an energy company, requesting all sorts of permissions to achieve their data collection goals.

Detected instances of "GoldDigger", like many other Android malware, abuse the system's accessibility services in order to gain even more privileges on the infected device. The Trojan allows attackers to interact with targeted financial applications, extract information from them, including credentials, intercept SMS messages, and perform other malicious actions.

Granting permissions to the malware also allows it to fully track user actions and view bank account balances, capture two-factor authentication (2FA) codes and log keystrokes, and facilitates remote access to the device.

The attack vectors spreading "GoldDigger" use fake websites posing as legitimate Google Play Store pages, as well as fake corporate websites in Vietnam.

"GoldDigger" is one of many Trojans for banking applications on Android that have appeared over the past few months. Group-IB emphasized in the report that GoldDigger uses a special advanced protection mechanism using the Virbox Protector software solution, which allows the Trojan to evade detection and creates problems when trying to analyze malware.

Malicious programs aimed at stealing users funds pose a serious threat to financial security. To avoid fraud, it is important to be careful when installing any applications, paying special attention to the permissions granted. Vigilance and discretion are the key to keeping your finances safe.


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Group-IB specialists discovered the first iOS Trojan "GoldDigger" for stealing biometric data

What once seemed like a distant future has now become the present, and the deepfake breeding ground is no longer know-how.

A new Trojan for iOS and Android, GoldPickaxe, implements social engineering to deceive victims by forcing them to scan their faces and identity documents to create deepfakes and conduct unauthorized access to bank accounts.

Malware is just part of a package of malware developed by the Chinese group GoldFactory and, according to researchers from Group-IB, so far these attacks are mainly aimed at the Asia-Pacific region.

At the same time, the methods can be effective all over the world, which raises concerns when other malware strains will start using them.

Distribution of Gold Pickaxe began in October 2023 and continues to this day.

Victims are attacked through phishing or SMS messages in the LINE app that mimics government agencies or popular services and services.

The Trojan is so clever that once installed on a mobile device, it disguises itself as a government application and works semi-autonomously, manipulating functions in the background, capturing the victim's face, intercepting incoming SMS messages, and requesting identity documents.

At the same time, it proxies network traffic through the infected device using MicroSocks.It uses Websocket and HTTP to interact with C2.

According to experts, the Android version of the Trojan is more stuffed and has a wide range of malicious effects than in iOS, due to Apple's high security requirements.

However, GoldFactory is actively developing and it is expected that new versions of the malware may be released in the near future.

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